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Collie Club of Minnesota

February 11, 2007 -- Judge Brian Phillips
Sweepstakes Judge -- Deb Nordby

Dogs In Competition: 53
Roughs: 15-14 (2-2)
Smooths: 4-9 (3-3) 0-1

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety

CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy (Sable/D)
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski and Pat Atkins
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski 
Sire: CH Overland Classified
Dam: CH Highcroft Farrah Fawcett 
Handler: Leslie Jeszewski

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Smooth Best of Variety

CH Lynmar's Blue Lily
Breeder: Lynn Arneson
Owner: Lynn Arneson
Sire: CH Lisara's Hair Unapparant
Dam: CH Lynmar's Nite Lace
Handler: Elisabeth Koopmann

Rough Best of Opposite Sex/Best of Winners/Winners Bitch -- 4 points

Lora-lin's My Precious
Breeder: Gloria Hiltner and MaryLou Carlson
Owner Gloria and Lindsay Hiltner
Sire: Jular-Loralin Knight of Sollis
Dam: Sollis Sweet Liberty
Handler: Gloria Hiltner

Rough Winners Dog -- 4 points

Highcroft Lodeark Laudable
Breeder: Pat Atkins and Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Pat Atkins and Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Cheviot Sollis Gallant Boy
Dam: CH Lodeark Overland Pearlesence
Handler: Leslie Jeszewski

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Country K Bocephus
Breeder: Nancy and Gerald Hvinden
Owner: Nancy and Gerald Hvinden
Sire: Kirkhaven Total Package
Dam: Destiny Blu Mist Chanti Lace CD
Handler: Elisabeth Koopmann

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

Charizma's It's All About Me
Breeder: Mary Niezgocki and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Mary Niezgocki
Sire: CH Highcroft Believe It or Not
Dam: CH Highcroft Charisma's Cameo

Smooth Best of Variety/Best Veteran Bitch

CH Lynmar's Blue Lily
Breeder: Lynn Arneson
Owner: Lynn Arneson
Sire: CH Lisara's Hair Unapparant
Dam: CH Lynmar's Nite Lace
Handler: Elisabeth Koopmann

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

CH Coelio's American Tradition
Breeder: Gisele O'Leary
Owner: Gisele O'Leary and Cassandra Boelter
Sire: CH Twin Acres Patrick Henry
Dam: CH Coelio's Halo and Horns
Handler: Gisele O'Leary

Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Bitch -- 3 points

Lan Mark American Idol
Breeder: Carol Warnacutt
Owner: Carol Warnacutt and Charlotte Moudry
Sire: CH Coelio's American Tradition
Dam: Lan Mark Snow Fleurry

Smooth Winners Dog -- 3 points

Sollis Coppermoon Cosmic Flare
Breeder: Barb Saterbo and Kathryn Lamping
Owners: Barb Saterbo and Kathryn Lamping
Sire: Ch Valley Park's Silverton
Dam: Sollis Sweet Liberty

Best in Sweepstakes

Riverbend My Little Chickadee
Breeder: Kelly and Ginny Montgomery
Owner: Kelly and Ginny Montgomery
Sire: Fury's The Spirit is Free
Dam: Riverbend Spril in Paris

Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes

Laredo Here Comes the Sun
Breeder: Susan Weber
Owner: Susan Weber
Sire: CH Twin City Secret Ambition
Dam: Horizon's Calico Skies
Handler: Susan Weber

High In Trial

Starphase Spirit Of Peyto UD HSAds HIAd MX MXJ
Class: Open
Score: 195.5
Owner: D Levenhagen


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Publishing schedule and advertising copy
Display ads are published on Saturday and appear in the ad tunnel for a week, on the contents page for a month and then in the ad archive for a year.

By sending us a photo and ad copy either via e-mail or snail mail, we can design an attractive ad for you or you can submit your ad finished.

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Each extra photo is $10 and you can enhance your ad with a pedigree for an additional $10.