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Nebraska Collie Club

October 3, 2014
Breed Judge: Janet Hitt

Number of Entries: 43
Dogs in competition: 42

Roughs: 11-17 (4-2) 1-0
1-3 (2-2)
Junior Showmanship: 1

Best of Breed/Smooth Best of Variety
GCH C And J Silver Charm of Chrysalis (Blue/B)
Breeder: Debra Waelde and Robert Waelde
Owner: Judy Walburn and Cheryl Thompson
Sire: CH C And J's White Tie And Tails
Dam: GCH Chrysalis Ginger Snaps
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed / Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Travler Kelise Overdrive, IT (Sable/D)
Breeder: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone, Garrison Lewis
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Elizabeth Miller
Sire: CH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Travler's Liberty Sport CGC
Handler: Laurie Jeff Greer
Rough Best of Variety
CH Rosepoint Jamaican Sunrise (B)
Breeder: Amy Gau
Owner: Amy Gau and Jill Nickerson
Sire: CH Rosepoint High Tide
Dam: CH Rosepoint Winterfest
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Laredo Here Comes The Sun (Sable/D)
Breeder: Susan Webber
Owner: Susan Webber
Sire: CH Twin City Secret Ambition
Dam: Horizon's Calico Skies
Rough Selects
GCH Wilshire Cavalier Choice (D)
Breeder: William and Carlene Sass
Owner: Gail Wilkes
Sire: CH Creekwood Wilshire Secret Agent
Dam: Sass' Sassy Lassie

GCH Colebrae After Midnight (B)
Breeder: Jennifer Laik
Owner: Jennifer Laik
Sire: Colebrae Inside Track
Dam: CH Colebrae After Dark
Rough Best of Winners / Winners Bitch -- 5 pts
Lochlaren Sinkona's Charisma (Open/Sable)
Breeder: Barbara Cleek and Nancy and Jim McCue
Owner: Larry Parsons, Nancy Parsons and Barbara Cleek
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: CH Lochlaren Marleste Easy Livin'
Rough Winners Dog -- 4 pts
Sollis Valley Park Allegiant (Open/Sable)
Breeder: Barbara Saterbo, Michelle Struble and Christy Bell
Owner: Michelle and Tandy Struble
Sire: CH Valley Park's Aviator
Dam: CH Valley Park Allure
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Lochlaren Too Good To Be Tru (Open/Sable)
Breeder: Daniel Cardoza, Barbara Cleek, Linda Tefelski
Owner: Sharon Wilder and Barbara Cleek
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: CH Countryview Lindale Statuesque
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Wilshire Strike Too of Marnus (Open/Sable)
Breeder: Marcia K Keller and Ronald Keller
Owner: Gail Wilkes
Sire: GCH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Marnus Make Believe
Smooth Best of Winners / Winners Dog - 1 pt
L'gacy The Back Roads (Am-Bred)
Breeder: Alica Pesek
Owner: Alica Pesek
Sire: L'gacy Clear Night Of Majic
Dam: L'gacy Long And Winding Road
Smooth Selects
CH Kara Christo Gonna Shake Heaven (D)
Breeder: Sue Wyglendowski and Diane Kwiatkowski.
Owner: Sue Wyglendowski and DeeVarney
Sire: CH Camloch Sophistication
Dam: Wyndeswept KaraChristo I'll Fly Away

GCH Travler's Aerodynamic (B)
Breeder: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone, Garrison Lewis
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone, Garrison Lewis
Sire: GCH Thistlebrae Northern Sun Shine
Dam: Travler's Take The Wheel
Smooth Winners Bitch - 1 pt
Cyndella Tango's Starburst (Am-Bred)
Breeder: Kelly Neeley
Owner: Maria Russell
Sire: CH Cyndella's Pandamonium
Dam: CH Cyndella's Pixy Stix
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Nightstar's She's All That (Am-Bred)
Breeder: Michelle McEwen and Thomas Gieroski
Owner: Michelle McEwen and Thomas Gieroski
Sire: Excaliber's Duke Of Dukes
Dam: Nightstar's Can't Ignore Me
Best Junior Handler
Kathleen Hartig (Open Sr.)
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