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> 2019 ad Archive >< 2001 -- 2018 ad archives
Alaric Collies
11/21/20 Alaric Collies -- CH Alaric There Was This Girl
05/30/20 Alaric Collies -- Gage and Teagan (CH Alaric Embrace CD BN RI CGC)
Alexandra Collies
02/29/20 Alexandra Collies -- CH Willow Run Second To None / CH Sunway Wind Chill
Anderson, Karen
09/19/20 Janice Grillo / Karen Anderson -- GCH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket
Aurealis Collies
12/26/20 Aurealis Collies -- GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
12/26/20 Aurealis Collies -- CH Aurealis Rumor Has It, ROM
Avondale Collies
12/12/20 Avondale Collies (Pedigree)
12/12/20 Avondale Collies / Caublestone Collies -- CH Avondale's Mesmerizing / CH Avondale Caublestone Bold Expectation / CH Avondale's All In / CH Caublestone's Applause
03/14/20 Avondale Collies -- CH Avondale's Mesmerizing / CH Avondale's All In
03/14/20 Avondale Collies -- Southland Avondale Island Memories / Avondale's Reflection
Baldwin Ridge Collies
04/04/20 Baldwin Ridge Collies -- GCHS Valley Park Serendipity At Baldwin Ridge, FDC HIC CGC CGCA CGCU TKN
02/15/20 Baldwin Ridge Collies -- GCHS Valley Park Serendipity At Baldwin Ridge, FDC HIC CGC CGCA CGCU TKN
Bennett BiBi and Rich Hand
11/14/20 BiBi Bennett and Rich Hand -- Heatherri Molly Y D Long Face MJP2 MXP RL1 HIC CGC TDIA
Bennett, Noreen
11/14/20 Noreen Bennett -- Gay Acre's Poppin Perrier Am/Can CDX / Gay Acre's Policy Change Am/Can CDX
11/14/20 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Mariner's Poetic Justice CDX RN OA NAP AJP HT VX / Ch Mariner's Sea Sharp CD BN RE HSAs OA NAP OAJ NJP OF NFP VX / Ch MACh2 Provenhill's Persuasion BN CDX RE HSAsd HIAsd MFB MFP GV
11/14/20 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Millknock's Blue By Ewe BN CDX RE HSAds AX AXJ MXP MJP MXF MFP T2BP VX / CH HC MACh Millknock Tri The Next Chapter BN RN CDX TD HSAds HIAds HXAd HSBd MXC MJC MFC T2B5 TQX GV ROM-P / MACh2 Millknock Turn The Page To Wonderful BN RN PT MXG MJG MXS TQX T2B3
10/10/20 Noreen Bennett -- Ch HC MACh Millknock Tri the Next Chapter VCD2 HSAds HIAds HXAd HSBd MXC MJC MFC T2B5 TQX GV ROM-P
10/10/20 Noreen Bennett -- MACH2 Millknock Turn the Page to Wonderful BN RN PT MXG MJG MXS TQX T2B3
05/09/20 MBISS GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC / MACH Millknock Turn the Page to Wonderful BN PT MXS MJS MFB TQX T2B2 / GCHS Larkspur Sun, Moon And Stars
05/09/20 Noreen Bennett -- MACH Millknock Turn The Page To Wonderful PT MXB MJB MXB T2B2
05/09/20 Noreen Bennett -- Triple CH Millknock Tri the Next Chapter VCD2 BN RN HSAds HSBd HIAds HXAd MXC MJC MFG TQX T2B4 GV ROMP / MACH Millknock Turn The Page To Wonderful PT MXB MJB MXB T2B2
05/09/20 Noreen Bennett -- Triple CH Millknock Tri the Next Chapter VCD2 BN RN HSAds HSBd HIAds HXAd MXC MJC MFG TQX T2B4 GV ROMP
Bossart, Cindi Dr.
10/03/20 Dr. Cindi Bossart -- In Loving Memory of Timothy Carl Garrison
Burlywood Collies
12/26/20 Burlywood Collies -- Overland Westworld / Burlywood Beyond The Pale
Calusa Collies
04/11/20 Dea Haven Collies / Calusa Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Milas Elegance In Black
02/08/20 Calusa Collies -- CH Milas Elegance In Black
Candle Haven Collies
10/17/20 Candle Haven Collies -- In loving memory of CH Candle Haven Tiger Woods
Central States Collie Club
01/11/20 Central States Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty, Herding Group, Rally and Obedience Trials
Chatham Collies
09/19/20 Chatham Collies -- Chatham's Shadows On Snow
09/19/20 Chatham Collies -- CH Chatham's Double Exposure
02/29/20 Chatham Collies -- Chatham's Double Exposure
02/29/20 Chatham Collies -- Chatham's Memory Keeper TD
Chelsea Collies
11/14/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun, VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
11/14/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Kissed By the Sun, TDX HIC
09/05/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC / CH Chelsea Kissed By The Sun TDX HIC
07/25/20 Chelsea Collies -- GCHB Chelsea Casanova Cowboy
06/06/20 Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Mr. GQ, HIC / CH Chelsea Kissed By The Sun, TDX HIC
05/09/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
03/07/20 Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Mr. GQ HIC
03/07/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun, VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
02/01/20 Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Mr. GQ HIC
02/01/20 Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Mr. GQ HIC
01/25/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Kissed By the Sun, TDX HIC
01/25/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Kissed By the Sun, TDX HIC
01/04/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun, VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
Chesapeake Collie Club
01/11/20 Piedmont Collie Club / Chesapeake Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of America
06/20/20 Collie Club of America -- CCA National Specialty Website
Collie Club of Colorado
09/12/20 Collie Club of Colorado -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Connecticut
08/01/20 Tri County Collie Breeders Association / Collie Club of Connecticut / Hartford Springfield Collie Club -- Back To Basics 2020 Fall Specialty Shows
Collie Club Of Georgia
09/05/20 Collie Club Of Georgia -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Kentucky
08/15/20 Collie Club of Kentucky -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Maine
01/18/20 Collie Club of Maine -- 2020 Specialty Shows and Obedience and Rally Trials
Collie Club of New England
01/11/20 Collie Club of New England / Collie Club of New Hampshire -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of New Hampshire
01/11/20 Collie Club of New England / Collie Club of New Hampshire -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club Of San Antonio
01/11/20 South Texas Collie Club / Collie Club Of San Antonio -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin
12/12/20 Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin -- 2021 Specialty Shows (Premium List01/04/20 Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Western New York
01/18/20 Collie Club of Western New York / Rochester Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
01/11/20 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania and Panhandle Collie Club Of West Virginia -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Columbus Collie Club
12/26/20 Columbus Collie Club -- 2021 Specialty Shows and Kem Memorial Sweepstakes (Premium List)
01/04/20 Columbus Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Collie Health Foundation
07/18/20 Collie Health Foundation -- Raffle For Research
07/04/20 Sunnybank :: The 24th Annual Gathering -- 2020 Hindsight: A look Back at Bruce
07/04/20 Sunnybank :: The 24th Annual Gathering -- 2020 Hindsight: A look Back at Bruce
03/07/20 Collie Health Foundation-- 2020 Dinner and Live Auction
11/14/20 -- Performance Week 2020 / Celebrating Your First Performance Dog!
09/12/20 -- Best of The Best / March 2020 BOB Awards
08/22/20 -- Best of The Best / February 2020 BOB Awards
07/25/20 -- Best of The Best / January 2020 BOB Awards
07/18/20 -- Remembering 1984
06/27/20 -- Remembering 1983
06/20/20 -- Remembering 2010
06/27/20 -- CCA Nationals Of The Past
04/25/20 -- Collie Flix! 2020 Top Twenty Performance and Junior Showmanship Videos
04/18/20 -- Best of Tri-county Collie Breeders
01/25/20 -- Ring Patterns / December 2019
01/11/20 -- Ring Patterns / November 2019
01/04/20 -- Happy New Year!
Commander Collies
03/14/20 Commander Collies -- CH Clarion Commanders Denim & Diamonds
Cyndella Collies
10/24/20 Cyndella Collies -- CH Silhouette's Some like It Hot
10/24/20 Cyndella Collies -- Cyndella's Ignite The Night With Silhouette
Dea Haven Collies
12/26/20 Dea Haven Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Dea Haven'N Windkist Dreamin' In Blue
04/11/20 Dea Haven Collies / Calusa Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Milas Elegance In Black
Devinwood Collies
10/17/20 Devinwood Collies -- CH Devinwood Moonlight Ramble
Divine Collies
02/08/20 Roxane Jourdain -- CH Divine's Double Portion RN CGC TKN RATN RATI
East Tennessee Collie Club
09/05/20 East Tennessee Collie Club -- 2020 Fall Specialty Shows
11/21/20 Enclave Collies -- GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
03/28/20 Enclave -- GCHB Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
03/28/20 Enclave -- GCHB Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
Entais Collies
02/29/20 Entais Collies -- CH Entais Passionate Kisses RN SCN SIN SEN
Fairmont Collies
04/11/20 Fairmont Collies -- CH Calibre Fairmont Shot Heard Round The World
Fireside Collies
02/29/20 Fireside Collies -- CH Wild Wind Magical Mischief Maker at Fireside TD OA NAJ HT RN BCAT CA TKI RATN FDC CGC
Floyd, Sue, VDM
11/14/20 Sue Floyd, VDM -- CH Camloch Celebrity CDX RE
10/24/20 Sue Floyd, VDM -- In loving memory of CH Camloch Prosperity CDX RE HT VA
Foggy Bay Collies
03/07/20 Foggy Bay Collies -- CH Creekwood Tullamore Dew of Foggy Bay
Forecast Collies
11/14/20 Forecast Collies -- CH MACH PACH Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast PT MXG MJS MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX MXF T2B T2BP
11/14/20 Forecast Collies -- CH MACH PACH Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast PT MXG MJS MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX MXF T2B T2BP
11/14/20 Forecast Collies -- CH MACH PACH Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast PT MXG MJS MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX MXF T2B T2BP
11/14/20 Forecast Collies -- CH MACH Forecast Perfect Storm Dancin' HSAds HIAd MXB2 MJG MXP MJP2 MJPB MFB T2B3 TKN VX
11/14/20 Forecast Collies -- CH Sealore Perfect Silver Lining Forecast HSAd MX MXS MXJ MJB XF T2B2 TKI VX
11/14/20 Forecast Collies -- Millknock Spectacular Forecast PT MX MXJ NJP MXF TKI VA
Forthal, Helene
06/06/20 Lynda Buckles Powers -- In Remembrance of Helene Forthal
Garrison, Tim
10/03/20 Dr. Cindi Bossart -- In Loving Memory of Timothy Carl Garrison
Collie Club Of Georgia
10/03/20 Collie Club Of Georgia -- 2020 Specialty Shows
GlenLoch Collies
03/14/20 GlenLoch Collies -- CH GlenLoch's Full Throttle CGC TKN
01/25/20 GlenLoch Collies -- CH Glenloch's All In One, CAA HIC
Goldsmith, Meg
11/14/20 Meg Goldsmith -- Wyldrose Diamond In The Ruff CD RN HIC
Greater Brighton Collie Club
01/11/20 Toledo Collie Club / Greater Brighton Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows and Obedience Trials
Greater Tampa Bay Collie Club
10/24/20 Greater Tampa Bay Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Grillo, Janice
09/19/20 Janice Grillo / Karen Anderson -- GCH Sunkist Silver In Your Pocket
Hanson, Ruth Anne and Ross Boone
11/14/20 Ruth Anne Hanson and Ross Boone -- CH Cheviot Sollis Anwell RI CGC TKN
Hartford Springfield Collie Club
08/01/20 Tri County Collie Breeders Association / Collie Club of Connecticut / Hartford Springfield Collie Club -- Back To Basics 2020 Fall Specialty Shows
Heatherfield Collies
11/28/20 Heatherfield Collies -- GCH Heatherfield Marilyn Monroe
Heiress Collies
02/08/20 Heiress Collies -- GCHB Demuir Heiress At First Light
02/08/20 Heiress Collies -- GCHB Demuir Heiress At First Light, Heiress Ever After, Heiress Stark Night, Heiress Natural Selection, Heiress Break Of Dawn
Hi Cliff Collies
11/14/20 Hi Cliff Collies -- CH Deep River Considerable Trouble PT NFP TKN VA
11/14/20 Hi Cliff Collies -- PACH HiCliff PS The Lady Eve
11/14/20 HiCliff Collies -- HiCliff Sophisticated Lady
Incandescent Collies
10/24/20 Incandescent Collies -- In loving memory of CH Belfair Believe It Or Not! CGC CGCU RN FDC BN RE TKA TKP
Indiana Collie Club
03/14/20 Indiana Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Jackowski, Joyce and George
11/14/20 Joyce and George Jackowski -- PACH Master Carson of Seabreeze BN RN RI MJP3 MXP2 OFP ACT2 CGC TKI SPOT-ON Farm Dog Certified
Jourdain, Roxane
11/14/20 Roxane Jourdain -- CH Divine's Double Portion RN CGC TKI RATO RATI
Kara Christo Collies
11/21/20 Kara Christo Collies -- CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In
11/21/20 Kara Christo Collies -- CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In
11/21/20 Team Kara Christo -- Sue Wyglendowski / Summer Koster
06/27/20 Kara Christo Collies -- CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In, HIC IT
Larkspur Collies
12/05/20 Larkspur Collies -- GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon And Stars
05/09/20 Larkspur Collies -- GCHS Larkspur Sun, Moon, And Stars
03/21/20 Larkspur Collies -- GCHB Larkspur Sun, Moon, And Stars and CH Larkspur Thanks For The Memories
01/04/20 Larkspur Collies -- GCH Larkspur Sun, Moon, And Stars
Lincoln, Vicki
11/14/20 Vicki Lincoln -- Millknock's Incredible Southern Charm CGCA RI TKA IT HIC
Lonepine Collies
03/28/20 Lonepine Collies -- GCH Lonepine Who Knew
03/14/20 Lonepine Collies -- CH Skyview Lonepine Instigator
Los Padres Collie Club
08/01/20 Los Padres Collie Club -- Offers an exclusive line of collie masks!
08/22/20 Los Padres Collie Club -- Offers an exclusive line of collie masks!
LynChris Collies
08/08/20 LynChris Collies -- UKC CH LynChris I Can Only Imagine CGC
04/11/20 LynChris Collies -- AKC/INT/Nat. CH UKC GCH LynChris Total Eclipse
Maclen Collies
11/14/20 Maclen Collies -- Janaugust Shades of Redman CDX
Mariner Collies
11/14/20 Mariner Collies -- Merrie Oaks Brigantine UD
11/14/20 Mariner Collies -- CH Fantasy Mariner All Flags Flying CD BN RAE
Mask, Ace
12/05/20 Ace Mask -- The Collies Of Christmas
McCuaig, Jolene
10/31/20 Jolene McCuaig -- In loving memory of CH Davenloch Storm Warning CD RE AGIS AGIJS ADC SGDC SHDM CGN HIC VC
Means, Gwen
07/25/20 Extraordinary Lady / Gwen Means by Linda Ayers Turner Knorr
04/18/20 Butch Schulman -- Happy Birthday Gwen
Mello-D Collies
12/19/20 Mello-D Collies -- GCHS Mello-D's Shadows And Light
12/19/20 Mello-D Collies -- CH Mello-D's Smooth Criminal
08/15/20 Mello-D Collies -- GCHB Mello-D's Shadows And Light
01/25/20 Mello-D Collies -- GCHB Mello-D's Shadows And Light
01/18/20 Mello-D Collies -- GCH Mello-D's Shadows And Light
01/18/20 Mello-D Collies -- GCH Mello-D's Bad Moon Risin'
Midwest Collie Club
12/26/20 Midwest Collie Club -- Celebrating Our 90th Anniversary
Miholiday Collies
02/29/20 Miholiday Collies -- CH Miholiday's Ramblin Rose CGC TKN
Milas Collies
02/22/20 Milas Collies -- Milas What's My LIne / Milas Foolish Pleasure
Misselmoor Collies
11/21/20 Misselmoor Collies -- Westwood Skyrocket
11/21/20 Misselmoor Collies -- A Thanksgiving Video Celebration
08/08/20 Misselmoor Collies -- In loving memory of GCH Westwood Aryggeth Persuasion
Mission Ridge Collies
05/02/20 Mission Ridge Collies -- Foremost Mission Ridge Moonlight & Roses
Mountainside Collies
12/19/20 Mountainside Collies
12/12/20 Mountainside Collies --GCH RACH2 VCH Mountainside Beulah Land VCD1 GV...
11/14/20 Mountainside Collies -- Celebrating 4 Generations of Versatility
11/14/20 Mountainside Collies -- Mountainside Who Do You Love? HSAd RN TKI SOCI PR VC
11/14/20 Mountainside Collies -- Mountainside Who Do You Love? HSAd RN TKI SOCI PR VC
10/24/20 Mountainside Collies -- GCH RACH2 VCH Mountainside Beulah Land VCD1 GV ... / Mountainside Takin' the Love Train TD PT NFP BN RI RNPairs TKA DCAT FDC CGCA CGCU AWCA-VCX
09/19/20 Mountainside Collies -- Mountainside Who Do You Love? HSAd RN TKI SOCI PR VC
09/19/20 Mountainside Collies -- GCH RACH2 VCH Mountainside Beulah Land
09/19/20 Mountainside Collies -- Mountainside Who Do You Love? HSAd RN TKI SOC1 AWCA-VC / Mountainside He Loves Me! NF NFP PT BN2 WCN RA RNPairs TKP BPD SOC1 TDI PR CGCA CGCU FDC AWCA-VCX CCA-VA
09/19/20 Mountainside Collies -- Mountainside Takin' The Love Train TD PT NFP BN RI RNPairs TKA DCAT FDC CGCA CGCU AWCA-VCX
08/22/20 Mountainside Collies -- Mountainside Takin' The Love Train TD PT NFP BN RI RNPairs TKA FDC CGCA CGCU VC
07/04/20 Mountainside Collies -- GCH RACH2 VCH Mountainside Beulah Land...
Northern Wisconsin Collie Club
01/25/20 Northern Wisconsin Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Panhandle Collie Club Of West Virginia
01/11/20 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania and Panhandle Collie Club Of West Virginia -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Performance Week
11/14/20 -- Performance Week 2020 / Celebrating Your First Performance Dog!
Piedmont Collie Club
01/11/20 Piedmont Collie Club / Chesapeake Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Powers, Lynda Buckles
06/06/20 Lynda Buckles Powers -- In Remembrance of Helene Forthal
Poling, Tom and Jeannette
12/19/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling
11/14/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling -- Sadie's Surprise, CDX TT SchH1 TDI
11/14/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun, VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
11/14/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Kissed By the Sun, TDX HIC
09/05/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC / CH Chelsea Kissed By The Sun TDX HIC
06/06/20 Chelsea Collies / Tom and Jeannette Poling-- GCH Chelsea Mr. GQ, HIC / CH Chelsea Kissed By The Sun, TDX HIC
05/09/20 MBISS GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC / MACH Millknock Turn the Page to Wonderful BN PT MXS MJS MFB TQX T2B2 / GCHS Larkspur Sun, Moon And Stars
05/09/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
03/07/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun, VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
01/25/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Kissed By the Sun, TDX HIC
01/25/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Kissed By the Sun, TDX HIC
01/04/20 Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye, Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun, VCD1 CD BN TDX AXP AJP CGC HIC
Prairiepine Collies
05/30/20 Prairiepine Collies -- Can CH VanIsle Prairiepine Afirmation
05/30/20 Prairiepine Collies -- Can CH VanIsle Prairiepine Afirmation
Quarter Century Collie Group
02/15/20 Quarter Century Collie Group -- 2020 Annual Banquet
Quinney, Dana Stewart
07/18/20 The Scavenger Series by Dana Stewart Quinney available now on
Ravencroft Collies
11/07/20 Ravencroft Collies -- CH Ravencroft Mystic Lace
04/11/20 Ravencroft Collies -- GCH Colebrae Ravencroft Unsinkable Molly Brown
04/11/20 Ravencroft Collies -- Ravencroft Mystic Lace
04/11/20 Ravencroft Collies -- Ravencroft Elf Warrior
Ring Patterns
01/25/20 -- Ring Patterns / December 2019
01/11/20 -- Ring Patterns / November 2019
Rochester Collie Club
01/18/20 Collie Club of Western New York / Rochester Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Scalloway Collies
03/14/20 Scalloway Collies -- GCHB Scalloway's Holding Gold / GCHG Scalloway's Lion Hunter
01/11/20 Scalloway Collies -- GCH Scalloway's Holding Gold / GCHG Scalloway's Lion Hunter
San Diego Collie Club
01/04/20 San Diego Collie Club -- 70th Anniversary 2020 Specialty Shows
01/04/20 San Diego Collie Club -- 70th Anniversary 2020 Specialty Shows
Schulman, Butch
08/22/20 Butch Schulman -- CH Aurealis Charidan Regina
04/18/20 Butch Schulman -- Happy Birthday Gwen
Sea Jay Collies
11/14/20 Sea Jay Collies -- Highland Laddie
Shalimar Collies
01/18/20 Shalimar Collies -- GCHS Shalimar's Double 'L' And Away We Go
Siebeck, Maria
11/14/20 Maria Siebeck -- CH Ability's To The Moon And Back CD BN RN HSA OA
Sinkona Collies
11/14/20 Sinkona Collies -- GCH Sinkona's Dream Catcher CDX BN GN RE HSAs MXP MJPB MFP CA BCAT VX
11/14/20 Sinkona Collies -- Sinkona's Black Magic PT
11/14/20 Sinkona Collies -- CH Sinkona's Jazzman CD BN RA NJP SCN SIN SBN CGC FDC ACT1
11/14/20 Sinkona Collies -- CH SnoValley Silva Sinkona CDX BN GN RE TD PT AX MXJ OF CA VX
11/14/20 Sinkona Collies -- MACH Sinkona's Sapphire Mountain Breeze UDX OM2 BN GN GO VER RE MXB MJS MXF MXP MJP T2B CA BCAT TKAOAJ OF CGC VA
South, Michele
12/19/20 Michele South
Skyview Collies
02/22/20 Skyview Collies -- GCHS Skyview Advantage
Smith, Peg and Becky
11/14/20 Peg and Becky Smith -- In memory of Impromptu Wind On The Waves CGC NJP NAP NFP OJP OAP AXP and Impromptu Good Golly Ms Molly CGC NJP NAP OJP RE
11/14/20 Peg and Becky Smith -- In memory of PACH Tapestry's Brogan of Tipperary CGC IT OA OAJ MXPB MJP5 PAX NF TKN SDN NCG NBB NDB
11/14/20 Peg and Becky Smith -- Riverrun Galatean We're Gonna Make It After All ITFDC CGC TKI TTRI / Aryggeth's Shenanigans IT FDC AX AXJ NF CGCA TKN RN
South Texas Collie Club
01/11/20 South Texas Collie Club / Collie Club Of San Antonio -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Special Collies
03/07/20 Special Collies -- GCH Special Eye On The Mark
St. Louis Collie Club
01/11/20 St. Louis Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows and Obedience and Rally Trials
St. Germaine Collies
01/18/20 St. Germaine Collies -- GCHB Highcroft St. Germaine Wildfire / Longview St. Germaine Loving Legacy
SugarNSpice Collies
08/15/20 SugarNSpice Collies -- Creekwood SugarNSpice Burning Embers
08/15/20 SugarNSpice Collies -- Creekwood SugarNSpice Bonfire
Sunnland Collies
09/26/20 Sunnland Collies -- GCH Sunland's Fortunate Memories At Verterra CGC
07/04/20 Sunnybank :: The 24th Annual Gathering -- 2020 Hindsight: A look Back at Bruce
07/04/20 Sunnybank :: The 24th Annual Gathering -- 2020 Hindsight: A look Back at Bruce
Swan Collies
12/26/20 Swan Collies -- CH Swan's Song Of Eventide
03/14/20 Swan Collies -- GCHS Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan
02/29/20 Swan Collies -- GCHB Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan
Tallywood Collies
04/18/20 Tallywood Collies -- Am BGCH / Can GCH Tallywood Revelry
04/18/20 Tallywood Collies -- Tallywood Coalescense / Tallywood Soul Dust
Tefelski, Linda
11/28/20 Linda Tefelski -- CassOri Demuir Coffee Clique
Thomas, Kathleen
11/14/20 Kathleen Thomas -- CH Cheviot Suncatcher Unexpected Treasure CD BN PT, Versatility Award
Tri County Collie Breeders Association
08/01/20 Tri County Collie Breeders Association / Collie Club of Connecticut / Hartford Springfield Collie Club -- Back To Basics 2020 Fall Specialty Shows
03/28/20 Tri County Collie Breeders Association -- 2020 Specialty Shows
03/07/20 Tri County Collie Breeders Association -- 2020 Specialty Shows
Toledo Collie Club
01/11/20 Toledo Collie Club / Greater Brighton Collie Club -- 2020 Specialty Shows and Obedience Trials
Valentine, Mary
11/14/20 Mary Valentine -- OTCH-H, ARCH, MACH3 PACH2 Wrangler World Series Winner UDX VER RE MXG MJC MXP5 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 XF NFP T2BP
11/14/20 Mary Valentine -- CH MACH6 PACH3 Millknock's Moonshadow CDX, RA, HSAd MXG2, MJB3, MXP9 MXPG MJP10 MJPC PAX3 XF MFP T2B4 T2BP CA TKN GV
Verterra Collies
10/10/20 Verterra Collies -- Creekwood Pinnacle At Verterra
Vizzone, Lenore
11/14/20 Lenore Vizzone -- UUD Scotwarrior Duke of Dennison UD
Wicklow Collies
01/18/20 Wicklow Collies -- GCHS Sunnland's Bright Lights Big City
Willhelm, Rex and Lorna
09/26/20 Rex and Lorna Willhelm -- GCH Twin City Juell Rite Of Fire
09/12/20 Rex and Lorna Willhelm -- GCHB Capella's Mirabeau Blue Dakota Wynde CGC TKN
Willow Run Collies
06/06/20 Willow Run Collies -- In Loving Memory of GCHS Lynloch Steele McDowall, HIC
Windkist Collies
12/26/20 Dea Haven Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Dea Haven'N Windkist Dreamin' In Blue
04/11/20 Dea Haven Collies / Calusa Collies / Windkist Collies -- CH Milas Elegance In Black
Wyndham Collies
11/14/20 Wyndham Collies -- The Past: CH Mariner A Treasure Shared CD PT RN MX AXJ AJP AXP VX / CH/MACH Wyndham's Valedictorian CDX RE HT MXG MJB MXP MJP NF
11/14/20 Wyndham Collies -- The Triple Champions: GCH/MACH5/HC/PACH Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine That! ROM-P CDX RE HXAsd MXS2 MJG2 OF PAX GVA / CH MACH8/HC Riverrun Wyndhams Dream Girl UD RA HSAsd MXS3 MJS3 XF GVA
11/14/20 Wyndham Collies -- The Triple Champions: CH/MACH/HC Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine the Dream RA HXAsd MXB MJS OF GVA / CH/MACH/HC Riverrun Galatean Wyndhams Top
11/14/20 Wyndham Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Wyndhams Sweet Dream RN HT AX OA VA
09/19/20 Wyndham Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD RN MXB MJB NF HXAsd
08/15/20 Wyndham Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD RN MXB MJB NF HXAsd
08/15/20 Wyndham Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Sweet Dream NAJ NAF
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