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Aamar Collies
04/06/01 Aamar Collies – Ch. Aamar's Piece Of Th' Action
Alexy Collies
11/09/01 Alexy Collies -- Ch. Alexy Crystal Blu
ASting Collies
03/23/01 ASting Collies -- Ch. ASting's Dancing In The Rain
Balverne Collies
10/26/01 Balverne Collies -- Ch. Balverne Top Gun
03/16/01 Balverne Collies -- Ch. Balverne Top Gun
Bertha Garrison
11/30/01 Bertha Garrison
Bel-Fair Collies
06/22/01 Bel-Fair Collies -- Ch. Caledonia Belfair Helios/Ch. Highcroft Cam-Belles Media
Bellagio Collies
07/20/01 Bellagio Collies -- Ch. Bellagio Snow Sovereign
Braeton Collies
07/20/01 Braeton Collies -- Ch. Braeton's Quietly Makin' Noise
Burlywood Collies
04/06/01 Burlywood Collies -- Ch. Burlywood Billionaire
03/16/01 Burlywood Collies -- Ch. Burlywood Breeze Along, HIC
Calibre Collies
02/16/01 Calibre Collies -- Litter Announced
Castlebar Collies
12/14/01 Castlebar Collies -- Ch. Castlebar's Evening Star
09/07/01 Castlebar Collies -- Castlebar's Legally Blonde
07/20/01 Castlebar Collies -- Castlebar's Legally Blonde
05/25/01 Castlebar Collies -- Castlebar's Almost Famous
05/18/01 Castlebar Collies -- Ch. Castlebar Evening Star
04/06/01 Castlebar Collies -- Ch. Castlebar's Evening Star
Cedarwood Collies
12/14/01 Cedarwood Collies -- Ch. Cedarwood's Quattro's Best
Central Virginia Collie Club and Chesapeake Collie Club
11/09/01 Central Virginia Collie Club and Chesapeake Collie Club Back-to-Back Specialties
Chatham Collies
08/10/01 Chatham Collies -- Chatham's High Resolution
03/30/01 Chatham Collies -- Ch. Chatham's Prospector
Chelsea Collies
08/17/01 Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea T' Crown Heir of Squire
Chrisandis Collies
11/09/01 Chrisandis Collies -- Glen Mor's Steamboat Willie
Clarion Collies
12/21/01 Clarion Collies -- Ch. Clarion When Worlds Collide
03/16/01 Clarion Collies -- Clarion When Worlds Collide
Collie Club Of Alabama
04/13/01 Collie Club Of Alabama -- Getting To Know You
Collie Health Foundation
06/22/01 Collie Health Foundation -- HIS DOGS: Albert Payson Terhune and the Sunnybank Collies
05/04/01 Collie Health Foundation -- HIS DOGS: Albert Payson Terhune and the Sunnybank Collies
02/02/01 Collie Health Foundation -- Limited Edition Tapestry Blanket
Collie Club of Hartford
12/21/01 Collie Club of Hartford -- Springfield 29th Anniversary Specialty
Collie Club of New England
12/14/01 Collie Club of New England -- Specialty Show
Counselor Collies
04/06/01 Counselor Collies -- Ch. Caledonia Wildside
Deep River Collies
11/30/01 Deep River Collies
11/16/01 Deep River Collies -- Ch. Deep River's Ride the Lightning
03/23/01 Deep River Collies -- Litter Announcement
Devinwood Collies
07/20/01 Devinwood Collies -- Ch. Devinwood Hi Plains Rambler
06/22/01 Devinwood Collies -- Ch. Twin Oaks High Plains Drifter/
Ch. Devinwood Hi Plains Rambler/Devinwood Hi Plains Marshall/Devinwood Hi Plains Enforcer
Doreen and John Thomas
06/01/01 Doreen and John Thomas -- Clarion Race The Light
Edenrock Collies
01/05/01 Edenrock Colllies -- Ch. Edenrock of Ages
Emperor Collies
03/30/01 Emperor Collies -- Emperor's Gold of Oakhill
Fantasy Collies
03/23/01 Fantasy Collies -- Ch. Fantasy's Bronze Talisman
03/23/01 Fantasy Collies -- Ch. Countryview Camouflage
Galatean Collies
10/26/01 Galatean Collies -- Ch. Galatean Auld Lang Syne
Garland Collies
07/20/01 Garland Collies -- Ch. Garland's Music Of The Night
04/06/01 Garland Collies -- Ch. Garland's Music Of The Night
Glen Mor Collies
04/06/01 Glen Mor Collies -- Ch. St. Clair Tri-K Genuin' Draft
03/30/01 Glen Mor Collies -- Ch. St. Clair Tri-K Genuin' Draft
Highlander Collies
01/26/01 Highlander Collies -- Ch. Highlander's Last Chance
Hi-Sil Collies
09/07/01 Hi-Sil Collies -- Tartanside Rave Review
Kadon Collies
07/27/01 Kadon Collies -- Kadon I'mpressive
Karizma Collies
11/23/01 Karizma Collies -- Ch. Karizma Deep River High Flyer
Ka-Zes Collies
11/30/01 Ka-Zes Collies -- Ch. Ka-Ze's Tangled Up In Blue, Ka-Ze's Twin Acres Dynamite, Ka-Ze's Sapphire Set In Platinum
08/23/01 Ka-Zes Collies -- Ch. Ka-Zes Tangled Up In Blue
07/20/01 Ka-Zes Collies -- Ch. Ka-Zes What Dreams Are Made Of
06/22/01 Ka-Zes Collies -- Ch. Ka-Zes What Dreams Are Made Of
Krister Collies
11/09/01 Krister Collies -- Ch. Krister Krystal Jewel
La Mesa Collies
11/09/01 La Mesa Collies -- Ch. BoDandy's Bravo
Laura LaBounty
07/20/01 Laura LaBounty -- Handle with Special Care
LegendHold Collies
11/02/01 LegendHold Collies -- Bellagio Platinum Pinnacle HIC CGC
Limerick Collies
08/17/01 Limerick Collies -- Ch. Limerick's Opalescent
Lindale Collies
06/22/01 Lindale Collies -- Comstock Lindale She's So Hot
Littlefield Collies
07/20/01 Littlefield Collies -- Ch. Littlefield Country Squire
02/23/01 Littlefield Collies -- Littlefield Silverado
01/12/01 Littlefield Collies -- Ch. Littlefield Country Squire
Luv Echo Collies
03/02/01 Luv Echo Collies -- Luv Echo's Dreams In Motion
Marchello Collies
12/21/01 Marchello Collies -- Ch. Marchello's Excalibur
10/12/01 Marchello Collies -- Ch. Marchello's On Angels Wings/Marchello's Cryptic Code
01/12/01 Marchello Collies -- Ch. Marchello's On Angel's Wings
Mike Fine Photography
03/09/01 Mike Fine Photography -- Catch The Moment
Piedmont Collie Club Collies
06/22/01 Piedmont Collie Club presents Collie Camp, July 13-15, 2001
Provenhill Collies
11/30/01 Provenhill Collies -- Ch. Provenhill's Legends of Gold
Rockrose Collies
07/20/01 Rockrose Collies -- Rockrose Timeless Beauty
Rosewood Collies
04/27/01 Rosewood Collies -- Rosewood Summer Dawn
Row-Bar Collies
09/07/01 Row-Bar Collies -- Ch. Row-Bar's Northern Exposure
Scarborough Collies
07/27/01 Scarborough Collies -- Scarborough's Once Upon A Dream
Seneca Collies
10/26/01 Seneca Collies -- Ch. Seneca's In The Arms Of An Angel
09/21/01 Seneca Collies -- Ch. Seneca's In The Arms Of An Angel
01/19/01 Seneca Collies -- Ch. Seneca's In The Arms Of An Angel
Serenitee Collies
08/23/01 Serenitee Collies -- Tribute
Signet Collies
11/23/01 Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet's Twice Is Nice
11/16/01 Signet Collies -- Signet's Ultimate Dream
11/02/01 Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet-Marchello Enchante
10/26/01 Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet's Twice Is Nice CGC
09/21/01 Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet's Twice Is Nice CGC
07/20/01 Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet's Twice Is Nice
02/16/01 Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet's Twice Is Nice
SilverBrook Collies
11/30/01 SilverBrook Collies -- SilverBrooks Dancing In The Moon Lite
Society Collies
04/06/01 Society Collies -- Ch. Society Niteridge Hot Topic
04/06/01 Society Collies -- Ch. Society Niteridge Hot Topic Puppies
Southland Canine and Equine Art Studio
11/16/01 Southland Canine and Equine Art Studio
Special Collies
11/16/01 Special Collies -- Special Holy Cow
09/21/01 Special Collies -- Miss Bianca Elena LaBounty
05/18/01 Special Collies -- Special Collies offers...
Stoneridge Collies
11/16/01 Stoneridge Collies -- Stoneridge Calendar Girl
Sylvan Collies
12/21/01 Sylvan Collies -- Ch. Sylvan's Ruffian/Sylvan's Peekaboo/Sylvan's Above and Beyond
12/14/01 Sylvan Collies -- Ch. Sylvan's Ruffian
04/06/01 Sylvan/Twin Acres -- Ch. Twin Acres Tigerlily
Timeless Collies
12/14/01 Timeless Collies -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior/Ch. Timeless Triple Take
04/13/01 Timeless Collies -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior
01/19/01 Timeless Collies -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior
Tir Na N 'Og Collies
02/16/01 Tir Na N 'Og Collies -- Ch. Richeline Maeve McDoogle
Tri-County Collie Breeders Association
04/27/01 Tri-County Collie Breeders Association -- The Ultimate Image: A Seminar Presented by John Buddie of Tartanside Collies
Twin Acres Collies
10/26/01 Twin Acres Collies
06/22/01 Twin Acres Collies -- Ch. Twin Acres Concert Master/Ch. Twin Acres Tigerlily
04/06/01 Sylvan/Twin Acres -- Ch. Twin Acres Tigerlily
02/23/01 Twin Acres Collies -- Twin Acres Heart Strings
01/12/01 Twin Acres Collies -- Ch. Twin Acres Queen Of The Night
Twin City Collies
10/19/01 Twin City Collies -- Carl Williford
Virtu Collies
02/16/01 Virtu Collies -- Litter by Virtu's Northern Eclipse
West Point Collies
03/09/01 West Point Collies -- West Point Sundance
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P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697