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Ability Stockdogs
08/23/08 Ability Collies
08/23/08 Ability Collies
08/23/08 Ability Stockdogs -- Oklahoma Collie Camp
07/12/08 Ability Stockdogs -- Oklahoma Collie Club 2008

Absolute Collies (Breeder Listing)
07/12/08 Absolute -- CH Special Milky Way (Pedigree )
06/21/08 Absolute -- Absolute Best Chance CD
03/29/08 Absolute -- CH Absolute Martini Royale (Pedigree)
Absolute Collies (Pedigree)

Afterhours Collies (Breeders Listing)
12/20/08 Afterhours Collies
05/17/08 Afterhours Collies
05/17/08 Afterhours Collies
03/15/08 Heron House/Afterhours --CH Afterhours The Matrix (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Heron House/Afterhours --CH Afterhours The Matrix

Aidan Collies
12/20/08 Aidan -- CH Pembroke The Revrend Mr Black CGC, OFA
08/23/08 Aidan -- CH Ainsleigh Mighty Cool Force RN OAJ CGC HIC
08/23/08 Aidan -- CH Ainsleigh The Need For Speed RN NA OAJ NJP NF CGC HIC OFA
05/31/08 Aidan -- CH Pembroke The Revrend Mr Black CGC

Aisling Collies
03/29/08 Aisling Collies (Pedigree)

Alexy Collies
03/01/08 Alexy Collies -- CH Alexy Even Sweeter and CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil

Alfenloch Collies
10/11/08 Alfenloch / Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum (Pedigree)
05/24/08 Alfenloch / Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum
04/05/08 Alfenloch -- Wyndlair A Beautiful Sunrise
04/05/08 Alfenloch/Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum
04/05/08 Alfenloch -- Alfenloch Immortal
02/16/08 Alfenloch/Wyndlair -- CH Twin City Wyndlair Anthem
02/16/08 Alfenloch/Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum

Apple Valley Collies (Breeders Listing)
05/03/08 Apple Valley -- Apple Valley Rob Roy

Argent Collies
09/06/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
09/06/08 Argent Collies and Sylvan Collies -- CH Sylvan Argent Pastel Impressions
07/26/08 Argent/Sylvan -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- CH Argent's Defy Gravity
07/19/08 Argent /Sylvan --CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
07/12/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/08/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/08/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
02/16/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible

Arizona Collie Clan
12/20/08 Arizona Collie Clan -- 2009 Upcoming Specialties
01/19/08 Arizona Collie Clan -- February 28, 2008 (Closes Feb. 13, 2008)

Arrowhill Collies
04/12/08 Arrowhill / Foggy Bay -- CH Arrowhill-Foggy Bay Alliance

Aurealis Collies
08/30/08 Aurealis Collies
04/26/08 Aurealis -- Gentry's Aurealis Di Amore
01/26/08 Aurealis -- CH Aurealis Bronze Glory (Pedigree)

Autumn Sun Collies (Breeders Listing)
09/13/08 Autumn Sun --Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- Fantasy's Clear Blue Sky (Pedigree)
09/13/08 Autumn Sun -- Autumn-Sun Tropic Of Capricorn, Autumn-Sun Spitfire and Autumn-Sun Jett Black (Pedigree)
02/16/08 Autumn Sun Collies (Pedigree)
02/16/08 Autumn Sun Collies (Pedigree)

Avant Garde Collies
12/06/08 Tribute To John Buddie, Tartanside Collies from Avant Garde Collies
02/16/08 Avant Garde -- CH Tartanside Avanti


Baliclare Collies
08/30/08 Baliclare -- Baliclare's Creston Moonlite Serenade
05/24/08 Baliclare -- AM/CAN CH Osez Rever Renoire

Barr Collies
11/15/08 Barr -- CH Diamante's Red Hot Passion
05/10/08 Barr -- Bronson's Fire N Brimstone and Diamante's Red Hot Passion
05/03/08 Barr -- Diamante's Red Hot Passion
04/19/08 Barr -- Bronson's Fire N Brimstone
04/12/08 Barr -- Diamante's Red Hot Passion

Belfair Collies
03/08/08 Belfair -- CH Belfair Something Blue

Bellagio Collies
10/04/08 Bellagio -- In Loving Memory of CH Bellagio Platinum Perfection HIC
10/04/08 Bellagio Collies

Bellvue Collies
10/18/08 Bellvue / Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM
10/18/08 Bellvue / Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
02/16/08 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon

Bennett, Noreen
11/15/08 Noreen Bennett -- Provenhill's Persuasion RA HSAs AX NAP AXJ NJP OF
08/23/08 Northeast Collie Agility Friends -- Thank you Noreen Bennett
08/23/08 Noreen Bennett --Provenhill's Persuasion RA PT AX NAP AXJ NJP OF
08/23/08 Noreen Bennett --Provenhill's Persuasion RA PT AX NAP AXJ NJP OF
08/23/08 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Mariner's Sea Sharp CD RE PT OA NAP NAJ NJP OF NPF VA

Bloom, Beth
07/05/08 Beth Bloom and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Sign O' the Times

Blu Ridge Collies
05/10/08 Blu Ridge Collies
05/10/08 Blu Ridge -- CH Blu Ridge Let It Ride (Pedigree)
05/10/08 Blu Ridge -- Blue Ridge Lookout (Pedigree)
05/10/08 Blu Ridge -- CH Blue Ridge Not Tonight (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Blu Ridge -- Blu Ridge Let It Ride (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Blu Ridge -- CH Blu Ridge Not Tonight (Pedigree)

Blue Music Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/09/08 Blue Music -- CH Blue Music Maquerade

Bluwave Collies
01/05/08 Bluwave -- Zephyr's The Legend Begins and Stephanie

Bolero Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/08/08 Bolero -- CH Bolero N Aamar's Crash 'N Burn
03/08/08 Bolero's Balymor of Charwyn
03/08/08 CH Bolero's Tough Luck

Bonham Collies
09/13/08 Bonham -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- CH Bonham's Over The Rainbow

Borel, Shelley & Steven
04/19/08 Shelley & Steven Borel / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Image of Reign

Braeton Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/20/08 Braeton Collies
06/21/08 Braeton -- CH Braeton's Summer Whisper
03/29/08 Braeton -- CH Braeton's Moondance (Pedigree)
01/19/08 Braeton -- CH Braeton's Moondance ( Pedigree)
01/19/08 Braeton -- CH Braeton's Believe In Blue ( Pedigree)

Breakaway Collies
11/22/08 Breakaway -- CH Breakaway's Calculated Risk

Bridgeside Collies
10/04/08 Morey Hills and Bridgeside Collies

Brim, Carol
03/08/08 Carol Brim -- Kingsmark Cold Mountain

Bronmaur Collies
(Breeder Listing)
09/06/08 Bronmaur -- CH Bronmaur Once Bitten (Pedigree)
08/09/08 Bronmaur -- CH Bronmaur Once Bitten

Burlywood Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/06/08 Burlywood -- Burlywood Bright And Early

Cadenza Collies
11/15/08 Cadenza -- Cadenza's Heirloom Travler
09/20/08 Cadenza -- CH Travler's Greased-Lightning
02/09/08 Cadenza -- CH Travler's Greased-Lightning

Calibre Collies ( Breeder Listing)
03/08/08 Calibre -- Calibre Cut From The Finest Cloth (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Calibre Collies (Pedigree)

Camelot Collies
05/03/08 Camelot/Society -- In Memory of CH Ballyhara Strike Up The Band, ROM

Camloch Collies (Breeder Listing)
10/25/08 Camloch / Long Acre -- CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent
05/03/08 Camloch -- CH Camloch LaDeDa Alliance
05/03/08 Camloch -- CH Camloch LaDeDa Alliance
05/03/08 Camloch -- Andrew Westfall and CH Camloch Diplomate
01/19/08 Camloch/Long Acre -- CH Camloch Long Acre's Iridescent
01/19/08 Camloch/Long Acre -- CH Camloch Long Acre's Iridescent

Candle Haven Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/15/08 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods (Pedigree)
10/25/08 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods
06/07/08 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Cooperstown (Pedigree)
05/17/08 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods
05/17/08 Candle Haven -- Candle Haven Cooperstown
02/02/08 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods
01/19/08 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods

Canyon Collies
03/08/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black
02/16/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black

Castlebar Collies
09/13/08 Castlebar and Clarion -- CH Clarion Excalibur (Pedigree)

Castle Hill Collies
02/16/08 Carol Karalis -- Clarion Blue Bayou

Celticmoon Collies

08/02/08 Collies of Mudville and Celticmoon Collies -- AM/CAN CH Barksdale Twinight In Mudville

Central States Collie Club
01/19/08 Central States Collie Club -- February 16 and 17, 2008 (Closes Jan. 30 2008)
(Dowload Premium List) (Print Entry Form)

Central Virginia Collie Club
01/26/08 Central Virginia Collie Club -- February 23 and 24, 2008

Charisma Collies
05/03/08 Charisma -- Kelsie Holden and Charisma Seabreeze Expression
03/08/08 Charisma -- Kelsie Holden and Charisma's Dream Maker
03/08/08 Charisma -- Charisma Seabreeze Expression

Charizma Collies
12/06/08 Charizma Collies
12/06/08 Charizma Collies

Chatham Collies

03/29/08 Chatham Collies -- Chatham's It Must Be Fate
03/08/08 Chatham -- Chatham's Thief Of Hearts

Chekia Collies
10/11/08 Chekia -- Chekia Sincerely
09/13/08 Chekia -- Chekia Chanticleer
08/02/08 Chekia -- Tartanside Integrity and Chekia Faith On The March

Chelsea Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/22/08 Chelsea -- Chelsea Major Obsession
04/12/08 Chelsea -- CH Chelsea CoCo Chanel
01/05/08 Chelsea -- CH Chelsea Sunshine Girl, HIC
01/05/08 Chelsea -- CH Chelsea Charidan Carte Blanc, HIC, ROM

Cherangani Hills Collies
10/11/08 Cherangani Hills -- Cherangani Hills Kouilou-Niari
10/11/08 Dublin Hill -- CH Cherangani Hills Kouilou-Niari

Cherann Collies
01/26/08 Cherann -- Cherann's Chapter And Verse

Cherokee Collies
04/12/08 Ka-Zes / Cherokee -- Ka-Zes Cherokees Chasing A Rainbow
04/12/08 Ka-Zes -- Ka-Zes Key To My Heart
04/12/08 Ka-Zes / Cherokee -- Ka-Zes N Cherokee Bewitching and Ka-Zes Charmed

Cheviot Collies (Breeder Listing )
08/16/08 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Sollis Gallant Boy (Pedigree )
03/01/08 Cheviot -- Cheviot Kid Gallant (Pedigree)
02/09/08 Cheviot -- Knoland Blue Danube (Pedigree)
01/19/08 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Pleasant View (Pedigree)

Childrey, Cynthia
01/26/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC

Chrysalis Collies
11/29/08 Chrysalis -- CH Chrysalis Ginger Snaps
07/19/08 Chrysalis -- In Memory of Int/Am CH Bo-Dandy's Fuzzy Wuzzy

Ciel Collies
06/21/08 Ciel -- CH Ciel en Deshabillee
06/21/08 Ciel -- Lisara's Bawdy Guard

Clantyre Collies
03/15/08 Clantyre -- CH Kirkhaven Clantyre Caetlyn, HIC

Clarion Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/13/08 Castlebar and Clarion -- CH Clarion Excalibur (Pedigree)
08/16/08 Tir Na N' Og/Clarion -- Clarion Stardust
06/07/08 Clarion -- CH Clarion White Diamonds
03/08/08 Clarion -- CH Clarion Excalibur
03/08/08 Clarion -- Clarion White Diamonds

Classique Collies
10/25/08 Classique -- Classique Absolutely Irresistible
03/08/08 Classique -- Landon Matthew Stelter

Cleveland Collie Club
11/29/08 Cleveland Collie Club -- 2009 Specialty Show

Cohen, Leigh and Marc
11/08/08 Leigh and Marc Cohen -- CH Twin Acres Little Black Dress
02/23/08 Leigh Cohen -- Twin Acres Little Black Dress
02/23/08 Leigh Cohen -- Twin Acres Little Black Dress

Colebrae Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/08/08 Colebrae -- Colebrae's After Dark
03/08/08 Colebrae -- Colebrae's Long As I Can See The Light

Collie Club of Alabama
05/03/08 Gettting To Know You 2008 -- May 23 - 26, 2008
04/26/08 Collie Club of Alabama -- Getting To Know You 2008, May 23 - 26

Collie Club of America District
06/07/08 Southern California CCA District
05/31/08 Collie Club of America Connecticut District and Tri County Collie BreedersAssociation -- Myra Savant-Harris: Canine Reproduction & Whelping & Puppy Intensive Care, Saturday and Sunday, July 19 and 20 (Download flyer)
05/24/08 CCA Southern California District -- Silent Auction and Raffle, June 7, 2008
05/17/08 CCA Southern California District -- Silent Auction and Raffle, June 7, 2008
05/17/08 CCA Southern California District -- Third Annual Seminar and Fun Match, June 7, 2008 (Download Flyer)
05/03/08 CCA Southern California District -- Silent Auction and Raffle, June 7, 2008
04/19/08 CCA Southern California District -- Third Annual Seminar and Fun Match, June 7, 2008 (Download Flyer)

Collie Club of America
12/13/08 Collie Club of America 2009 Calendar
12/13/08 Collie Club of America 2009 Calendar
12/06/08 2009 CCA National Specialty Trophy Donations
11/29/08 Collie Club of America -- 2009 National Trophy Fund
11/22/08 Collie Club of America -- 2009 Calendar
11/22/08 Collie Club of America -- Film Library
03/15/08 Collie Club of America National Specialty, March 16 - 22

Collie Club of Colorado
02/02/08 Collie Club of Colorado -- Friday, April 11, 2008

Collie Club of of Georgia
09/06/08 Collie Club of of Georgia -- Oct. 23 - 26, 2008

Collie Club of Kentucky
11/29/08 Collie Club of Kentucky -- Kentuckiana Cluster/ March 2009
08/16/08 Collie Club of Kentucky Upcoming Specialties -- October 18 and 19, 2008 ( Download Premium List )

Collie Club of Maine
08/16/08 Collie Club of Maine Match & More -- September 13, 2008 ( Download Match Flyer and Directions )
01/26/08 Collie Club of Maine -- Feb. 29, March 1 & 2, 2008

Collie Club of Maryland
11/08/08 Mason Dixon CC and CC of Maryland --2009 Specialty Shows

Collie Club of Minnesota
11/22/08 Collie Club of Minnesota -- February 6-8, 2009
01/05/08 Collie Club of Minnesota -- February 8-10, 2008

Collie Club of New England
08/16/08 Collie Club of New England 2008 Educational Seminar -- October 18, 2008
( Download Seminar Info and Directions )
08/16/08 Collie Club of New England AKC Sanctioned Match -- September 21, 2008 ( Download Match Info and Directions )
01/12/08 Collie Club of New England -- Tales of ToKalon, An Educational Seminar Presented By John Buddie

Collie Club of New Hampshire
08/30/08 CCNH AKC Sanctioned Match -- September 28, 2008 (Download Match Flyer)
03/08/08 Tri County Collie Breeders Assoc. of Southeastern New York and Collie Club of New Hampshire -- April 19 and 20, 2008

Collie Club of Northeastern New York
11/29/08 Collie Club of Northeastern New York -- January 24 and 25, 2009

Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
09/27/08 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- Halloween Collie/Sheltie Breed & Obedience Fun Match, October 26
05/24/08 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- CCNNJ's 2008 AKC Collie Breed and Obedience Match (Download Flyer)

Collie Club of Western New York
08/30/08 Collie Club of Western New York and Rochester Collie Club -- Oct. 3 - 5, 2008 (Download Premium List)

Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
11/08/08 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania -- 2009 Specialty Shows
01/12/08 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania -- February 2 and 3, 2008

Collie Club of San Antonio
02/02/08 Collie Club of San Antonio -- Saturday, March 8, 2008

Colliehaven Ventures
03/15/08 Colliehaven Ventures -- Hollywood Comes To Greensburg, IN

Collie Heath Foundation
12/06/08 Collie Health Foundation Night Auction and Dinner -- April 9, 2009
08/02/08 2008 Sunnybank In The Summer #12 -- The 12th Annual Gathering -- The Champions of Sunnybank
02/16/08 Collie Health Foundation -- Night Auction and Dinner
01/05/08 Collie Health Foundation -- Night Auction and Dinner

Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc.
08/30/08 Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc. -- Become A Member

Collies of Aryggeth
03/29/08 Collies of Aryggeth -- Countryview Stellar Momentum (Pedigree)
Collies of Aryggeth

Collies Of BlueHarvest
11/22/08 Collies Of BlueHarvest -- CAN CH Cheviot Pretty Boy Floyd (Pedigree)

Collies of Mudville
08/02/08 Collies of Mudville and Celticmoon Collies -- AM/CAN CH Barksdale Twinight In Mudville

Collies Online
05/10/08 Collies Online -- New Advertising Rates effective July 1, 2008

Columbus Collie Club
12/06/08 Columbus Collie Club -- 2009 Specialty Shows and Kem Memorial Sweepstakes

Concord Collies
12/13/08 Concord -- CH Concord Shanvly Stella's Groove
08/30/08 Concord -- CH Concord Shanvly The Amistad (Pedigree)
08/30/08 Concord -- Concord Shanvly Stella's Groove

Cooley, Jane
01/26/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC

Counselor Collies
08/23/08 Counselor Collies-- CH Caledonia Wildside, NA, NAJ, NGC, CGC, N-TG, PT, AG1, TT, N-TN, VA
08/23/08 Counselor Collies -- Wizard Wind Counselor's Heir, HT, CGC, NA, OAJ, NAC, O-TN, N-TG, OCC, OJC, PG-1, AGI

Country K Collies
02/02/08 Country K -- AM/CAN CH Country K "Bocephus" HIC, CGC

Countryview Collies
05/24/08 Countryview -- Countryview Rased Replica (Pedigree)
01/19/08 Countryview -- CH Countryview Back To Broadway (Pedigree)

Cox, Janice
10/18/08 Janice Cox / Debbie Holland -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- Fantasy's Key To My World

Cramer, Julie
08/23/08 Julie Fait/Julie Cramer -- CH/U-GRCH Green Grove Wind In The Willows CD,RE,PT,AXP,NJP,VX(CCA),VCH (AWCA)

Creator Collies
12/20/08 Creator -- CH Creator Aamar Loving Favor
09/27/08 Creator -- Creator's Coming In The Clouds
03/15/08 Creator Collies -- Creator's Dominion
01/26/08 Creator -- CH Creator Aamar Loving Favor, HC

Crimson Collies
08/09/08 Crimson/Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Audacious

Crockford, Terri
07/05/08 Terri Crockford -- CH Diamante's Red Hot Kisses

Cudzynowski, Barbara and Joe
11/29/08 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski / Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Chorus Girl, CD, RN, HIC
08/02/08 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowsk -- Tartanside Elite CD, RN, UCD, HIC
06/28/08 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski -- CH Tartanside Chorus Girl, RN, HIC
05/17/08 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski -- Tartanside Chorus Girl, RN, HIC
04/19/08 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski -- UCD Tartanside Elite, CD, RN, HIC

Cynara Collies
03/29/08 Cynara -- Cynara's Cameo Appearance

Cyndella Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/20/08 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Triple Shot, OFA
08/02/08 Cyndella -- Cyndella's Promiscuous Girl
08/02/08 Cyndella -- Cyndella's Me Myself 'N Lisara
05/03/08 Cyndella -- Cyndella's Splitting Image
03/01/08 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Triple Shot, OFA (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Cyndella -- Cyndella's Splitting Image


Davenloch Collies
05/24/08 Davenloch -- CAN CH Davenloch No Need To Whisper
05/24/08 Davenloch -- CAN CH Davenloch's Pillow Talk
05/24/08 Davenloch -- CAN CH Davenloch Color Me Happy

Dea Haven Collies
12/27/08 Dea Haven Collies
11/15/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker (Pedigree)
10/25/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
09/13/08 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's To Catch A Dream
09/13/08 Dea Haven --CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
09/06/08 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's To Catch A Dream
08/30/08 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's To Catch A Dream
08/02/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
06/28/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker and Dea Haven's Down Memory Lane
05/31/08 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's To Catch A Dream
05/17/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
05/17/08 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's Sweet Memory
05/17/08 Dea Haven -- CH Oakleaf Song Of The South
05/10/08 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's Sweet Memory
05/03/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
04/12/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
04/05/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
03/08/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
03/01/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
01/26/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
01/26/08 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker

Deep River Collies (Breeders Listing)
12/13/08 Deep River -- CH Bo-Dandy's Itsawig -- CH Bo-Dandy's Itsawig CD, RE, HSAdcs, HIAd, RFL1, HTAD1, HTD, HIAd
12/13/08 Deep River Collies
11/15/08 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Bow And Arrow
08/3008 Deep River -- CH Deep River Right On Red, HIC ROM (View Tribute Ads)
08/23/08 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Comfort And Joy RN, HSAd, HIAs, HXAsd, RFL 1, HTD 1, HTAD III, HRD III
08/09/08 Deep River -- Deep River's Burn Notice
08/09/08 Deep River -- Deep River's Haunting Ewe
07/19/08 Kathy Moll, Gary Newsham, Dee Penatzer -- CH Deep River's Comfort And Joy RN, HXAsd, RLF1, HTD1,HRDIII
07/05/08 Kathy Moll, Gary Newsham, Dee Penatzer -- CH Deep River's Comfort and Joy RN, HXAsd
05/31/08 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Light the Night Sky, HT
05/31/08 Deep River Collies
05/31/08 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Bow And Arrow (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Bow And Arrow (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Right On Red, ROM, HIC (Pedigree)
02/09/08 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Consider It Done (Pedigree)
02/09/08 Deep River Collies (Pedigree1 :: Pedigree2 :: Pedigree3)

Delgayla Collies
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Delgayla -- Jil Cris Enchanters Hot Stuff

Demuir Collies
03/08/08 Demuir -- CH Kings Valley Demuirs Here I Am
01/12/08 Demuir -- CH Kings Valley Demuirs Here I Am

Design Collies
11/08/08 Design -- CH Fantasy's Midnight Thunder

Devinwood Collies
12/20/08 Devinwood Collies
10/11/08 Devinwood -- Devinwood Stealing Beauty
05/31/08 Devinwood -- CH Devinwood Ramblin Roads (Pedigree)
05/03/08 Devinwood -- CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger (Pedigree)
04/26/08 Devinwood -- Devinwood Ramblin Roads (Pedigree)
03/29/08 Devinwood -- CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger (Pedigree)
Devinwood -- Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
02/09/08 Devinwood -- Devinwood Stealing Beauty
01/05/08 Devinwood -- CH Devinwood Ramble On

Diamante Collies
12/27/08 Diamante Presentation
12/27/08 Diamante -- Diamante's Crown Jewel
12/27/08 Diamante -- CH Diamante's Five Alarm Fire
12/27/08 Diamante Colies and Barr Collies
08/16/08 Diamante Collies
08/09/08 Diamante -- CH Diamante Coachlight's Jewel
07/05/08 Diamante -- CH Gwyn Marc's One Moment In Time, ROM
07/05/08 Diamante -- CH Gwyn Marc's One Moment In Time, ROM
07/05/08 Alice Inman and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
07/05/08 Alice Inman and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
07/05/08 Larisa / Diamante -- CH Diamante Larisa's Dynamic Duo
07/05/08 Kelsey Ehnle and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Midnight Kisses
07/05/08 Pat and Yvette Donovan and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Red Hot Lover
07/05/08 Terri Crockford -- CH Diamante's Red Hot Kisses
07/05/08 Taylor Ehnle and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Gwyn Marc's One Moment in Time, ROM
07/05/08 Jarm Ehnle and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Five Alarm Fire
07/05/08 Surjack / Diamante -- CH Diamante's Kisses Like Fire
07/05/08 Julie Fait and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- Diamante's Fire in the Sky HIC
07/05/08 Diamante Presentations -- Diamante's Heart's on Fire and Diamante's Coachlight Jewel
07/05/08 Beth Bloom and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Sign O' the Times
03/29/08 Diamante Collies
02/09/08 Diamante Collies
02/02/08 Alice Inman/Rebecca Myers Barth -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette

Divine Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/13/08 Divine -- CH Divine's White Hot Sensation
03/01/08 Divine -- CH Divine's Simply Enchanted and CH Divine's Simply Heaven
03/01/08 Divine -- CH Divine's Simply Out Of The Blue

Donovan, Pat and Yvette
07/05/08 Pat and Yvette Donovan and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Red Hot Lover

Dreamchaser Collies
06/14/08 Dreamchaser -- CAN CH Tricounty Dreamchasers Promise HIC
06/14/08 Dreamchaser -- AM/CAN CH Rockwoods Vindicator
06/14/08 Dreamchaser -- Southland's Island Dreamchaser
05/24/08 Dreamchaser -- Can. CH Tricounty Dreamchasers Promise HIC
04/12/08 Dreamchaser / Brian and Hazel Hampson -- AM/CAN CH Rockwoods Vindicator

Dublin Hill Collies
10/11/08 Dublin Hill -- CH Cherangani Hills Kouilou-Niari
09/06/08 Dublin Hill -- CH Jag-View Sunrapt Sultan
09/06/08 Dublin Hill -- Mandalay's Rock The Cradle
09/06/08 Dublin Hill -- Celticmoon Rockin' Rhythm and Celticmoon Rockin' Robyn
01/12/08 Dublin Hill -- Mandalay I Wanna Be A Rock Star

Dunton, Carol

08/23/08 Carol Dunton -- CH Rosehaevens What A Catch -- CD RE PT AX AXJ NF STDs CCA-VX AWCA-VC
08/23/08 Carol Dunton/Dr. Deanna Levenhagen -- Rosehaevens Without Warning HIC and Rosehaevens Summit Nobility HIC


East Tennessee Collie Club
09/13/08 East Tennessee Collie Club -- Oct. 31 - Nov. 2

Easy to Spot Collies
12/20/08 Easy To Spot -- Easy To Spot Delerium
12/20/08 Easy To Spot -- Easy To Spot Varekai
05/10/08 Easy To Spot -- CH Easy To Spot Whirlaway HIC
03/15/08 Entais/Easy to Spot -- CH ETS Entais Charismatic and CH Easy To Spot Whirlaway

Edenrock Collies
11/15/08Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
10/25/08 Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
10/04/08 Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
08/30/08 Keepsake/Edenrock -- Keepsake Pop Princess
08/09/08 Edenrock -- In loving memory of CH Edenrock Of Ages (View Slide Show)
06/07/08 Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
04/19/08 Shelley & Steven Borel / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Image of Reign
03/08/08 Edenrock/Keepsake -- Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
03/08/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black
02/16/08 Edenrock/Keepsake -- Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
02/16/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black
02/02/08 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Of Ages, ROM
02/02/08 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock The Mask Of Society

Ehnle, Kelsey, Taylor, Jarm
07/05/08 Kelsey Ehnle and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Midnight Kisses
07/05/08 Taylor Ehnle and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Gwyn Marc's One Moment in Time, ROM
07/05/08 Jarm Ehnle and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Five Alarm Fire

Enchanter Collies
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Sherri Foglia -- CH Jil Cris Ultimate Benefit
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Glenshire -- CH Glenshire N'Chanter Excalibur
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Linda Raven -- CH Jil Cris Givin Me Chills
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Delgayla -- Jil Cris Enchanters Hot Stuff
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Glenshire -- Glenshire's Rob Roy

Entais Collies
12/20/08 Entais -- Entais Soleil
12/20/08 Entais -- Entais Rendezvous
05/10/08 Entais -- CH Entais Seabiscuit
05/10/08 Entais -- CH ETS Entais Charismatic
03/15/08 Entais/Easy to Spot -- CH ETS Entais Charismatic and CH Easy To Spot Whirlaway

Evers, Angela
08/23/08 Angela Evers -- Dream, Believe, Achieve


Fairway Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/20/08 Fairway -- Fairway Pretty In Pink
01/26/08 Fairway -- Fairway Forever Elizabeth ETS
01/26/08 Fairway -- Fairway Forever Elizabeth ETS

, Julie
08/23/08 Julie Fait/Julie Cramer -- CH/U-GRCH Green Grove Wind In The Willows CD,RE,PT,AXP,NJP,VX(CCA),VCH (AWCA)
07/19/08 Julie Fait -- CH Diamante's Fire In The Sky HIC
07/05/08 Julie Fait and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- Diamante's Fire in the Sky HIC

Fantasy Collies
(Breeder Listing)
11/22/08 Fantasy / Sassy -- Dream Wish Believe
10/18/08 Bellvue / Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM
10/18/08 Bellvue / Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
10/18/08 Fantasy / Oxford -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Just Dream
10/18/08 Fantasy / Sassy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM --CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
10/18/08 Fantasy / Sassy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Midnight Confessions
10/18/08 Janice Cox / Debbie Holland -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- Fantasy's Key To My World
09/13/08 Fantasy --Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- CH Wayside Flying High II
09/13/08 Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- CH Fantasy's Delta Blues

09/13/08 Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- CH Rainbow's Fantasia
09/13/08 Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- Fantasy's Rainbow Sprite
Fantasy -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- Fantasy's Confetti Sky
07/19/08 Fantasy Collies
06/14/08 Sassy/Fantasy -- CH Fantasy's Midnight Confessions

02/16/08 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon

Foggy Bay Collies
04/12/08 Arrowhill / Foggy Bay -- CH Arrowhill-Foggy Bay Alliance

Follie Collies
09/20/08 Follie -- Carealot's Sky Warrior

Forecast Collies
08/23/08 Forecast -- Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast, OA, AXJ, NF, HIC
08/23/08 Forecast -- Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast, OA, AXJ, NF, HIC

Foremost Collies
12/06/08 Foremost -- CH Batman Of Foremost
10/25/08 Mission Ridge / Foremost -- Foremost Mission Ridge Class Act
08/30/08 Foremost -- CH Phoenix Of Foremost (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Foremost -- CH Phoenix of Foremost (Pedigree)
03/08/08 Foremost -- CH Phoenix of Foremost

Frank, Michelle
08/23/08 Michelle Frank -- Kayloma Blk N' Wht Formal Affair CGC HCT JHD PT HTAD-Isd HTAD-IIs HTD HSAs STDcds OTDds


Gentry Collies
10/11/08 Gentry -- CH Bravo's Gentry Sarah Lee and CH Gentry's About Face
08/16/08 Gentry -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
08/16/08 Gentry -- Gentry's Night Train
04/19/08 Gentry -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
04/19/08 Gentry -- CH Gentry's About Face
03/08/08 Gentry -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
03/08/08 Gentry -- Gentry's About Face
02/16/08 Gentry -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
02/16/08 Gentry -- Gentry's About Face
02/02/08 Gentry -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
02/02/08 Gentry -- Gentry's About Face
02/02/08 Gentry -- CH Gentry's Stars On The Water

Gibson, Eva
08/23/08 Eva Gibson/Julie Skibinski -- Cornerstone Justified MJP AXP OFP

Glasgowhill Collies
08/16/08 Glasgowhill -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Adorably Dora
08/16/08 Glasgowhill -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Looking Glass
08/16/08 Glasgowhill -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Sweet Temptation
08/16/08 Glasgowhill -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Ready Set Go
07/19/08 Glasgowhill -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Be A Rockstar
07/12/08 Glasgowhill / La Mesa -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Coco Chanel

Glencre Collies
06/21/08 Glencre -- Southland's Fort Sumter (Pedigree)

Glenshire Collies
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Glenshire -- CH Glenshire N'Chanter Excalibur
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Glenshire -- Glenshire's Rob Roy

Glory Collies
11/29/08 Glory/Wildwood -- CH Wildwood Takoda Glory Us Night
03/15/08 Glory -- Kaitlin Calvert and CH Glory's Endless Story
03/15/08 Glory -- CH Glory's Endless Story

Goldsmith, Meg
12/20/08 Meg Goldsmith -- Wyldrose Diamond in the Ruff, CD-H, RN, HIC, CGC and Marnus Clearing the Bases

Greyloch Collies
11/15/08 Greyloch -- CH Sylvan Song Of Greyloch
08/30/08 Greyloch -- Sylvan Argent Kiss And Tell
08/30/08 Greyloch -- Sylvan Argent Serenade Of Greyloch

Griffith, Holly
03/01/08 Holly Griffith -- CH Tartanside Owain Of Highland
Holly Griffith -- CH Tartanside Owain Of Highland


Harrow Place Collies
06/21/08 Harrow Place Collies and J. Samuel Clark
06/21/08 Harrow Place -- CH Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O' Glory
06/21/08 Harrow Place -- Harrow Place Violets Are Blue
03/08/08 Harrow Place -- CH Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O'Glory and J. Samuel Clark (Pedigree)

Headline Collies
08/30/08 Headline -- CH Hollyoak In Th' Face Of Danger

Held, Debbie and Forrest
08/23/08 Debbie and Forrest Held -- Van-M Goodness Gracious,CD,RA,MX ,MXJ, DPP, CGC and VCH Van-M American Beauty, CDX, RE,HSAs, STDs, MX, MXJ, PAX, MXP4, MJP7,OFP,CGC, DPP

Heron House Collies (Breeders Listing)
03/15/08 Heron House/Afterhours --CH Afterhours The Matrix (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Heron House/Afterhours --CH Afterhours The Matrix

Hi Cliff Collies
09/06/08 Hi Cliff -- AM/CAN CH Deep River's Bad To The Bone
08/23/08 Hi Cliff -- Hi Cliff PS The Lady Eve, HIC, CGC

Hi-Crest Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/15/08 Hi-Crest -- CH Hi-Crest Blame It On Rio
11/15/08 Hi-Crest -- CH Hi-Crest Sun Showers

Highcroft Collies
12/06/08 Highcroft / St Germaine -- CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy
08/09/08 Highcroft -- CH Overland Highcroft Frosting
08/02/08 Highcroft -- CH Highcroft Farrah Fawcett
08/02/08 Highcroft / Lode-Ark -- CH Lode-Ark Overland Pearlesence
05/17/08 Highcroft / St Germaine -- CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy
05/17/08 Highcroft / St Germaine -- Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum
05/17/08 Highcroft / Lode-Ark -- Highcroft Lode-Ark Liberty

Hillcrest (Breeder Listing)
07/12/08 Hillcrest Collies
06/07/08 Hillcrest -- Hillcrest's Silver Bells CD

Hollicove Collies
08/23/08 Richella Veatch and Vicki Loucks -- CH Hollicove Got Her Blu Jeans On CD RN CGC
02/02/08 Hollicove -- Hollicove Formal Attire
02/02/08 Hollicove -- CH Hollicove Mi Amiga Bella


06/14/08 Highlander -- CH Highlander's Acceleration

Hollyoak Collies
03/08/08 Hollyoak -- CH Hollyoak's Naturally Naughty

Honeyblossom Collies (Breeder Listing)
04/12/08 Honeyblossom -- CH Honeyblossom Petals Of Love and Honeyblossom's Venus In Blue Jeans

Honey Tree Collies (Breeder Listing)
05/03/08 Honey Tree -- Dawn's Evening Fawn
04/26/08 Honey Tree Collies -- Divine's Hot Summer Night

Honig, John ~ Memorial Trophy
01/12/08 John Honig Memorial Trophy

Horowitz, Marilyn
11/15/08 Marilyn Horowitz -- 2010 Sunnybank Calendar (Calendar Order Form)


Incandescent Collies
11/22/08 Incandescent -- Giving Thanks
05/24/08 Incandescent -- CH Kadon Bethany's Gospel

Indiana Collie Club
06/21/08 The Indiana Collie Club presents A Seminar for Breeders and Fanciers, July 12 and 13, 2008 (Download Flyer)
04/26/08 Indiana Collie Club -- Saturday and Sunday, May 10 and 11, 2008
03/29/08 Indiana Collie Club 2008 Spring Classic and Kem Sweepstakes
03/15/08 Indiana Collie Club 2008 Spring Classic and Kem Sweepstakes

Insignia Collies
04/26/08 Long Acre/Insignia -- Long Acre Insignia Roses R Red

Inspire U Collies
11/29/08 Inspire U -- L'gacy Magic Slipper RA HXAs HSAc
08/23/08 Inspire U -- L'gacy Magic Slipper RA HSAs
08/23/08 Inspire U -- Ability's Girl who Rocks Like That


07/26/08 J'adore -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- J'adore XO XO (Pedigree)

Jabobs, Carol and Mike
07/26/08 Carol and Mike Jabobs -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- Shadowmont Darcy Of Skye, NAJ, NCC, NAC, NJC, PJI

Jag-View Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/20/08 Jag-View -- CH Jag-View Painted Sandstone
11/01/08 Jag-View -- CH Jag-View It's How You Play (Pedigree)
02/23/08 Jag-View Collies
02/09/08 Jag-View Collies
01/26/08 Jag-View Collies

Jereco Collies
11/08/08 Jereco -- CH Signet's Lynmars State Of Grace
09/27/08 Jereco -- CH Signet's Lynmar's State Of Grace
02/09/08 Jereco -- CH Signet's Lynmar's State of Grace CGC, HIC and Jerry Sulewski

Jil Cris Collies
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Sherri Foglia -- CH Jil Cris Ultimate Benefit
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Glenshire -- CH Glenshire N'Chanter Excalibur
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Linda Raven -- CH Jil Cris Givin Me Chills
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Delgayla -- Jil Cris Enchanters Hot Stuff
07/12/08 Jil Cris / Enchanter / Glenshire -- Glenshire's Rob Roy

09/27/08 Jubileez -- Unique gifts and show prizes

Juell Collies
08/16/08 Juell -- Reveille VIII

Jupiter Collies
08/02/08 Jupiter -- Heatherri Drops Of Jupiter


Kamille Collies
02/02/08 Kamille -- Armitage Kamilles Patent Pending

Kara Christo Collies (Breeder Listing)
06/14/08 Kara Christo -- Kara Christo Whispering Hope

Karavel Collies
08/30/08 Karavel -- Afterhours Southern Knight, HIC (Pedigree)
07/26/08 Karavel -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- CH Karavel Managing Editor
07/05/08 Karavel -- CH Karavel Managing Editor (Pedigree)
06/07/08 Karavel -- Karavel Managing Editor

Kaye, Gayle
11/29/08 Presenting a new book on Collies . . . The Collie in America by Gayle Kaye

Kayloma Collies

08/23/08 Kayloma Collies -- Current Stars
08/23/08 Kayloma Collies -- Past Stars
08/23/08 Kayloma Collies -- Future Stars
08/23/08 Richella Veatch and Vicki Loucks -- CH Hollicove Got Her Blu Jeans On CD RN CGC

Ka-Zes Collies (Breeder Listing)
06/28/08 Ka-Zes Collies
04/12/08 Ka-Zes / Cherokee -- Ka-Zes Cherokees Chasing A Rainbow
04/12/08 Ka-Zes -- Ka-Zes Key To My Heart
04/12/08 Ka-Zes / Cherokee -- Ka-Zes N Cherokee Bewitching and Ka-Zes Charmed
02/23/08 Ka-Zes -- CH Ka-Zes Tangled Up In Blue, ROM and Ka-Zes N Cherokee's Bewitching 01/05/08 Ka-Zes -- CH Ka-Zes Night Moves (Pedigree)

Keepsake Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/15/08 Keepsake -- CH Keepsake Pop Princess
11/15/08Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
10/25/08 Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
10/04/08 Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
08/30/08 Keepsake/Edenrock -- Keepsake Pop Princess
07/12/08 Niteridge / Keepsake -- CH Keepsake I Want To Talk About Me
06/07/08 Keepsake / Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
03/08/08 Edenrock/Keepsake -- Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
03/08/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black
02/16/08 Edenrock/Keepsake -- Edenrock Keepsake Fergilicious
02/16/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black

Kelso Collies
01/26/08 Kelso -- CH Kelso's Moon Dancin' PT

Kenmare Collies
05/10/08 Kenmare -- Kenmare Shoreham's Braveheart

Kenmoor Collies
05/10/08 Kenmoor -- CH Kenmoor Dream Catcher
05/10/08 Kenmoor -- West Point Kenmoor Inspiration

Keowee Collies
12/27/08 Weston/Keowee -- CH Rainbow's Karma At Weston
05/03/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/15/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/08/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/08/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/08/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston

Keystone Collie Club
09/20/08 Keystone Collie Club -- Upcoming AKC Sanctioned Match -- Oct. 5, 2008
04/12/08 Keystone Collie Club -- May 3, 2008

Kimberee ( Breeder Listing)
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH LoriMar 'n Kimberee RipTide (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee -- Kimberee I Walk Th' Line to LoriMar (Pedigree)
Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH LoriMar 'n Kimberee Makin' Waves (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee/Anna Lerch -- CH Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, HT (Pedigree)

Kingdom Collies
11/15/08 Kingdom -- CH Overland Mardi Gras II

Kings Valley Collies
08/23/08 Kings Valley Collies -- In Loving Memory of Eva Rappaport
08/23/08 Kings Valley -- Kings Valley Never Say Never, CD
08/23/08 Kings Valley -- UCD CH Kings Valley Black Grypon, CD, RAE, HIC, CGC, TC O-NJC, O-TN-N CLI-F, GS-N, JS-N, VC
08/23/08 Kings Valley -- Kings Valley Heart 'N Soul, RE, UD
08/23/08 Kings Valley -- Kings Valley Double Shot Of Espresso, AAD
08/23/08 Kings Valley -- Kings Valley Blessing, HC, TD, TDI, BPDX
08/23/08 Kings Valley -- Kings Valley Open Secret, CGC, SvcD

Kirklyn Collies
10/25/08 Terrapin / Kirklyn -- Terrapin Kirklyn Secret Spice

Kitleigh Collies
05/03/08 Kitleigh -- Kitleigh Charlie Brown

Koallie Collies
09/06/08 Koallie -- Edenrock Koallie Gray Lachlan
09/06/08 Koallie -- Edenrock Koallie Gray Lachlan

Kramer, Jeanna and MACH Noble Soren Of The Oaks
10/25/08 New England Agility Collie Friends Congratulates Jeanna Kramer and MACH Noble Soren Of The Oaks


LaDeDa Collies
10/25/08 LaDeDa -- CH La-De-Da Camloch's Ohh La-La

La Mesa Collies
07/12/08 Glasgowhill / La Mesa -- CAN CH Glasgowhill's Coco Chanel

Larisa Collies

07/05/08 Larisa / Diamante -- CH Diamante Larisa's Dynamic Duo

Larkspur Collies
06/21/08 Larkspur -- Larkspur Forget Me Not

Leet, Sandy
08/02/08 Sandy Leet -- White Birch Aladdin and Daisy Leet, CGC

Legendhold Collies
10/11/08 Legendhold Collies -- Tribute to CH Bellagio Platinum Perfection HIC
10/11/08 Legendhold Collies -- Tribute to CH Bellagio Platinum Perfection HIC
10/11/08 Legendhold Collies -- Tribute to CH Bellagio Platinum Perfection HIC

Lenertz, George and Mary Lenertz
12/06/08 George and Mary Lenertz -- CH Kayloma's Flash Of Diamonds

Lerch, Anna
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee/Anna Lerch -- CH Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, HT (Pedigree)

Levenhagen, Dr. Deanna
08/23/08 Carol Dunton/Dr. Deanna Levenhagen -- Rosehaevens Without Warning HIC and Rosehaevens Summit Nobility HIC
08/23/08 Dr. Deanna Levenhagen -- MACH Starphase Spirit Of Peyto, UD, RE, NF, HXAd, HIAsd, HSAsd, PT, CGC, EAC, EJC, EGC, TN-E, WV-E TG-O, JS-O PDI, STDsd, HTD-Is, HRD-Is, TDI

L'gacy Collies
12/06/08 L'gacy -- CH L'Gacy Twist Of Fate (Pedigree)
05/10/08 L'gacy -- L'gacy Artic Chill (Pedigree)
02/16/08 L'gacy/Oak Knoll -- CH L'gacy Twist Of Fate

Liege Collies
11/01/08 Liege -- CH Liege's Standing In The Rainbow
10/04/08 Liege -- CH Liege's Standing In The Rainbow
08/02/08 Liege -- CH Liege's Standing In The Rainbow

Limerick Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/20/08 Limerick Collies -- CH Limericks Tartanside Patriot (Pedigree)
12/20/08 Limerick Collies -- Limericks Color Guard
10/25/08 Limerick -- CH Limerick's Tartanside Patriot
10/25/08 Limerick -- Limerick's Color Guard
07/26/08 Limerick -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- CH Limerick Celebration and Limericks Celebrity
07/12/08 Limerick Collies -- CH Limericks Tartanside Patriot
04/26/08 Limerick -- Limericks Color Guard
04/26/08 Limerick -- Limericks Celebrity
04/12/08 Limerick -- Limericks Color Guard
03/08/08 Limerick -- CH Limericks Tartanside Patriot

Lindale Collies
01/19/08 Lindale -- CH Comstock Lindale She's So Hot

Littlefield Collies (Breeders Listing)
12/06/08 Tribute To John Buddie, Tartanside Collies from Littlefield Collies
07/26/08 Littlefield -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- Tartanside All In Favor, Tartanside Can Can, Littlefield's Tartanside Criterion (Pedigree)
01/19/08 Littlefield -- CH Littefield Country Squire

Lochlaren Collies (Breeders Listing)
04/12/08 Lochlaren -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret (Pedigree )
04/12/08 Lochlaren / Jackie Morfitt -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison (Pedigree )
04/12/08 Lochlaren / Jackie Morfitt -- Barksdale Lochlaren Good Times (Pedigree)
02/16/08 Lochlaren -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison (Pedigree)
02/16/08 Lochlaren -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison (Pedigree)
02/16/08 Lochlaren -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
02/16/08 Lochlaren -- CH Lochlaren-Bravos Secret Edition

Lonepine Collies
08/16/08 Lonepine -- CH Keepsake Lonepine No Hair To Go, HIC and Lonepine Who Knew
06/07/08 Lonepine -- Lonepine Who Knew

Long Acre Collies (Breeder Listing)
10/25/08 Camloch / Long Acre -- CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent
04/26/08 Long Acre/Insignia -- Long Acre Insignia Roses R Red
01/19/08 Camloch/Long Acre -- CH Camloch Long Acre's Iridescent
01/19/08 Camloch/Long Acre -- CH Camloch Long Acre's Iridescent

03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH LoriMar 'n Kimberee RipTide (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee -- Kimberee I Walk Th' Line to LoriMar (Pedigree)
Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH LoriMar 'n Kimberee Makin' Waves (Pedigree)
03/01/08 Lorimar/Kimberee/Anna Lerch -- CH Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, HT (Pedigree)


Maerewyn Collies
06/28/08 Maerewyn -- CAN CH Southland's Last Curtain Call
06/07/08 Maerewyn -- Maerewyn Lofty Aspirations

Marchello Collies
04/26/08 Marchello -- Kia Pirro and Accent Marchello Holiday
04/12/08 Marchello -- Kia Pirro and Accent Marchello Holiday
04/12/08 Marchello -- Kia Pirro and Marchello's Seraphim Song
04/12/08 Marchello -- Marchello's Angel Baby
02/23/08 Marchello -- CH Marchello's Luck Of The Irish
02/16/08 Marchello -- CH Marchello's Luck Of The Irish

Marino, Tammy Lamont
12/06/08 Tribute To John Buddie, Tartanside Collies from Tammy Lamont-Marino

08/02/08 Mariner Collies
08/02/08 Mariner -- CH Accent's Echoes Of Time
08/02/08 Mariner -- CH Mariner Kalstorm Sea And Tell

Marnus Collies
05/03/08 Marnus -- CH Marnus Lucky Strike

Marquee Collies
02/09/08 Marquee -- CH Rockwood Marquee I'm No Angel, HIC

Mascoma Collies
06/14/08 Mascoma -- Mascoma's Illumination Night
06/14/08 Mascoma -- Mascoma's Night Sky

Mason Dixon Collie Club
11/08/08 Mason Dixon CC and CC of Maryland --2009 Specialty Shows

Meadows, The
06/14/08 The Meadows

Milas Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/15/08 Milas -- Milas Latin Music and Milas Latin Time
11/08/08 Milas -- Milas Latin Music and Milas Latin Time
07/05/08 Milas -- Milas Absolute Limit, Milas Absolute White and Milas Absolute Notice
07/05/08 Milas -- CH Milas Absolute Latin
05/10/08 Milas -- CH Milas Absolute Latin
04/12/08 Milas -- Milas Absolute Latin
03/15/08 Milas -- CH Milas Latin Fever
02/09/08 Milas -- Milas Absolute Latin
02/09/08 Milas -- CH Milas Latin Dancer
01/19/08 Milas -- Milas Absolute Latin

Mirabeau Collies
(Breeder Listing)
08/30/08 Mirabeau -- Mirabeau Dandy Don (Pedigree)
08/02/08 Mirabeau Collies
08/02/08 Mirabeau -- Mirabeau Dandy Don
02/02/08 Mirabeau -- Mirabeau Dandy Don
06/28/08 Mirabeau -- CH Twin Acres Blueprint and CH Lochwynde Stars and Bars
02/02/08 Mirabeau -- CH Mirabeau Razzle Dazzle EM

Mission Ridge Collies
10/25/08 Mission Ridge / Foremost -- Foremost Mission Ridge Class Act
03/01/08 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP
02/23/08 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP
02/09/08 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP, HIC
01/26/08 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP

Misty Manor Collies
07/19/08 Misty Manor -- CH Misty Manor's Appreciation

Moonwind Collies
10/11/08 Moonwind -- Tribute to Ch Bellagio Platinum Perfection HIC -- Bellagio You Had Me At Hello

Moore Collies
11/29/08 Moore -- Moore's Tiernan Dash

08/23/08 Moosebrook -- Donn-ell Traveling Thru Time CD RN HT NA NAJ NJP PDI Rs-N NAC NGC CGC HIC
08/23/08 Moosebrook -- Donn-ell Traveling Thru Time CD RN HT NA NAJ NJP PDI Rs-N NAC NGC CGC HIC

Morey Hills Collies
10/04/08 Morey Hills and Bridgeside Collies

Mountainside Collies
06/21/08 Mountainside -- CH Mountainside You Are So Special, TD, CGC (Pedigree)


Newsham, Gary
07/19/08 Kathy Moll, Gary Newsham, Dee Penatzer -- CH Deep River's Comfort And Joy RN, HXAsd, RLF1, HTD1,HRDIII
07/05/08 Kathy Moll, Gary Newsham, Dee Penatzer -- CH Deep River's Comfort and Joy RN, HXAsd

Niteridge Collies
07/12/08 Niteridge / Keepsake -- CH Keepsake I Want To Talk About Me

Night Star Collies
07/12/08 Special / Night Star -- CH Special Care Bear, NE, NC

North Texas Collie Club

12/13/08 North Texas Collie Club -- 2009 Upcoming Shows

Northern Wisconsin Collie Club
09/13/08 The Northern Wisconsin Collie Club -- Back-to-Back Specialty Shows, October 25 and 26, 2008

Northview Collies
03/15/08 Northview -- A/C CH Fantasy's Buck Naked
03/15/08 Northview -- CAN CH Fantasy's Northview Upon A Star

Northshields Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/08/08 Northshields --Ch Northshields Oktoberfest
11/08/08 Northshields --Ch Northshields Oktoberfest
11/01/08 Northshields -- Northshields Rangefinder
10/25/08 Northshields -- CH Northshields Trafalgar, HSADS
10/25/08 Northshields -- CH Northshields Judgement Of Paris, HSAD
10/25/08 Northshields -- Northshields Rangefinder, HT
08/23/08 Northshields -- Tartanside The Matrix HXAds
08/09/08 Northshields -- CH Tartanside Recollection HXAds
07/26/08 Northshields -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- CH Northshield Providence CDX, OA, HXAds
05/17/08 Northshields -- CH Northshields Panache, HT
03/29/08 Northshields -- CH Northshields Oktoberfest

NorthUist Collies
12/20/08 NorthUist -- NorthUist Kungsholm HonorGuard
10/25/08 NorthUist -- Highcroft Pledge Of Allegiance

Nothing But Collies
12/20/08 Nothing But Collies 2009 Calendars
11/22/08 Nothing But Collies 2009 Calendars

NuVet Plus and NuJoint Plus
02/09/08 Strengthen your Collie's immune system with NuVet Plus and NuJoint Plus


Oak Knoll Collies
05/17/08 Oak Knoll -- Anstett Oak Knolls Olympic Flame
05/03/08 Oak Knoll -- In Memory of A/C CH Oak Knolls Tincture Of Time, HIC
04/19/08 Oak Knoll -- Oak Knolls Forever 'N Blue Jeans
02/16/08 L'gacy/Oak Knoll -- CH L'gacy Twist Of Fate
02/09/08 Oak Knoll -- Oak Knolls Chocolatier

Oak Ridge Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/08/08 Oak Ridge -- Cheviot Renegade (Pedigree)
03/08/08 Oak Ridge -- Cheviot Gallant Girl (Pedigree)

Omega Collies
06/14/08 Omega -- CAN CH Overland Southern Comfort
06/14/08 Omega -- CAN CH Overland Southern Comfort

Overland Collies (Breeder Listing)
04/19/08 Overland -- CH Overland Black Powder
04/19/08 Overland -- CH Overland Powder Puff and CH Overland In Suspense
04/05/08 Overland -- CH Overland Toy Box, ROM

Oxford Collies
10/18/08 Fantasy / Oxford -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Just Dream


Pacific Northwest Collie Club
08/16/08 Pacific Northwest Collie Club -- Upcoming Specialties -- Nov. 8 and 9, 2008

Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia
12/06/08 Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- 2009 Specialty Shows

Penatzer, Dee
07/19/08 Kathy Moll, Gary Newsham, Dee Penatzer -- CH Deep River's Comfort And Joy RN, HXAsd, RLF1, HTD1,HRDIII
07/05/08 Kathy Moll, Gary Newsham, Dee Penatzer -- CH Deep River's Comfort and Joy RN, HXAsd

Performance Week on Collies Online
08/09/08 Collies Online Performance Week -- August 23, 2008
07/26/08 Collies Online Performance Week -- August 23, 2008
07/19/08 Collies Online Performance Week -- August 23, 2008

Piedmont Collie Club
12/06/08 Piedmont Collie Club -- 2009 Specialty Shows
09/06/08 Piedmont Collie Club -- Annual Fall Harvest Match -- Oct. 11, 2008
05/10/08 Piedmont Collie Club -- Collie Camp 2008 (July 18-20) > Download Registration Form

Pleasant Acre Collies
12/06/08 Pleasant Acre Collies and Shalimar Collies
10/11/08 Shalimar Collies and Pleasant Acre Collies

Priority Collies
05/31/08 Priority -- CH Priority Putting On The Ritz
05/31/08 Priority -- CH West Point Priority Package

Provenhill Collies
03/08/08 Tisbury/Provenhill -- CH Provenhill's Tisbury Sambuca
02/02/08 Tisbury/Provenhill -- Provenhill's Tisbury Sambuca
01/26/08 Provenhill -- Provenhill's Devilicious and CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
01/05/08 Provenhill/Leigh Cohen -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil


Qualteri Collies
09/20/08 Qualteri -- Qualteri's Highland Warrior

Quarter Century Collie Group
01/26/08 Quarter Century Collie Group -- March 21, 2008


Rainbow Collies
09/13/08 Rainbow -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM
09/13/08 Rainbow -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- CH Rainbow Here Comes The Sun (Pedigree)

Ravencroft Collies
12/13/08 Ravencroft -- CH Ravencroft Heart Song

Reflexion Collies
07/05/08 Reflexion -- Reflexions Prada In Blue
07/05/08 Reflexion -- Tyler Lamp and Laren's Razzmatazz

Renaire Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/08/08 Renaire -- Renaire's Move Over!
01/12/08 Renaire -- Renaire's Move Over!

Revelation Collies
07/12/08 Special / Revelation -- CH Special Teddy Bear Graham, NE

Ritzy Collies
07/12/08 Ritzy -- CH Ritzy's Kiowa Smooth Talker

Rivendell Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/20/08 Rivendell Collies (View Video :: View Pedigree)

Rochester Collie Club
08/30/08 Collie Club of Western New York and Rochester Collie Club -- Oct. 3 - 5, 2008 (Download Premium List)

Rockrose Collies
04/05/08 Rockrose -- CH Rockrose Stone Setter

Rodman, Dana
07/19/08 Dana Rodman -- Clarion The Grey Ghost

Rosehaeven Collies
08/23/08 Rosehaeven -- Rosehaevens Worth The Wait and Rosehaevens Why Its Worth It
08/23/08 Rosehaeven Collies

Rosenberg, Shelley
12/13/08 Shelley Rosenberg -- CH C & J Sirius Black

Rosepoint Collies ( Breeder Listing)
Rosepoint Collies (Pedigree)

Row-Bar Collies (Breeders Listing)
05/03/08 Row-Bar -- CH Row-Bar's Smoking Gun, HIC
01/19/08 Row-Bar -- CH Row-Bar's Smoking Gun, HIC
01/19/08 Row-Bar -- CH Row-Bar's Smoking Gun, HIC

Royal Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/15/08 Royal -- CH Royal's Heaven Sent

08/23/08 Ryder -- Ryder --Kings Valley Looking East CDX AX AXJ, Kings Valley Ryder Nick of Time, Ryder’s First Edition AX AXJ


Sacred Collies
10/18/08 Sacred -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Law Of Attraction
10/18/08 Sacred -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Law Of Attraction
09/20/08 Sacred -- CH Fantasy's Law Of Attraction
09/20/08 Sacred -- CH Fantasy's Law Of Attraction

San Diego Collie Club
01/26/08 San Diego Collie Club -- February 23, 2008

Sandmoor Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/22/08 Sandmoor -- Int'l Ch. Debonair Phoenix, CD, CGC, CC, VC

Sassy Collies
11/22/08 Fantasy / Sassy -- Dream Wish Believe
11/22/08 Sassy -- Sassy's Once Is Not Enough
10/18/08 Fantasy / Sassy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM --CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
10/18/08 Fantasy / Sassy -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Midnight Confessions
10/18/08 Sassy Collies -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM
07/12/08 Sassy -- Sassy's Smoking Dragon
06/21/08 Sassy -- Sassy's Shut Up And Dance
06/14/08 Sassy/Fantasy -- CH Fantasy's Midnight Confessions
03/08/08 Sassy -- Sassy's Shut Up And Dance
03/01/08 Sassy -- CH Fantasy's Midnight Confessions
03/01/08 Sassy -- Fantasy's Sassy Sophisticate

Sax Group
12/20/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
09/06/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
07/19/08 Sax Group --CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
07/12/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/08/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/08/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
02/16/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible

Scarborough Collies
03/15/08 Scarborough -- Scarboroughs Milas Intensity

Schaladon Collies
07/05/08 Alice Inman and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
07/05/08 Alice Inman and Rebecca Myers-Barth -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
02/02/08 Schaladon/Diamante -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette

Sea Jay Collies
08/23/08 Sea Jay -- Deep River's Chasing Shadows, RN, CGC
05/31/08 Sea Jay -- Brook Wood Miss Tiffany, Am/Can CD, RN, CGC, TDI, VC and Am/Can CH Karizma Deep River High Flyer, Am/Can CD, RA, NA, CGC, TDI, VCX

Sequoia Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/02/08 Sequoia -- CH Sequoia's The New Black
04/05/08 Sequoia -- Sequoia's The New Black (Pedigree)

07/26/08 Shadowmont -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard

Shalimar Collies
12/06/08 Pleasant Acre Collies and Shalimar Collies
10/11/08 Shalimar Collies and Pleasant Acre Collies

Shelana Collies
11/29/08 Shelana -- CH Twin City Shelana Liberty Island

Sheltie/Collie Online Grooming Seminar
01/05/08 Sheltie/Collie Online Grooming Seminar

Shoreham Collies
11/08/08 Shoreham -- CH Shoreham Java Man
11/08/08 Shoreham -- CH Shoreham Java Man
06/07/08 Shoreham East -- CH Shoreham With Gusto, CGC
03/08/08 Shoreham -- CH Shoreham Java Man
02/16/08 Shoreham -- CH Shoreham A Heavenly Brew

Showcase Collies
03/22/08 Showcase -- CH Special What Not To Wear

Siena Collies
07/26/08 Siena --Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- Ch Siena's Magic Image and CH Siena's Dance To The Music

Silhouette Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/13/08 Silhouette -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- CH Silhouette A Rainbow Tadifor

Silverhill Collies
07/05/08 Silverhill -- In Memory of Forrest Heese

Skibinski, Julie
08/23/08 Eva Gibson/Julie Skibinski -- Cornerstone Justified MJP AXP OFP

Smith, Debra and Scout
05/24/08 Debra and Scout Smith -- CH Clarion Force Of Nature HT

Smith, Peg and Becky
08/23/08 Peg and Becky Smith -- Tapestry's Brogan Of Tipperary, CGC, NAP, NJP

Society Collies (Breeder Listing)
05/03/08 Camelot/Society -- In Memory of CH Ballyhara Strike Up The Band, ROM
03/08/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black
02/16/08 Keepsake/Society/Edenrock/Canyon -- Canyon's Society Back In Black

Solar Collies
09/13/08 Solar -- CH Rainbow's Watching The Wheels

Somerset Collies
05/31/08 Somerset -- CH Somerset Just Dessert
04/19/08 Somerset -- Somerset Just Dessert

Southland Collies
09/27/08 Southland -- CH Southland's Bowen Island, ROM (Pedigree)
09/27/08 Southland -- Southland's A Place In The Sun (Pedigree)
05/03/08 Summertime Puppy Classic, Saturday, June7, 2008 (Dowload Flyer)
05/03/08 Southland -- Southland's A Place In The Sun (Pedigree)
03/08/08 Southland -- CH Southland's Confederate Sky
03/08/08 Southland -- CH Southland's Confederate Sky
03/08/08 Southland -- CH Southland's Confederate Sky
03/08/08 Southland -- Tartanside Southland Brigade

South Jersey Collie Club
08/30/08 South Jersey Collie Club Puppy Match -- Sept. 20, 2008 (Download Match Flyer)

Special Collies
(Breeder Listing)
12/20/08 Special Collies Congratulates Ryan Yaeger and Pedro
07/12/08 Special / Revelation -- CH Special Teddy Bear Graham, NE
07/12/08 Special / Night Star -- CH Special Care Bear, NE, NC

Spiritwind Collies
02/09/08 Spiritwind -- Spiritwind Vision Quest and Spiritwind Visionary (Pedigree)

Spellbound Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/08/08 Spellbound Collies
11/08/08 Spellbound Collies
10/04/08 Spellbound Collies
07/19/08 Spellbound -- Spellbound Eighteen Kt Gold
06/21/08 Spellbound -- CH Spellbound Rave Reviews (Pedigree)

Spiritwind Collies
09/06/08 Spiritwind Collies (Pedigree)

Star Country
07/26/08 Star Country -- In Memory of CH Tartanside Vanguard
07/26/08 Star Country -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- Tartanside Incidentally

Stirling Collies
05/24/08 Stirling -- CH Stirling Society Outstandish (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Stirling -- CH Stirling Society Outstandish
03/08/08 Stirling -- CH Stirling Society Outstandish

St Germaine Collies
12/06/08 Highcroft / St Germaine -- CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy
10/25/08 St Germaine -- Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum
10/25/08 St Germaine -- Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum
05/17/08 Highcroft / St Germaine -- CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy
05/17/08 St Germaine -- CH Wyndlair St Germain Mystique CDX, RE, TD, PT and CH Highcroft St Germaine Exquisite TD
05/17/08 St Germaine -- CH Wyndlair St Germain Mystique CDX, RE, TD, PT
05/17/08 Highcroft / St Germaine -- Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum

St Louis Collie Club
12/13/08 St Louis Collie Club -- 2009 Upcoming Shows

Stoneypoint Collies
10/11/08 Stoneypoint -- CH Stoneypoint Undercover

Summertime Puppy Classic
08/09/08 Summertime Puppy Classic -- Friends Of The Traveling Apron -- (Rules of the game)
05/24/08 Summertime Puppy Classic, Saturday June7, 2008 (Download Flyer)
05/03/08 Summertime Puppy Classic, Saturday June7, 2008

Sunnland Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/01/08 Sunnland Collies (Pedigree)
08/09/08 Sunnland -- Sunnland's Copacabana, HIC (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Sunnland -- Sunnland's Grand Entrance, HIC (Pedigree)
02/09/08 Sunnland Collies -- Sunnland's Grand Entrance, HIC, Sunnland's Copacabana, HIC and Sunnland's Mardi Gras, HIC (Pedigree)

Sunny Sky Collies
10/18/08 Sunny Sky -- Tribute to CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart ROM -- CH Fantasy's Whisperiing Sky

Surjack Collies
07/05/08 Surjack / Diamante -- CH Diamante's Kisses Like Fire
06/07/08 Surjack -- CH Diamante's Kisses Like Fire
05/31/08 Surjack -- Diamante's Kisses Like Fire
05/24/08 Surjack -- CH Surjack Home Run
05/10/08 Surjack -- CH Surjack Who's Line Is It Anyway

Sutherland Collies
09/06/08 Sutherland -- Vennessee's Sutherland Surprise and Vennesse's Diamonds Are Forever
04/19/08 Sutherland Collies

Swan Collies
12/13/08 Swan Collies congratulates Catherine Clifton and Swan’s Standard Blueprint CD, NA, NAJ, OAJ, RN, RA, CGC, OFA, CERF

Swansinger, Marilyn
12/06/08 RuthAnn Wendorf and Marilyn Swansinger -- CH Arlington Indian Ink

Sweetwater Collies
12/13/08 In Loving Memory of AM Can Nat Int'l UCI CH West Point Dress Blues AM CAN CD RA NR TT BP CGC TDI VC
12/20/08 Sweetwater -- AM/CAN CH Sweetwater Will Never Tell
10/11/08 Sweetwater -- AM/CAN CH Sweetwater Will Never Tell

Sylvan Collies
09/06/08 Sax Group -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
09/06/08 Argent Collies and Sylvan Collies -- CH Sylvan Argent Pastel Impressions
07/26/08 Argent/Sylvan -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- CH Argent's Defy Gravity
07/19/08 Argent /Sylvan --CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
07/12/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/08/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/08/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
02/16/08 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible


Taliesin Collies
10/11/08 Taliesin -- CH Wyndlair Island Vacation
09/20/08 Taliesin -- CH Wyndlair Island Vacation
08/16/08 Taliesin Collies
08/16/08 Taliesin -- CH Wyndlair Island Vacation
03/08/08 Taliesin -- CH Wyndlair Island Vacation
03/08/08 Taliesin -- Taliesin Savannah

Tallywood Collies
07/05/08 Tallywood -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Enlightened
07/05/08 Tallywood -- Tallywood Resonance
03/29/08 Tallywood -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Transcendental
Tallywood -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Transcendental
Tallywood -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Temperance

Takoda Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/20/08 Takoda -- Caledonia Credential
11/01/08 Takoda -- Caledonia Credential
10/25/08 Takoda / Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Taejon
07/26/08 Takoda -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- Tartanside Caledonia Con Amore
07/26/08 Takoda -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- Takoda's Beaded Moccassin
05/03/08 Takoda/Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Taejon
04/12/08 Takoda /Tartanside -- CH. Tartanside Taejon

Tango Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/27/08 Tango -- CH Tango's She's Got the Look
05/03/08 Tango -- CH Tango's She's Got The Look

Tapestry Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/27/08 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry Brigadoon (Pedigree)
07/26/08 Tapestry -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- CH Tapestry Tartanside Image
06/14/08 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry Keeping The Faith
03/15/08 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry South Wynd (Pedigree)
03/15/08 Tapestry -- Tapestry Keeping The Faith
01/12/08 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry South Wynd

Tartanside Collies
12/06/08 Tribute To John Buddie, Tartanside Collies
12/06/08 Tribute To John Buddie, Tartanside Collies from Avant Garde Collies
12/06/08 Tribute To John Buddie, Tartanside Collies from Littlefield Collies
12/06/08 Tribute To John Buddie, Tartanside Collies from Tammy Lamont-Marino
10/25/08 Takoda / Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Taejon
10/04/08 Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Power Play
08/09/08 Crimson / Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Audacious
07/26/08 Tartanside -- Tribute to CH Tartanside Vanguard -- CH Tartanside Pollyanna
05/17/08 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski /Tartanside -- Tartanside Chorus Girl, RN, HIC
05/03/08 Takoda/Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Taejon
04/12/08 Takoda /Tartanside -- CH. Tartanside Taejon

Tercan Collies

02/16/08 Tercan -- Tercan's Have A Little Faith

Terrapin Collies
10/25/08 Terrapin / Kirklyn -- Terrapin Kirklyn Secret Spice

Thee, Gwen
08/23/08 Gwen Thee -- Apple Valley Archer CDX NA NAJ TT CGC

Thistlebrae Collies
01/26/08 Thistlebrae -- CAN CH Thistlebrae Devil's Advocate

Thober, Kris
08/23/08 Kris Thober -- CH Kimegan's Booker T CD, MX, MXJ, RN, CGC

Tir Na N' Og Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/16/08 Tir Na N' Og/Clarion -- Clarion Stardust
06/07/08 Tir Na N' Og -- Clarion Opalescence
06/07/08 Tir Na N' Og -- CH Tir Na N' Og Criminal Type

Tisbury Collies
03/08/08 Tisbury/Provenhill -- CH Provenhill's Tisbury Sambuca
02/02/08 Tisbury/Provenhill -- Provenhill's Tisbury Sambuca

Timeless Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/08/08 Timeless -- Timeless Country Sunshine
04/05/08 Timeless -- CH Timeless Hello Darlin
04/05/08 Timeless -- CH Timeless Golden Warrior, ROM (Pedigree)
04/05/08 Timeless -- CH Timeless Liberty Warrior (Pedigree)
01/19/08 Timeless -- CH Timeless Liberty Warrior

Touchstone Collies
11/29/08 Touchstone -- Touchstone Filigree
06/14/08 Touchstone Collies

Trailwind Collies
12/20/08 Trailwind Collies
08/23/08 Trailwind -- CH MACH 3 Kimberee Hold That Dream, TDX, HSAs, NF, AXP, MXP, OFP, VX
03/08/08 Trailwind -- CH MACH 3 Kimberee Hold That Dream, TDX, HSAs, NF, NAP, NJP, NFP, VX
03/08/08 Trailwind -- Trailwind Fairways Fast Forward, TD

Travler Collies
(Breeders Listing)
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport -- CH Travler's Dr Z
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport -- CH Travler's Mustang Sally
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport -- CH Travler's Greased - Lightening
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport -- CH Travler's Pierce Arrow
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport -- CH Travler's Good To Go
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport -- CH Thistlebrae Travler Espresso
05/10/08 Travler -- Tribute to CH Travler's Liberty Sport -- CH Travler's Touch Of Magic

Tri County Collie Breeders Assoc. of Southeastern New York
05/31/08 Collie Club of America Connecticut District and Tri County Collie Breeders Association -- Myra Savant-Harris: Canine Reproduction & Whelping & Puppy Intensive Care, Saturday and Sunday, July 19 and 20 (Download flyer)
03/29/08 Tri County Collie Breeders Assoc. of Southeastern, New York and Collie Club of New Hampshire -- April 19 and 20, 2008
03/08/08 Tri County Collie Breeders Assoc. of Southeastern New York and Collie Club of New Hampshire -- April 19 and 20, 2008

Trinity Collies
08/23/08 Trinity/Beth Elliot -- Trinity It's Good To Be King, RN, MX, MXJ, OF, NJP, FMX, PD2, PK2, PG1, PJ3
08/23/08 Beth Elliot -- Fury's Wild Night At Trinity, RA, NA, AXJ, NF, FM

Tuff Quest
08/02/08 2008 Tuff Quest Gala "Evening Under The Stars"
08/02/08 Tuff Quest -- Connecting with your dog . . . The key to show ring success with your dog! Presented by John Buddie, Aug. 15, 2008 (Download Flyer)
07/05/08 Tuff Quest -- Connecting with your dog . . . The key to show ring success with your dog! Presented by John Buddie, Aug. 15, 2008 (Download Flyer)
07/05/08 Gala Evening Under the Stars -- August 15, 2008

Twin Acres Collies
11/08/08 Twin Acres -- INTCH, NUCH, DKCH, AMCH Twin Acres Patrick Henry

Twister Kennels
06/28/08 Twister Kennels -- CH Con-Te Patent Pending


Valentine, Mary
11/15/08 Mary Valentine -- OTCH-H ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UDX, UDX-H, RE, RL3, MX, MXJ, OF
08/23/08 Mary Valentine -- OTCH-H ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UD, UDX-H, RE, RL3, MX, MXJ, OF
08/23/08 Mary Valentine -- OTCH-H ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UD, UDX-H, RE, RL3, MX, MXJ, OF
08/23/08 Mary Valentine -- OTCH-H ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UD, UDX-H, RE, RL3, MX, MXJ, OF
08/23/08 Mary Valentine -- Karavel Wizard of OZ CD, CD-H, RN, RL2, MXP, MJP, NFP

Valley Park Collies
12/27/08 Valley Park -- Valley Park Native Son
05/31/08 Valley Park -- Tartanside Valley Park Limerick and Valley Park American Dream
04/12/08 Valley Park / Tartanside -- CH. Tartanside Allegiance, ROM
04/12/08 Valley Park -- Valley Park Native Son (Pedigree)
04/12/08 Sollis / Valley Park -- Sollis Valley Park Allure
04/05/08 Valley Park Collies


Weatherwax, Bob and Laddie
11/01/08 Weatherwax Collies -- Presenting Laddie Junior
03/08/08 Weatherwax Trained Dogs
01/12/08 Bob Weatherwax and Laddie

Wendorf, RuthAnn
12/06/08 RuthAnn Wendorf and Marilyn Swansinger -- CH Arlington Indian Ink

Weston Collies
12/27/08 Weston/Keowee -- CH Rainbow's Karma At Weston
09/13/08 Weston/Keowee -- Tribute to CH Rainbow Instant Karma ROM -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
05/03/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/15/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/08/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/08/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston
03/08/08 Weston/Keowee -- Rainbow's Rising Karma At Weston

West Point Collies
12/13/08 In Loving Memory of AM Can Nat Int'l UCI CH West Point Dress Blues AM CAN CD RA NR TT BP CGC TDI VC
04/12/08 West Point -- CH West Point Larpat Bao Li HSA-S CD NA
04/12/08 West Point -- CH. West Point Hot Ticket

Westwood Collies
11/15/08 Westwood -- CH Westwood Aladdin
01/26/08 Westwood -- CH Westwood Fairytale

Whitemoor Collies
12/06/08 Whitemoor -- Marnus Promontory Gold

Wildwind Collies
08/23/08 Wild Wind Collies
08/02/08 Wild Wind -- Cyndella's Wild Wind Centerfold
08/02/08 Wild Wind -- Ch Wild Wind's Moment Of Clarity RN

Wildwood Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/29/08 Glory/Wildwood -- CH Wildwood Takoda Glory Us Night
04/26/08 Wildwood -- Wildwood puppies and CH Gambits Incantations (Pedigree)
04/26/08 Wildwood -- CH Gambits Incantations (Pedigree)
04/19/08 Wildwood -- CH Gambits Incantations (Pedigree)

Windcrest Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/13/08 Windcrest -- CH Windcrest Swept Away (Pedigree))
10/25/08 Windcrest -- Windcrest Swept Away
06/14/08 Windcrest --CH Windcrest Desert Rose
04/19/08 Windcrest -- CH Windcrest Daybreak (Pedigree)
04/19/08 Windcrest -- Windcrest Swept Away
01/19/08 Windcrest -- Windcrest Daybreak
01/19/08 Windcrest Collies

Windscape Collies
02/16/08 Windscape -- CH Windscape Rave Review

Windsong Collies
09/06/08 Windsong -- CH Windsong Mona Lisa's Smile (Pedigree)

Windy Hills Collies
05/31/08 Windy Hills -- CH Windy Hills Bewitching
05/31/08 Windy Hills -- Windy Hills Dreamsicle

Winsmore Collies
08/16/08 Winsmore -- Glasgowhill's Winsmore Vocalist and Glasgowhill's Winsmore Egotistic
08/16/08 Winsmore -- Winsmore So Continental, Winsmore's Captivation and Winsmore's Adorable Starlight

Woodruff Collies
08/23/08 Am/BISS Can. Ch. Signet’s “Way To Go!” Woodruff, Can. (DD, HS, CD, AgX, AgXJ, RA), Am.(CD, PT, RN), RA-MCL, STDs, HRDI, RLFI, ADC, AGDC, EAC, TN-E, TG-O, OCC, NJC, CGC, VCX, VA, AOM

Woodstock Collies
02/23/08 Woodstock Collies
Woodstock Collies

Wyndham Collies
09/27/08 Wyndham -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CD, HT, RA, AX, AXJ, VX
08/23/08 Wyndham -- CH Wyndham's Valedictorian HT, CDX, MX, OF, RE, VX
08/23/08 Wyndham -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CD, RA, HT, NF, NA, OAJ, VA
01/19/08 Wyndham -- CH Riverrun Wyndha's Imagine That! CD,HT,RA,NA,OAJ

Wyndlair Collies
12/27/08 Wyndlair -- CH Twin City Wyndlair Anthem
10/11/08 Wyndlair -- CH Twin City Wyndlair Anthem ( Pedigree)
10/11/08 Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Aurora Borealis, Wyndlair Polaris and Classique Wyndlair Legacy On Ice
05/24/08 Alfenloch / Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum (Pedigree)
04/05/08 Alfenloch/Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum
02/16/08 Alfenloch/Wyndlair -- CH Twin City Wyndlair Anthem
02/16/08 Alfenloch/Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum

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