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Absolute Collies
01/06/07 Absolute -- Absolute Martini Royale

Afterhours Collies
07/07/07 Afterhours -- Tribute To Tryst
07/07/07 Afterhours -- CH Emperors Afterhours Tryst ROM
07/07/07 Heron House/Afterhours -- CH Afterhours The Matrix
07/07/07 Afterhours -- CH Afterhours Polkadot Bikini
07/07/07 Afterhours -- CH Afterhours Keltic Warrior and CH Afterhours The Full Monty
07/07/07 Afterhours/Maureen Camilli -- CH Afterhours Call Me Starlet
07/07/07 Afterhours/Terry Lee -- CH Afterhours Aragorn Of Alegra
07/07/07 Afterhours -- CH Keltic Afterhours Interlude
07/07/07 Afterhours -- Ch Keltic Naughty By Nature
07/07/07 Afterhours Collies
05/19/07 Gambit/Afterhours -- CH Gambit's When Stars Align
05/19/07 Afterhours -- CH Gambit's When Stars Align

Aidan Collies
11/10/07 Aidan -- CH Pembroke's The Revrend Mr. Black, CGC

Aimcrier Collies
09/29/07 Aimcrier -- Vennessee A Wrinkle In Time "It's Ginger!"

Alaric Collies
06/16/07 Alaric -- CH Alaric Bound By The Heart and Allyson Caldwell

Alexy Collies
01/20/07 Alexy -- CH Alexy Even Sweeter
01/06/07 Alexy -- CH Alexy Even Sweeter

Arcadian Collies
08/18/07 Arcadian -- CH Arcadian's Impending Storm
08/18/07 Arcadian -- Arcadian's Powdered Sugar

Aries Collies
05/26/07 Aries Collies
01/20/07 Aries -- CH Aries Live The Dream

Argent Collies
12/22/07 Sylvan/Argent -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Argent Just One Look
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Creston -- Sylvan Argent It's All About Me
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Lonage -- Sylvan Argent Perfect Timing
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Conlon Hukill -- Sylvan Argent Message In A Bottle

The Arizona Collie Clan
01/13/07 The Arizona Collie Clan -- March 1, 2007

Armstrong, Trish and Mike
08/04/07 Trish and Mike Armstrong

Arrowstar Collies
10/06/07 Arrowstar/Bristlecone -- Arrowstar Bristlecone's Misty

Aurealis Collies
12/01/07 Aurealis -- CH Aurealis Bronze Glory
09/15/07 Aurealis -- CH Tartanside Brocade
06/30/07 Aurealis -- CH Aurealis Bronze Glory
05/19/07 Aurealis -- CH Aurealis Bronze Glory
04/21/07 Aurealis -- Aurealis Bronze Glory
04/21/07 Aurealis/Tartanside -- Tartanside Brocade
03/03/07 Aurealis -- CH Aurealis BluePrint
03/03/07 Aurealis -- Aurealis Bronze Glory
02/03/07 Aurealis -- Aurealis Bronze Glory

Autumn-Sun Collies
07/14/07 Autumn-Sun -- Ka-Zes Tangled Up In A Secret
07/14/07 Autumn-Sun Collies

Avant-Garde Collies
11/03/07 Avant-Garde -- CH Tartanside Avant-Garde
10/20/07 Avant-Garde -- CH Avant-Garde Long Acre's Tri Me

Avondale Collies
07/21/07 Avondale -- CH Shelana Mountain Music

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Baldwin, Cheryl
12/22/07 Cheryl Baldwin -- Baldwin's Lad Of Grace and Jessica

Baliclare Collies
01/06/07 Baliclare -- CH Deep River Mountain Snow and Baliclare's Ronan Blue Topaz

Balverie Collies
10/13/07 Balverie -- CH Balverie the Beachcomber and Balverie Flying Banners

Balverne Collies
09/15/07 Balverne -- In Memory of CH Balverne Top Gun

Baskin, Roger
08/18/07 Roger Baskin -- West Point Masada's Man O'War

Baubles, Sharon
11/03/07 In Memory of Sharon Baubles

Bellvue Collies
12/29/07 Happy New Year from Fantasy and Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart
12/29/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- Bellvue's Rising Son
06/30/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
06/30/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
06/23/07 Fantasy/Bellvue
06/23/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon

Bennett, Bi Bi and Richard Hand
08/04/07 Bi Bi Bennett and Richard Hand --Clarion Diamond In The Ruff, CGC and Heatherri Molly Y D Long Face, MJP, AXP, CGC, HIC

Bennett, Noreen
08/04/07 Noreen Bennett -- CH Mariner's Sea Sharp PT, OA, NAP, NAJ, NJP, NPF, CD, RE, VA
08/04/07 Noreen Bennett -- CH Mariner's Sea Sharp PT, OA, NAP, NAJ, NJP, NPF, CD, RE, VA
08/04/07 Noreen Bennett -- Provenhill's Persuasion RA, PT, NA, NAP, NAJ, NJP, NF
03/10/07 Noreen Bennett -- CH Mariner's Poetic Justice,CDX,RN,CAN,CD,OA,AJP,NAP HT,VX

Blackpoint Collies
10/27/07 Blackpoint -- Deep River Snowfall at Blackpoint

Blossom Hil Collies
04/14/07 Blossom Hill -- CH Blossom Hill Full Circle ROM
04/14/07 Blossom Hill -- CH Blossom Hill Barely Bronze
03/17/07 Blossom Hill -- Overland In The Buff

Blue Music Collies
09/15/07 Blue Music -- CH Blue Music Song & Dance Man

Blu Ridge Collies
10/06/07 Blu Ridge -- Blu Ridge Let It Ride
10/06/07 Blu Ridge -- Blu Ridge Ride The Wave
10/06/07 Blu Ridge -- CH Blu Ridge Not Tonight

Bolero Collies
12/08/07 Fairway/Bolero -- CH Overland Shadow Dancer
12/08/07 Fairway/Bolero -- CH Overland Shadow Dancer
12/01/07 Harrow Place/Bolero -- CH Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O' Glory and CH Bolero's N Aamar's Crash 'N Burn
05/05/07 Bolero -- CH Bolero's Tough Luck
02/24/07 Bolero -- CH Bolero's N Aamar's Crash 'N Burn
02/24/07 Bolero -- Bolero's Tough Luck

Bonn-Fyre Collies
10/06/07 Bonn Fyre -- White Cloud's Classique Fyre
08/04/07 Bonn-Fyre -- White Cloud's Classique Fyre CDX, CD, RE, RA, RN, HIC, CGC, TDI
08/04/07 Bonn-Fyre -- White Cloud's Classique Fyre CDX, CD, RE, RA, RN, HIC, CGC, TDI
08/04/07 Bonn-Fyre -- Classique Into The Clouds CD, RN, CGC

Braeton Collies
01/06/07 Braeton -- CH Braeton's Moondance
01/06/07 Jim and Ramonette Dugan -- CH Braeton's Into The Mystic
01/06/07 Cynthia and Suzanne Snyder -- CH Braeton Julep Song Of David, HIC

Branestorm Collies
08/04/07 Branestorm Collies

Breezy Acre's Collies
11/03/07 Breezy Acre's -- CH Breezy Acre's Stormin Norman

Breton, Carol Ann
08/04/07 Carol Ann Breton -- CH Millknock Mr. Fix-It CDX, RE, OA, OAJ

Bretzius, Jim and Hunter
08/11/07 Jim and Hunter Bretzius -- CH Deep River's Watch Captain

Brim, Carol
10/20/07 Carol Brim -- CH Kingsmark Beyond Measure
09/01/07 Carol Brim -- Kingsmark Cold Mountain
06/16/07 Carol Brim -- Kingsmark Beyond Measure
05/12/07 Carol Brim -- Kingsmark Beyond Measure

Bristlecone Collies
10/06/07 Arrowstar/Bristlecone -- Arrowstar Bristlecone's Misty

Bronson, Vicki
03/17/07 Vicki Bronson -- CH Cherann's Sgt Pepper, RN

Brookwood Collies
06/23/07 Brookwood -- CH Tartanside Brookwood Legacy
03/10/07 Brookwood -- CH Tartanside Brookwood Fiesta

Brookwood Collies/Joan Scialdone
08/04/07 Brookwood/Joan Scialdone -- A/C CH Karizma Deep River High Flyer,
CAN CH Cherfire's Sensational Preview

Bronmaur Collies
03/03/07 Bronmaur -- Bronmaur Once Bitten

Brown, Pam
10/27/07 Pam Brown / Jordan Adair -- CH Deep River's Shock Value and CH Deep River's Consider The Source, RN, PT
08/11/07 Pam Brown and Jordan Adair -- CH Deep River's Consider The Source PT, JHD
08/04/07 Pam Brown and Jordan Adair -- CH Deep River's Consider The Source PT, JHD

Burlywood Collies
12/15/07 Burlywood Collies
12/15/07 Burlywood -- CH Burlywood Breakaway, HIC

Byluc Collies
07/21/07 Byluc -- CH Maji Something To Talk About

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Camloch Collies
12/29/07 Camloch Collies
11/10/07 Camloch -- CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent
11/10/07 Camloch/Laura LaCongo -- CH Camloch's Night To Remember
05/19/07 Camloch -- CH Camloch Diplomate
05/19/07 Camloch -- CH Camloch Diplomate
05/19/07 Camloch/Laura LaCongo -- CH Camloch Who's Your Daddy

Candle Haven Collies
05/05/07 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Caramel
04/07/07 Candle Haven -- CH Caledonia By Candle Light
04/07/07 Candle Haven -- CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods

Canyon Collies
11/10/07 Canyon -- CH Canyon's Society Kiss Me Kate

Cape Collies
08/04/07 Cape -- Evergreen Funz A Poppin NA, NAJ, OA, OAJ, AX, AXJ, MX, MXJ, FN and Wolf Manor Believe It or Not NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, OA, OAJ, FN

Castlebar Collies
10/20/07 Castlebar -- Castlebar New Found Glory
10/20/07 Castlebar -- Castlebar New Found Glory
04/28/07 Castlebar -- Castlebar's Vanilla Sky
02/03/07 Castlebar -- CH Castlebar's Dangerous Beauty

Caublestone Collies
03/03/07 Caublestone -- CH Caublestone's Penny Serenade

Celticmoon Collies
04/28/07 Collies of Mudville and Celticmoon Collies
04/28/07 Collies of Mudville and Celticmoon Collies -- CH Barksdale Twinight In Mudville, OFA

Central Iowa Collie Club
12/15/07 Central Iowa Collie Club -- February 16, 2008
05/26/07 Central Iowa Collie Club -- Two-day seminar featuring Myra Savant-Harris, RN
04/28/07 Central Iowa Collie Club -- Two-day seminar featuring Myra Savant-Harris, RN
01/20/07 Central Iowa Collie Club and Lois E. Smith Memorial Sweepstakes -- February 17, 2007

Central Jersey Collie Club
09/08/07 Central Jersey CC -- Presents Creating Excellence by John Buddie -- November 3, 2007

Central Penn Collie Club
03/10/07 Central Penn Collie Club -- Blue & Gray Cluster, April 12 - 15, 2007

Central States Collie Club
01/06/07 Central States Collie Club -- February 17 & 18, 2007

Central Virginia Collie Club
01/20/07 Central Virginia Collie Club -- February 24 & 25, 2007

Ceronsky, James and Audrey
08/11/07 James and Audrey Ceronsky-- In Memory of Alpha Centauri
04/14/07 James and Audrey Ceronsky -- In Memory CH Glenhill Argent Solar Eclipse

Chaplain, Lise'
10/27/07 Anne Sinclair / Angie Gillespie / Lise' Chaplain / John Hobby -- Deep River Gillespie That's Hot! PTD and CH Hobby's Deep River Moonwind

Charisma Collies
11/17/07 Charisma -- CH Charisma Shenstone Blessing
11/17/07 Charisma -- Kelsie Holden and Charisma's Dream Girl
11/17/07 Charisma -- Charisma Seabreeze Expression and Charisma's Dream Maker
03/24/07 Charisma -- Kelsie Holden and Charisma's Dream Maker

Chatham Collies
12/08/07 Chatham Collies
11/03/07 Chatham Collies
02/10/07 Chatham-- CH Chatham Wych Chiseled In Gold

Chelsea Collies
05/26/07 Chelsea -- Chelsea Coco Chanel
02/03/07 Chelsea -- Chelsea Sunshine Girl, HIC

Cherann Collies
03/24/07 Cherann -- Cherann's U Rock My Soul

12/22/07 Cheviot Collies
11/24/07 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Sollis Understudy
09/15/07 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Fit The Bill
08/11/07 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Sollis Gallant Boy
06/30/07 Cheviot -- Cheviot Sollis Understudy
06/02/07 Cheviot -- Cheviot Kid Gallant
03/10/07 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Sollis Le Tour
02/17/07 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Fit The Bill
01/13/07 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Sollis Gallant Boy
01/06/06 Cheviot -- CH Cheviot Fit The Bill

Childrey, Cynthia
11/03/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC
06/16/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC
05/05/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC
02/24/07 Jane Cooley/Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC

Ciaschini, Martha
08/04/07 Martha Ciaschini -- CH Riverrun's Loveboat, CDX, TD, RE
08/04/07 Martha Ciaschini -- CH Riverrun's Loveboat, CDX, TD, RE

C & J Collies
12/22/07 C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
03/17/07 Tim Bauder (Rosebank)/Kim Stallings (Stellar)/Cheryl Thompson and Judy Walburn (C & J) -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
02/03/07 Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret

Clarion Collies
12/08/07 Touchstone/Clarion -- CH Clarion Sapphire Moon
11/24/07 Clarion -- CH Clarion Smoke And Mirrors
08/11/07 Clarion -- CH Clarion When Stars Collide
05/19/07 Touchstone/Clarion -- Clarion Sapphire Moon
03/10/07 Clarion/Touchstone -- Clarion Sapphire Moon

Classique Collies
10/27/07 Classique / Heatherri -- Classique Heatherri I'm No Angel
03/17/07 Classique -- CH Classique The Meadow's Tenacious
03/17/07 Classique -- Happy First Anniversary, Anita and Matt

Cleveland Collie Club
11/03/07 Cleveland Collie Club -- Upcoming Specialties (December 16, 2007 and January 12, 2008)

Coachlight Collies
01/20/07 Coachlight -- Diamante's Red Hot Lover

CK, Photography by
02/24/07 Photography by CK

Cobblecreek Collies
05/19/07 Dakotah/Cobblecreek -- Cobblecreek's Some Like It Hot

Colebrae Collies

10/27/07 Colebrae Collies
10/27/07 Colebrae -- CH Bravo Colebrae Faith O' Tercan

Collie Club of Alabama
05/05/07 Collie Club of Alabama Specialties -- May 27 and 28
04/21/07 Collie Club of Alabama/Getting To Know You -- Creating Excellence: A Seminar Presented by John Buddie
03/17/07 Collie Club of Alabama -- Getting To Know You 2007

Collie Club of America
11/17/07 Collie Club of America -- 2008 Calendar
07/28/07 CCA District of Maine -- All-Day Seminar -- September 30, 2007
06/30/07 CCA 2008 National Specialty - Joan Graber and Ginny Holtz Memorial Trophies
06/30/07 CCA Southern California District -- Creating Excellence by John Buddie
05/05/07 Collie Club of America, Northern California District -- Seminars presented by Myra Savant-Harris, RN and Debbie Holland
02/24/07 John Honig Memorial Trophy
02/17/07 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty
02/17/07 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty
02/17/07 Collie Club of America -- 2006 Yearbook Advertising and Parade of Stars
02/03/07 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Catalog Advertising
01/13/07 Collie Club of America -- Quarter Century Group 23rd Annual Program
01/13/07 Collie Club of America Challenge Trophy -- Tess Esch, Signet Collies
01/06/07 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty
01/06/07 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty
01/06/07 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty
01/06/07 Collie Club of America -- 2007 National Specialty

Collie Club of Maine
01/06/07 Collie Club of Maine -- March 2, 3 & 4, 2007

Collie Club of Maryland
12/08/07 Mason-Dixon Collie Club and Collie Club of Maryland -- Upcoming Specialties -- January 12 and 13, 2008

Collie Club of New England
09/22/07 Collie Club of New England Seminar -- October 14, 2007
01/06/07 Collie Club of New England -- February 9, 2007

Collie Club of New Hampshire
02/24/07 Collie Club of New Hampshire -- March 17 and 18, 2007

Collie Club of Northeastern New York
12/22/07 Collie Club of Northeastern New York -- February 1-3, 2008

Collie Club of Northern California
04/14/07 Collie Club of Northern California
04/14/07 Collie Club of Northern California
01/06/07 Collie Club of Northern California -- February 16 --19, 2007

Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
05/26/07 CCNNJ -- CCNNJ's AKC Collie Breed and Obedience Match
02/03/07 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- March 25, 2007

Collie Club of Kentucky
08/25/07 Collie Club of Kentucky -- Fall Shows --October 20 and 21, 2007

Collie Club of San Antonio
02/03/07 Collie Club of San Antonio -- March 10, 2007

Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
12/15/07 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania -- February 2 and 3, 2008

Collie Dog Owners
11/17/07 Collie Dog Owners -- Season's Greetings
03/10/07 Collie Dog Owners

Collie Health Foundation
12/29/07 Collie Health Foundation
07/28/07 Sunnybank In The Summer #11-- August 18 and 19, 2007
03/10/07 Collie Heath Foundation -- 2007 Dinner and Auction
01/27/07 2007 Collie Health Foundation Dinner and Auction

Collie Lovers Legal Defense Fund
12/29/07 Collie Lovers Legal Defense Fund

Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc.
06/09/07 Collie Rescue Foundation, Inc.

Collies of Mudville
04/28/07 Collies of Mudville and Celticmoon Collies
04/28/07 Collies of Mudville and Celticmoon Collies -- CH Barksdale Twinight In Mudville, OFA

Collies Online
08/04/07 Collies Online -- Performance Week August 4 -11 2007
08/04/07 Collies Online -- Thank you to all who supported performance week
07/21/07 Collies Online -- Performance Week August 4, 2007

Concord Collies
12/29/07 Concord -- CH Concord Shanvly The Amistad
11/24/07 Concord -- CH Concord Shanvly The Amistad

Conewago Collies
10/06/07 Conewago -- CH Avalon Conewago Crack The Sky
03/10/07 Conewago -- CH Conewago Riding With The King
03/10/07 Conewago -- CH Conewago Rosslane Th' Good Wych
03/10/07 Conewago -- Avalon Conewago Crack The Sky

Cooley, Jane
11/03/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC
06/16/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC
05/05/07 Jane Cooley and Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC
02/24/07 Jane Cooley/Cynthia Childrey -- CH Kingsmark First Impression, HIC

Counselor Collies and Shelties
08/04/07 Counselor -- CH Caledonia Wildside, NA, NAJ, NGC, CGC, N-TG, PT, AGI, VA, TT
08/04/07 Counselor -- Wizard Wind Counselor's Heir, HT, CGC, NA, NAJ, TN-N, TG-N, PG-1, NJC, AGI

Country K Collies
01/13/07 Country K -- CAN CH Country K "Bocephus", HIC, CGC

Countryview Collies
05/12/07 Countryview -- Countryview Back To Broadway

Creator Collies
07/14/07 Creator -- CH Creator Aamar Loving Favor, HC
07/14/07 Creator -- CH Creator Aamar Loving Favor, HC
07/14/07 Creator -- CH Creator's Loving Reverence, HC

Creekview Collies
12/08/07 Creekview -- CH Overland Daybreak

Creston Collies
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Creston -- Sylvan Argent It's All About Me

Crispin Collies
02/24/07 Crispin -- CH Crispin Faithful, HIC
02/24/07 Crispin -- CH Crispin Faithful, HIC

Cudzynowski, Barbara and Joe
06/30/07 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski -- CH Rumrunner-Bootlegger-Shelby and Lar-Lill's Top Of The Line
06/30/07 Barbara and Joe Cudzynowski --Tartanside Elite, RN and Tartanside Chorus Girl, RN

Cyndella Collies
12/22/07 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Triple Shot
12/22/07 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Wicked Indulgence
11/03/07 Cyndella -- Cyndella's Splitting Image
05/19/07 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Yes, I' m Charmed
04/28/07 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Triple Shot
03/17/07 Cyndella -- CH Cyndella's Party Favor
02/24/07 Cyndella -- Cyndella's Jack Frost

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Dakotah Collies
12/22/07 Dakotah -- Dakotah's Good Vibrations
05/19/07 Dakotah/Cobblecreek -- Cobblecreek's Some Like It Hot

Dane, Rolanda
08/04/07 Rolanda Dane -- UCD Hylights Remington Steele CDX, RE, OAP, OJP

Dea Haven Collies
12/15/07 Dea Haven Collies
09/22/07 Dea Haven Collies
08/11/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker and Contempo's Memories of Dea Haven
07/21/07 Dea Haven Collies
07/21/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Fire And Ice
06/30/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
06/16/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
06/16/07 Dea Haven -- Dea Haven's Precious Memory
06/02/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
05/19/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
04/28/07 Dea Haven -- Oak Leaf Just Between Friends
04/07/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
03/17/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
02/17/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
02/10/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
02/03/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
01/20/07 Dea Haven -- CH Dea Haven's Memory Maker

Deep River Collies
10/27/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Right On Red, ROM
10/27/07 Deep River -- CH Foxbride's Put On The Red Light, UD, NA, HT and CH Deep River's Joy Ridge, CD
10/27/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Bow And Arrow
10/27/07 Deep River Collies
10/27/07 Gary Newsham / Deep River -- CH Deep River's Songcatcher ROM
10/27/07 Sunway / Deep River -- Deep River's Early Frost
09/22/07 Micha Ann Elliot/ Kathy V. Moll -- CH Deep River Northshield Soliel
09/22/07 Kathy Weare/Ellen Russell/Kathy V. Moll -- CH Deep River Smoke Signals
08/18/07 Nancy Parker-- CH Deep River's Pine Cone Pathfinder
08/18/07 Deep River Collies
08/11/07 Deep River Collies
08/11/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Consider It Done
08/11/07 Jim and Hunter Bretzius -- CH Deep River's Watch Captain
08/11/07 Pam Brown and Jordan Adair -- CH Deep River's Consider The Source PT, JHD
08/11/07 Teresa Plucinski, MD -- CH Deep River's Easter Bonnet
08/11/07 Kathryn Weare -- CH Deep River's Bad To The Bone
08/11/07 Kathryn Weare -- CH Deep River's Rotten To The Core
08/04/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Comfort and Joy HIAs, RLFI, HRDDII
08/04/07 Kathy Moll and Nancy Parker-- CH Bo-Dandy's Itsawig HSAs, HTADI
06/16/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Bow And Arrow
06/16/07 Deep River Collies
04/28/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Bow And Arrow
04/14/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Consider It Done, Deep River Strike A Match
03/17/07 Deep River Collies
03/17/07 Deep River Collies
03/03/07 Deep River -- Deep River's The Good Shepherd
03/03/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River's Consider It Done
01/27/07 Deep River -- CH Deep River Consider Her Mine

Delgayla Collies
12/01/07 Delgayla -- CH Delgayla Macho Jones Boy
12/01/07 Delgayla -- Bellagio Delgayla Platinum Pearl

Demuir Collies
10/27/07 Demuir -- Deep Rivers Custom Made
10/27/07 Demuir / Belfair -- CH Demuirs Inside Edition
03/10/07 Demuir -- CH Demuirs Night Sky Kisses

Design Collies
08/25/07 Design -- Congratulations Vanessa and Zelda
08/25/07 Design -- Congratulations Vanessa and Luvly
03/17/07 Design -- CH Overland Signature Design
03/17/07 Design -- CH Overland Signature Design
02/10/07 Design -- CH Overland Signature Design
02/10/07 Design -- Overland Design Inheritance

Dettman, Robin DVM
08/04/07 Robin Dettman, DVM -- CH Kimberee Leading Man, CDX, RA, NAP, CGC, HIC, HCTs, BPD, VCX

Devinwood Collies
11/17/07 Devinwood -- Devinwood Ramble On
08/25/07 Devinwood -- CH Devinwood Hi Plains Renegade
03/03/07 Devinwood -- Devinwood Ramblin Man and Devinwood Dangerous Beauty

Diamante Collies
12/29/07 Diamante Presentation
12/29/07 Diamante Presentation
08/25/07 Schaladon/Diamante -- CH Clarion Vanilla Ice
08/18/07 Diamante Collies
01/20/07 Diamante -- CH Overland Red Hot Summer
01/20/07 Diamante -- CH Diamante's Little Red Corvette
01/13/07 Diamante Presentation -- Rebecca Myers Barth

Diaz , Gabriel and Dr. Luisa
05/12/07 Gabriel and Dr. Luisa Diaz -- Blossom Hill Jardine De Monet and Anna Diaz
04/21/07 Congratulations to Anna Diaz from Gabriel and Dr. Luisa Diaz

Dilbeck, Babbi DVM
08/04/07 Babbi Dilbeck, DVM -- Signet's Black Magic, Ballochmyle's You're So Vain, Mello-D's Rescue Me

Divine Collies
05/26/07 Divine -- CH Con-Te Divine's Simply The Best
01/27/07 Divine -- CH Divine's Simply Out Of The Blue
01/27/07 Divine -- CH Shaladon Divine's Simply Great, CH Divine's Simply Aint Blue, CH Divine's Hot Pursuit
01/27/07 Divine -- CH Overland Chasing The Clouds, CH Divine's Once In A Blue Moon

Donlen Collies
02/17/07 Donlen -- In Memory of CH Donlen's Spirit Of An Angel, HIC

Dorsey, Lynne and Mikki
12/01/07 Lynne and Mikki Dorsey -- CH Clarion Caped Crusader
12/01/07 Lynne and Mikki Dorsey -- CH Clarion Caped Crusader and Barbara Tarras
09/29/07 Lynne and Mikki Dorsey -- Clarion Caped Crusader

Dreamchaser Collies
06/23/07 Dreamchaser -- AM/CAN CH Rockwoods Vindicator
06/23/07 Dreamchaser -- AM/CAN CH Rockwoods Vindicator

Dublin Hill Collies
11/03/07 Dublin Hill Collies
10/27/07 Dublin Hill -- In memory of Jimmy Russell
10/13/07 Mandalay/LarLil/Dublin Hill -- CH Mandalay's Some Like It Hot
09/22/07 Kathy Weare/Ellen Russell/Kathy V. Moll -- CH Deep River Smoke Signals
06/09/07 Dublin Hill -- CH Bo-Dandy's Rock Solid, ROM
06/09/07 Mandalay/LarLill/Dublin Hill -- CH Mandalay's Some Like It Hot
05/19/07 Dublin Hill -- CH Bo-Dandy's Rock Solid, ROM

Dunton, Carol
08/04/07 Carol Dunton -- Rosehaevens What A Catch CD RE PT AX AXJ NF STDs
08/04/07 Carol Dunton -- Rosehaevens What A Catch CD RE PT AX AXJ NF STDs

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Edenrock Collies
12/01/07 Edenrock -- Edenrock Heatherlyn It's Karma
04/14/07 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock The Mask Of Society
04/14/07 Edenock -- Edenrock Bronze Warrior
02/10/07 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock It's Good To Be King
02/03/07 Edenrock -- Edenrock Bronze Warrior, Edenrock A-Dora-Ble
02/03/07 Edenrock -- Edenrock Gold Trace, Edenrock's Enchanted Knight
01/13/07 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Chestry Lionheart, HIC
01/13/07 Edenrock -- CH Edenrock Invisible Fire

Ehnle, Kelsey and Taylor
01/20/07 Kelsy and Taylor Ehnle -- CH Diamante's Midnight Kisses II and CH Diamante's Schaladon Cool Dude

Elliot, Micha Ann
10/27/07 Micha Ann Elliott -- CH Deep River Northshield Soleil
09/22/07 Micha Ann Elliot/ Kathy V. Moll -- CH Deep River Northshield Soliel

Emperors Collies
07/07/07 Emperors -- CH Afterhours Smooth Operator

Entais Collies
10/20/07 Entais -- CH ETS Entais Charismatic

Evers, Angela
12/01/07 Angela Evers and CH Kandy's Smooth Operator, CDX, RAE, HT, OA, OAJ,OAP, OJP

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Fait, Julie
11/10/07 Julie Fait -- Green Grove Wind In The Willow, CD, RE, NJP, OAP, HT

Fairway Collies
12/08/07 Fairway/Bolero -- CH Overland Shadow Dancer
12/08/07 Fairway/Bolero -- CH Overland Shadow Dancer
04/07/07 Fairway -- CH Overland Shadow Dancer
03/10/07 Fairway -- CH Overland Shadow Dancer

Fantasy Collies
12/29/07 Happy New Year from Fantasy and Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Key To My Heart
12/29/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- Bellvue's Rising Son
12/08/07 Fantasy and Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
11/24/07 Fantasy / Fleur-De-Lis / Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life and CH Fleur-De-Lis's Sugar Baby
11/03/07 Fantasy -- CH Hunting Ridge Magic Of Black
10/20/07 Fantasy -- CH Fantasy's Fortune In Bronze
10/13/07 Sassy/Fantasy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
06/30/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
06/30/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
06/23/07 Fantasy/Bellvue
06/23/07 Fantasy/Bellvue -- CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
06/09/07 Fantasy/Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
06/09/07 Fantasy -- Fantasy's Northstar
03/17/07 Fantasy/Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
01/27/07 Fantasy -- In Memory of CH Fantasy's I'm Shameless

Fleur-De-Lis Collies
11/24/07 Fantasy / Fleur-De-Lis / Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life and CH Fleur-De-Lis's Sugar Baby

Foggy Bay Collies
07/28/07 Foggy Bay -- CH Foggy Bay Ruffles Have Ridges
06/23/07 Foggy Bay -- CH Foggy Bay Scattered Showers

Forecast Collies
08/04/07 Forecast --Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast, NA, NAJ, OAJ, HIC

Franden, Mary
08/04/07 Virgie Jones and Mary Franden -- Lakewood Mists of Avalon and Edenrock Where There's Smoke

Futh, Bob
11/24/07 Connecticut Collie Clubs for Bob Futh -- Candidate for CCA President
11/17/07 Bob Futh -- Candidate for CCA President

Fyda, Dennis
03/17/07 Dennis Fyda -- CH Kadon Impressive Jewel

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Gael Collies
08/25/07 Gael -- CH Gael's Talisker Jack

Gambit Collies
08/25/07 Gambit -- CH Gambit's Impromptu' Relentless
05/19/07 Gambit/Afterhours -- CH Gambit's When Stars Align
04/07/07 Wildwood/Gambit -- CH Gambit's Incantations
03/17/07 Gambit Collies

Gast, Rebecca
05/12/07 Rebecca Gast and Alisa Pesek -- CH L'gacy Silver Charm CGC

Gemstone Collies
10/27/07 Gemstone -- CAN/AM CH Gemstone's Wild Like The Wind

Gentry Collies
12/15/07 Gentrys -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
11/24/07 Gentrys Collies
11/17/07 Gentrys -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
11/17/07 Gentrys -- Gentry's About Face
10/13/07 Gentrys Collies
09/08/07 Gentrys -- In Memory of CH Southland's Cross Country
09/08/07 Gentrys -- In Memory of CH Southland's Cross Country
07/14/07 Gentrys -- CH Gentry's Dream On To Cinnabar
05/12/07 Gentrys -- Gentry's Black Bennedette
03/10/07 Gentrys -- CH Gentry's Braveheart
03/10/07 Gentrys -- Gentry's Stars On The Water
02/17/07 Gentrys -- CH Bravo Gentry's Brave Knight
02/17/07 Gentrys -- CH Gentry's Braveheart and Gentry's Stars On The Water
02/17/07 Gentrys -- CH Gentry's Bravo's Sole Dancer and CH Gentry's Cinnabar Cassanova Brown

Genwit Collies
05/19/07 Genwit -- CH Northshield Oktoberfest

Gillespie, Angie
10/27/07 Anne Sinclair / Angie Gillespie / Lise' Chaplain / John Hobby -- Deep River Gillespie That's Hot! PTD and CH Hobby's Deep River Moonwind

Glasgowhill Collies
07/07/07 Glasgowhill -- CH Keltic Rolling Stone

Glenlyn Collies
12/29/07 Glenlyn -- Chatham Glenlyn Lacy Lilting Lyric
04/07/07 Glenlyn -- Chatham Glenlyn Channel Number Mine
03/03/07 Glenlyn -- Glenlyn's Brigadoon

Gloaming Wood Collies
08/04/07 Gloaming Wood -- Southland Christmas Carols
08/04/07 Gloaming Wood -- CH Lisara's Stardust
06/02/07 Gloaming Wood -- CH Lisara Gloaming Wood Flute

Goldsmith, Meg
08/04/07 Meg Goldsmith -- Wyldrose Diamond in the Ruff, RN, HIC, CGC

Greater Brighton Collie Club
06/09/07 Greater Brighton Collie Club -- A Quest For Quality, a seminar presented by Tom Coen
06/02/07 Greater Brighton Collie Club -- A Quest For Quality, a seminar presented by Tom Coen
05/05/07 Greater Brighton Collie Club -- A Quest For Quality, a seminar presented by Tom Coen

Greyloch Collies
09/08/07 Greyloch -- Sylvan Song Of Greyloch, Sylvan Argent Kiss & Tell
03/10/07 Greyloch -- Sylvan Song Of Greyloch

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Harris, Brian
01/27/07 Brian Harris, Marie Hutchinson and Leslie Hernandez --
CH Classique Charmed I'm Sure

Harrow Place Collies

12/01/07 Harrow Place/Bolero -- CH Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O' Glory and CH Bolero's N Aamar's Crash 'N Burn
05/05/07 Harrow Place -- CH Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O'Glory
03/17/07 Aamar/Glory/Harrow Place -- CH Aamar N Harrow's Blaze O'Glory
03/17/07 Harrow Place -- Aamar-Harrow's Reign'N Beau

Harvest Hil Collies
03/24/07 Harvest Hil -- CH HarvestHil Silver Sands, NE

Hearthside Collies
12/08/07 Hearthside -- Lisara A Tri To Remember, OFA, HIC, CGC, CRT, TT

Heatherlyn Collies

09/01/07 Heatherlyn -- CH Heatherlyn Edenrock Legacy
09/01/07 Heatherlyn -- CH Heatherlyn Edenrock Legacy
09/01/07 Heatherlyn Collies

Heavensent Collies
07/07/07 Heavensent -- CH Afterhours Heavensent Starlite

Held, Debbie
10/20/07 Debbie Held -- VCH Van-M American Beauty,

Heron House Collies

10/06/07 PrairiePine/HeronHouse/Val Marshall -- CAN CH HeronHouse Prairiepine Graffiti
09/29/07 CAN CH HeronHouse Prairiepine Graffiti
08/25/07 HeronHouse -- CAN CH HeronHouse Prairiepine Graffiti
07/07/07 Heron House/Afterhours -- CH Afterhours The Matrix

Hi Cliff Collies
10/27/07 Hi Cliff -- CH Deep River Smoke Signals and Ch Deep River's Bad To The Bone
09/22/07 Kathy Weare/Ellen Russell/Kathy V. Moll -- CH Deep River Smoke Signals
08/11/07 Kathryn Weare -- CH Deep River's Bad To The Bone
08/11/07 Kathryn Weare -- CH Deep River's Rotten To The Core
08/04/07 Hi Cliff -- Hi Cliff PS The Lady Eve, HIC

Hi-Crest Collies

09/08/07 Hi-Crest Collies
09/08/07 Hi-Crest -- CH Hi-Crest Sky's The Limit
09/08/07 Hi-Crest -- CH Hi-Crest Touch The Sun
09/08/07 Hi-Crest -- CH Hi-Crest Above The Clouds
09/08/07 Hi-Crest -- Hi-Crest Sun Showers

Highcroft Collies
03/17/07 Highcroft/St Germaine -- CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy

HighlanderCollies (Arizona)
10/27/07 Highlander Collies -- CH Highlander's Chieftan MacLeod, HCT, HIC, HT
06/16/07 Highlander -- Highlander's Chieftain Macleod HCT, HIC, HT

Highlander Collies (Kansas)
07/21/07 Highlander Collies

Hiland Collies
12/08/07 Marquee/Hiland -- CH Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle, HIC
02/24/07 Marquee/Hiland -- CH Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle, HIC
02/24/07 Hiland -- CH Hiland Windrest Nightline
01/13/07 Marquee/Hiland -- CH Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle, HIC

Hillcrest Collies
12/22/07 Hillcrest -- CH Riverrun's Racy Rumors, RN, CD
12/22/07 Hillcrest/Southland -- CAN CH Southland's Last Curtain Call
01/06/07 Hillcrest -- CH Hillcrest's Silver Shadows
01/06/07 Hillcrest -- CH Hillcrest's Canyon River Blues

Hirt, Dave and Bev
08/04/07 Dave and Bev Hirt -- CH Deep River's Mason Dixon CD, OA, OAJ, OAP, OJP, HT, RN

Hobby, John
10/27/07 Anne Sinclair / Angie Gillespie / Lise' Chaplain / John Hobby -- Deep River Gillespie That's Hot! PTD and CH Hobby's Deep River Moonwind

Honeyblossom Collies
07/14/07 Honeyblossom -- Honeyblossom Snow Princess

HoneyCoat Collies
09/15/07 Honey Coat -- Honey Coat Amarillo Sky, Honey Coat Painted Desert Sky
03/24/07 HoneyCoat -- CH HoneyCoat Celestial Spin
03/24/07 HoneyCoat -- CH HoneyCoat Dark Side Of The Moon

Horrigan, Lynn
08/04/07 Lynn Horrigan -- MACH Special Wee Lass O'Storybook NE, OFA, CD, CGC, HIC, HT, BPDX, RE

Hukill, Conlon
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Conlon Hukill -- Sylvan Argent Message In A Bottle

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Impromptu' Collies
08/25/07 Impromptu' -- CH Impromptu' Written On The Wind
08/25/07 Impromptu' -- CH Impromptu' Kalstorm's Impact
08/25/07 Impromptu' -- CH Impromptu' Until Tomorrow

Incandescent Collies
12/22/07 Incandescent Collies
03/24/07 Incandescent -- CH Kadon Bethany's Gospel
01/13/07 Incandescent -- In loving Memory of Al Forthal
01/06/07 Incandescent -- CH Kadon Bethany's Gospel

Indiana Collie Club
03/03/07 Indiana Collie Club Spring Classic with the 49th and 50th Kem Memorial Sweepstakes -- May 12 and 13, 2007
03/03/07 Indiana Collie Club and 49th and 50th Kem Memorial Sweepstakes -- May 12 and 13, 2007

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Jacobs, Carol and Mike
08/04/07 Carol and Mike Jacobs -- Shadowmont Darcy of Skye, NCC, NAJ

Jag-View Collies
04/21/07 Jag-View Collies
04/21/07 Jag-View Collies
03/10/07 Jag-View -- CH Jag-View Painted Sandstone

Jen-Ver Collies
06/23/07 Kelsie Collies
06/23/07 Kelsie/Jen-Ver --CH Jen-Ver Kelsie Infinity
06/23/07 Kelsie/Jen-Ver -- CH Jen-Ver Kelsie Infinity

Jones, Virgie
08/04/07 Virgie Jones and Mary Franden -- Lakewood Mists of Avalon and Edenrock Where There's Smoke

Julep Collies
01/06/07 Julep -- CH Julep's Sure Bet Regret and Ch Julep's Genuine Risk

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Kalstorm Collies
08/25/07 Kalstorm -- CH Kalstorm's Fiddle De De

Kara Christo Collies
08/25/07 Kara Christo -- CH Kara Christo Avalon
08/25/07 Kara Christo -- CH Kara Christo Avalon
08/25/07 Kara Christo Collies
01/13/07 Palyn / Kara Christo -- CH Palyn Spellbound

Karalis, Carol
03/03/07 Carol Karalis, Elvys Maldonado -- Clarion Lalique Of Castle Hill

Karavel Collies
07/07/07 Karavel -- CH Karavel Afterhours Amulet, HIC

Kayloma ® Collies
12/15/07 Kayloma ® -- Kayloma's No I'm Not! CGC
08/04/07 Kayloma ® Collies

Keepsake Collies
03/17/07 Keepsake -- Keepsake Builder Of Dreams
01/27/07 Lonepine/Keepsake -- CH Keepsake-Lonepine Nohair To Go

Kelsie Collies
06/23/07 Kelsie Collies
06/23/07 Kelsie/Jen-Ver --CH Jen-Ver Kelsie Infinity
06/23/07 Kelsie/Jen-Ver -- CH Jen-Ver Kelsie Infinity

Kelso Collies
03/24/07 Kelso -- CH Kelso's Moon Dancin'

Kenmoor Collies
05/05/07 Kenmoor -- West Point Kenmoor Inspiration

Kenshamar Collies
07/07/07 Kenshamar -- CH Afterhours Rocks The House

Keowee Collies
03/24/07 Keowee -- Highcrofts Without A Doubt
03/10/07 Keowee Collies
03/10/07 Keowee Collies

Keystone Collie Club
04/07/07 Keystone Collie Club -- May 5, 2007

Kimberee Collies
10/06/07 Kimberee/LoriMar -- CH Kimberee Stormy Weather!
10/06/07 LoriMar/Kimberee -- CH LoriMar 'n Kimberee Wave Runner
10/06/07 LoriMar/Kimberee -- LoriMar 'n Kimberee RipTide
10/06/07 Anna Lerch/LoriMar/Kimberee -- LoriMar's Madison of Kimberee
10/06/07 Anna Lerch/LoriMar/Kimberee -- Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, HT
03/17/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence, CH Kimberee A Little Piece O'My Heart and Kimberee Stormy Weather
03/17/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, CH Kimberee Kisses Sweeter Than Wine and CH Kimberee Passionate Kisses O'LoriMar
03/10/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence
03/10/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence

Kings Valley Collies
06/30/07 Kings Valley -- CH Kings Valley Quicken, PT, TC, TDI
04/07/07 Kings Valley -- CH Kings Valley Master Of The Gold, HC, TC
01/20/07 Kings Valley -- AM/CAN CH King Valley Confidante, TC, PT

Kirkhaven Collies
07/14/07 Kirkhaven Collies
04/21/07 Kirkhaven Collies

Kitleigh Collies
10/27/07 Kitleigh -- CH Kitleigh Knickerbocker, ROM

Klein, Susan
08/04/07 Susan Klein -- NATCH CH Deep River Karizma's Rowan UD, RE, MX, MXJ, OAP, OJP, HSAs

Kovacyk, Kristie
08/04/07 Kristie Kovacyk -- Heatherri's Moonshadow NA, NAJ, PJI, CGC

Krister Collies
02/24/07 Krister Collies
02/24/07 Krister Collies -- CH Krister's Tiffany Jewel
02/24/07 Krister Collies -- CH Black Diamond Devil

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Lachki Collies
11/03/07 Lachki -- CH Lachki's Vampyr With Soul

Ladyvale Collies
07/07/07 Ladyvale -- CH Ladyvale Afterhours Electra
07/07/07 Ladyvale Collies

Lakewinds Collies
04/07/07 Lakewinds Collies
04/07/07 Lakewinds -- CH Lakewinds Shot In The Dark

Larisa Collies
01/20/07 Larisa -- CH Diamante's Larisa Dynamic Duo

LarLill Collies
10/13/07 Mandalay/LarLil/Dublin Hill -- CH Mandalay's Some Like It Hot
06/09/07 Mandalay/LarLill/Dublin Hill -- CH Mandalay's Some Like It Hot
12/01/07 -- Introducing Lassie 10!

Lerch, Anna
10/06/07 Anna Lerch/LoriMar/Kimberee -- LoriMar's Madison of Kimberee
10/06/07 Anna Lerch/LoriMar/Kimberee -- Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, HT

Le Moor Collies
01/20/07 Le Moor -- CH Le Moor Change Of Command

L'gacy Collies
11/24/07 L'gacy -- CH L'gacy Silver Charm RN and Rebecca Gast
11/10/07 L'Gacy -- L'Gacy Artic Chill
05/12/07 L'Gacy -- CH L'gacy Twist Of Fate
05/12/07 Rebecca Gast and Alisa Pesek -- CH L'gacy Silver Charm CGC
02/24/07 L'gacy -- L'gacy Twist Of Fate
01/27/07 L'gacy -- CH L'gacy Twist And Shout

L'il Swiss Collies
10/13/07 L'il Swiss Collies

Liege Collies
12/01/07 Liege Collies
12/01/07 Liege Collies -- CH Liege's Red Sky At Morning

Limerick Collies
12/22/07 Limerick -- CH Limerick Tartanside Patriot
10/06/07 Limerick -- CH Limericks Tartanside Patriot
07/28/07 Limerick -- Limericks Liberation
05/26/07 Limerick -- CH Limericks Tartanside Patriot and Limericks Liberation
03/17/07 Limerick -- CH Limericks Tartanside Patriot
02/03/07 Limerick -- Limericks Tartanside Patriot

Lingenfelter, Sylvie
12/01/07 Sylvie Lingenfelter -- Candidate for CCA 2nd Vice-President
11/24/07 Sylvie Lingenfelter -- Candidate for CCA 2nd Vice-President
11/17/07 Sylvie Lingenfelter -- Candidate for CCA 2nd Vice-President
11/17/07 Sylvie Lingenfelter -- Candidate for CCA 2nd Vice-President

Lisara Collies
06/09/07 Lisara Collies congratulates Kim Stallings and Charlie Miller
06/09/07 Lisara -- CH Lisara's Tight Fitting Genes
02/24/07 Stellar/Lisara -- CH Lisara's Lavender Blue

Littlefield Collies
06/23/07 Littlefield/Tartanside -- Tartanside All In Favor

Llynure Collies
08/04/07 Llynure Collies
08/04/07 Llynure Collies
08/04/07 Llynure Collies

Lochlaren Collies
04/07/07 Lochlaren Collies
04/07/07 Lochlaren Collies
04/07/07 Lochlaren Collies
02/03/07 Lochlaren -- CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison
02/03/07 Lochlaren -- CH Lochlaren Marleste It's Magic, HIC, TC
02/03/07 Lochlaren -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret

Lonage Colies
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Lonage -- Sylvan Argent Perfect Timing

Lonepine Collies
01/27/07 Lonepine/Keepsake -- CH Keepsake-Lonepine Nohair To Go

Longacre Collies
07/14/07 Long Acre Collies
04/28/07 Long Acre -- CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel, ROM
04/28/07 Long Acre -- CH Long Acre's Pewter Angel, ROM

Lorimar Collies
10/06/07 Kimberee/LoriMar -- CH Kimberee Stormy Weather!
10/06/07 LoriMar/Kimberee -- CH LoriMar 'n Kimberee Wave Runner
10/06/07 LoriMar/Kimberee -- LoriMar 'n Kimberee RipTide
10/06/07 Anna Lerch/LoriMar/Kimberee -- LoriMar's Madison of Kimberee
10/06/07 Anna Lerch/LoriMar/Kimberee -- Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, HT
03/17/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence, CH Kimberee A Little Piece O'My Heart and Kimberee Stormy Weather
03/17/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- Kimberee Silhouette of LoriMar, CH Kimberee Kisses Sweeter Than Wine and CH Kimberee Passionate Kisses O'LoriMar
03/10/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence
03/10/07 Lorimar/Kimberee -- CH Kimberee Under The Influence

Lost Creek Collies
03/17/07 Lost Creek -- CH Lost Creek Noble Warrior

Lyncryst Collies
09/01/07 Lyncryst -- CH Lyncryst Sweet Royale

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Magic Moment Collies
07/07/07 Magic Moment -- Afterhours Magic Moment

Maldonado, Elvys
03/03/07 Carol Karalis, Elvys Maldonado -- Clarion Lalique Of Castle Hill

Mandalay Collies
10/13/07 Mandalay/LarLil/Dublin Hill -- CH Mandalay's Some Like It Hot
10/06/07 Mandalay -- CH Bo-Dandy's Rock Solid, ROM and CH Mandalay's Pretty In Pink
10/06/07 Mandalay Collies
06/09/07 Mandalay/LarLill/Dublin Hill -- CH Mandalay's Some Like It Hot

Marchello Collies
03/17/07 Marchello -- Marchello's Luck Of The Irish

Mariner Collies
08/04/07 Mariner -- CH Mariner Chips Ahoy NA

Marko Collies
12/15/07 Marko -- CH Marko's Ultimate Choice and CH Marko's Back-N-Black
12/15/07 Marko -- CH Marko's Quest for Gems

Marquee Collies
12/08/07 Marquee/Hiland -- CH Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle, HIC
12/08/07 Marquee Presentation
03/17/07 Marquee Presentation
02/24/07 Marquee/Hiland -- CH Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle, HIC
01/13/07 Marquee/Hiland -- CH Avalar Marquee Razzle Dazzle, HIC

Marshall, Kristina T.
05/12/07 Forever Friends -- A Guide To The Dogs Of Sunnybank by Kristina T. Marshall

Martin, Susan and Lauri
08/04/07 Susan and Lauri Martin -- Long Acre's Brightwork, CD, RA, HIC, TDI, BPD, VC

Mascoma Collies
09/29/07 Mascoma -- Vennessee's Black Pearl
07/14/07 Mascoma -- Mascoma's Dark Side Of The Moon

Mason Dixon Collie Club
12/08/07 Mason-Dixon Collie Club and Collie Club of Maryland -- Upcoming Specialties -- January 12 and 13, 2008
05/26/07 Mason Dixon Collie Club -- Two-day seminar featuring Myra Savant-Harris, RN

Matrix Collies
09/22/07 Matrix Collies
09/22/07 Matrix -- CH Cherfire Belladonna, OFA

McCuaig, Jolene
08/04/07 Jolene McCuaig -- CH Mariner Storm Chaser TD, AGI, RN, TT, HCT, VC

Milas Collies
06/02/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Diva
05/26/07 Milas -- CH Milas Latin Fever
05/05/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Lover
05/05/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Dancer
04/28/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Fever
04/28/07 Milas -- CH Milas Latin Dancer
04/07/07 Milas -- CH Milas Latin Dancer
04/07/07 Milas -- CH Milas Latin Lover
04/07/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Fever
03/17/07 Milas -- CH Windhaven Stranger In Paradise
03/17/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Fever
03/17/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Lover
03/17/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Dancer
03/03/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Dancer
03/03/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Lover
03/03/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Fever
02/17/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Dancer
02/17/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Lover
01/27/07 Milas-- Milas Latin Dancer
01/27/07 Milas-- Milas Latin Lover
01/13/07 Milas -- Windhaven Stranger In Paradise
01/13/07 Milas -- Milas Latin Dancer

Millcreek Collies
12/29/07 Millcreek -- Millcreek's Share My Heart
12/29/07 Millcreek -- CH Millcreeks Twist Of Fate and CH Millcreek's Dream Chaser
Millcreek -- CH Millcreek's Expression Of Lite

Millknock Collies
09/29/07 Millknock -- Millknock Silhouette and CH Millknock Moonstone
09/29/07 Millknock Collies

Mintert, Zenith
02/10/07 Zenith Mintert and Elaine Nilson -- Can/Am CH Timeless Gold Trace

Misselmoor Collies
12/15/07 Misselmoor -- Dea-Haven's Forget-Me-Not
07/21/07 Misselmoor -- Dea-Haven's Forget-Me-Not

Mission Ridge Collies
12/22/07 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP, HIC
11/24/07 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP, HIC
10/20/07 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP, HIC
07/28/07 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP, HIC
05/12/07 Mission Ridge -- CH Lindale's MVP, HIC

Misty Manor Collies
07/21/07 Misty Manor -- Misty Manor's Appreciation

Montara Collies
08/04/07 Montara -- Shadaglen Superstition, HXAS, HSAD
08/04/07 Montara -- CH Montara Beyond The Blue Neon, CD, HIAd, HXAs, NA, ROMP, VX, STDsc, OTDd, HTd1
08/04/07 Montara -- CH Montara Beyond The Blue Neon, CD, HIAd, HXAs, NA, ROMP, VX, STDsc, OTDd, HTd1

Moorman, Peggy
10/27/07 Peggy Moorman -- Deep River's Strike A Match and Deep River's Cover Girl
09/22/07 Peggy Moorman -- Deep River's Strike A Match, CH Deep River's Easter Lily, RN

Moosebrook Collies
08/04/07 Moosebrook -- Palary Time To Remember CD, RE, CGC and Foremost To Catch A Thief CD RE
08/04/07 Moosebrook -- Moosebrook Any Dream Will Do

Mystic Grove Collies
05/19/07 Mystic Grove -- CH Uneeda Mystic Grove Melody

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Nebraska Collie Club
10/20/07 Nebraska Collie Club -- November 16, 2007

Newsham, Gary
10/27/07 Gary Newsham / Deep River -- CH Deep River's Songcatcher ROM

Nightwind Collies
08/04/07 Nightwind Collies and Ronan Collies -- Nightwind Lil' Miss Knockout, CGC, TDI, HCTs, RE, CDX, AXP, AJP, VC
07/07/07 Nightwind -- Afterhours Keltic Nightwind

Nilson, Elaine
02/10/07 Zenith Mintert and Elaine Nilson -- Can/Am CH Timeless Gold Trace

Niteridge Collies
07/21/07 Niteridge Collies

Northern Classic Collies
12/15/07 Northern Classic Collies

Northshields Collies
10/27/07 Northshields -- Northshields Panache, HT
10/27/07 Northshields -- CH Northshields Oktoberfest
09/22/07 Northshields -- Northshields Panache, HT
09/08/07 Northshields -- Northshields Panache, HIC
08/11/07 Northshields -- Northshields Panache, HIC
05/05/07 Northshields -- CH Northshields Trafalgar HSAS
04/28/07 Northshields -- CH Northshields Oktoberfest
02/24/07 Northshields -- CH Northshields Oktoberfest
02/24/07 Northshields -- CH Northshields Trafalgar HT, CH Northshields Oktoberfest
01/06/07 Northshields -- CH Tartanside Dream Wish, HXAds

Northstar Collies
09/08/07 Northstar -- CH Jute Tempest Northstars Fate
08/04/07 NorthStar Natural Dog -- Raw Food for Dogs
08/04/07 Northstar Collies -- A/C CH Wranglers Northstar Chance Encounter, NA, OAJ
08/04/07 NorthStar Collies -- Northstar No Coincedence, Northstar Not By Chance, Northstar Godspeed
03/17/07 Northstar -- Northstar No Coincedence
03/17/07 Northstar -- A/C CH Wranglers Northstar Chance Encounter, NA, OAJ

NorthUist Collies
12/22/07 NorthUist -- CAN CH NorthUist Highland Clanmaster, CGC

Northview Collies
04/07/07 Northview -- Fantasy's Buck Naked

Norwest Collies
12/22/07 Norwest -- AM/CAN CH Timeless Norwest Midnite Warrior

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Oak Knoll Collies
06/30/07 Oak Knoll Collies

Olsen, Deanne
08/04/07 Deanne Olsen -- ADCH-Bronze MACH6 NATCH U-ACHX Glen Ellyn Cody GCH-Bronze JCH-Silver RCH-Bronze SCH-Silver SACH-Silver TM-Silver OAP OJP OF RS-N GS-N ONYX A-AOM III

O'Rourke, Julia
08/04/07 Julia O'Rourke -- MACH Jul-Ric's Black Gold PT, OF, TT, CGC

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Pacific NW Collie Club
09/29/07 Pacific NW Collie Club -- November 10 and 11, 2007

Padilla, Cindy
08/04/07 Cindy Padilla -- CH Foggy Bay Oh Yeah RN

Palyn Collies
01/13/07 Palyn / Kara Christo -- CH Palyn Spellbound

Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia
12/15/07 Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- January 7-9, 2008

Parker, Nancy
08/18/07 Nancy Parker-- CH Deep River's Pine Cone Pathfinder

Perimist Collies
04/14/07 Perimist -- CH Perimist Society Step Aside

Piedmont Collie Club
12/15/07 Piedmont Collie Club -- January 21 and 22, 2008
09/08/07 Piedmont CC -- Annual Fall Harvest Match --October 13, 2007

Pine Cone Collies
10/27/07 Pine Cone -- CH Deep River Pine Cone Snow Bound

Pitt, Judy and Michael
09/15/07 George and Dona Williams/Michael and Judy Pitt -- The Second Cup of Coffee Interviews

Pleasant Acres Collies
12/15/07 Pleasant Acre -- CH Pleasant Acre's American Idol
11/10/07 Pleasant Acre Collies
05/26/07 Pleasant Acre -- Pleasant Acre's American Idol
02/17/07 Pleasant Acres -- Pleasant Acre's American Idol and Thornacre's without A Trace

Plucinski Teresa, MD
08/11/07 Teresa Plucinski, MD -- CH Deep River's Easter Bonnet

PrairiePine Collies
10/06/07 PrairiePine/HeronHouse/Val Marshall -- CAN CH HeronHouse Prairiepine Graffiti
10/06/07 Prairiepine -- Prairiepine's TJ
09/29/07 CAN CH HeronHouse Prairiepine Graffiti

Priority Collies
04/14/07 West Point/Priority -- West Point Priority Package

Promise Hill
04/14/07 Promise Hill -- In memory of Ellie

Provenhill Collies
09/29/07 Provenhill -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
09/29/07 Provenhill -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
03/17/07 Provenhill -- Provenhill's Devilicious
02/24/07 Provenhill -- CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil

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The Quarter Century Collie Group, Inc
08/11/07 The Quarter Century Collie Group, Inc -- Proudly Presents "Guardian Angel"

Quincy Collies
06/30/07 Quincy -- CH Quincy Mordecai
05/26/07 Quincy -- Quincy Mordecai
05/26/07 Quincy -- Quincy Mordecai

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Ravencroft Collies
05/05/07 Ravencroft -- Marnus Ravencroft Reflections

Rebel Collies
08/04/07 Rebel -- Rebel's Justa Dude AX, AXJ, NF, VC, HCTs CGC
04/21/07 Rebel -- Rebel's Infinite Justice
04/21/07 Rebel -- Rebel's Justa Dude, AXJ, OA, VC, CGC, HCTs
04/21/07 Rebel -- CH Kingsmark Zane Grey

Reflexion Collies
10/27/07 Reflexion -- Deep River's Reflexion in Snow and Tyler Lamp

Ringside Design
05/05/07 Ringside Design

Ritzy Collies
05/26/07 Ritzy -- CH Ritzy's Island Of Contemplation

Roblyn Collies
03/24/07 Roblyn -- In Memory of CH The Meadow's Classique White

Rob Mar Collies
11/10/07 Rob Mar -- CH Rob Mar's Perfect Partner
11/10/07 Rob Mar -- CH Rob Mar's Special Lady

Rockwood Collies
02/10/07 Rockwood -- Pebblebrook Jolee
02/10/07 Rockwood -- Pebblebrook Jolee

Ronan Collies
08/04/07 Nightwind Collies and Ronan Collies -- Nightwind Lil' Miss Knockout, CGC, TDI, HCTs, RE, CDX, AXP, AJP, VC

Rosebank Collies
05/12/07 Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
03/17/07 Tim Bauder (Rosebank)/Kim Stallings (Stellar)/Cheryl Thompson and Judy Walburn (C & J) -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
02/03/07 Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret

Rosepoint Collies
05/05/07 Rosepoint -- CH Rosepoint's Signature
03/24/07 Rosepoint -- CH Rosepoint Winterfest
03/24/07 Rosepoint -- CH Rosepoint's Signature

Rosewood Collies
03/24/07 Rosewood -- Rosewood Tartanside Dream

Rothenberger, Donna
08/04/07 Donna Rothenberger -- Findley Vu C'denza That Kinda Girl HSA's and CH Findleyvue Mastermind

Row-Bar Collies
01/27/07 Row-Bar -- CH Row-Bar's Smoking Gun, HIC
01/20/07 Row-Bar -- CH Row-Bar's Sum Of All Fears, HT

Royal's Collies
01/20/07 Royal's -- CH Royal's Slightly Sinful and Royal's Summer Heat
01/20/07 Royal's -- CH Royal's Tropical Storm

Ryder Collies
08/04/07 Ryder Collies

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San Diego Collie Club
10/13/07 San Diego Collie Club- -- November 10, 2007
03/03/07 The San Diego Collie Club -- Collie Rescue Raffle and Specialty Event
02/17/07 San Diego Collie Club -- February 24, 2007
01/20/07 San Diego Collie Club -- February, 24, 2007

Sandmoor Collies
05/05/07 Sandmoor Collies
05/05/07 Sandmoor -- CH Tango's Warrior Princess
05/05/07 Sandmoor -- CH Sandmoor Duke Of Earl
05/05/07 Sandmoor -- Sandmoor Rocky Mountain High, RN
05/05/07 Sandmoor -- CH Sandmoor Bright Star and Sandmoor Believe In You

Sassy Collies
12/08/07 Fantasy and Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
11/24/07 Fantasy / Fleur-De-Lis / Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life and CH Fleur-De-Lis's Sugar Baby
11/03/07 Sassy Collies
10/13/07 Sassy/Fantasy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
06/09/07 Fantasy/Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life
03/17/07 Fantasy/Sassy -- CH Fantasy's The Key To Life

Savoy Collies
04/07/07 Savoy -- DC HTCh Savoy's Spy Master by Nirvana, CD, HXAsd, HXBsd, AX, AXJ

Scarborough Collies
03/10/07 Scarborough -- CH Scarborough's Once Upon A Dream

Schaladon Collies
08/25/07 Schaladon/Diamante -- CH Clarion Vanilla Ice

Scotsgael Collies
10/06/07 Scotsgael -- Scotsgael's Just for Tonight

Seabreeze Collies
11/17/07 Seabreeze -- CH Seabreeze Summer's Song
02/17/07 Gene and Betsy Bradshaw and Kelsie Holden -- CH Seabreeze Oh Shenandoah

Sequoia Collies
08/25/07 Sequoia -- CH Sequoia's Gangster Of Love
08/25/07 Sequoia -- CH Sequoia's Five-O-One Blues
07/21/07 Sequoia -- CH Sequoia's Gangster Of Love
02/10/07 Sequoia -- Sequoia's Gangster Of Love

Seymour, Brent
12/08/07 Brent Seymour -- CH Ravencroft's Galahad

Shelana Collies
10/27/07 Shelana -- CH Deep River Shelana Crystal Charm

Silverbrook Collies
01/06/07 Silverbrook -- UKC CH Silverbrook's How Far Is Heaven

Sinclair, Anne
10/27/07 Anne Sinclair / Angie Gillespie / Lise' Chaplain / John Hobby -- Deep River Gillespie That's Hot! PTD and CH Hobby's Deep River Moonwind

Shadowmont Collies
03/03/07 Shadowmont Collies

Shelana Collies
03/17/07 Wyndlair/Shelana -- CH Twin City Shelana Liberty Island

Shekihan Collies
10/27/07 Shekinah Collies
02/03/07 Shekihan Collies

Shenstone Collies
07/28/07 Shenstone -- Shenstones Snow Cap
07/28/07 Happy Birthday to Shenstone Collies, Joyce Dowling

Sheranda Collies
10/27/07 Sheranda -- CH Deep River's Solid Stock

Shertom Collies
08/04/07 Shertom -- CH Deep River Shertom Felicia OA, OAJ, HSAs, STDs HRD I, VG
08/04/07 Shertom -- DC, WTCH, HTCH Shertoms Hardcore NAJ, NJP, RA, HXasd, HXBsd, HRD IIIs HTAD IIIs, HTD IIIs

Shoreham Collies
06/23/07 Shoreham -- CH Shoreham Java Man
05/05/07 Shoreham -- CH Shoreham A Heavenly Brew
03/17/07 Shoreham -- Shoreham Java Man
03/17/07 Shoreham Collies -- Shoreham Java Man
01/20/07 Shoreham Collies
01/06/07 In memory of Shoreham's Al Forthal

Showcase Collies and Shelties
08/11/07 Showcase -- CH Roblyn Showcase Effervescent
07/14/07 Showcase -- Clarion Caped Crusader handled by Barbara Tarras of Showcase

Signet Collies
07/21/07 Signet -- Signet's Luxury Dream
07/21/07 Signet -- CH Signet's Family Tree
07/21/07 Signet -- CH Signet's Sunshine Delight

Smith, Elizabeth
08/04/07 Elizabeth Smith -- AWCA VCH Tartanside Carte Blanche CDX, HIC, OA, AXJ, RE, BPDX, TT, TDIa

Smith, Peg and Becky
08/25/07 Peg and Becky Smith -- Impromptu' Wind On The Waves, CGC, NAP, NJP, OAP, OJP, CL1
08/04/07 Peg and Becky Smith -- Impromptu' Wind On The Waves, CGC, NAP, NJP, OAP, OJP, CL1 and Impromptu Good Golly Ms Molly, CGC, HIC, NAP NJP, OJP, RN, RA, AWCA VC
08/04/07 Peg and Becky Smith-- Tapestry's Brogan Of Tipperary, CGC

Smotrel, Jim and Judy
08/04/07 Jim and Judy Smotrel -- Slater, Stoney and Rocky

Society Collies

09/15/07 Society/Keepsake/Edenrock -- Circle of Friends

Sollis Collies
03/10/07 Sollis -- CH Cheviot Sollis Le Tour

Somerset Collies
03/17/07 Somerset -- CH Somerset Sea Of Gold

Someway Farms
06/30/07 Someway Farms -- CH Chimera's Covert Operation

Southland Collies
12/22/07 Hillcrest/Southland -- CAN CH Southland's Last Curtain Call
03/17/07 Southland -- CH Southland's Beyond The Glory
03/03/07 Southland -- CH Southland's Beyond The Glory
03/03/07 Southland -- CH Southland's Confederate Rain
03/03/07 Southland -- CH Southland's Beach Party

South Jersey Collie Club
09/29/07 South Jersey Collie Club -- 3 day Specialty Weekend October 19- 21, 2007

Special Collies
12/01/07 Special -- CH Special Society's Dixie Chick
11/03/07 Special -- CH Special Dashing Thru Th' Snow
07/21/07 Special -- Special Dashing Thru Th' Snow
06/02/07 Special -- AM/CAN CH Special Sharp-Dressed Man
06/02/07 Special -- AM/CAN CH Special Sharp-Dressed Man and Glasgowhill's Hollaback Girl
04/14/07 Special Collies
04/14/07 Special Collies -- MACH Special Wee Lass O'Storybook

Spectrum Collies
06/16/07 Spectrum -- CH Spectrum The Clear Choice
06/09/07 Spectrum -- CH Spectrum The Clear Choice
06/16/07 Spectrum -- Spectrum Flights Of Fancy

Spellbound Collies
11/10/07 Spellbound -- CH Spellbound Rave Reviews
11/10/07 Spellbound -- Spellbound Encore Performance
11/03/07 Spellbound -- CH Spellbound My Diamond Tiara
09/29/07 Spellbound -- Vennessee Spellbound Dynasty
06/09/07 Spellbound -- Spellbound Rave Reviews
06/09/07 Spellbound -- Spellbound's Leading Lady
04/28/07 Spellbound -- Cornerstone Spellbound Karma
03/17/07 Spellbound -- Spellbound My Diamond Tiara and CH Spellbound Classic Lenox
03/17/07 Spellbound -- CH Vennessee's Enchanted Crystal
01/13/07 Spellbound -- Boonehaven Spellbound Forever

Sprague, Justin and Lorraine
07/07/07 Justin and Lorraine Sprague -- Afterhours Under The Stars

Squire Collies
05/26/07 Squire -- CH Chelsea T' Crown Heir Of Squire, HIC

StarChey Collies
05/19/07 StarChey -- CH Enchanted's Pixie Dust

Steele, Diane
08/25/07 Diane Steele, AKC Registered Handler

Stellar Collies
05/12/07 Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
03/17/07 Tim Bauder (Rosebank)/Kim Stallings (Stellar)/Cheryl Thompson and Judy Walburn (C & J) -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
02/24/07 Stellar/Lisara -- CH Lisara's Lavender Blue
02/03/07 Rosebank, Stellar, C & J -- CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret

Stepanik, Gayle Ann
12/01/07 Gayle Ann Stepanik -- CH ShaleeN-Jolee Champagne Man

St Germaine Collies
10/13/07 St Germaine -- CH Wyndlair St Germaine Mystique, CDX , TD, PT, RE, CAN CDX
10/13/07 St Germaine -- AM/CAN CH Highcroft St Germaine Exquisite TD
08/04/07 St Germaine -- A/C CH Highcroft St Germaine Exquisite TD
08/04/07 St Germaine -- CH Wyndlair St Germaine Mystique, CDX (Am/Can), TD, PT, RE
07/28/07 St Germaine -- AM/CAN CH Highcroft St Germaine Exquisite TD
07/28/07 St Germaine -- AM/CAN CH Highcroft St Germaine Exquisite TD
03/17/07 Highcroft/St Germaine -- CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy

Stirling Collies
11/10/07 Stirling -- CH Stirling Society Outstandish
10/20/07 Stirling -- CH Stirling Society Outstandish
03/24/07 Stirling -- CH Stirling Society Outstandish

St. Louis Collie Club
12/15/07 St. Louis Collie Club -- February 9 and 10, 2008

Stoneridge Collies
12/01/07 Stoneridge -- CH Stonerige Southern Accents
02/17/07 Stoneridge -- Stoneridge Southern Accents

Strathmoor Collies
07/21/07 Strathmoor Collies --Congratulations to Harry (Butch) Schulman

Sunamor Collies
09/01/07 Sunamor -- CH Provenhill Sunamor Cha-Ching!
09/01/07 Sunamor -- CH Provenhill Sunamor Cha-Ching!

Sunland Collies
06/30/07 Sunland -- CH Kings Valley Quicken, PT, TC, TDI
06/09/07 Sunland Collies

Sunnybank In The Summer #11
07/28/07 Sunnybank In The Summer #11-- August 18 and 19, 2007

Sunway Collies
10/27/07 Sunway / Deep River -- Deep River's Early Frost

Surjack Collies
12/29/07 Surjack -- CH Surjack's Who's Line Is It Anyway?

Sutherland Collies
11/24/07 Sutherland -- Vennessee Sutherland Beauty and Vennessee's Sutherland Surprise
02/17/07 Sutherland -- Overland Summer Wonder
01/06/07 Sutherland -- Vennessee Diamonds Are Forever

Swan Collies
08/25/07 Swan -- CH Swan's Au N Phoenix Rising
08/25/07 Swan Collies -- Swan's Au N Lark N Flight, Swan's Oops My Tiara Slipped
03/24/07 Swan -- Swan's Au N Phoenix Rising
03/24/07 Swan -- Swan's Au N Phoenix Didda Doodle, NE, Swan's Designed To Fly, NE

Sylvan Collies
12/22/07 Sylvan/Argent -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Argent Just One Look
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Creston -- Sylvan Argent It's All About Me
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan -- CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Lonage -- Sylvan Argent Perfect Timing
03/17/07 Argent/Sylvan/Conlon Hukill -- Sylvan Argent Message In A Bottle

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Takoda Collies
11/03/07 Takoda -- CH Tartanside Taejon
07/21/07 Takoda Collies

Tallywood Collies
12/01/07 Tallywood -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Fashionista and AM/CAN CH Tallywood Transcendental
12/01/07 Tallywood -- Tallywood Resonance and Tallywood Enlightened
09/22/07 Tallywood -- CAN CH Tallywood Temperance
09/01/07 Tallywood -- Canadian CH Tallywood Temperance
06/23/07 Tallywood -- CAN CH Tallywood In A New Light
06/23/07 Tallywood Collies
01/13/07 Tallywood -- AM/CAN CH Tallywood Fashionista

Tamaron Collies
11/03/07 Tamaron -- CAN CH Tamaron's The Real Deal
11/03/07 Tamaron -- Tamaron's On Edge

Tango Collies
08/11/07 Tango Collies -- CH Tango's She's Got The Look and CH Tango's Simply Irresistable
05/05/07 Tango -- CH Tango's She's Got The Look and CH Tango's Simply Irresistable

Tapestry Collies
11/03/07 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry South Wynd
03/03/07 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry South Wynd
02/17/07 Tapestry -- CH Tapestry South Wynd

Tarawood Collies
04/21/07 Tarawood -- Tarawood Dress Blues

Tartanside Collies
12/29/07 Tartanside Collies
06/23/07 Littlefield/Tartanside -- Tartanside All In Favor

Tercan Collies
11/17/07 Tercan -- Tercan's Have A Little Faith
07/14/07 Tercan -- CH Gentry's Mind Games

Thistlebrae Collies
07/21/07 Thistlebrae -- CAN CH Thistlebrae's Devil's Advocate

Thistledown Collies
07/07/07 Thistledown -- CH Keltic Thistledown Insignia

Thober, Kristin
08/04/07 Kristin Thober -- CH Kimegan's Booker T CD, MX, MXJ, RN, CGC

Timeless Collies
05/26/07 Timeless -- CH Timeless Golden Warrior, ROM
03/17/07 Timeless -- CH Timeless Golden Warrior, ROM
03/17/07 Timeless -- Timeless Liberty Warrior
03/17/07 Timeless -- Timeless Mariah's Storm and Elizabeth

Top Brass Collies
04/07/07 Top Brass -- CH Wyndham's Top Brass Delightful

Touchstone Collies
12/08/07 Touchstone/Clarion -- CH Clarion Sapphire Moon
05/19/07 Touchstone -- Touchstone's Icelander
05/19/07 Touchstone/Clarion -- Clarion Sapphire Moon
03/10/07 Clarion/Touchstone -- Clarion Sapphire Moon

Trailwind Collies
08/04/07 Trailwind -- Trailwind's High Country, CDX, TDX, HS, MX, MXJ
08/04/07 Trailwind -- Trailwind Fairways Fast Forward

Tri County Collie Breeders of Southeastern NY, Inc
03/17/07 Tri County Collie Breeders of Southeastern NY, Inc. -- April 21

Twin Acres Collies
03/17/07 Twin Acres -- Twin Acres Pretty Woman
01/20/07 Twin Acres Collies

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Ungano, Greg and Robin
08/04/07 Greg and Robin Ungano -- In Loving Memory of CH Deep River's Dilettante CD, HT, VC

Utah Collie Club
04/07/07 Utah Collie Club -- May 2 - 6, 2007

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Valentine, Mary
08/04/07 Mary Valentine -- ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UD, UD-H, AX, AXJ, NF, RE, RL3
08/04/07 Mary Valentine -- Karavel Wizard of Oz CD, MXP, MJP, RN, RL2

Valley Park Collies
11/10/07 Valley Park Collies
11/03/07 Valley Park -- CH Tartanside Allegiance ROM, HT
05/12/07 Valley Park Collies

Vaughan, Mike and Tucky
10/27/07 Mike and Tucky Vaughan -- CH Deep River's Kate At Deer Leap, PT
08/04/07 Mike and Tucky Vaughan -- CH Deep River's Kate at Deer Leap PT, JHD

Vennessee Collies
09/29/07 Vennessee -- A tribute to CH Vennessee's Windy City Girl

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Washoe Valley Collies
06/30/07 Washoe Valley Collies -- Washoe's Sierra Sun

Weatherwax, Bob and Laddie
12/08/07 Bob Weatherwax and Laddie
04/07/07 Bob Weatherwax and Laddie

Wellman, Nancy
07/07/07 Nancy Wellman -- Keltic Star Attraction

Weston Collies
12/22/07 Weston Collies

Weston, Portie and Liz
10/27/07 Portie and Liz Weston -- Deep River's Western Wear

West Point Collies
11/03/07 West Point -- CH West Point Dream Ticket
04/14/07 West Point/Priority -- West Point Priority Package

Westwend Collies
11/24/07 Westwend -- CH Westwend's Obsidian

Wild West Collies
11/10/07 Wild West -- AM/CAN CH Wild West's Mercury Rising
06/16/07 Wild West -- CAN CH Wild West's Mercury Rising
04/21/07 Wild West -- Canadian CH Wild West's Mercury Rising
03/24/07 Wild West -- Wild West's Mercury Rising

Wild Wind Collies
08/04/07 Janet Kaufmann -- CH Wild Wind's Turn Me Loose CD, PT, RA
08/04/07 Wild Wind -- CH Wild Wind's Dressed to Kill CD,HT,OA,AXJ,RN,VX
06/23/07 Wild Wind -- CH Wild Wind's Dressed to Kill CD,HT,OA,AXJ,RN,VX
05/26/07 Wild Wind -- CH Wild Wind's Dressed to Kill CD,HT,OA,AXJ,RN,VX

Wildwood Collies
10/20/07 Wildwood -- Wildwood's Midnight Masquerade
04/07/07 Wildwood -- Wildwood's Midnight Masquerade
04/07/07 Wildwood/Gambit -- CH Gambit's Incantations

Windcrest Collies
07/28/07 Windcrest -- CH Windcrest Afterdark
03/17/07 Windcrest -- CH Avalar Rising Sun, HIC
03/17/07 Windcrest Collies
03/17/07 Windcrest -- Windcrest Desert Rose

Winover Collies
04/07/07 Winover -- CH Winover Shadows In The Sky

Woodle, Nancy
08/04/07 Nancy Woodle -- Mascoma's Oh What A Night

Woodruff Collies
08/04/07 Woodruff Collies -- AM/CAN CH Signet's" Way To Go!" Woodruff, AM.(PT, CD, RN), CAN (DD, HT, CD, Agl, AglJ), RA-MCL, ADC, SGDC, TG-N, TN-N, STDs, CGC, VCX

Worlwyn Collies
11/10/07 Worlwyn -- CH Clarion Mellow Yellow

Wyndham Collies
08/04/07 Wyndham -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CD, HT, RA, NAJ, NAP, VA
08/04/07 Wyndham -- CH Wyndham's Valedictorian CDX, HT, RE, MX, MXJ, VX
05/12/07 Wyndham -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CD, RA,NAP,NJP
03/17/07 Wyndham -- CH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! CD, RA
03/10/07 Wyndham -- CH Mariner A Treasure Shared, CD,PT,RN,MX,AXJ,AJP,AXP,VX

Wyndlair Collies
11/24/07 Wyndlair -- Wyndlair Momentum
03/17/07 Wyndlair -- CH Wyndlair Island Vacation
03/17/07 Wyndlair/Shelana -- CH Twin City Shelana Liberty Island

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Younghaven Collies
10/27/07 Younghaven -- CH Younghaven Deep River Rapids, ROM

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February 17, 2025
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 10-month-old rough, sable female puppy. All shots, health records, eye checks, and genetic screening. Promising as pet or show prospect.

Call (978) 853-0611 or email Sequoia Collies

February 15, 2025
COLORADO – Looking for a show home for a tri puppy bitch (dob 11/11/24) out of BIS NOHS GCHB La-De-Da Eye Candy x GCH CH Foxhaven Wild Wind Grace in Every Step. See Foxhaven Collies FB page for more information.

Email: Foxhaven Collies

February 10, 2025
CALIFORNIA – Skyview Collies offers a Major Pointed w/f blue bitch sired by GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM x CH Sunway Skyview Sky Blu. Only 22 months old. Contact Suzy if interested (310) 738-0998.

Buy a low-cost classified ad for just $10 (U.S.) when you want to get your message out fast and just a few words will do. Your ad will run in this space for one week.

> Collie Classified


Snail mail:
P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697