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Specialty Results for South Bay Collie Fanciers

Breed Judge: Jeffrey Silverman Presley

February 15, 2025 (PM)
Anaheim, California

Roughs: 3-5 (3-1)
Smooths: 2-4 (2-5)

Mission Ridge Collies -- GCH Chelsea Mission Ridge Starfire

Gambit Collies -- GCH Gambit's Sugar Rush

Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea You Are My Sunshine, IT

Wicklow Collies -- GCHB Sunnland's The Emperor at Wicklow RN BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA VHMP FITS

CH MiHoliday's Chelsea Dreaming Of Sunshine


Best of Breed: GCH Chelsea Mission Ridge Starfire (R/D) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Chelsea Pop Princess)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: CH Gambit’s Sugar Rush (R/B) (GCHS Moxie’s Rock N Rolla x CH Gambit’s Rock The Boat)

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Chelsea Mission Ridge Starfire (D) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Chelsea Pop Princess)

Rough Best of Winners: Stoneypoint Meridel Rough Rider (D) (GCHG Ceilidh’s If I Can Dream x GCh Stoneypoint Gambit Mi Vida Loca)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Gambit’s Sugar Rush (B) (GCHS Moxie’s Rock N Rolla x CH Gambit’s Rock The Boat)

Rough Select Dog: GCHB Gambit's Wind In My Sails (GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x GCH Gambit's The Rhythm That Moves Me ROM)

Rough Select Bitch: N/A

Rough Winners Dog: Stoneypoint Meridel Rough Rider (12-18) (GCHG Ceilidh’s If I Can Dream x GCh Stoneypoint Gambit Mi Vida Loca)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Gambit’s Kount Me In (6-9) (CH Heather Hills Shiny Piece of Coal x GCH Gambit’s Sugar Rush)

Rough Winners Bitch: Chelsea You Are My Sunshine (12-18) (GCH Chelsea Mr. GQ x CH Chelsea Good Morning Sunshine)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Gambit’s All Three Wishes (6-9) (CH Heather Hills Shiny Piece Of Coal x GCH Gambit’s Sugar Rush)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCH Stoneypoint Edenrock Wild Wild West (D) (GCHG Ceilidh’s If I Can Dream x GCH Stoneypoint Gambit Mi Vida Loca)

Smooth Best of Winners: Edenrock Goodfella (D) (CH Edenrock It’s Good To Be King x CH Edenrock But I’m A Good Girl)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Stoneypoint Edenrock Some Like It Hot (B) (GCHG Ceilidh's If I Can Dream x GCH Stoneypoint Gambit Mi Vida Loca)

Smooth Select Dog: GCHB Sunnland's The Emperor At Wicklow RN CGCU (GCH Sunnland's Sharp Dressed Man CAA FCAT x CH Sunnland's Amazing Grace DCAT CGC)

Smooth Select Bitch: GCH Travler’s Sway Me Smooth (CH Travler Coverun’s Dancing Through Life x Travler Cove Run’s Bewitched)

Smooth Winners Dog: Edenrock Goodfella (BBE) (CH Edenrock It’s Good To Be King x CH Edenrock But I’m A Good Girl)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Wicklow Dancer’s Star of His Own Show CGC (12-18) (GCHB Sunnland’s The Emperor at Wicklow RN BCAT CGCA x Wicklow Gambit’s Bright Lights N Promises RN CGCA)

Smooth Winners Bitch: MiHoliday’s Chelsea Dreamin of the Limelight (12-18) (GCHG Ceilidh’s if I Can Dream x CH MiHoliday’s Chelsea Sunshine Affair)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Wicklow Dancer's Dinner And A Show (12-18) (GCHB Sunnland's The Emperor at Wicklow x Wicklow Gambit's Bright Lights n Promises)

National Owner-Handled Series

Rough Best Owner Handled: CH Gambit’s Sugar Rush (B) (GCHS Moxie’s Rock N Rolla x CH Gambit’s Rock The Boat)
Smooth Best Owner Handled: CH Miholiday's Chelsea Dreaming of Sunshine (B) (GCHG Ceilidh's If I Can Dream x CH Miholiday's Chelsea Sunshine Affair)

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Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley

02/15/25 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
01/14/24 Collie Club of Maryland – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
04/22/23 Tri County Collie Breeders – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
01/14/23 South Bay Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/28/20 California Collie Clan – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/15/20 Central States Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/10/19 St. Louis Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
05/04/18 Utah Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/25/17 Collie Club of Austin – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/05/17 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
05/07/16 Central Iowa Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
04/10/16 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
11/08/15 Pacific Northwest Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
03/13/16 San Gabriel Valley Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
04/25/15 Collie Club of Western New York – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
03/02/13 Collie Club of Maine – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/16/13 Heartland Collie Club of Central Illinois – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/19/12 Central States Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
02/05/12 Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
03/27/11 Calilfornia Collie Clan – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley

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South Bay Collie Fanciers

02/15/25 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Rebecca Myers
02/15/25 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
01/13/24 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Judith Pitt
01/13/24 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Brenda Miramon
01/14/23 South Bay Collie Club – Judge Janet Fink
01/14/23 South Bay Collie Club – Judge Jeffrey Silverman Presley
01/15/22 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Pat Jung
01/15/22 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Michael Esch
01/11/20 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Susan Abraham
01/11/20 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Shelley Roos
01/12/19 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Rayleen Hendrix
01/12/19 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Patricia Skinner
01/13/18 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Brenda Miramon
01/13/18 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Mike McKenzie
03/12/17 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Susan Bertrand
03/12/17 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Nancy Anstruther
03/12/16 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Judith Pitt
03/12/16 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Carmen Leonard
03/20/15 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Debbie Ferguson
03/20/15 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Robette Johns
03/23/14 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Shelley Roos
03/23/14 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge William Brokken, M.D.
03/23/13 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Janet Russell Hitt
03/23/13 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Susan Abraham
03/25/12 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Barbara Zimmerman
10/13/12 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Bill Shelton
03/26/11 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Tom Coen
10/15/11 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Loralee Runnels
03/20/10 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Larry Willeford
10/17/10 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Mike McKenzie
03/22/09 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Michael Esch
10/09/09 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Shelley Roos
02/01/08 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Michael Van Tassell
10/11/08 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Les Canavan
03/24/07 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Gwen Means
10/14/07 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Bob Kelly
03/26/06 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Col. Joe B. Purkhiser
10/13/06 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Janet Fink
03/04/05 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge James Crotteau
10/15/05 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Hildegarde Morgan
03/20/04 South Bay Collie Club – Judge Carl Williford
10/10/04 South Bay Collie Fanciers – Judge Svend Jensen

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March 4, 2025
MARYLAND – Moore Collies is proud to announce a new litter sired by GCH MACH3 RACH Moore's Idris Laise, out of Overland Moore’s Fitheach Banfhlath. The breeding produced five rough puppies, sables and tri-colors, on February 17.

Call 703-517-4193 or email Moore Collies

March 1, 2025
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 10-month-old rough, sable female puppy. All shots, health records, eye checks, and genetic screening. Promising as pet or show prospect.

Call 978-853-0611 or email Sequoia Collies

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