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Central Oklahoma Collie Club

January 28, 2017 (AM Show)
Breed Judge: Anne Cross
Sweepstakes Judge: Janine Walker-Keith

Number of Entries: 46
Dogs In Competition: 41
Roughs: 11-11 (2-2)
6-5 (1-3)

Best of Breed: GCH Aurealis Coldplay (Rough/D)

GCH Aurealis Coldplay

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: CH Countryview Classical (Rough/B)

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Aurealis Coldplay
Rough Best of Winners: Southland's Journey Through The Storm (D)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Countryview Classical (B)
Rough Select Dog:
CH Milens Step Above

CH Milens Step Above

Rough Select Bitch:
GCH Sundown Sierra Rose
Rough Winners Dog: Southland's Journey Through The Storm
Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Southland's Walkin' In High Cotton
Rough Winners Bitch: Cheviot Turn Me Loose
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Southland's A Walk On The Beach

Smooth Best of Variety: Gold GCH Calibre's Key To The Fortune (D)
Smooth Best of Winners:
Kirkhaven The Travler Jade (B)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Kirkhaven The Travler Jade (B)
Smooth Select Dog: N/A
Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Timeless Map To The Treasure (B)
Smooth Winners Dog:
Thorndale Starman

Thorndale Starman

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Tango's Valley Park Magic Man
Smooth Winners Bitch: Kirkhaven The Travler Jade
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Calibre's Patrimony

Best in Sweepstakes: Southland's Journey Through The Storm

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