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Collie Club of New England

February 19, 2016
Judge: Nioma Coen

Dogs in Competition: 51
Number of Entries: 54

Roughs: 9-17 (2-2) 0-1
Smooths: 6-8 (3-2) 0-1

> Winners Page

Best of Breed / Rough Best of Variety

GCH Sealore's "A" List (D)
Breeder: Taylor Dalton, Annette Rawlings, Leanne Bailey and Hannah Rawlings
Owner: Annette Rawlings, Leanne Bailey, Hannah Rawlings and Judy Stringer
Sire: CH Countryview Give My Regards
Dam: CH Sealore’s By Invitation Only

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed / Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety / Best of Winners / Winners Bitch
Overland This Girl Is On Fire (B)
Breeder: Marcy Fine Mike Fine
Owner: Patti Cox
Sire: CH Overland Crimson Tide
Dam: Ch Overland Eternity
Rough Selects

GCH Sequoia Solar Storm (D)
Breeder: Russ and Cathy Petter
Owner: Russ and Cathy Petter
Sire: CH Milas Latin Fever
Dam: CH Sequoia's The New Black

CH Overland August Moon (B)
Breeder: Marcy and Mike Fine and D. Chen
Owner: Marcy and Mike Fine
Sire: CH Overland In Suspense
Dam: CH Upper East Silver Moon

Rough Winners Dog
Countryview In High Regard (Open/Sable)
Breeder: Dan Cardoza and Karen Van Wickler
Owner. Dan Cardoza and Karen Van Wickler
Sire: CH Countryview Give My Regards
Dam: Countryview Midnight Madness
Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Hi-Crest There's Snow Limit (6-9)
Breeder: Joseph Reno
Owner: Joseph Reno
Sire: CH Hi-Crest Unlimited
Dam: Hi-Crest Roblyn Let It Snow

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

Milas Ballroom Elegance (12-18)
Breeder: Lynn Butler and Lotta Hedman
Owner: Lynn Butler and Lotta Hedman
Sire: GCH Milas Strictly Ballroom
Dam: CH Milas Back In Black

Smooth Best of Variety

GCH Seawhisper Mysterious (B)
Breeder: Jill Nickerson
Owner: Russ Petter and Cathy Petter
Sire: CH Alexy Handsome Devil
Dam: CH Seawhisper Fables Of Gold

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

GCH Kirkhaven Sandman Dream Chaser (D)
Breeder: Joan Kirkland
Owner: Robin Reed and Rebecca Flood.
Sire: CH Timeless Golden Warrior ROM
Dam: CH Kirkhaven Annie Get Your Gun

Smooth Selects

CH Row-Bar's New England Patriot (D)
Breeder: Stephen and Robette Johns
Owner: Shirley and Jon McAlear and Robette Johns
Sire: GCH Chelsea Casanova Cowboy
Dam: GCH Row-Bar's She's The One

GCH Special Society's Dixie Chick
Breeder: Breeder: M. Ramer, C. Degner, T. Baggely
Owner: Laura LaBounty
Sire: CH Ballyhara Strike Up The Band ROM
Dam: CH Society There’s Your Trouble ROM

Smooth Best of Winners / Winners Bitch
Cyndella's Joi Ride (B)
Breeder: Kelly Neeley and Caitlin Neeley
Owner: Ann Boles and Jim Boles
Sire: CH Cyndellas Pandamonium
Dam: CH Cyndellas Pixy Stix
Smooth Winners Dog
Seawhisper Sequoia Collaboration (6-9)
Breeder: Russ and Cathy Petter
Owner: Jill Nickerson and Russ Petter
Sire: CH Overland Hidden Agenda
Dam:GCH Seawhisper Mysterious
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog

Cardross Red Dirt Road (9-12)
Breeder: Beth Rutherford and Lisa Leopold
Owner: Mara Flood and Beth Rutherford
Sire: Cardross Pinball Wizard
Dam: Uneeda Bare Naked Lady

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch

Sugarnspice Creekwood Coffee Calypso (12-18)
Breeder: Mara and Rebecca Flood, Virginia Mehr and Robin Reed
Owner: Terri Braud, Mara Flood and Rebecca Flood
Sire: GCH Creekwood Black No Sugar
Dam: GCH Creekwood Raindrops On Roses

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