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Collie Club of Colorado

April 9, 2010 (AM)
Breed: Amber Shields-Turner
Sweeps: Jan Shields

Number of Entries: 46
Dogs in Competition: 46
Smooths: 8-7 (0-1) 0-1
Roughs: 7-17 (1-3) 1-0
Sweeps: 6-3
Juniors: 7

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety

CH Windcrest Swept Away (Sable/B)
Breeder: Larry Willeford
Owner: Larry Willeford
Sire: CH Tapestry South Wynd
Dam: CH Windcrest Desert Rose

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variey/ Winners Dog -- 4 points

Timeless River's Edge (Sable/D)
Breeder: Dale and Roxann Heit
Owner: Dale and Roxann Heit
Sire: CH Southland's The Cooper River
Dam: CH Timeless Hello Darlin

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

CH Edenrock Chestry Lionheart (Sable/D)
Breeder: Phyllis M. Bozarth
Owner: Phyllis Bozarth, Jennifer Weiner, Maci Hass
Sire: CH Edenrock Playing With Fire
Dam: CH Chestry’s Black Swan

Rough Best of Winners/Winners Bitch -- 3 points

Countryview Lindale Statuesque (9-12)
Breeder: Dan Cardoza and Michael Espinosa
Owner: Linda Tefelski
Sire: Countryview Rased Replica
Dam: Countryview Hooray for Hollywood

Rough Winners Dog -- 2 points

Cyndella's Triplicate (BBE/Blue)
Breeder: Kelly Neeley
Owner: Kelly Neeley
Sire: CH Cyndella's Triple Shot
Dam: Cyndella's Miss July

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Dakotah's Stand And Deliver (BBE/Tri)
Breeder: Karen and Gary Burton
Owner: Karen and Gary Burton
Sire: CH Cyndella's Triple Shot
Dam: Cobble Creek's Midnight Star

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

Windrest Sundown Splendor (6-9/Sable)
Breeder: Larry Willeford
Owner: Pam Eddy and Larry Willeford
Sire: CH Tallywood In A New Light
Dam: CH Windcrest Swept Away

Smooth Best of Variety

CH Bit O'Heaven's Sorceress (Blue/B)
Breeder: Michelle Tennis
Owner: Michelle Bergstraser, Laura Bergstraser and Jessica LaFrenier
Sire: CH Lisara's Sorcerer
Dam: Dunrobin Angelica

Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Bitch -- 4 points
Enchanted Heart's Desire (12/18/Tri)
Breeder: Joann Romero and B/D Sencenbaugh
Owner: Joann and Christina Romero
Sire: CH Cyndella's Triple Shot
Dam: CH Enchanted's Pixie Dust
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog

Wild Wind's Tell Me No Lies
Breeder: Michelle and Laura Bergstaser and Jessica LaFrenier
Owner: Julie Billingsley
Sire: CH Wild Winds Free Fallin CD RA PT NA
Dam: CH Bit O'Heavens Sorceress

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Timeless Hello Gorgeous (BBE/Sable)
Breeder: Dale and Roxann Heit
Owner: Dale and Roxann Heit
Sire: CH Southland's The Cooper River
Dam: CH Timeless Hello Darlin
Best Puppy

Countryview Lindale Statuesque (9-12)
Breeder: Dan Cardoza and Michael Espinosa
Owner: Linda Tefelski
Sire: Countryview Rased Replica
Dam: Countryview Hooray for Hollywood

Best in Sweepstakes

Timeless River's Edge (Smooth/Sable/D)
Breeder: Dale and Roxann Heit
Owner: Dale and Roxann Heit
Sire: CH Southland's The Cooper River
Dam: CH Timeless Hello Darlin

Runner Up to Best in Sweepstakes

Windcrest Sundown Wild Rose (6-9/Rough/Sable/B)
Breeder: Pamela Eddy and Larry Willeford
Owner: Pamela Eddy and Larry Willeford
Sire: CH Tallywood In A New Light
Dam: CH Windcrest Desert Rose

Best Junior

Jessica LaFrenier
Handling: Wild Wind's Start Me Up


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Publishing schedule and advertising copy
Display ads are published on Saturday and appear in the ad tunnel for a week, on the contents page for a month and then in the ad archive for a year.

By sending us a photo and ad copy either via e-mail or snail mail, we can design an attractive ad for you or you can submit your ad finished.

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Each extra photo is $10 and you can enhance your ad with a pedigree for an additional $10.