Best of Breed: GCHB Moxie's Rocknrolla (R/D)
(CH Moxie's Law Of The Jungle RN TKA x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: Belfair Colebrae Party Of One (S/B)
(CH Belfair Sno Valley Dr. Amos Black x Colebrae Belfair Radiance)
Rough Best of Variety: GCHB Moxie's Rocknrolla (D)
(CH Moxie's Law Of The Jungle RN TKA x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)
Rough Best of Winners: Moxie's Royal Nonesuch (D)
(CH Moxie's Law Of The Jungle RN TKA x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Monarch Tercan 'N Zandria Que Sera (B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Clarion Monarch Black Opal)
Rough Select Dog: N/A
Rough Select Bitch: GCH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love
(CH Blu Ridge State Of Mind x Colebrae Belfair Love Her Madly)
Rough Winners Dog: Moxie's Royal Nonesuch (Open/Sable)
(CH Moxie's Law Of The Jungle RN TKA x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Moxie Urban Jungle (Open/Tri)
(CH Moxie's Law Of The Jungle RN TKA x GCHS Tallywood Chandelier RN PT CGC)
Rough Winners Bitch: Sinkona Majestic A New Day Dawning (Open/Tri)
(GCH Kings Valley Smooth Blue Jazz HT CGC x Sinkona's Shadow Dancer)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Belfair Colebrae Crazy For You (6-9)
(Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x GCH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love)
Smooth Best of Variety: Belfair Colebrae Party Of One (B)
(CH Belfair Sno Valley Dr. Amos Black x Colebrae Belfair Radiance)
Smooth Best of Winners: Belfair Colebrae Party Of One (B)
(CH Belfair Sno Valley Dr. Amos Black x Colebrae Belfair Radiance)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN (D) (GCH Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor PT TKN x GCHS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles TKN)
Smooth Select Dog: GCH Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN
(CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In x GCH Zandria Burn'N It Down)
Smooth Select Bitch: GCHB Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI
(CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In x GCH Zandria Burn'N It Down)
Smooth Winners Dog: Moxie Take Back Th' Night (12-18)
(Colebrae A Night To Remember x CH Moxie Behind Th' Moon)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Belfair Marshal Dillon (9-12)
(CH Belfair Snovalley Dr. Amos Black x Belfair Cynclair Girl On Fire)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Belfair Colebrae Party Of One (BBE)
(CH Belfair Sno Valley Dr. Amos Black x Colebrae Belfair Radiance)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Snovalley Belfair Piper's Ceilidh (Open)
(CH Countryview In High Regard x CH Belfair Sherloch Midnight Tryst)
Best Junior Handler: Macy Banning (Open)
Reserve Best Junior Handler: Charlotte Hull-Walton (Open)
Best in Sweepstakes: Belfair Colebrae Crazy For You (6-9/R/B)
(Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x GCH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love)
Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes: Moxie's Night At The Museum (12-18/R/D)
(Colebrae A Night To Remember x CH Moxie Behind Th' Moon)
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