Best of Breed: CH Kelsie Jenver the Nightlight (Rough/B)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: Moore’s Idris Laise IT (Rough/D)
Rough Best of Variety: CH Kelsie Jenver the Nightlight (B)
Rough Best of Winners: Silverbrook On the Edge of Glory (B)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Moore’s Idris Laise IT (D)
Rough Select Dog: N/A
Rough Select Bitch: GCHS Heatherfield Purple Hearts Blumatra

Rough Winners Dog: Moore’s Idris Laise IT (Open/Sable)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Heatherfield Wait A Cotton Pickin Minute (Open/White)

Rough Winners Bitch: Silverbrook On the Edge of Glory
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Heatherfield Nine Angels (Open/White)

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