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Aamar Collies
11/11/06 A tribute to Mary Jane Anderson of Aamar Collies

Absolute Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/26/06 Absolute -- Absolute Martini Royale
06/03/06 Absolute Collies and Spellbound Collies
04/15/06 Absolute -- Ch. Special Got Milk and Absolute Martini Royale
04/15/06 Absolute Collies

Afterglow Collies
12/02/06 Afterglow -- Gretchen Inman and Ch Fairway Starr's Valentina

Afterhours Collies (Breeders Listing)
12/23/06 Afterhours/Heron House -- CH Afterhours The Matrix (Pedigree)
08/26/06 Afterhours -- CH Ladyvale Afterhours Electra
07/01/06 Afterhours/Gambit -- Ch. Gambit's When Stars Align (Pedigree)

Aidan Collies
03/25/06 Aidan -- Ch. Ainsleigh The Need For Speed

Aimcrier Collies
07/29/06 Aimcrier -- Ch. Mariner Shiver Me Timbers NA, NAJ, HIC

Alaric Collies
10/28/06 Alaric -- Alaric Bound By The Heart
06/10/06 Alaric Collies -- Alaric Bound By The Heart

Alexy Collies

11/25/06 Alexy -- CH Alexy Even Sweeter
08/12/06 Alexy -- CH Alexy Even Sweeter
06/17/06 Alexy -- Ch. Alexy Even Sweeter
04/01/06 Alexy -- Ch. Alexy Even Sweeter
03/04/06 Alexy -- Ch. Alexy Even Sweeter
01/21/06 Alexy -- Ch. Alexy Even Sweeter

Apple Valley Collies (Breeders Listing)
12/02/06 Apple Valley/Foremost -- CH Phoenix Of Foremost (Pedigree)

Argent Collies
12/09/06 Sylvan/Argent -- CH Argent Just One Look
09/30/06 Nancy Comparato and Dr. Cindi Bossart -- CH Sylvan Argent Absolute Power
08/05/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Ch. Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible (Pedigree)
06/24/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
06/17/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
05/20/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
05/20/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible

Armitage Collies
06/17/06 Armitage -- On Cue's Hershey's Kiss (Pedigree)
02/18/06 Armitage -- Armitage Spiritwind Stolen Halo (Pedigree)

Arizona Collie Clan
01/14/06 Arizona Collie Clan -- March 2 and 3, 2006

Aurealis Collies
08/19/06 Aurealis -- CH Aurealis Engraved In Gold
03/11/06 Aurealis/Tartanside -- Tartanside Brocade

Avondale Collies
09/09/06 Avondale Collies (Pedigree)
09/09/06 Avondale -- CH Accolades Respect My Authoritay

Aychess Collies
12/16/06 Aychess/Tallywood -- A/C CH Tallywood Transcendental


Baliclare Collies
(Breeder Listing)
04/22/06 Baliclare Collies (Pedigree)

09/16/06 Balverne -- CH Balverne Top Gun

Barksdale Collies (Breeders Directory)
04/29/06 Lochlaren/Barksdale -- Ch. Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison (Pedigree)
04/29/06 Lochlaren/Barksdale -- Ch. Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison

Belfair Collies
12/23/06 Belfair Collies -- CH DeMuir's Inside Edition
12/23/06 Belfair Collies -- CH DeMuir's Something Blue, Demuir's Evening Star
12/23/06 Belfair Collies -- CH DeMuir's Inside Edition and Family

Bellagio Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/09/06 Bellagio Collies (Pedigree 1 :: Pedigree 2)

Belle Bête Collies
06/24/06 Belle Bête -- Belle Bête Battery Not Included
03/18/06 Belle Bête -- Belle Bête No Assembly Required
02/18/06 Belle Bête -- Ch. Belle Bête Battery Not Included
01/14/06 Belle Bête -- Ch. Belle Bête Battery Not Included

Bellvue Collies
06/10/06 Dream Wish Believe -- CCA 2006
06/10/06 Bellvue/Fantasy Collies -- Bellvue's Raising The Bar
06/10/06 Bellvue Collies -- Fantasy's Bellvue Sensation
06/10/06 Calusa/Bellvue Collies -- Calusa Top Secret of Bellvue
06/10/06 Bellvue/Fantasy Collies -- Bellvue's Can You Hear Me Now
06/10/06 Bellvue/Fantasy Collies -- Ch. Fantasy's Bronze Sensation

Bennett, Noreen
07/29/06 Noreen Bennett -- Ch. Mariner's Poetic Justic CDX, CAN, CD, RN, HT, OA, NAP, AJP, VX
07/29/06 Noreen Bennett -- Ch. Mariner Sea Sharp CD, RE, PT, OA, NAJ, VA
07/29/06 Noreen Bennett -- Provenhill's Persuasion RN, HT

Bethany Collies
05/20/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel (Pedigree)
04/22/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
04/15/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
04/08/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
03/25/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
03/18/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel

Blu Ridge Collies
12/23/06 Blu Ridge -- CH Blu Ridge Not Tonight (Pedigree)
11/18/06 Blu Ridge -- Blu Ridge Let It Ride (Pedigree)
08/26/06 Blu Ridge -- Starr's Light Starrs Bright, CDX
02/18/06 Blu Ridge -- Ch. Blu Ridge Not Tonight (Pedigree)
01/21/06 Blu Ridge -- Ch. Countryview Monumental

09/23/06 Bluwave -- Riverrun Bluwave's Serenade

Bolero Collies (Breeders Listing)
11/04/06 Bolero -- In memory of CH Chatham's Sparkling Highlights
11/04/06 Bolero -- In memory of CH Chatham's Sparkling Highlights
04/22/06 Bolero -- Ch. Bolero's Life Is Rough
04/22/06 Bolero -- Ch. Bolero's Life Is Rough and Ch. Bolero N Aamar's Crash 'N Burn (Pedigree )
04/22/06 Bolero -- Bolero Divine Intervention
02/18/06 Bolero -- Ch. Bolero N Aamar's Crash 'N Burn

Bonn Fyre Farms
10/14/06 Bonn Fyre Farms -- White Cloud's Classique Fyre

Boonehaven Collies
12/23/06 Boonehaven Collies

Bosowich, Kathy
03/11/06 In Memory of Kathy Bosowich

Bravo's Collies
10/28/06 Bravos -- Bravo's Collies
05/06/06 Bravo's -- Ch. Bravo's Encore TreasureTNT
03/25/06 Bravo's -- Bravo's Encore TreasureTNT

Bricgstowe's Collies
06/10/06 Bricgstowe Collies -- Bricgstowe's Blonde Bombshell

Bristlecone Collies
08/05/06 Bristlecone -- Ch. Bristlecone's Ambassador

Brookwood Collies
03/25/06 Brookwood -- Ch. Tartanside Brookwood Fiesta

Brook Wood Collies

06/24/06 Brook Wood -- A/C Ch. Karizma Deep Rivre high Flyer, A/C CD, NA, RA, CGC, SOC1, VCX
05/13/06 Brook Wood -- Can. Ch. Cherfire's Sensational Preview, CD, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, RN, CGC, HIC, VCX (ptd)

Burlywood Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/02/06 Burlywood -- CH Burlywood Breakaway, HIC
06/17/06 Burlywood -- CH Burlywood Breakaway, HIC
03/11/06 Burlywood -- CH Burlywood Brand New Day, HIC
03/11/06 Burlywood -- CH Burlywood Breakaway, HIC, CH Galatean Game Time (Pedigree), Burlywood Bounce Back

Butler, Leslie and Tom
12/09/06 Leslie and Tom Butler -- West River Lord Stanley


Caerleon Collies
05/06/06 Caerleon -- VCH Ch. Caerleon's Crouching Tiger, CDX, RN, AX, MXJ, CGC, HIC, TDI (Pedigree)
05/06/06 Caerleon and Pennylane -- Pennylane's Better In Color (Pedigree)

California Collie Fanciers
01/07/06 California Collie Fanciers -- April 1 and 2, 2006

Calusa Collies
06/10/06 Calusa/Bellvue Collies -- Calusa Top Secret of Bellvue

Camloch Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/09/06 Camloch -- CH Camloch's Magic Wish (Pedigree)
12/09/06 Camloch -- CH Camloch Pink Ribbon
12/09/06 Camloch -- CH Camloch Pink Ribbon and Krista Hansen
04/29/06 Camloch -- Ch. Camloch Sophistication (Pedigree)
04/29/06 Camloch -- Ch. Camloch Ba-Da-Bing
04/15/06 Camloch Collies

Candle Haven Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Candle Haven Collies -- Candle Haven Crescendo, CH Caledonia By Candlelight
12/02/06 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods

Caublestone Collies
03/11/06 Caublestone -- Ch. Caublestone Penny Serenade
03/04/06 Caublestone -- Ch. Caublestone Penny Serenade

Central Iowa Collie Club
06/03/06 Central Iowa Collie Club -- Seminars, Aug. 5 and 6: Collie and Shetland Sheepdog Skull Development and Canine Reproduction for Successful Breeding
01/14/06 Central Iowa Collie Club -- Feb. 18, 2006

Central Penn Collie Club
03/18/06 Central Penn Collie Club -- Blue & Gray Cluster, April 13 -16, 2006

Central Virginia Collie Club
01/07/06 Central Virginia Collie Club -- February 25 and 26, 2006

Charvell Collies
12/02/06 Charvell -- CAN CH Charvell's Solar Secret, CERF, HIC

Chatham Collies
11/25/06 Chatham Collies
01/21/06 Chatham Collies -- Chatham Wych Chiseled In Gold
01/21/06 Chatham Collies -- Chatham Wych Chiseled In Gold

Chelsea Collies (Breeder Listing)
05/27/06 Chelsea -- Ch. Chelsea Midsummer Classic
01/14/06 Chelsea -- Chelsea Midsummer Classic

Chekia Collies
04/29/06 Chekia -- Chekia Divine Trust and Chekia Faith On The March

Cheviot Collies
12/30/06 Cheviot Collies (Pedigree)
12/23/06 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Sollis Gallant Boy (Pedigree)
12/02/06 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Sollis Gallant Boy

Childrey, Cynthia
12/23/06 Jane Cooley/ Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC

Chrisandis Collies
07/29/06 Chrisandis -- Ch. Glen Mor's Steamboat Willie

Clarion Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/09/06 Clarion -- CH Clarion Incognito
12/09/06 Clarion -- CH Clarion Smoke And Mirrors
07/15/06 Clarion -- Ch. Clarion Star Struck
05/27/06 Clarion -- Clarion Star Struck

Cleveland Collie Club
02/18/06 Cleveland Collie Club

Colebrae Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Colebrae -- CH Colebrae Cool
12/23/06 Wild West/Colebrae -- CH Colebrae Wild West's Dark Angel
03/11/06 Colebrae -- Ch. Colebrae's Dangerous Curves
03/11/06 Colebrae -- Ch. Colebrae's Cool Change
03/11/06 Tercan/Bravo's -- Ch. Bravo's Colebrae Faith O Tercan
03/11/06 Wild West -- Colebrae Wild West's Dark Angel
03/11/06 Colebrae Cool Breeze
03/11/06 Colebrae After Dark

Collie Club of Alabama
05/06/06 Collie Club of Alabama -- Getting To Know You, May 26 - 29

Collie Club of America
12/30/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Catalog Advertising
12/30/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophy Donations
12/23/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Catalog Advertising
12/23/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophy Donations
12/16/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
12/02/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 CCA Calendar
12/02/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
12/02/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Raffle (Download PDF)
11/25/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
11/18/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Raffle (Download PDF)
11/18/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
11/18/06 Collie Club of America -- CCA 2007 Skybox Available Now
11/18/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophy Donations
11/18/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 CCA Calendar
11/04/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophy Donations
11/04/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Raffle (Download PDF)
10/14/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Catalog Advertising
10/14/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Raffle
10/14/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophy Donations
10/14/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
09/30/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
09/30/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophies
09/23/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
09/23/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophies
09/09/06 Collie Club of America 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
09/09/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophies
08/26/06 Collie Club of America 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
08/19/05 CCA District of Maine -- All-Day Seminar (More Information )
08/19/05 Collie Club of America -- 2007 Calendar
08/19/06 Collie Club of America/Piedmont Collie Club -- Herding Show 'N Go
08/19/06 Collie Club of America 2007 National Specialty Merchandise
07/15/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophies
07/15/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophies
07/08/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophies
07/01/06 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty Trophies
04/22/06 Collie Club of America National Specialty Silent Auction
03/25/06 Collie Club of America -- National Specialty Raffle
02/11/06 Collie Club of America Yearbook

Collie Club of Canada
07/01/06 Collie Club of Canada 2006 National Specialty (Flyer)

Collie Club of Kentucky
08/12/06 Collie Club of Kentucky

Collie Club of Maine
08/19/05 CCA District of Maine -- All-Day Seminar (More Information )

Collie Club of New England
09/16/06 Collie Club of New England -- Seminar (View flyer)
01/14/06 Collie Club of New England -- February 10, 2006

Collie Club of New Hampshire
09/09/06 Collie Club of New Hampshire -- AKC Sanctioned Match (View Event Flyer)
01/28/06 Collie Club of New Hampshire -- March 18 and 19, 2006

Collie Club of Minnesota
04/15/06 Collie Club of Minnesota -- May 13 & 14, 2006

Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
05/06/06 Collie Club of Northern Jersey -- Breeder's Seminar, August 18
03/04/06 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
03/04/06 Hunterdon Hills Collie Club and Collie Club of Northern New Jersey --
March 23 - 25
03/04/06 Hunterdon Hills Collie Club and Collie Club of Northern New Jersey --
March 23 - 25

Collie Club of Northeastern New York
10/07/06 Collie Club of Northeastern New York -- In Memory of Ken Goldfarb
09/09/06 Collie Club of Northeastern New York

Collie Club of Western New York
01/21/06 Rochester Collie Club/Collie Club of Western New York -- March 18-19, 2006

Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
12/16/06 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania -- February 3 and 4, 2007

Collie Health Foundation
10/21/06 Collie Health Foundation -- 2007 Dinner and Auction (View Flyer)
09/23/06 Collie Health Foundation -- Annual Auction and Dinner
06/24/06 Sunnybank In The Summer - 10, August 19 and 20, 2006
01/14/06 Collie Health Foundation -- National Specialty Dinner and Auction

Collies vom Sachsenhof
06/17/06 Collies vom Sachsenhof -- Blaine's Present Zenit Vom Sachsenhof

Comparato, Nancy
09/30/06 Nancy Comparato and Dr. Cindi Bossart -- CH Sylvan Argent Absolute Power

Cooley, Jane
12/23/06 Jane Cooley/ Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC

Creator Collies
12/23/06 Creator -- Creator Aamar Loving Favor, HC
12/23/06 Creator Collies
12/02/06 Creator -- Creator's Dominion, HIC

Crispin Collies
02/18/06 Crispin -- Ch. Crispin Faithful (Pedigree)

Cudzynowski, Barbara and Joe
05/20/06 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski -- Tartanside Elite
05/06/06 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski -- Lar-Lill's Top of the Line, CDX, CGC, HIC, RN, TDI, RL2 and Ch. Rumrunner-Bootlegger-Shelby, UD, NAP, HIC, CGC, TDI, RL2, VC, U-CD
03/04/06 Barbara Cudzynowski -- Ch. Rumrunner-Bootlegger and Lar-Lill's Top of the Line

Cynara Collies
03/18/06 Cynara's Cameo Appearance (Pedigree)

Cyndella Collies (Breeder Listing)
10/28/06 Cyndella Collies-- CH Cyndella's Triple Shot
10/28/06 Cyndella Collies-- CH Cyndella's Wicked Indulgence
09/16/06 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Triple Temptation
06/03/06 Cyndella -- Cyndella's Party Favor
03/18/06 Cyndella -- Ch. Cyndella's Triple Shot (Pedigree)
02/18/06 Cyndella -- Ch. Cyndella's Triple Shot and Ch. Cyndella's Wicked Indulgence
01/21/06 Cyndella Collies


Dea Haven Collies
12/30/06 Dea Haven Collies
12/23/06 Dea Haven Collies (Pedigree)
09/02/06 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's To Catch A Dream
08/26/06 Dea Haven -- CH Overland Prophet O' Dea Haven
05/06/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker (Pedigree)
04/29/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker
04/22/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker
03/25/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker
02/25/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker
02/18/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker
02/18/06 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's Sweet Memory and Dea Haven's Dream Maker
01/28/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker
01/14/06 Dea Haven -- Ch. Dea Haven's Memory Maker

Deep River Collies (Breeders Listing)
11/25/06 Deep River Collies
11/25/06 Deep River -- CH Bo-Dandy Itsawig HSAs HTADI
09/30/06 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Comfort and Joy, HSAs
09/30/06 Deep River -- CH Bo-Dandy Itsawig PT, JHD
08/26/06 Deep River Collies
07/15/06 Deep River -- CH Deep River Karizma's Rowan UD, MX, MXJ, PT (2/3 HSAs) ASCA-CD, AAD, RM, JM, SCH, TT
04/22/06 Deep River -- CH Deep River Karizma Rowan CDX, MX, MJX, PT
04/01/06 Deep River Collies
03/25/06 Pam Brown/Meredith Holliday/Kathy Moll, Deep River -- Deep River's Shock Value
03/18/06 Deep River -- Deep River's Mountain Shadows
03/11/06 Deep River -- Deep River's A Light From Within and Deep River Consider Her Mine
03/04/06 Deep River/Gary Newsham -- CH Deep River's Rain Dance
02/25/06 Deep River -- CH Deep River Bow And Arrow
01/14/06 Deep River/Gary Newsham -- CH Deep River's Rain Dance

Demuir Collies
12/23/06 Demuir -- Demuir's Evening Star
12/23/06 Demuir -- CH Kings Valley Demuir's Here I Am
05/20/06 Demuir -- Ch. Kings Valley Demuir's Here I Am
03/18/06 Demuir -- Ch. Kings Valley Demuir's Here I Am

Devinwood Collies
10/07/06 Devinwood -- Devinwood Hi Plains Renegade
04/15/06 Devinwood -- Devinwood Hi Plains Renegade
03/04/06 Devinwood -- Ch. Devinwood Ramblin Rosie

Diamante Collies
09/23/06 Diamante -- CH Overland Red Hot Summer
07/01/06 Diamante -- Vennessee's Diamonds Are Forever
01/14/06 Diamante -- Ch. Overland Red Hot Summer

Diaz, Anna "Mickey"
08/05/06 -- Anna "Mickey" Diaz

Dublin Hill Collies
09/30/06 Dublin Hill -- Ch. Bo-Dandy's Rock Solid
02/11/06 Montague and Dublin Hill -- Ch. Bo-Dandy's Rock Solid (Pedigree)


East Tennessee Collie Club
09/16/06 East Tennessee Collie Club -- Specialty Shows

Easy To Spot Collies
11/18/06 Easy To Spot Collies/Entais Collies -- CH Easy To Spot Whirlaway, ETS Entais Charismatic, CH Easy To Spot Gallorette HIC (Pedigree)
11/18/06 Easy To Spot -- CH Easy To Spot Whirlaway HIC (Pedigree)
11/18/06 Deborah Ricketts and Fred Caruso -- CH Easy To Spot Gallorette HIC (Pedigree)
11/18/06 Entais/ Easy To Spot -- ETS Entais Charismatic HIC (Pedigree)

Edenrock Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Excusez-Moi
11/11/06 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock The Mask Of Society
10/21/06 Edenrock and Ginger Williams -- CH Edenrock The Mask Of Society and CH Society Edenrock Arctic Sky
07/15/06 Edenrock -- Ch. Edenrock The Mask Of Society
06/17/06 Edenrock -- Ch. Edenrock The Mask Of Society
04/15/06 Edenrock Collies and Ginger Williams -- The Blues Brothers
02/25/06 Edenrock -- Ch. Edenrock The Mask Of Society
02/04/06 Edenrock -- Ch. Edenrock The Mask Of Society

Entais Collies
11/18/06 Easy To Spot Collies/Entais Collies -- CH Easy To Spot Whirlaway, ETS Entais Charismatic, CH Easy To Spot Gallorette HIC (Pedigree)
11/18/06 Entais/ Easy To Spot -- ETS Entais Charismatic HIC (Pedigree)

Eversglade Collies
12/30/06 Eversglade Collies


Fantasias Collies
04/01/06 Fantasias -- Overland Tropical Stormwarning

Fantasy Collies
06/10/06 Dream Wish Believe -- CCA 2006
06/10/06 Fantasy Collies -- Wayside Flying High II
06/10/06 Bellvue/Fantasy Collies -- Bellvue's Raising The Bar
06/10/06 Fantasy/Oxford Collies -- Fantasy's Just Dream
06/10/06 Bellvue/Fantasy Collies -- Bellvue's Can You Hear Me Now
06/10/06 Bellvue/Fantasy Collies -- Ch. Fantasy's Bronze Sensation

Fleur-De-Lis Collies
06/10/06 Fleur-De-Lis Collies -- Fleur-De-Lis's Prototype
06/10/06 Fleur-De-Lis Collies -- Ch. Fleur De-Lis's Secret Weapon

Forecast Collies
10/14/06 Forecast -- Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast

Foremost Collies
12/16/06 Foremost/Sandland -- CH Foremost Thief In The Night (Pedigree)
12/02/06 Apple Valley/Foremost -- CH Phoenix Of Foremost (Pedigree)

Fyda, Dennis
11/18/06 Dennis Fyda -- CH Kadon Impressive Jewel
05/20/06 Dennis Fyda/Kadon/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Touchdown Kid


Gambit Collies
07/01/06 Afterhours/Gambit -- Ch. Gambit's When Stars Align (Pedigree)
03/25/06 Gambit -- Welcome back Samantha McKinlay
03/18/06 Gambit -- Ch. Gambit's When Stars Align
03/18/06 Gambit -- Ch. Gambit's Season Of Light
03/18/06 Gambit -- Gambit's Impromptu' Relentless
03/18/06 Gambit -- Ch. Gambit's Scintillation and Gambit's Light Falls Softly

Gentry Collies
08/12/06 Gentry's -- CH Bravo's Gentry Sarah Lee
08/12/06 Gentry's -- CH Gentry's Bravo Sole Dancer
08/12/06 Gentry's -- CH Gentry's Cinnabar Cassinova Brown
08/12/06 Gentry's -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
08/12/06 Gentry's -- Gentry's Star's On The Water
04/22/06 Gentry's -- Gentry's Cinnabar Cassanova Brown
04/15/06 Gentry's -- Bravo's Gentry Sarah Lee

Gillespie Collies
12/02/06 Angie Gillespie/Anne Sinclair -- CH Clarion Gillespie Ghostwriter

Glasgowhill Collies
05/20/06 La Mesa/Glasgowhill -- A/C Ch. Glasgowhill's Eurphoria

Glenlyn Collies
12/16/06 Glenlyn -- Chatham Glenlyn Chanel Number Nine

Graystone Collies
11/04/06 Graystone -- Graystones Big Slick

09/16/06 Learn Collie/Sheltie grooming


Happy Hour Collies

09/30/06 Happy Hour -- Happy Hour Show And Tell (Pedigree)

Hargis, Jean Gauchat
01/07/06 Professional Presentation by Jean Gauchat-Hargis

Harrow Place Collies (Breeder Listing)
10/14/06 Harrow Place -- CH Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O' Glory (Pedigree)
01/21/06 Harrow Place -- Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O'Glory

Hawks Nest Collies (Hawks Nest)
07/15/06 Hawks Nest -- Ch. Fantasy Touched By An Angel

Heron House Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Heron House Collies and Prairiepine Collies
12/23/06 Heron House and Prairiepine (Pedigree)
12/23/06 Afterhours/Heron House -- CH Afterhours The Matrix (Pedigree)
06/03/06 HeronHouse/Prairiepine -- HeronHouse Prairiepine Fusion and HeronHouse Prairiepine Synergy (Pedigree)
06/03/06 HeronHouse/Afterhours -- Ch. Afterhours the Matrix (Pedigree)
06/03/06 HeronHouse/Prairiepine -- A/C Ch. Prairiepines Rumors And Gossip (Pedigree)
05/13/06 Can. Ch. HeronHouse She's All That (Pedigree)
05/13/06 Can. Ch. HeronHouse She's All That
03/25/06 Heron House/PrairiePine -- Can. Ch. Heron House She's All That

Highlandblue Collies
09/16/06 Highlandblue -- Can. CH Highlandblue's Gold Dust and Can. CH Highlandblue Reign of Fire (Pedigree)

Hiland Collies
06/03/06 Marquee/Hiland -- Ch. Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle
04/29/06 Marquee/Hiland -- Ch. Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle

Hillcrest Collies
08/12/06 Hillcrest -- Hillcrest's Star Lite Star Brite
03/11/06 Hillcrest Collies

Highcroft Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/19/06 Highcroft -- CH Highcroft Rockwood Ridge
03/25/06 Highcroft/St Germaine -- Highcroft St Germaine Miata

Highlander Collies
12/16/06 Highlander -- Highlander's Aftershock

Hobby's Collies
04/01/06 Hobby's -- Ch. Hobby's Deep RIver Moonwind

Hollicove Collies
03/18/06 Hollicove -- Ch. Hollicove Mi Amiga Bella and Hollicove Formal Attire

Honeyblossom Collies
(Breeder Listing)
07/15/06 Honeyblossom -- Ch. Overland Honeyblossom's Gino

Hunterdon Hills Collie Club
05/27/06 Hunterdon Hills Collie Club -- The Ultimate Image presented by John Buddie (View flyer)
03/04/06 Hunterdon Hills Collie Club and Collie Club of Northern New Jersey --
March 23 - 25
03/04/06 Hunterdon Hills Collie Club and Collie Club of Northern New Jersey --
March 23 - 25


Impromptu' Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Impromptu' -- CH Impromptu' Written On The Wind (Pedigree) (Breeders Listing)
12/23/06 Impromptu' -- CH Impromptu' Kalstorm's Impact (Pedigree)
07/08/06 Impromptu' -- Ch. Impromptu' Written On The Wind (Pedigree), Impromptu' Kalstorm Impact (Pedigree)

Incandescent Collies
08/19/06 Janine Walker-Keith -- In Memory of John Rusk
05/20/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel (Pedigree)
05/20/06 Dennis Fyda/Kadon/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Touchdown Kid
04/22/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
04/15/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
04/08/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
03/25/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
03/18/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
02/04/06 Janine Walker-Keith

Indiana Collie Club
04/01/06 Indiana Collie Club -- May 13 -14


Jag-View Collies
01/28/06 Jag-View -- Ch. Jag-View Etched In Stone (Pedigree)

Jerusalem Hills Collies
01/14/06 Jerusalem Hills Collies

Jensen, Joyce
01/14/06 In loving memory of Joyce Jensen

Julep Collies
11/18/06 Julep -- CH Julep's Sure Bet Regret
10/07/06 Julep -- Ch. Julep's Sure Bet Regret

Julestone Collies
04/08/06 Julestone -- Canadian Ch. Julestone Eye Of The Storm, CGC, HIC


Kadon Collies
07/08/06 Kadon -- Kadon's Shining Spark
05/27/06 Kadon -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel (Pedigree)
05/27/06 Kadon Collies
05/20/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
05/20/06 Dennis Fyda/Kadon/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Touchdown Kid
04/22/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
04/15/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
04/08/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
03/25/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospel
03/18/06 Kadon/Bethany/Incandescent -- Ch. Kadon Bethany's Gospe

Kalstorm Collies
08/05/06 Kalstorm -- Ch. Kalstorm's Fiddle De-De

Kamille Collies
09/09/06 Kamille -- CH Kamille's Be Dazzled
09/09/06 Kamille -- CH Star Country's Flying High

Kayloma Collies
03/25/06 Kayloma -- Ch. Kayloma's Unique Experience
03/04/06 Kayloma -- Ch. Kayloma's Unique Experience
01/14/06 Kayloma -- Ch. Kayloma's Unique Experience

Karavel Collies
06/17/06 Karavel -- Ch. Tapestry Absolute Gold, HIC (Pedigree)

Ka-Zes Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/23/06 Ka-Zes Collies

Keepsake Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/18/06 Lonepine/Keepsake -- Keepsake-Lonepine Nohair To Go
03/25/06 Keepsake Collies (Pedigree)

Kelso Collies
11/25/06 Kelso -- CH Kelso's Moon Dancin'

Keystone Collie Club
04/08/06 Keystone Collie Club -- May 6, 2006

Kimberee Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/25/06 Kimberee Collies
03/25/06 Kimberee/Sue Larson -- Ch. MACH Kimberee Hold That Dream
03/25/06 Kimberee/LoriMar -- Ch. Kimberee A Little Piece O' My Heart
03/25/06 Kimberee -- Ch. Kimberee City Lights
03/25/06 Kimberee -- Kimberee After Th' Storm
03/18/06 Kimberee -- Kimberee After Th' Storm

Kings Valley Collies
12/30/06 Kings Valley Collies -- (Pedigree)
03/04/06 Kings Valley -- Ch. Kings Valley As You Like It

Kirkhaven Collies (Breeders Listing)
01/21/06 Kirkhaven Collies
01/21/06 Kirkhaven Collies

Koopman, Elisabeth
10/07/06 Komali -- Professional Presentation by Elisabeth Koopman


Ladyvale Collies
05/20/06 Ladyvale -- Ladyvale Afterhours Electra

Lakewinds Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Lakewinds -- CH Lakewinds Shot In The Dark (Pedigree)
09/09/06 Lakewinds -- CH Lakewinds Shot In The Dark
02/11/06 Lakewinds -- Ch. Lakewinds Shot In The Dark (Pedigree)
02/11/06 Lakewinds -- Ch. Lakewinds Shot In The Dark

La Mesa Collies
05/20/06 La Mesa/Glasgowhill -- A/C Ch. Glasgowhill's Eurphoria

Laren Collies
12/16/06 Laren -- CH Overland Storm Chaser
12/16/06 Laren -- CH Overland Summer Romance

Laurel Collies
07/29/06 Laurel -- Ch. Laurel's True Lover's Fashion

Leet, Sandy
07/15/06 Sandy Leet -- Aladdin

Leppert, Louis and Patricia
04/22/06 Louis and Patricia Leppert -- Ch. Strathmoor Sir Wm. Wallace

L'gacy Collies
11/25/06 L'gacy -- CH L'gacy Silver Charm CGC and Rebecca Gast
09/23/06 L'gacy -- CH L'gacy I'm Buzzed
06/17/06 L'gacy -- Ch. L'gacy Cornerstone (Pedigree)

L'il Swiss Collies (Breeder Listing)
06/17/06 L'il Swiss Collies

Limerick Collies
(Breeder Listing)
09/30/06 Limerick -- Limericks Tartanside Patriot
05/27/06 Limerick -- Limericks Tartanside Patriot
03/25/06 Tartanside/Limerick -- Ch. Tartanside Limerick Lakeyah

Lisara Collies
07/08/06 First Annual Collie Derby Day
06/10/06 Stellar/Lisara -- First Annual Kentucky Collie Derby
06/10/06 Stellar/Lisara -- First Annual Kentucky Collie Derby
06/10/06 Stellar/Lisara -- First Annual Kentucky Collie Derby
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Lisara's Lavender Blue
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Overland Blueberry Jam
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Lisara's Splitting Hairs
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Overland Summer Rain
02/18/06 Lisara Collies
02/18/06 Lisara -- Ch. Lisara's Yesterday Once More and Ch. Lisara's Dreamcatcher
02/18/06 Lisara -- Lisara's Dark Desire, Ch. Lisara's Sorcerer and Ch. Lisara's Proof of Life

Littlefield Collies
09/09/06 Littlefield -- CH Littlefield Mission Impossible

Lochlaren Collies (Breeder Listing)
04/29/06 Lochlaren/Barksdale -- Ch. Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison (Pedigree)
04/29/06 Lochlaren/Barksdale -- Ch. Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison

Lonepine Collies
11/18/06 Lonepine/Keepsake -- Keepsake-Lonepine Nohair To Go

Long Acre Collies
12/30/06 Long Acre -- CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel, ROM
07/29/06 Long Acre -- Ch. Long Acre's Flying Colors
06/10/06 Long Acre's Collies -- Ch. Long Acre's Pewter Angel ROM
06/10/06 Long Acre Collies -- Ch. Long Acre's Forgot My Coat
06/10/06 Long Acre's Collies -- Long Acre's Next Frontier
05/13/06 Long Acre -- Ch. Long Acre's Pewter Angel, ROM
05/13/06 Long Acre -- Ch. Long Acre's Pewter Angel, ROM
05/13/06 Long Acre -- Long Acre's Next Frontier, Fantasy's Sensational and Long Acre's Forgot My Coat
03/25/06 Long Acre -- Ch. Long Acre's Pewter Angel, ROM and Long Acre's Forgot My Coat

Lost Creek Collies
10/14/06 Lost Creek -- CH Lost Creek Noble Warrior
05/06/06 Lost Creek -- Ch. Lost Creek Noble Warrior
03/25/06 Lost Creek -- Ch. Lost Creek Noble Warrior
02/11/06 Lost Creek -- Ch. Lost Creek Noble Warrior
01/28/06 Lost Creek -- Ch. Lost Creek Noble Warrior
01/14/06 Lost Creek -- Ch. Lost Creek Noble Warrior

Luv Echo Collies (Breeders Listing)
05/20/06 Luv Echo -- Ch. Apple Valley Luv Echo Prophecy
04/22/06 Luv Echo -- Apple Valley Luv Echo Prophecy

Lynmar Collies
01/28/06 Lynmar Collies
01/28/06 Lynmar -- Ch. Lynmar's Madison On Parade


Marchant, Wendy
07/29/06 Wendy Marchant -- Ch. Provenhill's Heart Of Gold CD PT RN OJP HCT CGC TT BPDX VA VCX

Marchello Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Marchello Collies
05/27/06 Marchello Collies

Mariner Collies

07/29/06 Mariner -- Am. and Can. Ch. Fantasy Mariner Anchorman NAJ, ROM, ROM-P
07/29/06 Mariner -- Am. and Can. Ch. Fantasy Mariner Anchorman NAJ, ROM, ROM-P
07/01/06 Mariner -- Ch. Mariner Seas The Moment

Marko's Collies
12/23/06 Marko's Collies -- CH Marko's Curtain Call, CH Marko's Double Indemnity
12/23/06 Marko's Collies -- Marko's She's Got It, Marko's Ultimate Choice

Marquee Collies
06/03/06 Marquee/Hiland -- Ch. Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle
04/29/06 Marquee/Hiland -- Ch. Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle
04/29/06 Marquee -- Ch. Avalar Grand Illusion
03/25/06 Marquee -- Ch. Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle, HIC

Marnus Collies
03/18/06 Marnus -- Ch. Marnus Make My Day

McCuaig, Jolene
07/29/06 -- Jolene McCuaig -- Can Ch. Mariner Storm Chaser AGN, TT

Misty Manor

05/27/06 Misty Manor -- Ch. Misty Manor's Life's A Dance

Montague Collies

02/11/06 Montague and Dublin Hill -- Ch. Bo-Dandy's Rock Solid (Pedigree)

Moonmist Collies
11/25/06 Southland/Moonmist -- CH Moonmist's High Noon (Pedigree)
08/05/06 Southland/Moonmist -- Ch. Moonmist's High Noon

Moosebrook Collies
05/13/06 Moosebrook Collies

Mudville, Collies of
05/13/06 Collies of Mudville -- Ch. Barksdale Twinight in Mudville
05/13/06 Collies of Mudville -- Ch. Barksdale Twinight in Mudville
01/07/06 Collies of Mudville
01/07/06 Collies of Mudville -- Ch. Barksdale Twinight in Mudville


Newcomb, Heather
03/11/06 Professional Presentation by Heather Newcomb and Cindy Weiner-Robinson

Newsham, Gary

11/04/06 Gary Newsham -- CH Deep River The Plainsman
03/04/06 Deep River/Gary Newsham -- Ch. Deep River's Rain Dance
01/14/06 Deep River/Gary Newsham -- Ch. Deep River's Rain Dance

Niteridge Collies
06/17/06 Niteridge -- Ch. Niteridge She's Got Rhythm

North Texas Collie Club
12/0206 North Texas Collie Club -- February 3 and 4, 2007

Northern Wisconsin Collie Club
05/06/06 The Northern Wisconsin Collie Club -- Seminar and A/OA Collie Specialty Match, June 17

Northshield Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/18/06 Northshield -- CH Northshields Trafalgar HT
07/01/06 Northshield -- Ch. Tartanside Dreamwish HXADs
03/18/06 Northshield -- Ch. Northshield Providence CDX, HXAds, OA
03/11/06 Northshield -- Ch. Northshields Trafalgar HT

Northview Kennels
06/10/06 Northview Kennelsl -- Bellvue's Road To Wiltshire
06/10/06 Northview Kennels -- Bellvue's Trendsetter Northview

Norwest Collies
12/30/06 Norwest/Timeless -- CAN CH Timeless Norwest Midnite Warrior


Oak Knoll Collies
12/16/06 Oak Knoll Collies -- Oak Knolls Have Mercy, Oak Knoll's Forever 'N Blue Jeans

Overland Collies (Breeder Listing)
09/09/06 Overland -- CH Overland Island Breeze
09/09/06 Overland -- CH Overland A Midsummers Night
06/03/06 Heatherri/Overland -- Ch. Overland-Heatherri In The Spot Light

Oxford Collies
06/10/06 Fantasy/Oxford Collies -- Fantasy's Just Dream


Pacific Northwest Collie Club
10/14/06 Pacific Northwest Collie Club -- November 11 and 12, 2006

Pennylane Collies
05/06/06 Caerleon and Pennylane -- Pennylane's Better In Color (Pedigree)

Piedmont Collie Club
11/11/06 Piedmont Collie Club, Inc. -- Jan. 20 and 21, 2007
09/09/06 Piedmont Collie Club -- Collie/Sheltie Fun Match (View Event Flyer)

Prairiepine Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/23/06 Heron House Collies and Prairiepine Collies
12/23/06 Heron House and Prairiepine (Pedigree)
12/02/06 Prairiepine -- Prairiepine's Gold Digger (Pedigree)
11/18/06 Prairiepine -- Prairiepine's Gold Digger (Pedigree)
08/26/06 Prairiepine -- Prairiepine's Gold Digger
05/13/06 Prairiepine -- Ch. Prairiepine's Color of Love, ROMX (Pedigree)

Provenhill Collies
05/13/06 Provenhill/Tisbury/Windscape -- Ch. Provenhill's Milestone 03/18/06 Provenhill/Tisbury/Windscape -- Ch. Provenhill's Milestone (Pedigree)
02/18/06 Provenhill -- Provenhill's Dance With The Devil (Pedigree)


Rainforest Collies
12/16/06 Rainforest -- CAN CH Rainforest Under The Lights

Ravencroft Collies
11/25/06 Ravencroft and Brent Seymour -- Ravencroft's Galahad

Rebel Collies
09/30/06 Rebel -- In Loving Memory of Helen Connie White
03/25/06 Rebel -- In Loving Memory of Doris H. Freberg

Reflexion Collies
04/22/06 Reflexion Collies and Collies of Wych -- Reflexions BE-WYCHING
04/22/06 Reflexion Collies and Collies of Wych -- Reflexions Visual Image

Riverrun Collies (Breeder Listing)
05/27/06 Riverrun -- Ch. Riverrun Fluffernutter

Robinson, Cindy Weiner
03/11/06 Professional Presentation by Heather Newcomb and Cindy Weiner-Robinson

Rob Mar Collies (Breeder Listing)
11/25/06 Rob Mar -- Rob Mar's Perfect Partner (Pedigree)

Rochester Collie Club
01/21/06 Rochester Collie Club/Collie Club of Western New York -- March 18-19, 2006

Rockrose Collies
03/18/06 Rockrose -- Twin Acres Rockrose Ballet

Rockwood Collies (Breeders Listing)
09/23/06 Rockwood Collies
03/11/06 Rockwood -- Ch. Rockwoods Highcroft Gemstone
03/11/06 Rockwood -- Ch. Rockwoods Highcroft Shop'n Spree
01/28/06 Rockwood Collies (Pedigree)
01/21/06 Rockwood -- Rockwood's Highcroft Shop'N Spree

Rosepoint Collies
12/30/06 Rosepoint -- CH Rosepoint Northstar Nikita
12/30/06 Rosepoint -- CH Rosepoint Northstar Nikita

Row-Bar Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/18/06 Row-Bar -- Ch. Row-Bar's Sum Of All Fears HT


San Diego Collie Club
09/30/06 The San Diego Collie Club -- Saturday, November 11, 2006
02/04/06 San Diego Collie Club -- Feb. 25

Sandland Collies
12/16/06 Foremost/Sandland -- CH Foremost Thief In The Night (Pedigree)

Seymour, Brent
11/25/06 Ravencroft and Brent Seymour -- Ravencroft's Galahad

Sequoia Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/25/06 Sequoia -- Ch. Sequoia's Five-O-One Blues (Pedigree)
03/18/06 Sequoia -- Sequoia's The New Black

Shetland Sheepdog Club of Southeast Florida
06/10/06 Shetland Sheepdog Club of Southeast Florida -- Seminar, Fun Match and Puppy Clinic, July 22 - 23

Shoreham Collies
10/21/06 Shoreham -- Shoreham Java Man
08/12/06 Shoreham -- In Memory of Ch. Shoreham Timekeeper
07/15/06 Shoreham -- In Memory of Ch. Shoreham Triumph Timeless
06/03/06 Shoreham East -- Shoreham A Heavenly Brew
04/15/06 Shoreham -- Ch. Shoreham Starbucks
02/04/06 Shoreham -- Ch. Shoreham Starbucks
02/04/06 Shoreham East -- Shoreham A Heavenly Brew
02/04/06 Shoreham -- Shoreham Java Man

Show For You
08/26/06 Show For You Collies
03/18/06 Show For You -- Ch. Walters Drift Off To Dream (Pedigree)

Signet Collies
12/30/06 In Loving Memory of Teresa "Tess" Esch of Signet Collies

Singh, Pritpal
11/11/06 Pritpal Singh -- CH Deep River's Cherangani Hills

Silhouette Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/25/06 Silhouette -- Ch. Silhouette Tadifor I'm Smokin (Pedigree)

Silverbrook Collies
02/18/06 Silverbrook -- Ch. Silverbrook's Dancing in the Moonlite

Silver Trails Shetland Sheepdogs
09/16/06 Learn Collie/Sheltie grooming

Somerset Collies
12/09/06 Somerset -- Somerset Simply Irresistible
12/02/06 Somerset -- Somerset Just Desserts

Southern California Collie Club
11/11/06 Southern California Collie Club -- Jan. 13, 2007

Southern California District
06/24/06 Southern California District -- The Quest for Quality, A Tom Coen Seminar, Aug. 5 and 6

Southland Collies
12/23/06 Southland -- Southland's Dahlonega
Southland -- Southland's Beyond The Glory (Pedigree)
11/25/06 Southland/Moonmist -- CH Moonmist's High Noon (Pedigree)
11/25/06 Southland -- Southland's Beach Party
08/05/06 Southland -- Ch. Southland's Bowen Island ROM (Pedigree)
08/05/06 Southland -- Southland's Fort Sumter (Pedigree)
08/05/06 Southland -- Southland's Last Curtain Call (Pedigree)
08/05/06 Southland -- Tartanside Southland Brigade (Pedigree)
08/05/06 Southland -- Southland's Bardstown (Pedigree)
08/05/06 Southland/Moonmist -- Ch. Moonmist's High Noon (Pedigree)
03/25/06 Southland -- Ch. Southland's Bowen Island
03/25/06 Southland -- Ch. Southland's Bowen Island

South Jersey Collie Club
09/23/06 South Jersey Collie Club -- 3-Day Specialty Weekend (Oct. 20-22, 2006)

Special Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/30/06 Special -- CH Special Society's Dixie Chick
08/19/06 Special -- CH Special Sharp-Dressed Man, ne, OFA
08/19/06 Special -- Special Wee Lass O'Storybook , n/e , CD, MJX, RE, HIC
08/19/06 Special -- Am/Can CH Chavanda Special Bluebeary, n/e
04/01/06 Special -- Special Society's Dixie Chick
03/11/06 Special Collies
03/04/06 Special -- Ch. Special Fleur-De-Lis (Pedigree)

Spectrum Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/12/06 Spectrum -- In Memory of Ch. Spectrum Wind Of Change

Spellbound Collies
12/30/06 Spellbound Collies (Pedigree)
08/26/06 Spellbound -- Spellbound Cafe Au Lait
06/03/06 Absolute Collies and Spellbound Collies
05/06/06 Spellbound -- Ch. Vennessee's Enchanted Crystal (Pedigree)
04/22/06 Spellbound -- Ch. Spellbound Classique Lenox (Pedigree)
03/04/06 Spellbound -- Ch. Spellbound Classique Lenox
02/11/06 Spellbound -- Ch. Vennessee's Enchanted Crystal
02/11/06 Spellbound -- Ch. Vennessee's Enchanted Crystal
02/11/06 Spellbound -- Spellbound Classique Lenox
02/11/06 Spellbound -- Vennessee Spellbound Dynasty

Spiritwind Collies
10/28/06 Spiritwind -- CH Hawkeire Flyin Without Wings

Star Country Collies (Breeders Directory)
05/06/06 Star Country -- Ch. Tartanside Vanguard (Pedigree)

Star Dancer Collies
06/24/06 Star Dancer -- Ch. Lisara's Star Dancer

Stellar Collies
07/08/06 First Annual Collie Derby Day
06/10/06 Stellar/Lisara -- First Annual Kentucky Collie Derby
06/10/06 Stellar/Lisara -- First Annual Kentucky Collie Derby
06/10/06 Stellar/Lisara -- First Annual Kentucky Collie Derby
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Lisara's Lavender Blue
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Overland Blueberry Jam
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Lisara's Splitting Hairs
03/11/06 Stellar/Lisara -- Ch. Overland Summer Rain

St. Germaine Collies
12/23/06 St Germaine Collies
09/02/06 St Germaine Collies
09/02/06 St Germaine -- American/Canadian CH Highcroft St Germaine Exquisite
09/02/06 St Germaine/Highcroft -- CH Highcroft St Germaine Miata
03/25/06 Highcroft/St Germaine -- Highcroft St Germaine Miata
01/07/06 St. Germaine Collies
01/07/06 St. Germaine -- Ch. Wyndlair St. Germaine Mystic

Stirling Collies
03/18/06 Stirling -- Ch. Stirling Society Outstandish (Pedigree)

St. Louis Collie Club
12/23/06 St. Louis Collie Club -- February 10 and 11, 2007

Stonehaven Collies (Breeder Listing)
03/25/06 Stonehaven -- Ch. Stonehaven's Golden Days

Stoneypoint Collies
03/04/06 Stoneypoint -- Ch. Stoneypoint Unleashed

StormWind Collies
02/11/06 StormWind -- Ch. StormWind Wyldrose to the Max! HC

Sutherland Collies
11/04/06 Sutherland -- Overland Summer Wonder (Pedigree)
11/04/06 Sutherland -- Vennessee Diamonds Are Forever (Pedigree)

Sylvan Collies
12/09/06 Sylvan/Argent -- CH Argent Just One Look
08/05/06 Sylvan/Argent -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
06/24/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible (Pedigree)
06/17/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
05/20/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
05/20/06 Sylvan/Argent -- Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible

Sunland Collies
04/01/06 Sunland -- Ch. Kings Valley Quick Start (Pedigree)
03/18/06 Sunland -- Ch. Kings Valley Quick Start

Sunnybank In The Summer
06/24/06 Sunnybank In The Summer - 10, August 19 and 20, 2006

Swan Collies
10/28/06 Swan -- Swan's Au Phoenix Rising, OFA, CERF


Tapestry Collies (Breeder Listing)
12/30/06 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry South Wynd (Pedigree)
04/08/06 Tapestry -- Ch. Tartanside Shillelagh
02/25/06 Tapestry -- Ch. Tapestry Silver Spring
02/25/06 Tapestry -- Ch. Tapestry South Wynd (Pedigree)

Tallywood Collies
12/16/06 Tallywood -- CAN CH Tallywood Glitterati, A/C CH Tallywood Fashionista
12/16/06 Aychess/Tallywood -- A/C CH Tallywood Transcendental
10/28/06 Tallywood -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Fashionista
03/04/06 Tallywood -- Ch. Tallywood Fashionista

Tartanside Collies
09/16/06 Tartanside -- CH Tartanside Foolproof, ROM
06/24/06 Tartanside -- Ch. Tartanside Ballet
06/17/06 Tartanside -- Ch. Tartanside Birthright
04/15/06 Valley Park and Tartanside -- Ch. Tartanside Allegiance
04/15/06 Valley Park and Tartanside -- Ch. Tartanside Allegiance
03/25/06 Tartanside/Limerick -- Ch. Tartanside Limerick Lakeyah
03/11/06 Aurealis/Tartanside -- Tartanside Brocade

Timeless Collies (Breeders Listing)
12/30/06 Timeless -- CH Timeless Golden Warrior, ROM (View Slide Show) (Pedigree)
12/30/06 Timeless -- Ms. Elizabeth Heit and Timeless Mariah's Storm
12/30/06 Norwest/Timeless -- CAN CH Timeless Norwest Midnite Warrior
05/27/06 Timeless -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior
04/22/06 Timeless -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior (Pedigree )
04/22/06 Timeless -- Ch. Timeless Gold Trace and Timeless Simply Irresistible
03/25/06 Timeless -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior
03/25/06 Timeless -- Timeless Solid Ground
03/25/06 Timeless -- Ch. Timeless Simply Irresistible
02/11/06 Timeless -- Timeless Burnt Sugar
02/11/06 Timeless -- Timeless Solid Ground
01/28/06 Timeless -- Timeless Simply Irresistible
01/28/06 Timeless -- Timeless Burnt Sugar
01/28/06 Timeless -- Timeless Solid Ground
01/14/06 Timeless -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior

Tirgrath, Lenore
01/28/06 Lenore Tirgrath -- UCDX Gus's Goodfella, UD
01/07/06 Lenore Tirgrath -- UCDX Gus's Goodfella, UD

Tir Na N' Og Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/19/06 Tir Na N' Og -- CH Tir Na N'Og la Dolce Vita
08/19/06 Tir Na N' Og -- Tir Na N'Og Maybe I'm Amazed
08/19/06 Tir Na N' Og/Lar Lill -- Tir Na N'Og Lar Lill Surfer Girl
08/19/06 Tir Na N' Og/Lar Lill -- Lar Lill Tir Na N'Og Lar Lill Wild One, HIC

Tisbury Collies
05/13/06 Tisbury -- Ch. Tisbury's Heavensent
05/13/06 Provenhill/Tisbury/Windscape -- Ch. Provenhill's Milestone
03/18/06 Provenhill/Tisbury/Windscape -- Ch. Provenhill's Milestone (Pedigree)
03/18/06 Tisbury -- Tisbury's Heavensent

Thistledown Collies
08/05/06 Thistledown -- Ch. Thistledown Time Will Tell (Pedigree)

Ton Mohr Collies
11/11/06 Ton Mohr -- CH Ton Mohr Highland Rob Roy

Trailwind Collies
06/03/06 Trailwind -- CH MACH2 Kimberee Hold That Dream, TDX, PT, VX

Triumph Collies
08/12/06 Triumph -- In Memory of Ch. Shoreham Triumph Timeless

Twilight Collies
04/08/06 Twilight Collies

Twin Acres Collies (Breeder Listing)
08/12/06 Twin Acres -- Twin Acres Anticipation
03/04/06 Twin Acres -- Twin Acres Heaven's Gate
02/25/06 Twin Acres -- Twin Acres Priscilla Alden
02/18/06 Twin Acres -- Ch. Twin Acres Dearly Beloved

Twin City Collies
10/21/06 Twin City -- CH Twin City Secret Ambition


Valley Park Collies
10/14/06 Valley Park -- CH Valley Parks Wide Open Spaces
09/16/06 Valley Park -- CH Tartanside Allegiance (Pedigree)
04/15/06 Valley Park and Tartanside -- Ch. Tartanside Allegiance
04/15/06 Valley Park and Tartanside -- Ch. Tartanside Allegiance

Vennessee Collies
01/14/06 Vennessee Collies (Pedigree)


Walters Collies
03/04/06 Walters -- Walters Drift Off To Dream (Pedigree)

West Point Collies
10/07/06 West Point -- CH Lakeside Sea Cadet of West Point
10/07/06 West Point -- CH West Point Showstopper
08/12/06 West Point Collies

Wild West Collies
12/23/06 Wild West/Colebrae -- CH Colebrae Wild West's Dark Angel
12/16/06 Wild West -- Wild West's Mercury Rising

Wild Wind Collies
10/21/06 Wild Wind -- CH Wild Wind's Free Fallin

Williams, Ginger
12/09/06 Ginger Williams -- CH Society Edenrock Arctic Sky, HIC
10/21/06 Edenrock and Ginger Williams -- CH Edenrock The Mask Of Society and CH Society Edenrock Arctic Sky
09/30/06 Ginger Williams -- Ch. Society Edenrock Arctic Sky, HIC
04/15/06 Edenrock Collies and Ginger Williams -- The Blues Brothers
02/25/06 Ginger Williams -- Ch. Society Edenrock Arctic Sky, HIC
02/04/06 Ginger Williams -- Ch. Society Edenrock Arctic Sky, HIC
01/28/06 Ginger Williams -- Ch. Society Edenrock Arctic Sky, HIC

Windcrest Collies
12/23/06 Windcrest -- Windcrest Afterdark
12/23/06 Windcrest -- Windcrest Desert Rose

Windscape Collies
05/13/06 Provenhill/Tisbury/Windscape -- Ch. Provenhill's Milestone
03/18/06 Provenhill/Tisbury/Windscape -- Ch. Provenhill's Milestone (Pedigree)

Windsong Collies
10/07/06 Windsong Collies (Pedigree)

Winover Collies
12/16/06 Winover Collies -- CH Winover Debonair, CH Tartanside Destination, Winover Shadows In The Sky
11/04/06 Winover -- Winover Shadows In The Sky
10/07/06 Winover -- Ch. Winover Debonair
07/08/06 Winover -- Winover Shadows In The Sky
07/08/06 Winover -- Winover Debonair

Woodruff Collies
05/27/06 Woodruff -- A/C Ch. Signet's "Way To Go!" Woodruff
05/27/06 Woodruff -- A/C Ch. Signet's "Way To Go!" Woodruff

Wych Collies
04/29/06 Wych -- Bonham's Cara Mia

Wyndham Collies
12/09/06 Wyndham -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! RN
12/02/06 Wyndham -- Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! RN
07/29/06 Wyndham -- Ch. Mariner A Treasure Shared CD, RN, PT, MX, AXP, AXJ, AJP, VX
07/08/06 Wyndham -- Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That!
01/14/06 Wyndham Collies

Wyndlair Collies
11/25/06 Wyndlair -- Twin City Shelana Liberty Island
11/11/06 Wyndlair -- CH Wyndlair Island Vacation

>> 2005 Advertising Archive


Breeders Directory Listing
There are two ways to advertise on Collies Online. Breeders can advertise their kennel by purchasing a Breeders Directory Listing for $75 and updating their litter news throughout the year. The listings are organized by state and have proven very effective for breeders all over the country.

Display Advertising including preferred positioning
The second way to advertise is by purchasing display ad space in our advertising tunnel. The lead ad in the tunnel is by reservation only and costs $100. The second, third and fourth position are also preferred positions and cost $75. Ads in the fifth position and beyond cost $50. We offer advertising specials for those that would like to purchase three or more pages of advertising following the lead ad purchase. For details, contact us at:

Pay with PayPal, check or credit card
We accept payments by check, payable to "Collies Online" or online through PayPal. If you want to pay with your credit card you don't need a PayPal account but you can still use the PayPal application.

Publishing schedule and advertising copy
Display ads are published on Saturday and appear in the ad tunnel for a week, on the contents page for a month and then in the ad archive for a year.

By sending us a photo and ad copy either via e-mail or snail mail, we can design an attractive ad for you or you can submit your ad finished.

Contact us by e-mail at for lead-page availability or specs if you are designing your own ad.

Each extra photo is $10 and you can enhance your ad with a pedigree for an additional $10.