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Collie CLub of KenTucky

October 19, 2014
Breed Judge: Arlene Benko

Photos by Mike Fine

Best of Breed / Rough Best of Variety
CH Taliesin Fresh Powder O'Paray (B)
Breeder: Jennifer Duhon and Michael Rutkas
Owner: Tray Pittman and Paul Flores
Sire: Wyndlair Avalanche
Dam: CH Taliesin Panda Express
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed / Smooth Best of Variety
GCH Alexy Handsome Devil (D)
Breeder:  Martha Skilton
Owner:  Martha Skilton, Kris Provenzano and Leigh Cohen
Sire: GCH Provenhill’s Dance with the Devil
Dam: CH Alexy Even Sweeter
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Apple Valley Highland Nobleman
Breeder: Rayleen Hendrix
Owner: Gail Hetzel
Sire: CH Apple Valley Highland Gold
Dam: Apple Valley Irish Magic
Rough Selects
GCH Windscape Wildest Dreams (D)
Breeder: Helen Campbell and Kris Provenzano
Owner: Helen Campbell
Sire: CH Wyndlair Point Given
Dam: CH Provenhill Dances At Midnight

CH Heatherfield Liberty Belle
Breeder: Heather Luster and Ronald Luster
Owner: Heather Luster and Ronald Luster
Sire: CH Milas Absolute Latin
Dam: Lusters Trinmar Debutante
Rough Best of Winners / Winners Bitch
Alaric Hold My Heart
Breeder: Gloria Zopf, Patricia , Allyson Caldwell, L. Reidt
Owner: Allyson Caldwell and Patricia Caldwell
Sire: GCH Alaric Bound By The Heart
Dam: CH Lora-Lin's My Precious
Rough Winners Dog
Riverrun Vennessee's The Traveler Of Galatean
Breeder: Mary Jackson, Jillian Jackson , Mary Robischon and Rose Robischon
Owner: Joyce Weinmann
Sire: GCH Galatean A Good River Runs Through
Dam: CH Riverrun Lion's Pride
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Sassy's Make A Memory
Breeder: Sandy Schwedler and Debbie Holland
Owner: Sandy Schhwedler and Debbie Holland
Sire: CH Fantasy's Bronze Talisman ROM
Dam: CH Fantasy's Midnight Confessions
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Star Country Kiss N Tell
Breeder: Diane Steele and Debbie Holland
Owner: Diane Steele and Helen Zavalney
Sire: CH Strathmoor Sir Wm Wallace
Dam: Fantasy's Kiss Of The Dragon
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Calibre's Gold Digger (B)
Breeder: Susan Kaelin
Owner: Susan Kaelin
Sire: GCH Calibre's Key To The Fortune
Dam: Calibre's What Makes You Tick?
Smooth Best of Winners / Winners Bitch
Calibre's Dirty Money
Breeder: Jaye Athy, Katherine Del Grosso, Susan Kaelin, Mary Jackson and Mary Robischon
Owner: Susan Kaelin
Sire:GCH Calibre's Key To The Fortune
Dam: Riverrun Galatean Sparks Will Flame
Smooth Winners Dog
Turnberry's Earl of Cadenza
Breeder: Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey
Owner: Sandra Wrenn and Cathy Keefer Meier
Sire: GCH Travlers Greased-Lightning
Dam: Turnberry's First Flight
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Hi Cliff Barely Bear
Breeder: Kathryn Weare
Owner: Kathryn Weare
Sire: Crispin After Midnight
Dam: CH Deep River Bad To The Bone
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Kare's Emory Pines Who's That Lady
Breeder: S Baxley
Owners: Karen Van Marm, Steve Baxley and Cathy Keefer Meier
Sire: GCH Travlers Greased-Lightning
Dam: Angel Song Of Oak Ridge
Best Puppy
Chatham’s Shadows on Snow
Best Junior

Madison Thomas

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