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Overlake Collie CLub

February 28, 2016
Breed Judge: Carol Chapman
Sweeps Judge: Pat Jones

Roughs: 13-22 (6-4) 0-1
Smooths: 8-7 (6-5) 0-2
Junior Show: 6
Sweeps: 7-9

> Winners Page

Best of Breed / Rough Best of Variety

CH Monarch Clarion Goddess Of The Rainbow (B)
Breeder: Debra Smith, Scout Smith and Judie Evans
Owner: Debra Smith and Scout Smith
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: CH Clarion Scintillation

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed / Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Aurealis Endeavour (D)
Breeder: Deborah, Maret and Julianna Falk
Owner: Deborah Falk, Maret Falk and Lauren Falk
Sire: CH Milas Aurealis Latin Samba
Dam: CH Tartanside Brocade
Rough Selects

CH Colebrae Roadhous Blues (D)
Breeder: Jennifer and Judith Laik
Owner: Jennifer Laik
Sire: Wild West’s Solo Debut
Dam: CH Colebrae’s Cool Change ROM

CH Markos She's Got It CGC
Breeder: Marie Markovich
Owner: Diane Munford and Marie Markovich
Sire: CH Overland Summer Vacation
Dam: CH Marko's Miss Devine

Rough Best of Winners / Winners Bitch
Tallywood Effervescence
Breeder: Nancy Anstruther
Owner: Carol Gordon-Stroshein
Sire: CH Tallywood Paparazzi
Dam: Tallywook Extravagance
Rough Winners Dog
Barksdale Lochlaren Citizen Kane
Breeder: Barbara Cleek and Nancy McDonald
Owner: Barbara Cleek and Nancy McDonald
Sire: CH Blu Ridge Let It Ride 
Dam: CH Lochlaren's Becoming Jane
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Aurealis Highlander
Breeder: Deborah Falk, Maret Falk, Lauren Falk, Julianna Falk
Owner: Deborah Falk, Maret Falk, Lauren Falk, Julianna Falk
Sire: CH Milas Aurealis Latin Samba
Dam: CH Tartanside Brocade
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Cynclair Summer Breeze
Breeder: Cynthia Jane Brown and Jennifer Laik
Owner: Nancy Mathes
Sire: Colebrae Inside Track
Dam: Colebrae Krystal Blue Persuasion
Smooth Best of Variety / Best of Winners / Winners Bitch

Sinkona's Dream Catcher PT (B)
Breeder: Linda Marie Ward, Tanya Ward
Owner: Linda Marie Ward,Tanya Ward
Sire: GCH King's Valley Smooth Blue Jazz HT
Dam: Sinkona's Shadow Dancer

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

CH Encore's Zandria's N' Tercan's Just The Right Magic (D)
Breeder: Corrine Boom, Alexzandra Erb and Candace Hunter
Owner: Heidi Cash and Corrine Boom
SIre: CH Bravo Zandrias Party 'N A Box
Dam: CH Encore's Illusion

Smooth Selects
Encore N' Zandria's Indigo Blue (D)
Breeder: Corinne Boon, Alexandra Erb, Candace Hunter
Owner: Corinne Boon, Alexandra Erb, Candace Hunter
Sire: CH Aurealis Zandria's Winning Colors
Dam: CH Encore's Radiant Starr

GCH Colebrae Belfair Hello, I Love You (B)
Breeder: Jennifer Laik and Alene Evans
Owner: Jennifer Laik and Alene Evans
Sire: CH Belfair Barely Harry
Dam: Colebrae's Serengheti
Smooth Winners Dog
Colebrae Who Do You Love?
Breeder: Jennifer Laik and Alene Evans
Owner: Jennifer Laik and Alene Evans
Sire: GCH Aurealis Coldplay
Dam: GCH Colebrae Hello I Love you
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Moxie Logically Speaking
Breeder: Melinda Barber
Owner: Melinda Barber
Sire: CH Headline's Soldier Of Light
Dam: Moxie Fly By Night PT CA
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Encore's Admiration
Breeder: Corinne Boon and Heidi Cash
Owner: Amy Hauser and Corinne Boon
Sire: GCH Encore Belfair's Bold Ruler BN PT CGC
Dam: CH Encore's Bronze Illusion
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