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Ability Collies
10/05/13 Ability Collies -- CH Ability's It's Not Rocket Science, CH Ability's Song Of Rocket and DC Ability's Rock Star

Absolute Collies
03/16/13 Duquesnes Collies / Absolute Collies -- Duquesnes Absolute Belle Of Emory Pines
01/26/13 Absolute Collies -- CH Absolute Black As Cole
01/26/13 Absolute Collies -- Absolute Capturing The Light

Adair Collies
12/21/13 Adair Collies -- CH Vennessee's Adair Legend

Afterhours Collies
12/21/13 Afterhours Collies

Aidan Collies
11/30/13 Aidan Collies -- CH Aidan's Pure Imagination
03/02/13 Aidan Collies -- Aidan's Pure Imagination

Alaric Collies
03/23/13 Alaric Collies -- Bolero's Heaven Sent
03/23/13 Alaric Collies -- Alaric Hold My Heart and Alaric Just A Little Sassy

Alexy Collies
11/30/13 Alexy Collies / Provenhill Collies -- GCH Alexy Handsome Devil
10/26/13 Alexy Collies / Provenhill Collies -- AM/CAN CH Alexy Handsome Devil
10/26/13 Alexy Collies / Provenhill Collies -- AM/CAN CH Alexy Handsome Devil

Alfenloch Collies
12/28/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
12/28/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
12/28/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
05/04/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
03/23/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
03/23/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
03/02/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- Alfenloch Countryview Starpower

Apple Valley Collies
12/21/13 Apple Valley Collies -- Apple Valley High Society
03/23/13 Apple Valley Collies -- Apple Valley Highland Laird
03/16/13 Apple Valley Collies -- Apple Valley Highland Laird

Arizona Collie Clan
01/12/13 Arizona Collie Clan -- Two specialties shows in one day -- Thursday, February 28, 2013

Aspen Collies
01/26/13 Aspen Collies / Jolis Collies -- Bronze GCH Aspen's I'll Chase The Sunbeam

Aurealis Collies
12/21/13 Aurealis Collies -- CH Aurealis Coldplay
12/21/13 Aurealis Collies -- GCH Aurealis Endeavour
12/21/13 Aurealis Collies -- Aurealis Starstruck and Aurealis Glitteratti
05/18/13 Aurealis Collies -- CH Aurealis Coldplay
05/18/13 Aurealis Collies -- GCH Aurealis Perfect Storm
01/26/13 Aurealis Collies -- CH Aurealis Coldplay

Avant-Garde Collies
03/09/13 Avant-Garde Collies -- In Loving Memory of GCH Tartanside Avant-Garde

Aychess Collies
11/02/13 Aychess Collies / Celticmoon Collies -- CAN CH Aychess N Celticmoon's Inveraray, HIC
11/02/13 Aychess Collies / Celticmoon Collies -- CAN CH Aychess N Celticmoon's Inveraray, HIC and AM/CAN CH Colebrae's El Conquistador
11/02/13 Aychess Collies -- CAN CH Celticmoon Rhapsody In Blue, Celticmoon And Aychess Copa De Oro, HIC and CAN CH Celticmoon's Lovers Concerto, HIC


Ba Da Bing Pet Products
08/03/13 Ba Da Bing Pet Products
06/22/13 Ba Da Bing Pet Products
05/11/13 Ba Da Bing Pet Products
03/23/13 Ba Da Bing Pet Products
03/16/13 Ba Da Bing Pet Products
03/09/13 Ba Da Bing Pet Products
03/02/13 Ba Da Bing Pet Products

Bankside Collies
10/12/13 Bankside Collies -- CH Deep River Hi Cliff Time Lord

Barrett, Jean and Alan
08/17/13 Jean and Alan Barrett -- GCH Edenrock Brave Courageous Bold

Barksdale Collies
02/23/13 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
02/23/13 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
02/23/13 Barksdale Collies -- GCH Barksdale Burning Daylight
02/23/13 Skydancer Collies / Lochlaren Collies / Barksdale Collies -- GCH Lochlaren Kings Valley Fire Within

Belfair Collies
08/31/13 Belfair Collies
06/22/13 Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- CH Belfair Colebrae Confidential HIC
03/23/13 Belfair Collies -- GCH Belfair Chances R Moody Blues, HIC
03/23/13 Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- GCH Belfair Something Blue and GCH Colebrae Belfair Feelin' Groovy
01/12/13 Belfair Collies

Bellagio Collies
07/27/13 Bellagio Collies -- CH Bellagio Delgayla Platinum Pearl

Bennett, Noreen
12/21/13 Noreen Bennett -- Millknock's Tri The Next Chapter
12/21/13 Noreen Bennett
08/31/13 Noreen Bennett -- Peyton, Suede and Maestro
08/31/13 Noreen Bennett -- Millknock's Blue By Ewe, CD, RA, HSAsd, OA, OAJ, OF
08/31/13 Noreen Bennett -- CH MACH2 Provenhill's Persuasion, CD, RE, HSAsd, HIAd, MXC, MJB2, MFB, T2B, VX
08/31/13 Noreen Bennett -- CH Mariner's Sea Sharp, CD, BN, RE, HSAs, OA, NAP, OAJ, NJP, OF, NFP, VX

Best Buddies
12/14/13 Best Buddies -- A compendium of Articles by John Buddie, Tartanside Collies

Blaner, Jeanine
10/05/13 Jeanine Blaner -- DC Ability's Rock Star, CD, RE, HXADM, HXAS, HSBS, HXBDM, NA, OAJ, OF
08/31/13 Jeanine Blaner -- CH Ability's Rock Star, CD, RE, HXAds, HSBs, HXBd, NA, OAJ, OF

Blu Ridge Collies
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies -- GCH Blu Ridge Make Way
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies -- Blu Ridge State Of Mind
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies -- Blu Ridge Resolution
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies -- Blu Ridge Blitz
05/18/13 Spiritwind Collies -- Spiritwind Anticipation
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies
05/18/13 Blu Ridge Collies -- CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves
05/18/13 Wrangler Collies -- Wrangler's Silverado
05/18/13 Sunway Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs -- Sunway Th' Sound Of Winter
02/16/13 Blu Ridge Collies -- GCH Blu Ridge Make Way

Braeton Collies
12/21/13 Braeton Collies

Breezy Acres
02/02/13 Breezy Acres -- CH Breezy Acres I'm A Keeper

Burlywood Collies
06/01/13 Burlywood Collies -- CH Bravos Burlywood Bravada, HIC

Byluc Collies
01/05/13 Sandy Cory, Tasha Byerly, Carol Green and Elizabeth Treese -- Bronze GCH Byluc's No Holds Barred, HIC


Cadenza Colllies
03/16/13 Cadenza Colllies -- GCH Travler's Greased Lightning
03/16/13 Cadenza Colllies -- GCH Travler's Greased Lightning

California Collie Clan
03/02/13 California Collie Clan, South Bay Collie Fanciers and San Gabriel Valley Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Camloch Collies
08/31/13 Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch's Balance Point, HT
08/31/13 Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Sensation! RN, HSAs

Candle Haven Collies
11/16/13 Candle Haven Collies -- CH Candle Haven Winnie Cooper

Capella Collies
03/02/13 Capella Collies / Mirabeau Collies -- Capella's Mirabeau Simply Chic

Cardross Collies
03/30/13 Cardross Collies / SugarNSpice Collies -- CAN GCH Seawhisper Sweet N' Wild, CGN
03/30/13 Cardross Collies / SugarNSpice Collies -- CAN GCH Seawhisper Sweet N' Wild, CGN

C and J Collies
07/27/13 C and J Collies -- CH CJ Deep River Nutin Could Be Fina ROM-P
06/08/13 C and J Collies -- GCH C and J Silver Charm of Chrysalis
03/23/13 C and J Collies -- GCH C and J Silver Charm of Chrysalis
03/23/13 C and J Collies -- GCH C and J Silver Charm of Chrysalis
01/12/13 C and J Collies -- GCH C and J Silver Charm of Chrysalis

Ceilidh Collies
03/16/13 Ceilidh Collies / Deep River Collies -- Silver GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
03/16/13 Ceilidh Collies -- CH Pine Cone Smoke On The Mountain

Celticmoon Collies
11/02/13 Aychess Collies / Celticmoon Collies -- CAN CH Aychess N Celticmoon's Inveraray, HIC
11/02/13 Aychess Collies / Celticmoon Collies -- CAN CH Aychess N Celticmoon's Inveraray, HIC and AM/CAN CH Colebrae's El Conquistador

Central Iowa Collie Club
01/05/13 Central Iowa Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Central Penn Collie Club
03/23/13 Central Penn Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Show

Central States Collie Club
01/19/13 Central States Collie Club and Heartland Collie Club of Central Illinois -- February 16 - 17, 2013

Central Virginia Collie Club
01/05/13 Central Virginia Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Chang, En Harriet
10/12/13 En Harriet Chang -- Silver GCH Ceilidh's Project Runway
05/18/13 En Harriet Chang -- GCH Overland Remembrance Of Things Past
03/16/13 En Harriet Chang -- Silver GCH Ceilidh's Project Runway

Chelsea Collies
12/07/13 Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Casanova Cowboy
12/07/13 Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea California Gold
12/07/13 Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea Black Eyed Pea

Cherokee Collies
03/16/13 Cherokee Collies -- Cherokee Shoreham Mocha Blast

Chesapeake Collie Club
12/07/13 Chesapeake Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows
01/05/13 Chesapeake Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Cheviot Collies
10/26/13 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot Midnight Liaison
10/26/13 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot Monet
05/18/13 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot Monet

Chicago Collie Club
01/19/13 Chicago Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Clarion Collies
08/10/13 Clarion Collies -- CH Clarion Chariot Of Fire
07/06/13 Clarion Collies -- GCH Clarion Nightline
07/06/13 Clarion Collies -- CH Clarion Monarch Promise Me Rainbows

Clearsky Collies
08/24/13 Clearsky Collies / JenVer Collies / Kelsie Collies / SilverBrook Collies -- UKC CH/CH JenVer SilverBrook Magic Touch

Cleveland Collie Club
01/05/13 Columbus Collie Club and Cleveland Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows and Kem Memorial Sweepstakes

Colebrae Collies
06/22/13 Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- CH Belfair Colebrae Confidential HIC
03/23/13 Colebrae Collies -- CGCH Colebrae After Midnight
03/23/13 Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae Roadhouse Blues
03/23/13 Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- GCH Belfair Something Blue and GCH Colebrae Belfair Feelin' Groovy

Collie Club of Alabama
05/04/13 Collie Club of Alabama -- "Getting To Know You" and 2013 Specialties

Collie Club of America
12/07/13 Collie Club of America -- American Collie Champions Volume Eight
11/30/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 CCA Trophy Committee
11/16/13 Collie Club of America -- 2014 CCA Trophy Committee
11/23/13 Collie Club of America -- American Collie Champions Volume Eight
11/09/13 Collie Club Of America -- 2014 Calendar
10/26/13 Collie Club of America -- 2014 Top Ten Fundraiser
10/19/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 CCA Trophy Committee
09/07/13 Collie Club Of America -- CCA Film Library, Back To The Future and Collie Breeders Forum
08/31/13 Collie Club of America 2013 Shining Star Award
08/10/13 Collie Club of America -- 2014 CCA National Specialty
07/20/13 Collie Club Of America -- CCA Film Library, Back To The Future
06/01/13 Collie Club of America -- 2014 National Specialty
03/16/13 ShowDog -- 2013 CCA Live Streaming Video
03/09/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 National Specialty Store
03/02/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 Breed Education Seminar "Back To The Future"
03/02/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 CCA National Specialty Reservations Deadline
02/23/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 CCA State Basket Raffle
02/23/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 CCA Judges Education Seminar
02/09/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 CCA Trophy Committee
02/02/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 National Specialty Reservations
01/12/13 Collie Club of America -- 2013 CCA Trophy Committee
01/12/13 Collie Club Of America 2013 Calendar
01/05/13 Collie Club of America -- 2012 CCA Yearbook

Collie Club of Austin
01/26/13 Collie Club of Austin / Collie Club of San Antonio -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Canada
08/10/13 Collie Club of Canada -- 2013 Regional Specialty Show

Collie Club of Colorado
09/28/13 Collie Club Of Colorado -- 2013 Specialty Show
03/16/13 Collie Club of Colorado -- 2013 Specialty Show

Collie Club of Connecticut
01/19/13 Collie Club of New England, Collie Club of Long Island, Collie Club of Connecticut, Hartford-Springfield Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Expressions
03/09/13 Collie Expressions - Beautiful Mesh ex-pen and crate wraps
03/09/13 Collie Expressions - Identity Products

Collie Club of Georgia
01/05/13 Collie Club of Georgia -- Remembering Ed McNamee, Tarawood Collies
01/05/13 Collie Club Of Georgia -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Health Foundation
07/13/13 Collie Health Foundation -- 2013 Gathering At Sunnybank
06/22/13 Collie Health Foundation -- 2013 Gathering At Sunnybank
03/09/13 Collie Health Foundation -- 2013 Annual CHF Dinner and Night Auction

Collie Club of Long Island
01/19/13 Collie Club of New England, Collie Club of Long Island, Collie Club of Connecticut, Hartford-Springfield Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Maine
01/26/13 Collie Club of Maine -- 2013 Upcoming Specialty Shows, Obedience and Rally

Collie Club of Maryland
11/30/13 Mason-Dixon Collie Club / Collie Club Of Maryland -- 2014 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Minnesota
12/14/13 Collie Club of Minnesota -- 2014 Specialty Shows
01/19/13 Collie Club of Minnesota -- Specialty Events, February 9 - 10, 2013

Collie Club of New England
08/03/13 Collie Club of New England -- 2013 AKC Sanctioned Match
07/06/13 Collie Club of New England -- 2013 Seminar with Marcy Fine of Overland Collies
02/16/13 Collie Club Of New Hampshire and Collie Club Of New England -- 2013 Specialty Shows and Obedience And Rally Trial
01/19/13 Collie Club of New England, Collie Club of Long Island, Collie Club of Connecticut, Hartford-Springfield Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Club Of New Hampshire
02/16/13 Collie Club Of New Hampshire and Collie Club Of New England -- 2013 Specialty Shows and Obedience And Rally Trial

Collie Club Of Northern California
12/28/13 Collie Club of Northern California -- 2014 Specialty Shows
01/05/13 Collie Club Of Northern California -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
06/08/13 Collie Club Of Northern New Jersey -- In Loving Memory of Candy Wisnieski
06/01/13 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- 2013 Breed and Herding Group Obedience Match 02/02/13 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- 2013 Specialty Show

Collie Club of San Antonio
01/26/13 Collie Club of Austin / Collie Club of San Antonio -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Club Of Southern Wisconsin
10/19/13 Collie Club Of Southern Wisconsin -- 2014 Specialty Shows

Collie Club Of Washington
01/19/13 Collie Club Of Washington / Overlake Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Club Of Western New York
02/09/13 Collie Club Of Western New York / Rochester Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows
01/19/13 Collie Club Of Western New York / Rochester Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
12/14/13 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- 2014 Specialty Shows
08/17/13 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania -- 2013 AKC Sanctioned Puppy Match
01/12/13 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania and Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Collies Of Wych
12/28/13 Collies Of Wych -- GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour
09/28/13 Collies Of Wych -- GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour
03/02/13 Collies Of Wych -- GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour
02/23/13 Collies Of Wych

Collies Online
12/28/13 --With you every Saturday of the year!
08/03/13 Collies Online -- Performance Week 2013
07/27/13 Collies Online -- Performance Week 2013
07/20/13 Collies Online -- Performance Week 2013

Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc.
12/28/13 Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc. -- Needs Your Support
11/02/13 Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc. -- Needs Your Support
03/30/13 Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc. -- Helping collies everywhere!

08/17/13 Colliology -- A congregation of true Collie Connoisseurs

Columbus Collie Club
12/14/13 Columbus Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows
01/05/13 Columbus Collie Club and Cleveland Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows and Kem Memorial Sweepstakes

Colwick Collies
04/13/13 Colwick Collies -- CAN CH Colwick Long Acre Maui Madness HIC
03/23/13 Colwick Collies -- CAN CH Colwick Long Acre Maui Madness HIC

Comeaway Collies
03/16/13 Comeaway Collies -- CAN CH Comeaway Destination

Concord Collies
03/09/13 Concord Collies -- GCH Concord The Franchise

Cory, Sandy
01/05/13 Sandy Cory, Tasha Byerly, Carol Green and Elizabeth Treese -- Bronze GCH Byluc's No Holds Barred, HIC

Counselor Collies
08/31/13 Counselor Collies -- C-ATCH Wizard Wind Counselor’s Heir, HT, CGC, OA, AXJ, OF, OAP, NJP, NFP, NAC, O-TN-O, N-TG, OCC, OJC, N-WV, PG-1, AG1, Ch. ST

Country-Aire Collies
12/07/13 Country-Aire Collies -- GCH Windcrest Blown Away
10/19/13 Country-Aire Collies -- GCH Windcrest Blown Away
05/25/13 Country-Aire Collies -- GCH Windcrest Blown Away
05/25/13 Country-Aire Collies -- Gabe
04/27/13 Country-Aire Collies -- GCH Windcrest Blown Away

Countryview Collies
12/28/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
12/28/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
12/28/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
12/28/13 Countryview Collies -- CH Countryview Give My Regards
05/04/13 Countryview Collies -- CH Countryview Give My Regards
05/04/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
05/04/13 Countryview Collies -- CH Countryview Operetta
03/23/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
03/23/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower
03/16/13 Jeanne Marre, Tim Bauder and Daniel Cardoza -- CH Countryview Broadway Starr
03/02/13 Alfenloch Collies / Countryview Collies -- Alfenloch Countryview Starpower

Creekwood Collies
01/05/13 Creekwood Collies -- Creekwood Chocolate Chip
01/05/13 Creekwood Collies -- CH Creekwood Pleasant Acre Hollywood Gossip
01/05/13 Creekwood Collies -- Creekwood Sam I Am

Cyndella Collies
12/21/13 Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella's Enigma
12/21/13 Cyndella Collies -- Cyndella's Partini
08/03/13 Cyndella Collies -- GCH Cyndella's Yes, I'm Charmed
07/20/13 Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella's Pandalicious
03/16/13 Cyndella Collies -- Miss Caitlin Neeley and GCH Cyndella's Yes, I'm Charmed
03/16/13 Cyndella Collies -- Miss Caitlin Neeley and GCH Cyndella's Yes, I'm Charmed
03/09/13 Cyndella Collies -- Cyndella's Flashback
02/23/13 Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella's Pandamonium
02/16/13 Cyndella Collies -- Cyndella's Enigma
01/19/13 Cyndella Collies -- Bronze GCH Cyndella's Yes I'm Charmed
01/19/13 Cyndella Collies -- Cyndella's Enigma


Dakotah Collies
03/16/13 Dakotah Collies -- GCH Dakotah's Stand 'N Deliver

Dea Haven Collies
12/14/13 Dea Haven Collies -- GCH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
12/14/13 Dea Haven Collies -- GCH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
07/27/13 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven's Dream Dream Dream
07/20/13 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven's Keeping The Memory
06/15/13 Dea Haven Collies -- GCH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
06/15/13 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven's Keeping The Memory and Dea Haven's Dream, Dream, Dream
06/15/13 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Midnight Sonata At Windkist
04/21/13 Dea Haven Collies -- GCH Dea Haven Ice Blue Dream

Decor Collies
06/15/13 Decor Collies -- CH Overland Black Market and CH Decor's Black Label

Deep River Collies
10/12/13 Deep River Collies / Pine Cone Collies -- GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow ROM
10/12/13 Ceilidh Collies / Deep River Collies -- Silver GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
10/12/13 Timothy Hensley and Dianne Gonzalez -- CH Deep River's Brisco County Jr.
10/12/13 Bankside Collies -- CH Deep River Hi Cliff Time Lord
03/16/13 Deep River Collies / Pine Cone Collies -- GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow ROM
03/16/13 Pine Cone Collies / Deep River Collies -- GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow ROM
03/16/13 Ceilidh Collies / Deep River Collies -- Silver GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
03/16/13 En Harriet Chang -- Silver GCH Ceilidh's Project Runway
03/16/13 Ceilidh Collies -- CH Pine Cone Smoke On The Mountain

Decor Collies
03/23/13 Decor Collies -- CH Overland Black Market
03/23/13 Decor Collies -- Decor's Black Label
02/02/13 Decor Collies -- Decor's Black Label and CH Overland Black Market

Delily Great Danes and Collies
12/28/13 Delily Great Danes and Collies

Deorsa Collies
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Top Gun CGC, HIC
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- Deorsa Sunnland's Son Of A Gun
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- Sunnland's Jacob of Deorsa
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies / Sunnland Collies -- Sunnland's Jacob of Deorsa and Deorsa Sunnland's Son Of A Gun
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Top Gun, CGC, HIC

Dettman Robin, DVM
08/31/13 Robin Dettman, DVM -- Serendipity's November Song, UD, OAJ, CGC, VC and CH Kimberee Leading Man, CDX, RE, NAP, CGC, HIC, HCT, BPD, VCX

Devinwood Collies
12/21/13 Devinwood Collies -- Platinum GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
11/23/13 Devinwood Collies -- Platinum GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
09/28/13 Devinwood Collies -- GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
07/27/13 Devinwood Collies -- Gold GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
07/13/13 Devinwood Collies -- CH Devinwood Ramblin Man
06/01/13 Devinwood Collies -- Gold GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
03/30/13 Kelso Collies / Devinwood Collies / Mountainside Collies -- Tribute to Pete Denbow
03/16/13 Devinwood Collies -- Gold GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
02/16/13 Devinwood Collies -- Gold GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
01/19/13 Devinwood Collies -- Gold GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger

Dilbeck, Babbi DVM
10/12/13 Babbi Dilbeck, DVM -- In loving memory of MACH Signet's Black Magic, PT, RAE, CA, MXG, MJS, XF
08/31/13 Babbi Dilbeck, DVM -- MACH Signet's Black Magic, HT, PT, AC, CA, MXG, MJS, XF
08/31/13 Babbi Dilbeck, DVM -- AM GCH / INT CH Windkist's Ain't No Rest For the Wicked, HT, PT, RE, CA, NA, NAJ, OF, NAP, NJP, CCA VA
03/16/13 Babbi Dilbeck, DVM -- MACH Signet's Black Magic
03/16/13 Babbi Dilbeck, DVM -- MACH Signet's Black Magic

Doe Run Collies
03/09/13 Doe Run Collies -- CH Marnus Academy Award
03/09/13 Doe Run Collies -- CH Marnus Academy Award
03/09/13 Doe Run Collies -- CH Marnus Academy Award

Duquesnes Collies
03/16/13 Duquesnes Collies / Absolute Collies -- Duquesnes Absolute Belle Of Emory Pines


East Tennessee Collie Club
10/12/13 East Tennessee Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Edenrock Collies
12/14/13 Edenrock Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- CH Edenrock The Mask Of Society, ROM

Entais Collies
03/30/13 Entais Collies -- CH ETS Entais Charistmatic

Excaliber Collies
02/23/13 Excaliber Collies -- CH Excaliber's The Ivy League


Fait, Julie
08/31/13 Julie Fait -- CH/RBBIMBS UCH URO1 Taliesin Fashion Statement, BN RA, CAA, HIC, AWCA, VCX
07/06/13 Julie Fait -- CH Taliesin Fashion Statement
07/06/13 Julie Fait -- CH Taliesin Fashion Statement

Fantasy Collies
11/02/13 Sassy Collies -- Fantasy Collies -- Silver GCH Sassy's Shut Up And Dance
05/18/13 Kelly Broadfoot -- CH Fantasy's Go For The Gusto

Feoras Collies
08/17/13 Feoras Collies
08/17/13 Feoras Collies -- Bannerstone Feoras Impish Debut

Forecast Collies
08/31/13 Forecast Collies -- CH MACH Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast, PT, MXF, T2B, VX and Forecast Perfect Storm Dancin' HSAd, MX, MXJ, XF, NAP, VA
08/31/13 Forecast Collies -- Forecast Perfect Storm Dancin' HSAd, MX, MXJ, XF, NAP, VA and CH MACH Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast, PT, MXF, T2B, VX

Foremost Collies
12/14/13 Foremost Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- CH Batman Of Foremost
07/13/13 Foremost Collies -- CH Foremost Hot Number
07/06/13 Foremost Collies -- CH Foremost San Fernando O'Shadaglen
06/29/13 Foremost Collies -- GCH Foremost Coronado
06/15/13 Ginny and Jack White -- CH Foremost Mission Ridge Class Act

Funk, Ly-lee
10/05/13 Ly-Lee Funk / Clarence Lee -- CH Diamante Schaladon Overnight Celebrity


Gates, Deborah
11/23/13 Deborah Gates -- For CCA District Director of Washington

Gateside Collies
03/23/13 Mandalay Collies / Gateside Collies -- Mandalay Gateside Pink My Ride

Glenshire Collies
06/15/13 Glenshire Collies -- CH Milas Glenshire You Caught My Eye
06/15/13 Glenshire Collies -- CH Glenshire N'Chanter Braveheart
06/15/13 Glenshire Collies -- Glenshire Reya Sunshine
06/15/13 Glenshire Collies -- Glenshire The Dark Night and Glenshire's Black Swan

Goldsmith, Meg
12/21/13 Meg Goldsmith -- Millknock's Believe In Magic

Greater Brighton Collie Club
12/28/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club / Midwest Collie Club / Toledo Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows
05/11/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club -- 2013 Seminar
04/13/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club -- 2013 Seminar
02/02/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club, Midwest Collie Club, Toledo Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Greater Tampa Bay Collie Club
10/05/13 Greater Tampa Bay Collie Club -- 2013 Fall Specialty Show

Guzman, Rene' and Linda
11/30/13 Rene and Linda Guzman -- GCH Barksdale The Concertmistress, HIC, CGC
06/15/13 Rene' and Linda Guzman -- GCH Lochlaren Mystic Maestro, HIC, CGC, ThD


Harley Collies
06/08/13 Harley Collies
06/08/13 Harley Collies -- GCH Washoe's Sierra Gold, BN, CD, CGC, THD
06/08/13 Harley Collies -- GCH Harley's Gold Nugget Of Washoe, BN, CGC
06/08/13 Harley Collies -- GCH L'gacy I have It Easy At Harley, CGC

Hartford-Springfield Collie Club
08/31/13 Hartford-Springfield Collie Club -- 2013 Annual Herding Test / Trial
01/19/13 Collie Club of New England, Collie Club of Long Island, Collie Club of Connecticut, Hartford-Springfield Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Heatherfield Collies
08/10/13 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Diamond In The Rough
08/10/13 Heatherfield Collies
08/10/13 Heatherfield Collies
07/27/13 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Diamond In The Rough
06/29/13 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Diamond In The Rough
02/23/13 Heatherfield Collies -- CH Heatherfield Marilyn Monroe

Heartland Collie Club of Central Illinois
01/19/13 Central States Collie Club and Heartland Collie Club of Central Illinois -- February 16 - 17, 2013

Hi Cliff Collies
08/31/13 Hi Cliff Collies -- Hi Cliff Ps The Lady Eve, MX, MXJ, MXP, MXP2, MXJP, MXJP2

Highcroft Collies
07/20/13 St Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- AM GCH / CAN CH Highcroft Brilliance In Blue, HIC
Highcroft Collies -- CH Highcroft Sophie's Choice
07/06/13 Highcroft Collies -- Highcroft Twilight Delight
06/22/13 Highcroft Collies -- GCH Highcroft A Grateful Heart
06/22/13 Highcroft Collies -- CH Highcroft Blue Moonlight
03/02/13 St. Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- GCH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy and CH Highcroft Brilliance In Blue HIC

High Desert Collie Club
11/23/13 San Diego Collie Collie / High Desert Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows

Highlander Collies
05/25/13 Highlander Collies -- Sunnland's Carnival

Huntermoon Collies
11/09/13 Huntermoon Collies -- CH Tir Na N' Og Mystic Not A Crime To Dream


Illiana Collie Fanciers
01/19/13 Illiana Collie Fanciers -- 2013 Specialty Shows -- February 23, 2013

Incandescent Collies
08/17/13 Incandescent Collies -- In loving memory of CH Kadon Bethany's Gospel
05/25/13 Incandescent Collies -- CH Kadon Bethany's Gospel

Impromptu' Collies
04/20/13 Impromptu' Collies -- Impromptu' Twilight Blues

Indiana Collie Club
04/20/13 Indiana Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows


J'adore Collies
10/19/13 J'adore Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Argent Dorato VVS

JenVer Collies
08/24/13 Clearsky Collies / JenVer Collies / Kelsie Collies / SilverBrook Collies -- UKC CH/CH JenVer SilverBrook Magic Touch
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies -- CH Kelsie JenVer The Nightlight
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies -- JenVer Kelsie Don't Pass Me By
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies -- JenVer Keslie Fifty Shades Of Gray
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies / SpringBrook Collies -- Tribute to CH Hi-Crest Sky's The Limit

Jereco Collies
12/21/13 Jereco Collies
02/09/13 Jereco Collies
02/09/13 Jereco Collies -- Jereco's Satin Sheets, CH Jereco's Smooth Move and CH Jereco's Whole Lotta Rosie

Jjaed Collies
10/05/13 Jjaed Collies -- CH Clarion White Lightning

Jolis Collies
01/26/13 Aspen Collies / Jolis Collies -- Bronze GCH Aspen's I'll Chase The Sunbeam

Jubillie Collies
03/16/13 Jubillie Collies -- CH Kings Valley Magic In The Air


Kaiteka Collies
03/23/13 Kaiteka Collies -- CH Southland 'N Larkspur's Sweet Thing

Kara Christo Collies
03/23/13 Kara Christo Collies -- Kara Christo Moon River Of Strathmoor
02/23/13 Kara Christo Collies -- Kara Christo Moon River Of Strathmoor

Keepsake Collies
12/14/13 Keepsake Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- CH Edenrock The Mask Of Society, ROM
12/14/13 Keepsake Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- Bronze GCH Keepsake Builder Of Dreams 11/16/13 Keepsake Collies / Lonepine Collies -- Bronze GCH Keepsake Builder Of Dreams and CH Lonepine Keepake Who Said

Kelsie Collies
08/24/13 Clearsky Collies / JenVer Collies / Kelsie Collies / SilverBrook Collies -- UKC CH/CH JenVer SilverBrook Magic Touch
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies -- CH Kelsie JenVer The Nightlight
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies -- JenVer Kelsie Don't Pass Me By
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies -- JenVer Keslie Fifty Shades Of Gray
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies / SpringBrook Collies -- Tribute to CH Hi-Crest Sky's The Limit

Kelso Collies
03/30/13 Kelso Collies / Devinwood Collies / Mountainside Collies -- Tribute to Pete Denbow

Kelstrin Collies
12/21/13 Kelstrin Collies -- Kelstrin Tartanside Grand Marnier TT RN RL1 RL2 CGC TDI

Kenmoor Collies
09/21/13 Kenmoor Collies -- Kenmoor Charismatic Gentleman
09/21/13 Kenmoor Collies -- GCH West Point Kenmoor Inspiration

Keowee Collies
04/13/13 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies -- GCH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/30/13 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies -- GCH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/30/13 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies -- GCH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston

Kitleigh Collies
01/12/13 Kitleigh Collies -- CH Kitleigh Unbridled


La-De-Da Collies
03/16/13 La-De-Da Collies -- CH Camloch's Bada Bing

Ladyvale Collies
01/19/13 Ladyvale Collies / White Cloud Collies -- White Cloud's Winter Wish, White Cloud's Arctic Storm and White Cloud's Angel Flight

Larisa Collies
03/16/13 Larisa Collies -- CH Chrysalis Put On Your Party Dress, Larisa's Kiss The Bricks, Larisa's Hug and Kisses and Larisa's Touch Of Class

Larkspur Collies
12/21/13 Larkspur Collies -- CH Larkspur Radiant in Red and CH Larkspur Forget Me Not
11/30/13 Larkspur Collies -- CH Larkspur Thanks for the Memories
05/18/13 Larkspur Collies -- CH Larkspur Forget Me Not
05/18/13 Larkspur Collies -- CH Larkspur Forget Me Not
05/18/13 Larkspur Collies -- Larkspur Thanks For The Memories
03/23/13 Larkspur Collies -- CH Larkspur Forget Me Not
03/23/13 Larkspur Collies -- Larkspur Thanks For The Memories

Ledgedale Collies
03/16/13 Ledgedale Collies -- Tallywood Coco Rocha

L'gacy Collies
12/21/13 L'gacy Collies
11/23/13 L'gacy Collies
11/23/13 Oak Knoll Collies / L'gacy Collies -- CH Oak Knolls River Of Time, HIC
11/09/13 L'gacy Collies -- In loving memory of CH Cherann's Milestone
11/09/13 L'gacy Collies
08/17/13 L'gacy Collies -- CH L'gacy Alcor Ice Age
08/17/13 L'gacy Collies -- CH L'gacy Easy Spirit
08/17/13 L'gacy Collies -- CH L'gacy Easy Money
02/09/13 L'gacy Collies -- L'gacy Easy Money

Liege Collies
05/25/13 Liege Collies -- Liege's Patriot Games

L'il Swiss Collies
07/13/13 L'il Swiss Collies -- CH L'il Swiss Bailey's
05/11/13 L'il Swiss Collies -- L'il Swiss Bailey's
02/16/13 L'il Swiss Collies -- CH L'il Swiss Smirnoff

Limerick Collies
05/04/13 Limerick Collies -- GCH Limericks Broadway Escapade

Lochlaren Collies
05/11/13 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
05/11/13 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Lochlaren Charvell's Attitude
05/11/13 Lochlaren Collies -- Lochlaren Sinkona Charisma
02/23/13 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
02/23/13 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
02/23/13 Barksdale Collies -- GCH Barksdale Burning Daylight
02/23/13 Skydancer Collies / Lochlaren Collies / Barksdale Collies -- GCH Lochlaren Kings Valley Fire Within

01/12/13 Lochlyn -- CH Rockledge Lochlyn Relentless

Lonepine Collies
12/14/13 Lonepine Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- GCH Lonepine Who Knew and CH Lonepine Keepsake Who Said
11/16/13 Keepsake Collies / Lonepine Collies -- Bronze GCH Keepsake Builder Of Dreams and CH Lonepine Keepake Who Said

Lorimar Collies
03/30/13 Lorimar Collies -- GCH Kimberee Under The Influence
02/09/13 Lorimar Collies -- GCH Kimberee Under The Influence

Los Padres Collie Club
09/14/13 Southern California Collie Club / Los Padres Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows


Mandalay Collies
03/23/13 Mandalay Collies / Gateside Collies -- Mandalay Gateside Pink My Ride

Many Oaks Collies
04/20/13 Many Oaks Collies -- GCH Star Country Passion's Legacy ThD, CGC

Mason-Dixon Collie Club
11/30/13 Mason-Dixon Collie Club / Collie Club Of Maryland -- 2014 Specialty Shows

Markos Collies
03/09/13 Markos Collies -- CH Clarion Markos Trace Of Smoke
01/12/13 Markos Collies -- GCH Marko's Etched In Ebony and GCH Marko's Commanding Presence
01/12/13 Markos Collies -- CH Marko's Touch Of Class and CH Marko's Silhouette Of Smoke

Mascoma Collies
01/26/13 Mascoma Collies -- Mascoma's Luminaria
01/26/13 Mascoma Collies -- Mascoma's Luminaria

Maverick Collies
03/30/13 Maverick Collies
03/30/13 Maverick Collies -- Blu Ridge Rumline
03/30/13 Maverick Collies -- Sunnland's Ladybird
03/30/13 Maverick Collies -- Southland Sun Dance
03/30/13 Maverick Collies
03/30/13 Maverick Collies -- CH Maerewyn Cinematic BN, RN, CGC

Meadow Glen Collies
05/11/13 Meadow Glen Collies -- Pleasant Acre Fond Regards

Midwest Collie Club
12/28/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club / Midwest Collie Club / Toledo Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows
02/02/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club, Midwest Collie Club, Toledo Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Milas Collies
09/14/13 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Latin Fever
07/20/13 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Live The Dream and CH Milas Latin Fever
06/15/13 Milas Collies -- GCH Milas Latin Fever and Milas Donnybrooke Color Spaces
06/08/13 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Darkly Dramatic and Milas Live The Dream
04/27/13 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Back In Blue
03/02/13 Milas Collies -- Am/International/Cz/Dk/Lux CH Milas Latin Fever and GCH Milas Strictly Ballroom
02/16/13 Milas Collies -- CH Windhaven Stranger In Paradise ROM
01/05/13 Milas Collies

Mirabeau Collies
03/02/13 Capella Collies / Mirabeau Collies -- Capella's Mirabeau Simply Chic

Mission Ridge Collies
12/14/13 Mission Ridge Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- CH Foremost Mission Ridge Class Act

Misty Morn Collies
05/11/13 Misty Morn Collies -- CH Misty Morn Splish Splash RN, HSAd, OAP, OJP, CH Misty Morn Silver Screen RE, HXAsd, AX, AXJ and Misty Morn Sorcerers Secret

Moll, Kathy
11/09/13 Kathy Moll -- Candidate for Secretary of the Collie Club Of America
10/05/13 Kathy Moll -- Candidate for Secretary of the Collie Club Of America

Monarch Collies
07/06/13 Monarch Collies -- CH Monarch Clarion Goddess Of The Rainbow
03/30/13 Monarch Collies

Mountainside Collies
09/14/13 Mountainside Collies -- VCH CH Mountainside You Are Special, VCH Mountainside Beulah Land and VCH Mountainside White As Sno
03/30/13 Kelso Collies / Devinwood Collies / Mountainside Collies -- Tribute to Pete Denbow

Moxie Collies
03/23/13 Moxie Collies -- CH Moxie Chillin' Like A Villin', HIC
03/23/13 Moxie Collies -- CH Moxie's Outta' Sight


Nebraska Collie Club
09/07/13 Nebraska Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Nix, Lennell
11/16/13 Lenell Nix -- For 2nd Vice President

Nordic Collies
12/14/13 Nordic Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- GCH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket
12/14/13 Nordic Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- GCH Nordic's Right On Target
12/14/13 Nordic Collies -- Tribute to Bandit -- Foremost Top Gear

Northshield Collies
01/19/13 Northshield Collies --GCH DC Northshield Sweet Remembrance, CD, HXAd, HSBd
01/12/13 Northshield Collies --GCH DC Northshield Sweet Remembrance CD, HXAd, HSBd
01/05/13 Northshield Collies --GCH DC Northshield Sweet Remembrance CD, HXAd, HSBd

NorthUist Collies
12/21/13 NorthUist Collies -- North Uist Some Like It Hot
12/21/13 NorthUist Collies
12/21/13 NorthUist Collies -- CAN CH Highcroft Pledge of Allegiance

Northview Collies
09/07/13 Northview Collies -- In Memory of CAN CH Starsetter Shaman At Wiltshire
03/23/13 Northview Collies -- AM / CAN CH Tokyo Jazz JP Northview


Oak Knoll Collies
11/23/13 Oak Knoll Collies / L'gacy Collies -- CH Oak Knolls River Of Time, HIC
10/26/13 Oak Knoll Collies -- INT CH Oak Knolls Secret Star, CDX, RE, NA, OAJ, CGC, HIC, TDI10/19/13 Oak Knoll Collies / L'gacy Collies -- CH Oak Knolls Forever 'N Bluejeans
08/31/13 Oak Knoll Collies -- Oak Knolls Arms Of Love, CDX, RE CGC, HIC, AKC/INT CH Oak Knolls Secret Star, CDX, RE, NA, OAJ, CGC, HIC, TDI and INT CH Oak Knolls Strawberry Punch, UD, RAE, CGC, HIC

Overlake Collie Club
01/19/13 Collie Club Of Washington / Overlake Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows


Pacific Northwest Collie Club
10/19/13 Pacific Northwest Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia
12/14/13 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- 2014 Specialty Shows
01/12/13 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania and Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Performance Week
08/31/13 Collies Online -- Performance Week 2013
08/03/13 Collies Online -- Performance Week 2013

Piedmont Collie Club
12/1413 Piedmont Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows

Pine Cone Collies
10/12/13 Deep River Collies / Pine Cone Collies -- GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow ROM
10/12/13 Pine Cone Collies -- GCH Pine Cone Oh My Madelin
03/16/13 Deep River Collies / Pine Cone Collies -- GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow ROM
03/16/13 Pine Cone Collies / Deep River Collies -- GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow ROM

Pleasant Acre Collies
11/23/13 Pleasant Acre Collies
11/02/13 Pleasant Acre Collies -- CH Pleasant Acre Glitz N' Glamour
05/25/13 Pleasant Acre Collies -- Pleasant Acre Rosebank Silversmith
05/25/13 Pleasant Acre Collies -- Pleasant Acre Fools Gold
01/05/13 Pleasant Acre Collies -- CH Pleasant Acre Firestorm

Prairiepine Collies
09/07/13 Prairiepine Collies -- CAN CH Prairiepine Afterhours Lady Million
09/07/13 Prairiepine Collies -- CAN CH Brackenbrae Afterhours Rock On!
06/29/13 Prairiepine Collies -- CAN CH Prairiepine Afterhours Lady Million
02/09/13 Prairiepine Collies -- CAN CH Prairiepine Afterhours Lady Million
01/05/13 Prairiepine Collies -- CAN CH Prairiepine Afterhours Lady Million

Provenhill Collies
11/30/13 Alexy Collies / Provenhill Collies -- GCH Alexy Handsome Devil
10/26/13 Alexy Collies / Provenhill Collies -- AM/CAN CH Alexy Handsome Devil
10/26/13 Alexy Collies / Provenhill Collies -- AM/CAN CH Alexy Handsome Devil
10/19/13 Provenhill Collies -- Gold GCH Provenhill's Devilicious
02/16/13 Provenhill Collies -- Gold GCH Provenhill's Devilicious
02/16/13 Provenhill Collies -- CH Elsinore's Blues Aftr Midnight ROM
01/05/13 Provenhill Collies -- GCH Provenhill's Devilicious
01/05/13 Provenhill Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Ice Blue Dream


The Quarter Century Group
12/14/13 The Quarter Century Group -- Presents Golden Memories


Rivendell Collies
08/03/13 Rivendell Collies -- In Loving Memory of Rivendell's Forever In Blue Jeans

Rochester Collie Club
07/27/13 Rochester Collie Club -- 2013 All Breed Herding Trial
01/19/13 Collie Club Of Western New York / Rochester Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Rosepark Collies
11/02/13 Rosepark Collies -- CAN CH Rospark's Spring Goddess Maia and Rosepark's Dawn Goddess Aurora

Row-Bar Collies
12/28/13 Row-Bar Collies -- Gold GCH Row-Bar's Heartbreaker
03/23/13 Row-Bar Collies -- GCH Row-Bar's Heartbreaker
02/09/13 Row-Bar Collies -- GCH Row-Bar's Heartbreaker
01/19/13 Row-Bar Collies -- GCH Row-Bar's Heartbreaker


Sandmoor Collies
04/13/13 Sandmoor Collies -- Int'l CH / AM GCH Sandmoor Duke Of Earl, CGC

San Diego Collie Club
11/23/13 San Diego Collie Collie / High Desert Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows
03/02/13 San Diego Collie Club -- Celebrates The Life of Glen Twiford
03/02/13 San Diego Collie Club -- Celebrates 2 Great Specialty Shows
03/02/13 San Diego Collie Club -- Celebrates The Love of Rescue
01/26/13 San Diego Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

San Gabriel Valley Collie Club
03/02/13 California Collie Clan, South Bay Collie Fanciers and San Gabriel Valley Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Sassy Collies
11/02/13 Sassy Collies -- Fantasy Collies -- Silver GCH Sassy's Shut Up And Dance

Satellite Collies
09/07/13 Satellite Collies -- AM/INT CH Satellite's Heavenly Callisto and CH Twin Acres Radiant Dawn CGC, HIC, RA, CD

Scarborough Collies
03/23/13 Scarborough Collies -- Scarboroughs Waiting To Exhale

Schulman, Butch
08/17/13 Butch Schulman -- Candidate for First Vice President
06/01/13 Congratulations, Butch Schulman

Schwartz, Barbara
10/26/13 Barbara Schwartz -- Running for Re-election for CC of A Directory At Large

Sealore Collies
02/02/13 Sealore Kennel -- CH Sealore's Shore Leave
02/02/13 Sealore Kennel -- Sealore's The Grey Effect and Sealore's Light Show

Shalee Collies
01/26/13 Shalee Collies -- In loving memory of CH Summerwind Shalee LBJ

Sheranda Collies
07/06/13 Sheranda Collies -- Sheranda's Enchantress
03/09/13 Sheranda Collies -- CH Sheranda's Golden Pasha

Showtime Design
10/05/13 Showtime Design

SilverBrook Collies
08/24/13 Clearsky Collies / JenVer Collies / Kelsie Collies / SilverBrook Collies -- UKC CH/CH JenVer SilverBrook Magic Touch
08/24/13 Kelsie Collies / JenVer Collies / SpringBrook Collies -- Tribute to CH Hi-Crest Sky's The Limit

Shoreham Collies
01/05/13 Shoreham Collies -- In Loving Memory of Bronze GCH Shoreham Java Man

03/23/13 ShowDog -- 2013 CCA Agility Video
03/23/13 ShowDog -- 2013 CCA Live Streaming Video

Skydancer Collies
02/23/13 Skydancer Collies / Lochlaren Collies / Barksdale Collies -- GCH Lochlaren Kings Valley Fire Within

Skyview Collies
05/25/13 Skyview Collies -- CH Skyview In The Spotlight
05/18/13 Skyview Collies -- Skyview Unchained
05/11/13 Skyview Collies -- GCH Gambit's Skyview Velocity
05/11/13 Skyview Collies / Windcrest Collies -- CH Windcrest Whirlaway
05/11/13 Skyview Collies -- Skyview In The Spotlight

South Bay Collie Fanciers
03/02/13 California Collie Clan, South Bay Collie Fanciers and San Gabriel Valley Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Southern California Collie Club
03/16/13 Southern California Collie Club -- 2013 Futurity

Southland Collies
11/23/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland Traditions
06/01/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Rob Mar's Showgirl and CH Southland's Carnton
06/01/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Rob Mar's Showgirl and CH Southland's Carnton
06/01/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Carnton
06/01/13 Southland Collies -- Marcia Keller Memorial Trophy
04/13/13 Southland Collies
04/13/13 Southland Collies
04/13/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Carnton
04/13/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Carnton
03/16/13 Southland Collies -- Southland's Folly Beach
02/16/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Stone Mountain
02/16/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Oh Suzanna
02/09/13 Southland Collies -- Southland Traditions
01/12/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Stone Mountain
01/12/13 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Stone Mountain

South Jersey Collie Club
09/21/13 South Jersey Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Show

Southern California Collie Club
09/14/13 Southern California Collie Club / Los Padres Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Smith, Peg and Becky
08/31/13 Peg and Becky Smith -- Tapestry's Brogan of Tipperary, CGC, HIC, OA, OAJ, MJP, MXP, NF

Special Collies
05/25/13 Special Collies -- AM/CAN CH Special Sharp-Dressed Man ROM

Spiritwind Collies
05/18/13 Spiritwind Collies -- Spiritwind Anticipation
03/16/13 Spiritwind Collies -- Spiritwind Anticipation and Spiritwind Temptation
03/16/13 Spiritwind Collies -- Spiritwind Inspiration

Springbank Collies
07/27/13 Springbank Collies -- CH Springbank El Dorado

St. Germaine Collies
12/21/13 St. Germaine Collies
07/20/13 St Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- AM GCH / CAN CH Highcroft Brilliance In Blue, HIC
03/02/13 St. Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- GCH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy and CH Highcroft Brilliance In Blue HIC

St. Louis Collie Club
12/21/13 St. Louis Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows
01/12/13 St. Louis Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

St. Roch Collies
06/15/13 St. Roch Collies -- CH St. Roch's Moonlight Serenade

Stonehaven Collies
07/06/13 Stonehaven Collies -- CH Overland A Scandal To Remember
04/13/13 Stonehaven Collies -- CH Overland Dressed To Impress

SugarNSpice Collies
12/07/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- Silver GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
12/07/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- Silver GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
12/07/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- Silver GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
11/09/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- CH Greyfriar Kiss Me Deadly
11/09/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- CH Greyfriar Kiss Me Deadly
10/05/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Cardross I Remember It Well
08/17/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
08/17/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
06/01/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
05/25/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
05/25/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
05/25/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
03/30/13 Cardross Collies / SugarNSpice Collies -- CAN GCH Seawhisper Sweet N' Wild, CGN
03/30/13 Cardross Collies / SugarNSpice Collies -- CAN GCH Seawhisper Sweet N' Wild, CGN
03/23/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
03/02/13 SugarNSpice Collies -- Bluwae Tir Na N' Og SugarNSpice Double Dare Contessa

Sunnivale Collies
12/14/13 Sunnivale Collies -- CH Sunnland's The Proposal HIC

Sunnland Collies
12/14/13 Sunnland Collies -- CH Sunnland's Electric Boots HIC, CGC
10/12/13 Sunnland Collies -- Silver GCH Sunnland's Bright Lights Big City
10/12/13 Sunnland Collies -- CH Sunnland's The Wonder Of You HIC
10/12/13 Sunnland Collies -- CH Sunnland's Grand Casino Royale
05/18/13 Kate Long and Kathy Conroy -- Sunnland's Electric Boots, HIC, CGC
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Top Gun CGC, HIC
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- Deorsa Sunnland's Son Of A Gun
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- Sunnland's Jacob of Deorsa
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies / Sunnland Collies -- Sunnland's Jacob of Deorsa and Deorsa Sunnland's Son Of A Gun
05/11/13 Deorsa Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Top Gun, CGC, HIC
03/16/13 Sunnland Collies -- Bronze GCH Sunnland's Bright Lights Big City
03/16/13 Sunnland Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Follow That Dream

Sunway Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs
05/18/13 Sunway Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs -- Sunway Th' Sound Of Winter

Swan Collies
08/10/13 Swan Collies -- Silver Cloud Swan's Gift BN, RA, NA, NAJ
07/06/13 Swan Collies -- Swan's Crown Prince Del Coda
03/23/13 Swan Collies -- Swan's Suave By Design


Tallywood Collies
10/12/13 Tallywood Collies
09/07/13 Tallywood Collies -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Paradox CGN
06/01/13 Tallywood Collies -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Paparazzi
04/20/13 AM/CAN -- CH Tallywood Radioactive

Tamaron Collies
04/13/13 Tamaron Collies -- AM/CAN CH Tamaron The Real Deal
04/13/13 Tamaron Collies -- CAN CH Tamaron's Deal Or No Deal

Tapestry Collies
3/16/13 Tapestry Collies -- Tapestry Distilled At Southland

TaraDells Collies
09/07/13 TaraDell's Collies -- Bronze GCH Highcroft Hush Hush
07/13/13 TaraDells Collies -- GCH TaraDells Silent Leader

Tartanside Collies
12/14/13 Best Buddies -- A compendium of Articles by John Buddie, Tartanside Collies
10/19/13 Tartanside Collies -- CH Tartanside Tour De Force
01/05/13 Tartanside Collies

Tex-Sun Collies
01/05/13 Tex-Sun Collies -- Edmar Tex-Sun You've Bewitched Me

The Terhune Sunnybank Memorial
11/30/13 The Terhune Sunnybank Memorial -- Pages From The Past, Letters by Albert Payson Terhune From The Page Farm Collection
04/13/13 The Terhune Sunnybank Memorial -- Pages From The Past, Letters by Albert Payson Terhune From The Page Farm Collection
01/05/13 The Terhune Sunnybank Memorial -- Pages From The Past, Letters by Albert Payson Terhune From The Page Farm Collection

Thistlebrae Collies
12/21/13 Thistlebrae Collies -- GCH / CAN CH Thistlebrae The Devil In Her HIC
11/16/13 Thistlebrae Collies -- Thistlebrae Omega Debutante Ball
05/18/13 Thistlebrae Collies -- CAN/AM CH Thistlebrae The Devil In Her, HIC
03/30/13 Thistlebrae Collies -- CAN/AM CH Thistlebrae The Devil In Her, HIC
03/23/13 Thistlebrae Collies -- CAN/AM CH Thistlebrae The Devil In Her, HIC

Thistlethwaite, Terry
08/31/13 Terry Thistlethwaite -- Littlefield Hot Wheels

Timeless Collies
03/30/13 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Bold Ruler
03/30/13 Timeless Collies -- GCH Windy Hill Dream Upon A Star
02/16/13 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Hello World
02/16/13 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Bold Ruler

Tisbury Collies
12/14/13 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil

Toledo Collie Club
12/28/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club / Midwest Collie Club / Toledo Collie Club -- 2014 Specialty Shows
02/02/13 Greater Brighton Collie Club, Midwest Collie Club, Toledo Collie Club -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Touchstone Collies
05/11/13 Touchstone Collies -- Touchstone Steel Dust and Touchstone Sweet Ice Tea
01/12/13 Touchstone Collies

Trailwind Collies
08/31/13 Trailwind Collies
07/13/13 Trailwind Collies -- CH Trailwind Fairways Fast Forward, TDX, HDX, HXAds, MXB, MJS, XF, VX

Travler Collies
12/07/13 Travler Collies -- Platinum GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow
12/07/13 Travler Collies -- CH Travler's Mustang Fastback and CH Travler's Mustang Bullitt
12/07/13 Travler Collies -- CH Travler's Zee Journey, CH BlueClouds Tramps And Thieves and CH Travler's Zee Talk Of Zee Town
12/07/13 Travler Collies -- CH Travler's The Man To Know and CH Bannerstone Travler For Good
12/07/13 Travler Collies -- Bronze GCH Travler's Aerodynamics IT
12/07/13 Travler Collies -- Bronze GCH Travler Kelise Overdrive IT and CH Travler's Nissan Rogue CD BN RN
05/11/13 Travler Collies -- Platinum GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow
05/11/13 Travler Collies -- GCH Travler's Liberty Sport
05/11/13 Travler Collies -- CH Marchello Cadenza Tesseract Travler
05/11/13 Travler Collies
05/11/13 Travler Collies
03/16/13 Travler Collies -- Platinum GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow
03/16/13 Travler Collies -- GCH Travler's Aerodynamics
03/16/13 Travler Collies -- GCH Travler Kelise Overdrive and CH Travler's Liberty Sport
03/09/13 Travler Collies -- Travler Collies wishes Kelly Reppert A Happy Birthday
02/02/13 Travler Collies -- Platinum GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow
01/12/13 Travler Collies -- Platinum GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow
01/12/13 Travler Collies -- Silver GCH Travler's Mustang Sally
01/12/13 Travler Collies -- Silver GCH Travler's Dr. Z
01/12/13 Travler Collies -- CH Travler's Good To Know, CH Travler's Ticket To Ride, CH Travler's Sister Sarah, CH Travler's Aerodynamics, CH Travler's Take The High Road
01/12/13 Travler Collies -- Platinum GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow

Tri County Collie Breeders Association
03/16/13 Tri County Collie Breeders Association -- 2013 Specialty Shows

Twiford, Glen
04/27/13 Glen Twiford -- Celebrating The Life Of
04/27/13 Glen Twiford -- A tribute From The Heart by Judie Evans
01/19/13 Janine Walker Keith -- In Loving Memory of Glen Twiford, Wind-Call Collies


Valentine, Mary
08/31/13 Mary Valentine -- Valentine Boys -- Brooklyn, Skippy and Zorro
08/31/13 Mary Valentine -- MACH 3, PACH, OTCH-H, ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner
08/31/13 Mary Valentine -- MACH 3, PACH, OTCH-H, ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner
08/31/13 Mary Valentine -- CH MACH Millknock's Moonshadow, CDX, RA, PT, MX, MXB, MXJ, MJB, OF, T2B, VX
08/31/13 Mary Valentine -- Millknock Masked Rider, CD, AX, AXJ, NF

Valley Park Collies
03/16/13 Valley Park Collies -- CH Sollis Insignia

Vorkapich, Alix
08/03/13 Alix Vorkapich and Rainybanks Aurora Borealis


Weston Collies
04/13/13 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies -- GCH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/30/13 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies -- GCH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/30/13 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies -- GCH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston

West Point Collies
06/01/13 West Point Collies -- Happy 50th Anniversary to Mike Patten
05/04/13 West Point Collies -- Fantasy N West Point Broadway Bound

Westwood Collies
07/27/13 Westwood Collies -- CH Westwood Aladdin
07/27/13 Westwood Collies -- CH Countryview Classical
07/27/13 Westwood Collies -- CH Tartanside Angelina

White Cloud Collies
01/19/13 Ladyvale Collies / White Cloud Collies -- White Cloud's Winter Wish, White Cloud's Arctic Storm and White Cloud's Angel Flight

White, Jack and Ginny
06/15/13 Ginny and Jack White -- CH Foremost Mission Ridge Class Act

Whitemoor Collies
08/31/13 Whitemoor Collies -- GCH Marnus Keuka Gold Of Whitemoor, PT, HT

Windscape Collies
12/14/13 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil

Winover Collies
07/13/13 Winover Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Winover Shadows In The Sky

Woodruff Collies
08/31/13 Woodruff Collies --Can.OTCh, Can.HChA, ATChC, GVCh., Am.Ch. & BISS Can.Ch & DCh. Signet's "Way To Go!" Woodruff, Can.(DD, HAs,SDA, HX, AgX, AgXJ, RAE), Am.(CDX, HSAs, RE, NA, NAJ), STDsd, HRDII, RLFII,HTADI, Silver AOM, ExStSilver, ExGBronze, ExJBronze, ExSBronze, BVA, MSCDC,EAC, O-TN-E, ECC, TG-O, OJC, HP-O,WV-N, RX-MCL, CGC, CRTX, VX, AOM III

Wrangler Collies
07/06/13 Wrangler Collies -- In loving Memory of Tony Barcellona
05/18/13 Wrangler Collies -- Wrangler's Silverado

Wyndham Collies
12/21/13 Wyndham Collies -- CH / MACH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine The Dream CDX HSASD RN
08/31/13 Wyndham Collies -- GCH TC MACH3 Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CDX, RE
08/31/13 Wyndham Collies -- GCH TC MACH3 Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CDX, RE
06/29/13 Wyndham Collies -- Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine The Dream
02/09/13 Wyndham Collies -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Dream Girl CD, RN, HSAs, AX, MXJ


Yuan, Yin
06/22/13 Yin Yuan and Bin Yuan -- AM CH PRC-CH Pastoral Lucky Strike


Zimmermann, Athleen
08/31/13 Athleen Zimmermann -- MACH Crispin's Darrowby Showman, MX, MXB, MXJ, MJB, OF, T2B2
08/31/13 Athleen Zimmermann -- PACH North Farm's Dylan Macdougall, MXPS, MXP5, MXPB, MJP3, MJPB, PAX, NFP


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Breeder News

October 31, 2022
Foxhaven Collies
of Colorado is proud to announce a new litter sired by GCH Wild Wind's D'amned If I Don't, OFA, out of CH Wild Wind's Run for the Roses, CD, CGC-A.
The breeding produced seven puppies, including two males — One sable merle* and one tri and five females — two tri's, two sables and one blue merle*, whelped October 21, 2022.

> Breeders listed by state

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Breeders Directory Listing
There are two ways to advertise on Collies Online. Breeders can advertise their kennel by purchasing a Breeders Directory Listing for $75 and updating their litter news throughout the year. The listings are organized by state and have proven very effective for breeders all over the country.

Display Advertising including preferred positioning
The second way to advertise is by purchasing display ad space in our advertising tunnel. The lead ad in the tunnel is by reservation only and costs $100. The second, third and fourth position are also preferred positions and cost $75. Ads in the fifth position and beyond cost $50. We offer advertising specials for those that would like to purchase three or more pages of advertising following the lead ad purchase. For details, contact us at:

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We accept payments by check, payable to "Collies Online" or online through PayPal. If you want to pay with your credit card you don't need a PayPal account but you can still use the PayPal application.

Publishing schedule and advertising copy
Display ads are published on Saturday and appear in the ad tunnel for a week, on the contents page for a month and then in the ad archive for a year.

By sending us a photo and ad copy either via e-mail or snail mail, we can design an attractive ad for you or you can submit your ad finished.

Contact us by e-mail at for lead-page availability or specs if you are designing your own ad.

Each extra photo is $10 and you can enhance your ad with a pedigree for an additional $10.