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Sierra Nevada Collie Club

November 3, 2017 (PM Show)
Breed Judge: Janet Hitt

Number of Entries: 42
Dogs in Competition: 37
Roughs: 6-10 (3-1)
Smooths: 5-4 (1-6) 0-1

GCHB Aurealis Coldplay Marilyn Lindauer -- MiHoliday's Sunnland She's Reall Stellar CGC TKN

Cynclair Collies -- CH Cynclair Bel Air Cynclair Collies -- CH Cynclair Bel Air

Lochlaren Collies / Sherloch Collies / Belfair Collies -- Lochlaren N Sherloch Paper Trail To Belfair, POA

Best of Breed: GCHB Aurealis Coldplay (Rough/D)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
Miholiday's Sunnland She's Really Stellar CGC TKN (Smooth/B)

Best Puppy:
Lochlaren N Sherloch Paper Trail to Belfair (Rough/D)

Rough Best of Variety: GCHB Aurealis Coldplay (D)
Rough Best of Winners: Lochlaren N Sherloch Paper Trail to Belfair (D)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Tallywood Indulgence (B)
Rough Select Dog:
CH Belfair Cynclair I Love A Rainy Night
Rough Select Bitch:
Rough Winners Dog: Lochlaren N Sherloch Paper Trail to Belfair
Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Southland Aurealis Island Nights
Rough Winners Bitch: Aurealis Abiding Star
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Entais Edenrock Bellissima

Smooth Best of Variety: Miholiday's Sunnland She's Really Stellar CGC TKN (B)
Smooth Best of Winners:
Cynclair Bel Air (D)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Kings Valley Sky's The Limit (D)
Smooth Select Dog:
Smooth Select Bitch: CH Demuir Barefoot Contessa
Smooth Winners Dog:
Cynclair Bel Air
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Pinemeade Fortune Favors The Bold
Smooth Winners Bitch: Deorsa's Mother of Dragons
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment

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