Ch.Tartanside Th' Critic's Choice ROM |
Ch. Countryview Golden Starr |
Starr's Dark Crystal ROM |
Ch.Tartanside Vanguard |
Ch. Starr's Tailor Made ROM |
Tartanside Tantalize |
Ch.Tartanside Anticipation |
Ch.Tapestry Tartanside Image |
Raptorvale Mariner Ice Storm |
Ch.Tartanside Illumination |
Ch. Tartanside Imagination ROM |
Ch.Tapestry Stitch In Thyme |
Ch. Sealore's Grand Applause ROM |
Ch.Tartanside Tenacious |
Tartanside Charisma |
Southland's Roguish Rhett |
Ch. Southland's Confederate Gray |
Ch. Tartanside Sophistication |
Ch.Southland's Bowen Island, ROM - CCA BOB 2002 |
Ch.Tartanside Raptorvale Rebel |
Ch.Southland's Glorious Rebelle |
Ch. Raptorvale Glory O'Southland |
Ch.Twin City Wyndlair Anthem CCA WB/BOW 2005 |
Tartanside Preview ROM |
Ch.Twin City The Great Divide ROM |
Ch. Barksdale Evening Shade |
Ch.Twin City In Living Color/ sister to Ch.Countryview Tonight's Th' Night ROM CCA BOB |
Ch. Countryview Admission |
Ch. Countryview Colorful ROM |
Starr's Blue Topaz |