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Collies Online 2010 Advertising Archive

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2010 advertising by week

Collies Online publishes new ads every Saturday. Below are the advertising publish dates for 2010. Just click on the date below to view the ads for a selected week.

Jan 02 | Jan 09 | Jan 16 | Jan 23 | Jan 30

Feb 06 | Feb 13 | Feb 20 | Feb 27

Mar 06 | Mar 13 | Mar 20

Apr 03 | Apr 10 | Apr 17 | Apr 24

May 01 | May 08 | May 15 | May 22 | May 29

June 05 | June 12 | June 19 | June 26

Jul 03 | Jul 10 | Jul 17 | Jul 24 | | Jul 31

Aug 07 | Aug 14 | Aug 21 PW | Aug 28

Sep 04 | Sep 11 | Sep 18 | Sep 25

Oct 02 | Oct 09 | Oct 16 | Oct 23 | Oct 30

Nov 06 | Nov 13 | Nov 20 | Nov 27

Dec 04 | Dec 11 | Dec 18 | Dec 25

Fastpath: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Y |


Aimcrier Collies
01/23/10 Aimcrier Collies / Vennessee Collies -- CH Overland Payton Of Vennessee and CH Vennessee A Wrinkle In Time
01/23/10 Aimcrier Collies -- CH Vennessee A Wrinkle In Time

Alaric Collies
04/24/10 Alaric Collies -- CH Alaric Bound By The Heart

Alfenloch Collies
05/22/10 Alfenloch Collies -- AM/CAN CH Taliesin Alfenloch Antarctic
05/22/10 Alfenloch Collies -- Alfenloch A Beautiful Day, Alfenloch Color Of My Love, Taliesin Artic Tundra
05/22/10 Alfenloch Collies -- Alfenloch Silver Carrera
03/20/10 Alfenloch Collies -- Wyndlair Reinecker Ridge
03/06/10 Alfenloch Collies -- AM/CAN CH Taliesin Alfenloch Antarctic
03/06/10 Alfenloch Collies

Arizona Collie Clan
01/09/10 The Arizona Collie Clan -- 2010 Same Day Specialty Shows

Aurealis Collies
11/20/10 Aurealis Collies -- Aurealis Perfect Storm
10/02/10 Aurealis Collies
05/01/10 Aurealis Collies -- Aurealis Avatar
05/01/10 Aurealis Collies -- Milas Aurealis Latin Samba

Autumn-Sun Collies
01/30/10 Autumn-Sun Collies / Red Bank Collies / Mystery Collies -- CH Fantasy's Clear Blue Sky, CH Fantasy's Confettie Sky and CH Fantasy's Indigo Sky
01/30/10 Fantasy Collies / Autumn-Sun Collies -- Fantasy's Cobalt Sky and Fantasy's Midnight Sky

Avondale Collies
01/02/10 Avondale Collies -- In Loving memory of CH Abbeyhill Roselyn Th' Gambler

Aychess Collies
11/13/10 Aychess Collies -- CH Colebrae El Conquistador
10/23/10 Aychess Collies -- Aychess N Celticmoon Inveraray and Aychess Ne Obliviscaris
06/05/10 Aychess Collies -- CH Colebrae's El Conquistador

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Bankside Collies
04/17/10 Deep River and Bankside Congratulate En Chang and Crystal
04/17/10 Deep River Collies and Bankside Collies -- DeepRiver Bankside Snow Flurries

Barksdale Collies
09/25/10 Lochlaren Collies/Barksdale Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM

Belfair Collies
11/13/10 Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae Belfair Feelin' Groovy
06/05/10 Belfair Collies -- Colebrae Belfair Feelin' Groovy
06/05/10 Belfair Collies -- Lochlaren Belfair Good To Go
06/05/10 Belfair Collies -- CH Belfair Once In A Blue Moon
06/05/10 Belfair Collies -- Belfair Thunder Bay
05/08/10 Colebrae Collies / Belfair Collies -- CH Colebrae Belfair The Joke's On You

Bellagio Collies
03/20/10 Bellagio Collies -- Introducing Alexandra Barikhan and CH Bellagio Gainsborough Blue

Bellvue Collies
04/10/10 Fantasy Collies / Bellvue Collies -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon, ROM
04/10/10 Bellvue Collies / Fantasy Collies -- CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart, ROM
03/13/10 Bellvue Collies -- Bellvue's Key To The Dragon
03/13/10 Bellvue Collies -- Bellvue's Dream's Of Gold
02/06/10 Bellvue Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM

Belo, Carol
10/02/10 Carol Belo -- CH MACH 7 Charidan Fairway's Reina RN, MXF, CGC
09/11/10 Carol Belo -- Crispin Time After Time, OA, OAJ, OF

Bennett, BiBi
08/21/10 BiBi Bennett -- Heatherri Molly Y D Long Face. MXP, MJP2, OAP, OJP, NAP, NJP, RL1, CGC, HIC, TDI, W1 LEG RN, 1LEG MXP2, 2 LEGS MJP3 and 4 PAX

Bennett, Noreen
12/25/10 Noreen Bennett -- Grammy Bennett makes Holiday Fruitcake!
08/21/10 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Provenhill's Persuasion CD RA HSAsd MX NAP MXJ NJP MXF
08/21/10 Noreen Bennett -- CH Mariner's Sea Sharp CD RE PT OA NAP NAJ NJP OF NPF VA
08/21/10 Noreen Bennett -- Millknock's Blue By Ewe HT RN
08/21/10 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Provenhill's Persuasion CD RA HSAsd MX NAP MXJ NJP MXF and Millknock's Blue By Ewe HT RN
08/07/10 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Provenhill's Persuasion CD RA HSAsd MX NAP MXJ NJP MXF
08/07/10 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Provenhill's Persuasion CD RA HSAsd MX NAP MXJ NJP MXF

Billingsley, Julie
11/20/10 Julie Billingsley and Michelle and Laura Bergstraser -- CH Wild Wind's Tell Me No Lies

Birchwood Collies
01/09/10 Birchwood Collies

Blue Music Collies
05/01/10 Blue Music Collies -- Blue Music Heather Honey And Stout

Blu Ridge Collies
11/20/10 Blu Ridge Collies -- CH Blu Ridge Let It Ride
06/12/10 Blu Ridge Collies -- CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves
03/13/10 Blu Ridge Collies -- CH Blu Ridge Let It Ride
03/13/10 Blu Ridge Collies -- CH Blu Ridge Let It Ride
03/13/10 Blu Ridge Collies -- CH Blu Ridge Lookout

Bluwave Collies
10/30/10 Bluwave Collies -- GCH Bluwave's Speak Of The Devil
08/07/10 Bluwave Collies -- CH Bluwave's Speak Of The Devil

Bonham Collies
01/30/10 Bonham Collies -- CH Bonham's Affair To Remember

Bradford Collies
05/22/10 Bradford Collies -- Tribute to CH Ka-Zes Tangled Up In Blue ROM -- CH Ka-Zes Shadow Of The Past

Brackenbrae Collies
08/21/10 Brackenbrae Collies -- CAN CH Brackenbrae Blue Banner, CGC, H, STDs
08/21/10 Brackenbrae Collies -- CAN Prairiepine's If You Believe, CGC, HT, STDs

Braun, Rochelle
04/17/10 Rochelle Braun and Laurie Dodge -- CH Laured's Canadian Majesty

Burlywood Collies
12/04/10 Burlywood Collies -- CH Burlywood Backgammon, HIC

Byluc Collies
03/20/10 Byluc Collies -- Byluc's Bedeviled
03/20/10 Byluc Collies -- CH Byluc's Devil With The Blue Dress On
02/27/10 Byluc Collies -- CH Byluc's Speak Of The Devil and CH Byluc's Devil With A Blue Dress On
02/27/10 Byluc Collies -- Byluc's Devil May Care

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Cadenza Collies
07/24/10 Cadenza Collies / Travler Collies -- CH Travler's Greased-Lightning
03/06/10 Travler Collies /Cadenza Collies -- CH Travler's Greased-Lightning
02/20/10 Cadenza Collies / Finley Vue Collies -- Cadenza Findley Vue - Right As Rain HSA's

Calibre Collies
06/19/10 Calibre Collies -- Calibre's What Make You Tick?
04/03/10 Calibre Collies -- CH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm At Calibre
03/13/10 Calibre Collies -- CH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm At Calibre
03/13/10 Calibre Collies -- CH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm At Calibre
02/06/10 Calibre Collies -- CH Kimberee After Th' Storm

California Collie Clan
02/06/10 California Collie Clan, South Bay Collie Fanciers and San Gabriel Valley Collie Club -- 2010 Upcoming Specialty Shows

Calusa Collies
03/06/10 Calusa Collies -- Fantasy's Proud Sensation

Cameo Collies
03/13/10 Cameo Collies -- Cameo's Destined, Cameo's Split Decision, Cameo's Artistic Impression and Cameo's Rockabilly Rebel
03/13/10 Cameo Collies -- CH Cameo's Best Kept Secret and Cameo's Baldwin Fire "N" Brimstone

Camloch Collies
06/19/10 Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Sophistication
06/19/10 Long Acre Collies / Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent
06/19/10 Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Fingerpaint
06/19/10 Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Pink Ribbon, PT, JHD
02/06/10 Camloch Collies / Long Acre Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM -- CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent

Candle Haven Collies
02/27/10 Marchello Collies / Candle Haven Collies -- CH Marchello's Penny From Heaven

Cando Collies
12/18/10 Cando Collies
04/03/10 Cando Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Cando Anything
03/13/10 Cando Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Cando Anything

C And J Collies
04/24/10 C And J Collies -- CH C and J's Silver Charm Of Chrysalis

Carilli, Christine
06/12/10 Christine Carilli -- HTCh HC HM Mac's Ace of Spades HRDIIIs HTADIIIsd HXAsd STDsd
06/12/10 Christine Carilli -- HTCh HC HM Mac's Ace of Spades HRDIIIs HTADIIIsd HXAsd STDsd

Cassette, The
08/21/10 The Cassette -- A Quarterly Magazine for Collie and Sheltie People

Cassori Collies
08/14/10 Cassori Collies / Demuir Collies
08/14/10 Cassori Collies / Demuir Collies

Ceilidh Collies
07/24/10 Ceilidh Collies
06/05/10 Ceilidh Collies -- CH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture

Central Iowa Collie Club
05/29/10 Central Iowa Collie Club -- 2010 Summer Seminar
01/02/10 Central Iowa Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Central Kansas Collie Club
01/02/10 Central Oklahoma Collie Club and Central Kansas Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Central Oklahoma Collie Club
09/11/10 Central Oklahoma Collie Club -- 2011 CCA Nina Campbell Memorial Trophy 2011 CCA
01/02/10 Central Oklahoma Collie Club and Central Kansas Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Central Penn Collie Club
03/20/10 Central Penn Collie Club -- April 17, 2010

Central States Collie Club
01/02/10 Central States Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Central Virginia Collie Club
01/23/10 Central Virginia Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Charizma Collies
06/19/10 Charizma Collies -- CH Highcroft Charizma Icon
02/20/10 Charizma Collies -- Charizma Crown Royale

Cheatham, Mike
08/28/10 Portraits by Mike Cheatham

Chekia Collies
03/06/10 Chekia Collies -- Chekia Choreography

Chelsea Collies
10/30/10 Squire Collies / Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea T' Crown Legacy Of Squire HIC

Cherangani Hills
05/15/10 Cherangani Hills Collies
05/15/10 Cherangani Hills Collies -- Cherangani Hills Tandjile
05/15/10 Cherangani Hills Collies -- Cherangani Hills Kingfisher
05/15/10 Cherangani Hills Collies -- Cherangani Hills Orient Express
03/13/10 Cherangani Hills Collies -- CH Cherangani Hills Kouilou-Niari HIC
03/13/10 Cherangani Hills Collies -- Cherangani Hills Tandjile
03/13/10 Cherangani Hills Collies -- Cherangani Hills Kingfisher
01/30/10 Cherangani Hills -- Cherangani Hills Kingfisher and Cherangani Hill Tandjile

Cherann Collies
02/20/10 Cherann Collies -- Cherann's No Stranger To Luv
02/20/10 Cherann Collies -- Cherann's Varsity Rose N Winter

Cherokee Collies
03/13/10 Cherokee Collies -- Cherokee Shoreham Mocha Blast

Chesapeake Collie Club
12/11/10 Chesapeake Collie Club -- 2011 Specialty Shows
07/24/10 Chesapeake Collie Club Presents its 2010 Seminar -- Getting Inside Your Dog's Mind with Nancy McDonald

Chestry Collies
04/10/10 Chestry Collies -- CH Edenrock Chestry Lionheart
03/20/10 Chestry Collies -- CH Edenrock Chestry Lionheart

Cheviot Collies
11/06/10 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot She's A Lady
08/14/10 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot Sollis Gallant Boy
08/14/10 Cheviot Collies -- CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity
08/14/10 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot She's A Lady
08/14/10 Cheviot Collies -- Cheviot Avatar
01/23/10 Cheviot Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Cheviot Fit The Bill
01/16/10 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot Spartacus

Ciel Collies
06/05/10 Ciel Collies -- CH Lisara's Ciel's Slow Burn
05/22/10 Ciel Collies -- Lisara's Ciels' Hot Summer Knight
05/08/10 Ciel Collies -- Lisara's Ciels' Hot Summer Knight

Clarion Collies
06/19/10 Clarion Collies -- CH Clarion Ribbon In The Sky and CH Clarion Sapphire Moon
04/10/10 Clarion Collies -- CH Clarion Ribbon In The Sky
03/06/10 Clarion Collies -- CH Clarion Ribbon In The Sky
03/06/10 Clarion Collies -- CH Clarion Sapphire Moon
02/27/10 Clarion Collies -- CH Clarion Ribbon In The Sky
01/09/10 Clarion Collies

Classique Collies
03/13/10 Classique Collies -- Lauren Olivia Stelter
03/13/10 Classique Collies -- Classique Don Juan De Carlos
03/13/10 Classique Collies /Wyndlair Collies -- CH Classique Wyndlair Alliance

Colebrae Collies
11/13/10 Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae Dangerous Beauty, HIC, ROM and and AM/CAN CH Colebrae's Cool Change HIC, ROM
11/13/10 Colebrae Collies -- CH Colebrae's After Dark, HIC, CH Bravo's Colebrae Faith O'Tercan and CH Colebrae Cool Breeze
11/13/10 Colebrae Collies -- CH Colebrae Luna Azul and CH Colebrae Kimberee I'll Have A Margarita
07/17/10 Colebrae Collies -- CH Colebrae's After Dark HIC
06/05/10 Colebrae Collies -- CH Colebrae Luna Azul
05/08/10 Colebrae Collies / Belfair Collies -- CH Colebrae Belfair The Joke's On You
03/13/10 Colebrae Collies -- AM/CAN CH Colebrae's Cool Change, HIC and Colebrae Luna Azul
03/13/10 Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae Roadhouse Blues
03/13/10 Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae After Midnight

Collie Club of Alabama
04/03/10 Collie Club of Alabama and Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Birmingham -- Getting To Know You

Collie Club of America
12/25/10 Collie Club of America 2011 National Specialty -- 125th Anniversary Show Catalog
12/18/10 Collie Club of America 2011 National Specialty -- 125th Anniversary Show Catalog
12/04/10 Collie Club of America -- Film Library DVDS
12/04/10 Collie Club of America 2011 National Specialty -- 125th Anniversary Show Catalog
11/20/10 Collie Club of America -- Collie Club of America 2011 Calendar
11/06/10 Collie Club of America 2011 National Specialty -- 125th Anniversary Show, Tulsa Oklahoma
10/30/10 Collie Club of America 2011 National Specialty -- 125th Anniversary Show, Tulsa Oklahoma
10/30/10 Collie Club of America National Specialty --2011 125th Anniversary Show Catalog
08/21/10 Collie Club of America -- Support your 2011 CCA Anniversary Show Trophy Fund
07/17/10 DVDs from the Collie Club of America
06/12/10 Collie Club of America -- 2009 CCA Yearbook
04/24/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- The CCA 2010 Video
04/24/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Hooray for Hollywood -- The CCA 2010 Merchandise Store
03/13/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Reminders
03/13/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- The CCA 2010 Video
02/20/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Hooray for Hollywood -- The CCA 2010 Merchandise Store
02/20/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Important Closing Dates
01/30/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Hooray for Hollywood -- Trophy Pledges
01/30/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 Calendar
01/23/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Hooray for Hollywood -- Walk of Fame
01/16/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Hooray for Hollywood -- The CCA 2010 Premium Lists
01/09/10 Collie Club of America -- 2010 National Specialty -- Hooray for Hollywood -- Show Catalog Advertising

Collie Club of Austin
01/16/10 Collie Club Of Austin -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Canada
04/10/10 Collie Club of Canada -- 2010 Regional Specialty Show

Collie Club of Connecticut

05/15/10 Collie Club of Connecticut -- Supported Entry at Greenwhich Kennel Club
01/16/10 Collie Club of Connecticut -- 2010 Specialty Show

Collie Club of Georgia
09/04/10 Collie Club Of Georgia -- Fall 2010 Specialty Weekend

Collie Club of Maine
10/02/10 The Collie Club of Maine -- Presents its 2010 Annual Educational Seminar
02/06/10 Collie Club of Maine -- 2010 Upcoming Specialties

Collie Club of Minnesota
01/09/10 Collie Club of Minnesota -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of New Hampshire
09/04/10 Collie Club of New Hampshire -- Creating A Collie Family Of Distinction DVD's
07/03/10 Collie Club of New Hampshire -- "Creating A Collie Family Of Distinction"

Collie Club of Kentucky
09/04/10 Collie Club Of Kentucky -- 2010 Fall Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Maryland
11/20/10 Mason-Dixon Collie Club and Collie Club of Maryland -- 2011 Back-To-Back Specialties

Collie Club of New England
09/11/10 Collie Club of New England -- 2010 AKC Sanctioned Match

Collie Club of Northeastern New York
01/02/10 Collie Club Of Northeastern New York -- 2010 Specialty Show

Collie Club of Northern California, Inc.
01/02/10 Collie Club of Northern California, Inc.-- 2010 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
09/04/10 Collie Club Of Northern New Jersey -- 2010 Supported Entries And Match
03/06/10 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- 2010 Upcoming Specialty Show and Supported Entry Shows
01/30/10 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- 2010 Upcoming Specialty Show and Supported Entry Shows

Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin
12/18/10 Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin -- 2011 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Washington
01/30/10 Collie Club of Washington and Overlake Collie Club -- 2010 Upcoming Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Western New York
01/23/10 Rochester Collie Club and Collie Club of Western New York -- 2010 Upcoming Shows

Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
12/18/10 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania -- 2011 Specialty Shows

Collie Health Foundation
07/03/10 Sunnybank -- The 14th Annual Gathering "Cathedral Of The Collie"
03/06/10 Collie Health Foundation -- 2010 Evening Dinner And Auction
02/13/10 Collie Health Foundation -- 2010 Evening Dinner And Auction

Collies Online
01/09/10 Collies Online Mobile --

Collie Rescue Foundation
10/16/10 Collie Rescue Foundation
03/20/10 Collie Rescue Foundation

Collies Of Wych
05/29/10 Collies Of Wych -- CH Wych's Prince Of Summer

Conner, Sue
08/28/10 In loving memory of John J. Kavanagh -- Sue Conner and CH Kingsmark Frame By Frame

Counselor Collies
08/21/10 Counselor Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs and a Schapendoes -- UAG1 Wizard Wind Counselor=s Heir, HT, CGC, NF, OA, AXJ, NAC, N-WV, O-TN, N-TG, OCC, OJC, PG-1, CL3-H, CL3-R, CL3-S, CL4-H

Country K Collies
12/18/10 Country K Collies -- AM/CAN CH Country K Lead With An Ace CGC, HIC, TDI

Countryview Collies
05/15/10 Countryview Collies -- CH Countryview Give My Regards
05/08/10 Countryview Collies -- CH Countryview Give My Regards
02/27/10 Countryview Collies -- CH Countryview Give My Regards

Creator Collies
06/05/10 Creator Collies -- CH Creator's Loving Reverence, HC
03/13/10 Creator Collies -- Creator's Lovingkindness, HC

Crimson King Collies
04/03/10 Crimson King Collies Congratulations Debbie Holland and CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon ROM

Crispin Collies
09/11/10 Crispin Collies -- GCH CH Crispin Faithful, OAJ
09/11/10 Crispin Collies -- Crispin After Midnight
08/21/10 Crispin Collies -- Am/Can CH Crispin Braveheart, NAJ, HIC, ROM-P

Crystal Hill Collies
12/18/10 Heather Hill Collies / Crystal Hill Collies -- Heather Hill Tight Fittin' Blue Jeans

Crystal Image Design
09/18/10 Crystal Image Design

Cyndella Collies
12/11/10 Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella's Promiscuous Girl
12/04/10 Pymans Collies / Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella N Pyman's Ring Side Gossip

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Dalton, Taylor Lynn
08/28/10 Taylor Lynn Dalton and Kristin Pumiglia -- Enchanter's Sweet William O

Darlyn Collies
05/29/10 Darlyn Collies -- CH Darlyns Legacy In Gold

Davenloch Collies
04/10/10 Davenloch Collies -- Davenloch Defying Gravity and Davenloch's Kryptonite

Dazzling Collies
02/27/10 Dazzling Collies -- CH Byluc's The Devil Made Me Do It

Dea Haven Collies
12/04/10 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven Believe In Memories
11/27/10 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven Believe In Memories
10/30/10 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
06/26/10 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven's Ice Blue Dream
05/15/10 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
05/08/10 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
05/01/10 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven's Dream Time
04/17/10 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
04/17/10 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
04/17/10 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
03/06/10 Dea Haven Collies -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
03/06/10 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven's Dream Time

Debutante Collies
09/18/10 Debutante Collies -- Ladyvale Debutante's Southern Cross
03/13/10 Debutante Collies -- Afterhours Debutante Velvet Clouds

Deep River Collies
11/13/10 Deep River Collies
11/13/10 Deep River Collies / Ceilidh's Collies -- Ceilidh's Deep River A Soft Good Bye Hsas
11/13/10 Deep River Collies -- HTCh CH Deep River's Comfort and Joy RE, HSAsdc, HSBs, HIAs, HXAsd
07/03/10 Deep River Collies -- CH Kitleigh Charlie Brown HSAs
04/17/10 Deep River and Bankside Congratulate En Chang and Crystal
04/17/10 Deep River Collies and Bankside Collies -- DeepRiver Bankside Snow Flurries

Demuir Collies
09/18/10 Star Country Collies / Demuir Collies -- CH Kings Valley Demuir's Here I Am
08/14/10 Cassori Collies / Demuir Collies
08/14/10 Cassori Collies / Demuir Collies
05/29/10 Demuir Collies -- CH Kings Valley Demuir's Here I Am
04/03/10 Demuir Collies -- CH Kings Valley Demuir Here I Am
03/13/10 Star Country Collies/Demuir Collies -- CH Kings Valley Demuir Here I Am

Devinwood Collies
12/18/10 Devinwood Collies
11/20/10 Devinwood Collies -- CH Devinwood One For The Road
11/20/10 Devinwood Collies -- GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger, CH Devinwood A Ticket To Paradise, CH Devinwood Ramblin Roads and CH Devinwood One For The Road
11/13/10 Devinwood Collies -- GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
07/31/10 Devinwood Collies -- CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
06/12/10 Devinwood Collies -- CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
05/29/10 Devinwood Collies -- CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
04/03/10 Devinwood Collies -- In Loving Memory of Judy Sliwinski

Diamante Collies
09/18/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- GCH Diamante's Five Alarm Fire
09/18/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies
07/31/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
07/31/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Gucci Envy Me
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Gwyn Marc's One Moment In Time ROM
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Five Alarm Fire
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Midnight Poison
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Seduction In Silver
05/01/10 Halo Collies / Diamante Collies -- CH Diamante's Versace Black Jeans
01/02/10 Schaladon Collies / Diamante Collies -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
01/02/10 Schaladon Collies / Diamante Collies
01/02/10 Diamante Collies

Dreamchaser Collies
10/23/10 Dreamchaser Collies -- Dreamchaser's Island Adventure
10/23/10 Dreamchaser Collies -- Dreamchaser's Best Kept Secret
10/02/10 Dreamchaser Collies -- Dreamchaser's Island Adventure
10/02/10 Dreamchaser Collies -- Dreamchaser's Best Kept Secret
01/09/10 Dreamchaser Collies

Dublin Hill Collies
03/13/10 Dublin Hill Collies -- CH Dublin Hill Kid Rock

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East Tennessee Collie Club
10/16/10 East Tennessee Collie Club -- 2010 Fall Specialty Shows
09/18/10 East Tennessee Collie Club -- 2010 Fall Specialty Shows

Easy To Spot
08/21/10 Easy To Spot -- CH Easy To Spot Whirlaway RN, HC, HIC
08/14/10 Easy To Spot Collies

Edenrock Collies
03/20/10 Edenrock of Michigan -- Edenrock Bell Of The Ball II

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Fantasy Collies
06/05/10 Sassy Collies / Fantasy Collies -- CH Sassy's Once-N-A-Lifetime
06/05/10 Sassy Collies / Fantasy Collies -- CH Sassy's Promises Of Fantasy
04/10/10 Fantasy Collies / Bellvue Collies -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon, ROM
04/10/10 Bellvue Collies / Fantasy Collies -- CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart, ROM
02/06/10 Fantasy Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM
02/06/10 Debbie Holland -- Professional Handling
01/30/10 Fantasy Collies / Autumn-Sun Collies -- Fantasy's Cobalt Sky and Fantasy's Midnight Sky

Fleur De Lis Collies
04/10/10 Fleur De Lis Collies -- CH Fleur De Lis's Secret Weapon, ROM

Follie Collies
11/27/10 Follie Collies -- CH Orion's Comet O' Follie

Forecast Collies
08/21/10 Forecast Collies -- CH Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast, MX, MXJ, XF, HIC
08/21/10 Forecast Collies -- Forecast Perfect Storm Dancin'

Forthal, Helene
03/13/10 The Al Forthal Memorial Trophy

Franzel, Trudi
07/17/10 Trudi Franzel -- CH Fantasy's Rockledge Beginning

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Gambit Collies
03/13/10 Gambit Collies -- CH Gambit's Chasing Shadows
03/13/10 Gambit Collies -- CH Gambit's Spell I'm Under
03/13/10 Gambit Collies -- Gambit Comes A Time

Gast, Becky
07/10/10 Becky Gast / Alisa Pesek -- GCH L'gacy Silver Charm CD, RE

Gateside Collies
12/18/10 Gateside Collies

Gentry Collies
12/18/10 Gentry Collies -- GCH Gentry's Braveheart
06/19/10 Gentry Collies -- GCH Gentry's Braveheart
02/20/10 Gentry Collies -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
02/20/10 Gentry Collies -- CH Gentry's Ricochet

George, Rosemary
06/26/10 Rosemary George -- CH Lynloch Steele McDowall, HIC
06/26/10 Rosemary George -- CH Lynloch Steele McDowall, HIC

Glasgowhill Collies
08/28/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Heroic Sculpture
08/28/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Alagria
08/28/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Shake Your Booty
08/28/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- CAN CH Winsmore's Captivation
08/28/10 Dune Collies and Glasgowhill Collies -- CAN CH Dune's Bare Naked Lady
08/28/10 Dune Collies and Glasgowhill Collies -- CAN CH Dune's Scarlett No Hara
01/30/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- Glasgowhill's Shakira and Glasgowhill's Shake Your Booty
01/30/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- Glasgowhill's Heroic Sculpture and Glasgowhill's Illumination
01/30/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- Glasgowhill's Swagger and Glasgowhill's Meet Me Halfway
01/30/10 Glasgowhill Collies -- Glasgowhill's Signature and Glasgowhill's Aligria

GlenLoch Collies
10/30/10 GlenLoch Collies -- Edenrock Brave Courageous Bold, CGC

Goldsmith, Meg
12/25/10 Meg Goldsmith -- CH Marnus Clearing The Bases and Wyldrose Diamond In The Ruff, RN, CD-H, HIC, CGC

Greater Brighton Collie Club
01/16/10 Midwest Collie Club, Greater Brighton Collie Club and Toledo Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Green Acres Collies
01/09/10 Green Acres Collies -- Green Acres Derby Moments

Green Grove Collies
07/10/10 Parfait Collies / Green Grove Collies -- CH Highcroft Good Girl Gone Bad RN

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Halo Collies
05/01/10 Halo Collies / Diamante Collies -- CH Diamante's Versace Black Jeans

Hamilton, Desiree
01/16/10 Desiree Hamilton -- Cheviots Feathered View

Harley Collies
12/18/10 Harley Collies -- L'gacy's I have It Easy At Harley
02/06/10 Washoe Valley Collies / Harley Collies -- Milas Sierra Avalanche Of Washoe, HIC, IT and Washoe's Sierra Gold

Hartford Springfield Collie Club
08/21/10 Hartford Springfield Collie Club -- The Fourth Annual Collie Triathlon AKC Performance Event -- Nov. 6, 2010

Hawthorn Hill Collies
05/22/10 Hawthorn Hill Collies -- Tribute to CH KaZe's Tangled Up In Blue ROM -- Ka-Zes Glorianna Of Hawthorn Hill

Heatherfield Collies
11/27/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Heart To Hart
11/27/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Heart To Hart
11/27/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Marilyn Monroe
11/27/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Liberty Belle
11/27/10 Heatherfield Collies/ Milas Collies -- Milas Heatherfield Lyric
10/02/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Liberty Belle
10/02/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Liberty Belle
10/02/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Marilyn Monroe
08/28/10 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Heart To Hart
05/29/10 Heatherfield Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Heatherfield Lyric

Heather Hill Collies
12/18/10 Heather Hill Collies / Crystal Hill Collies -- Heather Hill Tight Fittin' Blue Jeans
06/05/10 Heather Hill Collies -- Overland Treasure Island

Hearthside Collies
01/16/10 Hearthside Collies -- CH Lisara A Tri To Remember, OFA, HIC, CGC, TT, CRT

Headline Collies
08/28/10 Headline Collies -- CH Headline's Simply Southern

Heaven Sent Collies
10/30/10 Heaven Sent Collies -- AM/CAN CH Heaven Sent Sky Rocket, CGN, AM/CAN CH Heaven Sent Beyond The Light, AM/ CAN CH Heaven Sent Twilight Of My Eye. CGC
09/25/10 Heaven Sent Collies

Held, Debbie and Forrest
08/21/10 Debbie and Forrest Held -- MACH Van-M Goodness Gracious CDX, RA, NF, HIC, GCG, DPP

Hi Cliff Collies
11/13/10 Hi Cliff Collies -- Deep River's Considerable Trouble PT
08/21/10 Hi Cliff Collies -- Hi Cliff Ps The Lady Eve, OA, AXJ
06/26/10 Hi Cliff Collies -- CH Hi Cliff Once In A Blue Moon

Highcroft  Collies
12/25/10 St Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- AM/CAN CH Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum, TD
10/30/10 Highcroft Collies -- CH Highcroft Night Ryder
02/27/10 St Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- CH Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum TD

Highlander Collies
05/01/10 Highlander Collies -- Clymer's Highlander Heartbeat and Highlander's Firefly

Hillcrest Collies
10/02/10 Hillcrest Collies -- CH Hillcrest Raindrops On Roses

Hunterdon Hills Collie Club
02/27/10 Hunterdon Hills Collie Club -- 2010 Upcoming Specialty Shows

Hurley, Susan
10/16/10 Susan Hurley -- West Point Step Up The Line

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Illiana Collie Fanciers
01/16/10 Illiana Collie Fanciers -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Impromptu' Collies
12/18/10 Impromptu' Collies
08/14/10 Impromptu' Collies -- CH Impromptu's Afterhours Knight Templar
08/14/10 Impromptu' Collies -- CH Impromptu's Afterhours Knight Templar

Incandescent Collies
08/07/10 Incandescent Collies -- In loving memory of John Kavanagh, Kingsmark Collies

Indiana Collie Club
06/12/10 The Indiana Collie Club -- Myra Savant-Harris "Reproduction and Puppy Intensive Care" 2 Day Seminar
04/17/10 Indiana Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Ingledene Collies
01/09/10 Ingledene Collies --UK CH, Irish CH, EuW'09 Black Gary La Dame Chere at Ingledene

Insignia Collies
02/06/10 Insignia Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM

Insync Collies
03/13/10 Insync Collies -- Insync's Shine On Me, Insync's Simplee Irresistible, CH Silverhills Born To Be Wild HIC CGC, Tallywood Seraphim HIC

Isabella Collies
08/28/10 Isabella Collies -- Sunnland's Girl From Ipanema CGC
06/19/10 Isabella Collies -- CH Sunnland's Seduction Of Isabella, HIC
05/22/10 Isabella Collies -- Sunnland's Girl From Ipanema HIC CGC

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Jjaed Collies
04/17/10 Jjaed Collies / Somerset Collies -- CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity
04/17/10 Jjaed Collies Presents -- Jjaed's Painted Feather and Jjaed's Ezekiel The Prophet

Jereco Collies
10/30/10 Jereco Collies / Lisara Collies -- GCH Lisara's Smooth Operator
03/20/10 Jereco Collies / Lisara Collies -- CH Lisara's Smooth Operator

Jerusalem Hills
10/23/10 Jerusalem Hills -- Int'l CH Jerusalem Hills Faith Is The Victory, HIC

Jola's Collies
04/17/10 Jola's Collies
03/13/10 Jola's Collies -- CH Jola's She's Solid Gold
02/06/10 Jola's Collies -- CH Jola's Take It To The Max
02/06/10 Jola's Collies -- CH Jola's A Perfect Storm
02/06/10 Jola's Collies -- CH Jola's The Storm Chaser and Jola's On The River's Edge

04/03/10 Jubileez Cards, Gifts and Show Prizes

Julep Collies
04/24/10 Julep Collies -- CH Juleps' Sure Bet Regret

Jute Collies
07/03/10 Jute Collies -- CH Arrowhill Swords Held High
07/03/10 Jute Collies -- Star Country Passion's Legacy

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Kallisto Collies
12/18/10 Kallisto Collies -- L'gacy Kallisto Easy Virtue

Kalstorm Collies
02/20/10 Kalstorm Collies -- CH Kalstorm's Bubba Can 2 Step

Karavel Collies
02/20/10 Karavel Collies -- CH Karavel Call Me Unforgettable
02/20/10 Karavel Collies -- CH Afterhours Southern Knight, HIC

Karpie, Stephen
09/11/10 Stephen Karpie -- MACH 3 Alvin WARPAINT the 1 ST, OF
09/11/10 Stephen Karpie -- MACH 3 Alvin WARPAINT the 1 ST, OF
04/10/10 Stephen Karpie -- MACH 2 Alvin Warpaint The 1st, OF

Kaslynkay Collie
03/13/10 Kaslynkay Collie -- CH Nordic The Frill Is Gone

Kayloma Collies
01/16/10 Kayloma Collies -- Kayloma's No I'm Not! MX MXJ NF CGC HC

Ka-Zes Collies
05/22/10 Ka-Zes Collies -- In loving memory of CH Ka-Zes Tangled Up In Blue, ROM
05/22/10 Ka-Zes Collies -- In loving memory of CH Twin Acres Ka-Zes Destin

Kensington Gate Collies
01/02/10 Kensington Gate Collies -- Seamist Lavender Ice

Keowee Collies
11/06/10 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies
04/17/10 Keowee Collies / Weston Collies - CH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston

Keystone Collie Club
09/18/10 Keystone Collie Club -- 2010 Upcoming Match
04/17/10 Keystone Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Show

Kimberee Collies
03/13/10 Kimberee Collies -- CH Kimberee After Th' Storm
03/13/10 Kimberee Collies -- CH Kimberee I Walk Th' Line To Lorimar

Kings Valley Collies
04/03/10 Kings Valley Collies -- CH Kings Valley Just My Style HC TC
03/20/10 Kings Valley Collies

Kirkbride Collies
04/24/10 Kirkbride Collies -- CH Byluc's The Devil Wears Prada
04/03/10 Kirkbride Collies -- Byluc's The Devil Wears Prada

Kirkhaven Collies
06/26/10 Kirkhaven Collies -- CH Kirkhaven Gold Strike
02/20/10 Kirkhaven Collies

K2 Concepts
03/13/10 K2 Concepts -- The Right Stuff Grooming System
01/09/10 K2 Concepts -- The Right Stuff Grooming System

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La De Da Grooming Collection
11/13/10 La De Da Grooming Collection -- Ba-da-bing super cleansing shampoo

Ladyvale Collies
03/20/10 Ladyvale Collies -- Ladyvale Afterhours Invictus

Lakewinds Collies and Bulldogs
02/13/10 Lakewinds Collies and Bulldogs -- Happy Valentines Day

Larkspur Collies
06/12/10 Larkspur Collies -- Larkspur Forget Me Not

L'gacy Collies
12/18/10 L'gacy Collies / Oak Knolls -- L'gacy Free And Easy and Oak Knolls Breathe Easy
12/18/10 L'gacy Collies / Oak Knolls -- L'gacy Easy Street and Oak Knolls It Aint Easy
09/18/10 L'gacy Collies -- CH L'gacy Leap Of Faith
07/10/10 Becky Gast / Alisa Pesek -- GCH L'gacy Silver Charm CD, RE
06/19/10 L'gacy Collies -- L'gacy Magic Slipper RA, HSAdsc, HSBs, HIAs, HXAs and CH L'gacy Rock My World
06/05/10 L'gacy Collies -- CH L'gacy Twist Of Fate, CH Alcor Love On The Rocks and CH Alcor With A Twist
04/24/10 L'gacy Collies -- L'gacy Leap Of Faith

Liege Collies
06/26/10 Liege Collies -- CH Liege's Orion Rising
06/26/10 Liege Collies -- Liege Someway Reach For The Sky
06/26/10 Liege Collies -- Liege's Wings Of The Morning
02/20/10 Liege Collies -- CH Liege's Standing In The Rainbow

Limerick Collies
06/19/10 Limerick Collies -- CH Limerick's Tartanside Patriot
06/19/10 Limerick Collies / Tartanside Collies -- CH Limerick's Tartanside Patriot, CH Tartanside Valley Park Limerick and CH Tartanside Limericks LaKeyah
03/20/10 Limerick Collies -- CH Limerick's Make Me A Star
02/20/10 Limerick Collies -- Limerick's Make Me A Star

Lindale Collies
06/26/10 Lindale Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Countryview S'Marvelous
04/03/10 Lindale Collies -- Countryview Lindale Statuesque

Lindhurst Collies
05/29/10 Lindhurst Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs -- CH Overland Overature

Lisara Collies
10/30/10 Jereco Collies / Lisara Collies -- GCH Lisara's Smooth Operator
03/20/10 Jereco Collies / Lisara Collies -- CH Lisara's Smooth Operator
02/06/10 Lisara Collies -- Jerry Sulewski and CH Lisara's Smooth Operator

Lochlaren Collies
09/25/10 Lochlaren Collies/Barksdale Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
05/29/10 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
05/29/10 Marleste Collies and Lochlaren Collies -- CH Marleste Lochlaren Hey There! HIC
05/29/10 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Good Time, HIC and CH Belfair Chances R Moody Blues, HIC, TC

Lonepine Collies
10/30/10 Lonepine Collies -- GCH Lonepine Who Knew
05/01/10 Lonepine Collies -- CH Lonepine Who Knew
05/01/10 Lonepine Collies -- CH Lonepine Who Knew and CH Edenrock Absolute Adorable At Lonepine
03/13/10 Lonepine Collies -- CH Lonepine Who Knew
03/13/10 Lonepine Collies -- Edenrock Absolute Adorable At Lonepine

Long Acre Collies
06/19/10 Long Acre Collies / Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent
06/19/10 Long Acre Collies -- Long Acre's Love Remembers
02/06/10 Long Acre Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM
02/06/10 Long Acre Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM
02/06/10 Camloch Collies / Long Acre Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM -- CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent
01/30/10 Long Acre Collies / Pleasant Acre Collies -- CH Long Acre's No Doubt, ROM
01/30/10 Long Acre Collies / Pleasant Acre Collies -- CH Long Acre's No Doubt, ROM
01/30/10 Long Acre Collies / Tribute to CH Long Acre's No Doubt, ROM -- CH Long Acre's No Doubt About It and CH Long Acre's Without A Doubt
01/30/10 Long Acre Collies / Yuedong Collies -- Tribute to CH Long Acre's No Doubt, ROM -- AM CH Long Acre's New Frontier

Lyones, Deanna
02/27/10 Deanna Lyons and Candace Hunter -- Tercan's Salix Lasiandra -- CD, RE, OA, OAJ, NF, S-EAC, S-EJC, O-ECC, S-TG-E, S-TN-E, WV-E, HP-E, PD2, PS2, PJ2, PG2, PR2, PK2, CGC, HIC

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Magic Moment Collies
12/11/10 Magic Moment Collies -- CH Afterhours Magic Moment

Mandalay Collies
12/25/10 Molly Fitzpatrick Curtis and Jaye Athy -- CH Mandalay I Wanna Be A Rock Star
12/25/10 Mandalay Collies

Maplecreek Collies
09/04/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Moonlight In Chianti
07/24/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Scarborough Vintage Edition
07/24/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Scarborough Summer Vintage
05/01/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Zinfandel Make Me Blush
03/13/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Zinfandel Make Me Blush
03/13/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Zinfandel Make Me Blush
02/20/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Zinfandel Make Me Blush
02/20/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Bitter Sweet Wine
02/20/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Scarborough Vintage Edition
01/23/10 Maplecreek Collies -- Maplecreek Zinfandel Make Me Blush

Marchant, Wendy
08/21/10 Wendy Marchant -- CH Provenhill's Steel Your Heart HSAs RN CGC

Marchello Collies
02/27/10 Marchello Collies / Candle Haven Collies -- CH Marchello's Penny From Heaven

Mariner Collies
07/24/10 Mariner Collies -- CH Accent Echoes Of Time
07/03/10 Mariner Collies -- In loving memory of CH Fantasy Mariner Frosting My Cake

Marko's Collies
02/13/10 Marko's Collies -- CH Marko's Joint Venture and CH Marko's Guardian Angel
02/13/10 Marko's Collies -- CH Marko's Diamond-N-The Rough and Clarion Trace Of Smoke
02/13/10 Marko's Collies -- CH Marko's Tried To-B-Blue

Marleste Collies
05/29/10 Marleste Collies and Lochlaren Collies -- CH Marleste Lochlaren Hey There! HIC

Mason-Dixon Collie Club
11/20/10 Mason-Dixon Collie Club and Collie Club of Maryland -- 2011 Back-To-Back Specialties

Mascoma Collies
05/08/10 Mascoma Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Mascoma's Maiden Voyage
05/08/10 Mascoma Collies -- CH Mascoma's Night Sky
05/08/10 Nancy Woodle -- CH Mascoma's Oh What A Night

Mateja, Robann
04/03/10 Robann Mateja and Steve Arkowski -- MACH ROB Mar's Tristan Macdougal MXF NJP NAP RA

01/16/10 Sweetheart Fun Match for Collies and Shelties

McCuaig, Jolene
12/18/10 Jolene McCuaig -- CAN CH Davenloch's Storm Warning CD RN
06/05/10 Jolene McCuaig -- CAN CH Davenloch's Storm Warning

Midwest Collie Club
02/06/10 Midwest Collie Club, Greater Brighton Collie Club and Toledo Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Milas Collies
12/25/10 Milas Collies -- GCH Milas Latin Lover
12/18/10 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Back In Blue
11/13/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Back In Blue
10/02/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Back In Blue
09/18/10 Milas Collies -- GCH Milas Latin Lover
09/04/10 Milas Collies
07/10/10 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Latin Music
06/26/10 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Latin Jazz
06/12/10 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Latin Dancer
06/05/10 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Latin Lover and Milas Latin Jazz
05/29/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Call Me First
05/29/10 Heatherfield Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Heatherfield Lyric
05/22/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Latin Music
05/01/10 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Dancing With The Stars
04/17/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Latin Music
04/03/10 Cando Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Cando Anything
04/03/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Call Me First
03/13/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Call Me First
03/13/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Latin Jazz
03/13/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Wind Dancer
03/13/10 Cando Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Cando Anything
02/27/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Back In Blue
02/20/10 Milas Collies -- CH Milas Wind Dancer
02/06/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Wind Dancer
02/06/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Back In Blue
01/16/10 Milas Collies -- Milas Dancing With The Stars

Misselmoor Collies
12/25/10 Misselmoor Collies -- Misselmoor New Legacy
12/18/10 Misselmoor Collies -- CH Dea Haven Mr. Chipahou
12/04/10 Misselmoor Collies -- Westwood Skyrocket
07/31/10 Misselmoor Collies -- Westwood Skyrocket

Mission Ridge Collies
09/11/10 Mission Ridge Collies -- Crispin Mission Ridge Night Arrow
03/13/10 Mission Ridge Collies -- CH Lindale's MVP and Ginny White

Mirabeau Collies
03/20/10 Mirabeau Collies -- CH Mirabeau Dandy Don
03/20/10 Mirabeau Collies -- Taliesin Mirabeau Gloriana

Misty Manor Collies
04/03/10 Misty Manor Collies -- Misty Manor's Life's A Gift
04/03/10 Misty Manor Collies -- Misty Manor's Gold Badge Of Courage

Moore Collies
09/25/10 Moore Collies
09/25/10 Moore Collies -- CH Moore's Tiernan Dash
09/25/10 Moore Collies -- CH Contempo's Alainn Aithne
09/25/10 Moore Collies -- Moore's Alainn Aoife
09/25/10 Moore Collies -- CH Moore's Lord Peyton
09/25/10 Moore Collies

Moorman, Peggy
11/13/10 Peggy Moorman -- CH Ceilidh's Project Ruway PT

Monarch Collies
02/06/10 Monarch Collies -- CH Clarion Force Of Nature HT

Moxie Collies
11/13/10 Moxie Collies

Mystery Collies
01/30/10 Autumn-Sun Collies / Red Bank Collies / Mystery Collies -- CH Fantasy's Clear Blue Sky, CH Fantasy's Confettie Sky and CH Fantasy's Indigo Sky

Mystic Collies
09/25/10 Mystic Collies -- CH Silvermor Mystic Free To Dream
02/27/10 Mystic Collies -- Tir Na N' Og Collies -- Tir Na N ' Og Un Mystic Able

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New England Collie Friends
08/21/10 Presenting Our New England Collies
06/12/10 New England Collies Know How To Rock Their Mach!
06/12/10 New England Collies Friends congratulates Melanie Collins and MACH Ryder's First Edition XF
06/12/10 New England Collies Friends congratulates Mary Valentine and Mach Wrangler World Series Winner UDX RE MX MXJ OF
06/12/10 New England Collies Friends congratulates Jeanna Kramer and MACH2 Noble Soren Of The Oaks NF OAP OJP
03/06/10 New England Collie Friends Congratulates Kathrun Ednie and MACH Wolf Manor Believe It Or Not

Niteridge Collies
12/11/10 Niteridge Collies -- CH Niteridge Lookin For A Good Time
12/11/10 Niteridge Collies -- CH Niteridge Rhythm And Blues
12/11/10 Niteridge Collies -- CH Niteridge The Rumors Are True

Nordic Collies
12/18/10 Nordic Collies / Sunkist Collies -- GCH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket
03/13/10 Nordic Collies / Sunkist Collies -- CH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket
01/02/10 Nordic Collies / Sunkist Collies -- CH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket

North Texas Collie Club
12/18/10 North Texas Collie Club/ Ft Worth Collie Club -- 2011 Specialty Shows
01/02/10 North Texas Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Northview Collies
03/13/10 Northview Collies -- AM/CAN CH Fantasy's Dragonheart
02/20/10 Northview Collies -- AM/CAN CH Fantasy's Dragonheart

Nothing But Collies Calendars
12/04/10 Nothing But Collies -- 2011 Collie Wall Calendars

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Oak Knolls Collies
12/18/10 L'gacy Collies / Oak Knolls Collies -- L'gacy Free And Easy and Oak Knolls Breathe Easy
12/18/10 L'gacy Collies / Oak Knolls Collies -- L'gacy Easy Street and Oak Knolls It Aint Easy

Overlake Collie Club
12/04/10 Overlake Collie Club -- 2011 Specialty Show
01/30/10 Collie Club of Washington and Overlake Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Overland Collies
09/25/10 Overland Collies -- Overland Eternity, CH Overland Daybreak and Overland Cando Pollock
09/18/10 Overland Collies
09/11/10 Overland Collies -- CH Overland In Suspense, CH Overland Invisible Touch and CH Overland Aurora
05/01/10 Stonehaven Collies / Overland Collies -- Overland Stonehaven Light'n Strikes
04/24/10 Overland Collies -- CH Overland In Suspense
04/24/10 Overland Collies -- Milas Cando Anything and CH Travler's Sarita Jeep Laredo
04/24/10 Overland Collies -- Overland All In The Family and Overland August Moon

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Pacific NW Colllie Club
08/14/10 Pacific NW Colllie Club 2010 Specialty Shows -- Nov. 13 and 14, 2010

Parfait Collies
07/10/10 Parfait Collies / Green Grove Collies -- CH Highcroft Good Girl Gone Bad RN

Performance Week 2010
08/21/10 Performance Week 2010 -- Pawsatively A Passion!
07/24/10 Performance Week 2010 -- Pawsatively A Passion

Pevy, Taryn
1016/10 Taryn Pevy and CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
05/29/10 Taryn Pevy and CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
04/10/10 Congratulations to Taryn Pevy and CH Edenrock It's All About Me

Piedmont Collie Club
12/04/10 Piedmont Collie Club -- 2011 Specialty Shows
01/02/10 Piedmont Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Pine Cone Collies
12/11/10 Pine Cone Collies -- Pine Cone Oh My Madeline!

Pipers's Pix
02/20/10 Pipers's Pix -- Photography by PiperAnne Worcester

Pleasant Acre Collies
06/26/10 Pleasant Acre Collies / Shalimar Collies -- CH Pleasant Acre Shalimar Lightening Strike
04/10/10 Pleasant Acre Collies / Shalimar Collies -- Pleasant Acre Shalimar Lightening Strike
01/30/10 Long Acre Collies / Pleasant Acre Collies -- CH Long Acre's No Doubt, ROM
01/30/10 Long Acre Collies / Pleasant Acre Collies -- CH Long Acre's No Doubt, ROM
01/30/10 Pleasant Acre Collies -- Tribute to CH Long Acre's No Doubt, ROM -- CH Pleasant Acre's Trifecta
01/02/10 Pleasant Acre Collies -- CH Pleasant Acre's Trifecta

Porter, Mauri
06/05/10 Mauri Porter -- Heatherlyn Bronze Legend

Presley, Jeffrey
02/27/10 Jeffrey Presley -- In Loving Memory of Amanda Elizabeth Silverman

Promise Hill Farm
12/18/10 Promise Hill Farm -- Promise Hill's Bellwether

Provenhill Collies
09/11/10 Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
07/31/10 Windscape Collies / Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill Dances At Midnight
03/06/10 Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
03/06/10 Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
02/27/10 Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
02/27/10 Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
02/27/10 Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil

Pymans Collies
12/04/10 Pymans Collies / Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella N Pyman's Ring Side Gossip

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Quarter Century Collie Group
01/02/10 Quarter Century Collie Group -- 25th Anniversary Celebration
01/02/10 Quarter Century Collie Group -- 25th Anniversary Celebration

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Rainbow Collies
01/30/10 Rainbow Collies -- CH Rainbow Here Comes The Sun

Rainforest Collies
10/09/10 Rainforest Collies -- MBISS AmCan Ch Tallywood Rainforest Radiant Can ROMX
06/26/10 Rainforest Collies / Tallywood Collies -- AM/CAN CH Rainforest Pieces Of April
03/13/10 Tallywood Collies / Rainforest Collies -- AM CAN CH Tallywood Rainforest Radiant HC ROMX (CCC)
02/27/10 Rainforest Collies / Tallywood Collies -- CAN CH Rainforest Pieces Of April

Raven Collies
12/11/10 Raven Collies -- CH Raven's Virtual Reality Of Edenrock

Ravencroft Collies
12/18/10 Ravencroft Collies -- CH Marnus Ravencroft Reflections

Rebel Collies
08/14/10 Rebel Collies -- In loving memory of John J. Kavanagh

Red Bank Collies
01/30/10 Red Bank Collies -- Tribute to CH Long Acres No Doubt, ROM -- CH Long Acre's Look Again
01/30/10 Autumn-Sun Collies / Red Bank Collies / Mystery Collies -- CH Fantasy's Clear Blue Sky, CH Fantasy's Confettie Sky and CH Fantasy's Indigo Sky

Rimba Collies
09/04/10 Rimba Collies -- INT CH Rimba's Yes We Can

Ritzy Collies
03/13/10 Ritzy Collies
01/09/10 Springbank Collies / Ritzy Collies -- Springbank Summer's Bright Future
01/02/10 Springbank Collies / Ritzy Collies -- Springbank Beau Soleil

Riverrun Collies
01/30/10 Riverrun Collies -- Tribute to CH Long Acres No Doubt, ROM -- CH Long Acre Riverrun Rampage and CH Riverrun Dreamin' Out Loud

Riviera Collies
05/08/10 Shenstone Collies / Riviera Collies -- Present "A Litter Of Dreams"

Roblyn Collies
06/19/10 Roblyn Collies -- CH Roblyn The Langolier

Rob Mar Collies
06/05/10 Rob Mar Collies -- Southland's Rob Mar's Show Girl, HIC
06/05/10 Rob Mar Collies -- Rob Mar's Shades Of Bronze, Rob Mar's Thank U, Thank U Very Much, AM INT CH Rob Mar's Special Lady, HIC

Rochester Collie Club
01/23/10 Rochester Collie Club and Collie Club of Western New York -- 2010 Upcoming Shows

Rockrose Collies
10/09/10 Rockrose Collies -- Rockrose Light In The Sky

Rodman, Dana
05/15/10 Dana Rodman -- CH Clarion The Grey Ghost "Casper"

Rosepark Collies
09/11/10 Rosepark Collies -- Rosepark's Dawn Goddess Aurora HIC and Rosepark's Spring Goddess Maia CGN

Rosepoint Collies
11/06/10 Rosepoint Collies -- CH Rosepoint High Tide
11/06/10 Rosepoint Collies
04/03/10 Rosepoint Collies -- CH Rosepoint High Tide
02/06/10 Rosepoint Collies -- CH Rosepoint High Tide

Row-Bar Collies
03/13/10 Row-Bar Collies -- CH Row-Bar's She's The One HT, Row-Bar's Glory Days HIC, Row-Bar's Dalmore Lacy HIC

Ryder Collies
08/21/10 Ryder Collies -- MACH Ryder's First Edition XF, CH Kings Valley Easy Ryder NA NAJ, Kings Valley Looking East CDX AX AXJ and CH Kings Valley Ryder Nick of Time OA NAJ
06/12/10 Ryder Collies -- MACH Ryder's First Edition XF

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Sacred Collies
05/01/10 Sacred Collies -- CH Fantasy's Law Of Attraction and Misty Manor's Journey Of Joy

San Diego Collie Club
01/30/10 San Diego Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

San Gabriel Valley Collie Club
02/06/10 California Collie Clan, South Bay Collie Fanciers and San Gabriel Valley Collie Club -- 2010 Upcoming Specialty Shows

Sarita Collies
07/24/10 Sarita Collies / Travler Collies -- CH Travler Sarita's Jeep Laredo
07/24/10 Travler Collies / Sarita Collies -- Travler Sarita's Good To Know
07/24/10 Sarita Collies -- CAN CH Sarita's Suspense Thriller
03/06/10 Travler Collies / Sarita Collies -- CH Travler's Sarita
02/27/10 Travler Collies / Sarita Collies -- Travler's Sarita

Sashay Collies
08/07/10 Sashay Collies -- CH Sashay Jil Cris Breakn' Da Rules and CH Highcroft Lode-Ark's Roulette

Sassy Collies
06/05/10 Sassy Collies / Fantasy Collies -- CH Sassy's Once-N-A-Lifetime
06/05/10 Sassy Collies / Fantasy Collies -- CH Sassy's Promises Of Fantasy
03/06/10 Sassy Collies -- CH Sassy's Shut Up And Dance
02/13/10 Happy Birthday to Sandy Schwedler of Sassy Collies

Sax Group
05/15/10 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible

Schaladon Collies
09/18/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- GCH Diamante's Five Alarm Fire
09/18/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies
07/31/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
07/31/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Gucci Envy Me
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Gwyn Marc's One Moment In Time ROM
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Five Alarm Fire
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Midnight Poison
05/01/10 Diamante Collies / Schaladon Collies -- CH Diamante's Seduction In Silver
01/02/10 Schaladon Collies / Diamante Collies -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
01/02/10 Schaladon Collies / Diamante Collies

Schwab, Suzanne
08/21/10 Suzanne Schwab -- Ar-Zoo Iron Maiden UD, TDX, HX, HSBd, OA, OAJ, HRD11 and HC HTCH Shadaglen Sweet Prince's Plume CDX, TDX, HXAds, HSBd, HSBs, NA, NAJ, HTD111ds

Sea Jay Collies
08/21/10 Sea Jay Collies -- CAN CH Cherfire's Sensational Preview, CD, RN, CGC, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, CL1-F, HIC, VCX
08/21/10 Sea Jay Collies -- Deep River's Chasing Shadows, RN, CGC, NAJ, NJP, CL1-R, PT, TDI

Shadaglen Collies
08/21/10 Shadaglen Collies -- CH Shadaglen On The Mark CD, HSAds, VA

Shadowmont Collies
01/23/10 Anne Cross -- In Loving Memory Of Fran McNamee

Shanarock Collies
04/17/10 Shanarock Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity HIC
04/17/10 Shanarock Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity HIC

Sharidonn Collies
10/30/10 Sharidonn Collies -- CH Sharidonns New Moon At Twilight

Shenstone Collies
05/08/10 Shenstone Collies / Riviera Collies -- Present "A Litter Of Dreams"

Sherloch Collies
03/13/10 Sherloch Collies -- CH Belfair Chances R Moody Blues HIC, TT

Shoreham Collies
11/06/10 Shoreham Collies -- CH Shoreham Javaman

Silhouette Collies
05/22/10 Silhouette Collies -- Tribute to CH KaZe's Tangled Up In Blue ROM -- CH Silhouette Tadifor I'm Smokin

Silver Thread Collies
03/06/10 Silver Thread Collies -- Mystic Integrity

Skyesong Collies
09/18/10 Skyesong Collies

Skyview Collies
03/13/10 Skyview Collies / Gambit Collies -- Gambit's Skyview Velocity
03/13/10 Skyview Collies / Gambit Collies -- Gambit's Skyview Velocity

Smallwood, Karen
08/21/10 Karen Smallwood -- CH Corjalin's Mandalay Free Rein CD, RE, AX, OAJ, NF, NAP, NJP

Snowy Peaks Collies
08/14/10 Snowy Peaks Collies -- In loving memory of John J Kavanagh

Somerset Collies
04/17/10 Jjaed Collies / Somerset Collies -- CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity
04/17/10 Somerset Collies -- Somerset Listen To Your Heart and Somerset Stealing Hearts

South Bay Collie Fanciers
02/06/10 California Collie Clan, South Bay Collie Fanciers and San Gabriel Valley Collie Club -- 2010 Upcoming Specialty Shows

Southern California Collie Breeders
03/13/10 Southern California Collie Breeders -- Welcomes the world to CCA 2010

Southland Collies
08/28/10 Portraits by Mike Cheatham
08/28/10 Southland Collies -- CH Winover Shadows In The Sky
05/08/10 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Bowen Island, ROM
05/08/10 Southland Collies
05/08/10 Southland Collies -- CAN CH Southland's Lexington
05/08/10 Southland Collies -- CAN CH Southland's Lexington
05/08/10 Southland Collies -- CH Southland's Bourbon County
03/06/10 Southland Collies / Wyndlair Collies -- Wyndlair Avalanche
02/20/10 Southland Collies -- Southland's Bourbon Country

Squire Collies
10/30/10 Squire Collies / Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea T' Crown Legacy Of Squire HIC

Special Collies
11/27/10 Special Collies
08/14/10 Special Collies -- CH Special New Year's Eve Party, ne
07/17/10 Special Collies -- CH Special Watch Out For Wet Paint
07/17/10 Special Collies -- CH Special Belle of The Ball
05/01/10 Special Collies Congratulates Carolyn Pirro and "Jett"

Spindletop Collies
05/08/10 Spindletop Collies -- Edenrock Texas Gold

Springbank Collies
01/09/10 Springbank Collies / Ritzy Collies -- Springbank Summer's Bright Future
01/02/10 Springbank Collies / Ritzy Collies -- Springbank Beau Soleil

Star Country Collies
09/18/10 Star Country Collies / Demuir Collies -- CH Kings Valley Demuir's Here I Am

St Germaine Collies
12/25/10 St Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- AM/CAN CH Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum, TD
08/21/10 St Germaine Collies -- CH Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum TD
08/21/10 St Germaine Collies Celebrates 25 Years
05/01/10 St Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- CH Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum TD
02/27/10 St Germaine Collies / Highcroft Collies -- CH Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum TD

St. Louis Collie Club
01/02/10 St. Louis Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

St. Roch Collies
03/06/10 St. Roch Collies -- Afterhour's Cashmere Princess

Stilvalley Collies
03/13/10 Stilvalley Collies -- CH Stilvalley's The Chronicle
03/13/10 Stilvalley Collies -- CH Stilvalley's The Chronicle

Stonehaven Collies
05/01/10 Stonehaven Collies / Overland Collies -- Overland Stonehaven Light'n Strikes

Stoner, Carter
07/31/10 Blu Ridge Collies -- Baby Carter Stoner
06/26/10 Baby Carter Stoner
06/12/10 Baby Carter Stoner
05/29/10 Baby Carter Stoner
05/22/10 Baby Carter Stoner
05/15/10 Baby Carter Stoner
05/08/10 Baby Carter Stoner
04/17/10 Baby Carter Stoner
04/10/10 Baby Carter Stoner

Storm, Frank and Jan
04/24/10 Frank and Jan Storm -- Sunnland's Girl From Ipanema HIC, CGC

Summertime Puppy Classic
05/08/10 Summertime Puppy Classic -- June 11 --13, 2010

Sundown Collies
02/13/10 Sundown Collies -- CH Sundown Someday Soon

Sunkist Collies
12/18/10 Nordic Collies / Sunkist Collies -- GCH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket
01/02/10 Nordic Collies / Sunkist Collies -- CH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket

Sunnland Collies
08/28/10 Sunnland Collies -- CH Sunnland's Mardi Gras, HIC, CGC, RN and Sunnland's Dash Rig Rock
07/31/10 Sunnland Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Grand Entrance HIC
06/19/10 Sunnland Collies -- CH Sunnland's Tom Terrific HIC
06/12/10 Sunnland Collies -- Sunnland's Love In The Afternoon, CGC, TD
05/22/10 Sunnland Collies -- CH Sunnland's Mardi Gras HIC CGC RN
02/27/10 Sunnland Collies -- CH Sunnland's Grand Entrance, HIC

08/14/10 Sunnybank -- The 14th Annual Gathering "Cathedral Of The Collie"
07/03/10 Sunnybank -- The 14th Annual Gathering "Cathedral Of The Collie"

Sweetwater Collies
10/30/10 Sweetwater Collies -- GCH Sweetwaters Ponder The Stars, HC

Sylvan Collies
12/11/10 Sylvan Collies -- CH Sylvan Argent Perfect Timing
12/11/10 Sylvan Collies -- Corsair Sylvan Argent Passport To Destiny
05/15/10 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
05/15/10 CH Sylvan Argent It's All About Me

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Takoda Collies
07/10/10 Takoda Collies -- Countryview Valley Park Takoda At Last

Taliesin Collies
11/27/10 Taliesin Collies -- GCH Taliesin Fashion Forward
10/16/10 Taliesin Collies -- CH Taliesin Fashion Forward
03/06/10 Taliesin Collies -- CH Taliesin Fashion Forward
03/06/10 Taliesin Collies /Lynmar Collies -- Taliesin Lynmar Kung Fu Panda

Tallywood Collies
12/04/10 Tallywood Collies
10/02/10 Tallywood Collies -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Rainforest Radiant CAN ROMX
06/26/10 Rainforest Collies / Tallywood Collies -- AM/CAN CH Rainforest Pieces Of April
04/10/10 Tallywood Collies -- Tallywood Spontaneity
03/13/10 Tallywood Collies / Rainforest Collies -- AM CAN CH Tallywood Rainforest Radiant HC ROMX (CCC)
02/27/10 Rainforest Collies / Tallywood Collies -- CAN CH Rainforest Pieces Of April

Tamaron Collies
03/06/10 Tamaron Collies -- AM/CAN CH Tamaron The Real Deal
03/13/10 Tamaron Collies -- AM/CAN CH Tamaron The Real Deal
03/06/10 Tamaron Collies -- CAN CH Tamaron's Kentucky Rain

Tapestry Collies
05/15/10 Tapestry Collies -- CH Tapestry South Wynd

Tara Dells Collies
11/06/10 Tara Dells Collies -- GGH Highcroft Hush Hush

Tartanside Collies
06/19/10 Limerick Collies / Tartanside Collies -- CH Limerick's Tartanside Patriot, CH Tartanside Valley Park Limerick and CH Tartanside Limericks LaKeyah

Tercan Collies
05/01/10 Tercan Collies -- CH Tercan Gentry Last Chance HIC
05/01/10 Tercan Collies -- Tercan's Live And Learn
03/13/10 Tercan Collies -- CH Tercan Gentry Last Chance HIC
03/13/10 Tercan Collies -- CH Tercan Gentry Last Chance HIC
02/27/10 Deanna Lyons and Candace Hunter -- Tercan's Salix Lasiandra -- CD, RE, OA, OAJ, NF, S-EAC, S-EJC, O-ECC, S-TG-E, S-TN-E, WV-E, HP-E, PD2, PS2, PJ2, PG2, PR2, PK2, CGC, HIC

Terhune Sunnybank Memorial
03/20/10 Terhune Sunnybank Memorial -- Sincerely Your Friend, Albert Payson Terhune

Thistle Brae Collies
11/20/10 Thistle Brae Collies -- CAN CH Thistle Brae Northern Sun Shine

Timeless Collies
11/13/10 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Golden Image
10/16/10 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Hello Gorgeous
04/24/10 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Golden Warrior, ROM, CH Timeless Hello Darlin, CH Timeless Golden Image and CH Timeless River's Edge
03/13/10 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Hello Darlin and CH Timeless Golden Image
02/13/10 Timeless Collies -- CH Timeless Golden Image
01/23/10 Timeless Collies -- Timeless River's Edge, Timeless Like A Rose and Timeless Hello Gorgeous

Tir Na N' Og Collies
09/25/10 Tir Na N' Og Collies -- GCH Tir Na N' Og The Legend Of Banzai Maquire
09/25/10 Vicki and Mollie Jason -- Mystic Undeniable
03/20/10 Tir Na N' Og Collies -- Celebrating CH Richeline Maeve McDoogle, ROM
03/20/10 Tir Na N' Og Collies -- Celebrating CH Richeline Maeve McDoogle, ROM
03/20/10 Tir Na N' Og Collies -- Celebrating CH Richeline Maeve McDoogle, ROM
03/20/10 Tir Na N' Og Collies -- Celebrating CH Richeline Maeve McDoogle, ROM -- CH Special Vera Wang, CH Tir Na N' Og Maybe I'm Amazed and CH Tir Na N' Og LarLill Surfer Girl
03/20/10 Tir Na N' Og Collies -- Celebrating CH Richeline Maeve McDoogle, ROM -- CH Tir Na N' Og The Legend Of Banzai Maguire and CH Tir Na N' Og Criminal Type

Tisbury Collies
10/02/10 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- CH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
09/04/10 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
02/27/10 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil

Toledo Collie Club
01/16/10 Midwest Collie Club, Greater Brighton Collie Club and Toledo Collie Club -- 2010 Specialty Shows

Touchstone Collies
05/15/10 Touchstone Collies -- CH Touchstone's Icelander
05/15/10 Touchstone Collies -- Touchstone's Ice Gold

Trailwind Collies
08/21/10 Trailwind Collies -- CH Trailwind Fairways Fast Forward, TD, HSAds, MX, MXJ, OF
08/21/10 Trailwind Collies -- CH Trailwind Fairways Fast Forward, TD, HSAds, MX, MXJ, OF
07/03/10 Trailwind Collies -- CH Trailwind Fairways Fast Forward, TD, HSAds, AX, MXJ, OF, VX

Travler Collies
10/02/10 Travler Collies / Cadenza Collies -- GCH Travler's Greased-Lightening
09/11/10 Travler Collies -- GCH Travler's Greased-Lightening
09/11/10 Travler Collies / Sarita Collies -- CH Sarita's Suspense Thriller
09/04/10 Travler Collies -- GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow
08/28/10 Travler Collies -- In Memory of CH Signet Marchello Enchante
07/24/10 Travler Collies -- Thanks The Jacks Group
07/24/10 Cadenza Collies / Travler Collies -- CH Travler's Greased-Lightning
07/24/10 Sarita Collies / Travler Collies -- CH Travler Sarita's Jeep Laredo
07/24/10 Travler Collies / Sarita Collies -- Travler Sarita's Good To Know
07/24/10 Travler Collies -- GCH Travler's Dr Z
07/24/10 Sarita Collies -- CAN CH Sarita's Suspense Thriller
07/24/10 Travler Collies
03/06/10 Travler Collies /Cadenza Collies -- CH Travler's Greased-Lightning
03/06/10 Travler Collies / Sarita Collies -- CH Travler's Sarita
03/06/10 Travler Collies -- Bree Ardizzone and CH Travler's Dr Z
02/27/10 Travler Collies -- CH Travler's Liberty Sport, CGC, ROM, AOM
02/27/10 Travler Collies /Cadenza Collies -- CH Travler's Greased-Lightning
02/27/10 Travler Collies / Sarita Collies -- Travler's Sarita
02/27/10 Travler Collies -- CH Travler's Dr Z
02/27/10 Travler Collies -- Bree Ardizzone and CH Travler's Dr Z and Kelly Reppert and CH Travler's Mustang Sally
02/27/10 Travler Collies -- The Jacks Group

Tri County Collie Breeders Association
04/03/10 Tri County Collie Breeders Association -- 2010 Upcoming Specialties

Trinity Collies
08/21/10 Trinity Collies -- Trinity It's Good To Be King, RA, HT, MX, MXJ, XF, NJP, PD2, PS2, PG2, PJ3, ONYX
08/21/10 Trinity Collies -- Fury's Wild Night At Trinity, RA, AX, MXJ, OF, FMX

TRR Photography
02/27/10 TRR Photography

Twiford, Glen
05/01/10 Happy 91st Birthday, Glen Twiford

Twilight Collies
04/10/10 Twilight Collies -- Twilights Castle Ghost

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Valentine, Mary
08/21/10 Mary Valentine -- MACH, OTCH-H, ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UDX, UDX-H, RE, RL3MCL, MX, MXJ, OF
08/21/10 Mary Valentine -- MACH, OTCH-H, ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UDX, UDX-H, RE, RL3MCL, MX, MXJ, OF
08/21/10 Mary Valentine -- CH Millknock's Moonshadow OA, OAJ, NF
06/12/10 Mary Valentine -- MACH, OTCH-H, ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UDX, UDX-H, RE, RL3MCL, MX, MXJ, OF
06/12/10 Mary Valentine -- MACH, OTCH-H, ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UDX, UDX-H, RE, RL3MCL, MX, MXJ, OF
06/12/10 Mary Valentine -- CH Millknock's Moonshadow OA, OAJ

Vennessee Collies
01/23/10 Aimcrier Collies / Vennessee Collies -- CH Overland Payton Of Vennessee and CH Vennessee A Wrinkle In Time

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Wamsat, Trish
11/06/10 Trish Wamsat -- Edenrock Quicksilver Reckless Heart
11/06/10 Trish Wamsat -- In Loving Memory of CH Hollicove Mi Amiga Bella and Kelly's Poetic Justice

Wagener, Diane
03/06/10 Diane Wagener -- AM/CAN CH Glasgowhill's Ready Set Go

Washoe Valley Collies
02/06/10 Washoe Valley Collies / Harley Collies -- Milas Sierra Avalanche Of Washoe, HIC, IT and Washoe's Sierra Gold
01/16/10 Washoe Valley Collies -- Milas Sierra Avalanche Of Washoe, HIC, IT

Web Design By Niome
01/09/10 Web Design By Niome

Weston Collies
11/06/10 Weston Collies / Keowee Collies
04/17/10 Keowee Collies / Weston Collies - CH Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston

Westwood Collies
07/24/10 Westwood Collies -- Westwood Blonde Moment

West Point Collies
06/05/10 West Point Collies -- In loving memory of CH West Point Showgirl

White Cloud Collies
05/15/10 White Cloud Collies -- White Cloud's Arabesque

Whitemoor Collies
04/17/10 Whitemoor Collies -- Marnus Promontory Gold

Wild West Collies
11/13/10 Wild West Collies -- CH Colebrae Wild West's Dark Angel HCT-S

Wild Wind Collies
11/20/10 Julie Billingsley and Michelle and Laura Bergstraser -- CH Wild Wind's Tell Me No Lies
10/30/10 Wild Wind Collies -- GCH Bit O'Heaven's Sorceress HIC
07/03/10 Wild Wind Collies -- CH Bit O'Heaven's Sorceress HIC

Wildwood Collies
03/13/10 Wildwood Collies -- CH Afterhours The Matrix
03/13/10 Wildwood Collies

Williams, Emily
05/01/10 Emily Williams -- Heaven Sent Twilight Of My Eye

Williams, George and Dona Williams
09/11/10 George and Dona Williams -- Annual Fall Collie and Sheltie Match

Windcrest Collies
05/15/10 Windcrest Collies -- CH Windcrest Swept Away
05/15/10 Windcrest Collies -- CH Windcrest Swept Away
03/13/10 Windcrest Collies -- CH Windcrest Swept Away

Windkist Collies
04/17/10 Shanarock Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity HIC
04/17/10 Shanarock Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity HIC

Windscape Collies
10/02/10 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- CH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
09/04/10 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
07/31/10 Windscape Collies / Provenhill Collies -- CH Provenhill Dances At Midnight
02/27/10 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil

Whitemoor Collies
04/17/10 Whitemoor Collies -- Marnus Promontory Gold
02/20/10 Whitemoor Collies -- Marnus Promontory Gold

Winover Collies
12/18/10 Winover Collies -- CH Winover Shadows In The Sky
01/16/10 Winover Collies

Woodruff Collies
08/21/10 Woodruff Collies -- (ATChC, V.Ch. & BISS Am./Can.Ch. Signet's "Way To Go!" Woodruff, Can.(DD, HI, SDI,CDX, AgX, AgXJ, RX), Am.(CDX, HSAs, RE, NA, NAJ), STDs, HRDI, RLFI, HTADI, ExStBronze, EAC, TN-E, TG-O, OCC, OJC, HP-N, RXMCL, CGC, CRTX, VX, AOM
04/17/10 Woodruff Collies -- CAN/AM CH Signet's Way To Go!" Woodruff

Wrangler Collies
06/12/10 Wrangler Collies -- CH Wrangler's Fields Of Athenry

Wright, Teri
12/11/10 Teri Wright -- CH Wildwoods Comstock Simply Wicked

Wyndham Collies
10/16/10 Wyndham Collies -- CH/MACH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CDX, RE, HSAsd, HIAs, VX
08/21/10 Wyndham Collies -- CH/MACH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CDX, RE, NF, HSAs, VX
03/13/10 Wyndham Collies -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CDX, HSAs, MX, MXJ, RE, VX
01/30/10 Wyndham Collies -- Tribute to CH Long Acres No Doubt, ROM -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CDX, HSAs, MX, MXJ, RE, VX

Wyndlair Collies
06/05/10 Wyndlair Collies -- Wyndlair Point Given
06/05/10 Wyndlair Collies -- Wyndlair Rachel Alexandra
03/06/10 Southland Collies / Wyndlair Collies -- Wyndlair Avalanche
03/06/10 Wyndlair Collies -- Wyndlair Point Given

Wynhaven Collies
12/04/10 Wynhaven Collies -- CH Wynhaven's Just Do It, RN, PT, NA, NAJ, NF, NJP, VC, VA and CH Wynhaven's Moon Shadow, RN, PT, OA, NAJ, NF, NJP, VC, VA
12/04/10 Wynhaven Collies -- CH Wynhaven's Moon Shadow, RN, PT, NA, NF, NJP, VC, VA
08/21/10 Wynhaven Collies -- CH Wynhaven's Moon Shadow, RN, PT, NA, NF, NJP, VC, VA
08/21/10 Wynhaven Collies -- CH Wynhaven's Just Do It, RN, PT, NJP, VC, VA
08/21/10 Rolanda Dane -- AKC/UKC CH Wynhaven's Blackjack, CDX, RE, NAP, OJP, OFP, CGC

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Yaeger, Ryan and Pat
08/07/10 Ryan Yaeger and Pat Yaeger -- CH Special Bare N' Blue

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March 4, 2025
MARYLAND – Moore Collies is proud to announce a new litter sired by GCH MACH3 RACH Moore's Idris Laise, out of Overland Moore’s Fitheach Banfhlath. The breeding produced five rough puppies, sables and tri-colors, on February 17.

Call 703-517-4193 or email Moore Collies

March 1, 2025
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 10-month-old rough, sable female puppy. All shots, health records, eye checks, and genetic screening. Promising as pet or show prospect.

Call 978-853-0611 or email Sequoia Collies

Buy a low-cost classified ad for just $10 (U.S.) when you want to get your message out fast and just a few words will do. Your ad will run in this space for one week.

> Collie Classified


Snail mail:
P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697