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2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Fastpath: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y |
Accolade Collies
11/29/02 Accolade Collies -- Ch. Accolades to Laurelridge
Apple Valley Collies
01/18/02 Apple Valley Collies -- Apple Valley Everlasting/Apple Valley My Blue Heaven
Autumn-Sun Collies
05/03/02 Ka-Zes Collies/Autumn-Sun Collies -- Ka-Zes Key To My Heart/Ka-Zes Autumnsun State of Grace
11/08/02 AWCA -- With a little help from my friends. . .
Balverne Collies
Balverne Collies -- Ch. Balverne Top Gun
Bannerstone Collies
10/04/02 Timeless/Bannerstone/Seawhisper
-- Ch. Timeless Whisper in the Wind
Bel-Fair Collies
11/01/02 Bel-Fair
Collies -- Bel-Fair Persephone's Pizazz
Belle Bete Collies
12/20/02 Belle
Bete Collies -- Belle Bete's Face the Music
12/13/02 Belle Bete Collies -- Belle Bete's No More Tangles
Bellagio Collies
11/29/02 Bellagio Collies --
Ch. Bellagio Platinum Blonde
01/18/02 Bellagio Collies -- Bellagio Platinum Blonde
Blossom Hill Collies
10/25/02 Blossom
Hill Collies -- Ch. Blossom Hill Full Circle
10/18/02 Blossom Hill Collies -- Ch. Blossom Hill Full Circle
09/27/02 Blossom Hill Collies -- Ch. Blossom Hill Full Circle
09/27/02 Blossom
Hill Collies -- Ch. Blossom Hill Full Circle
09/20/02 Blossom Hill Collies -- Ch. Blossom Hill Full Circle
09/13/02 Blossom
Hill Collies -- Ch. Blossom Hill Full Circle
Blu Ridge Collies
08/23/02 Blu
Ridge Collies -- Ch.
Blu Ridge Solid Gold
Blue Ribbon Classic
Blue Ribbon Classic -- July 20 - 21, 2002
05/24/02 1st Annual Blue Ribbon Classic -- July 20 - 21, 2002
Bolero Collies
Bolero Collies -- Ch. Bolero's Storm Watch
Bowhill Collies
Bowhill Collies -- Ch. North Country Blue Thunder
Bowling, Bobby and Phyllis
03/22/02 New
Ch. Lisara's Sir Lancelot -- Owners: Bobby and Phyllis Bowling/Handler:
Laura LaBounty
Brandi Grider
Brandi Grider -- The Nation's Number 1 Collie Junior *
Brookwood Collies
Brookwood Collies -- Can. Ch. Cherfire's Sensational Preview, NA,
NAJ, CGC, HIC, VC (pointed)
Burlywood Collies
06/28/02 Burlywood
Collies -- Ch. Burlywood Breakaway, HIC
05/03/02 Burlywood Collies -- Burlywood Bestseller HIC
California Collie Fanciers
10/04/02 California
Collie Fanciers/CC of Northern Cal./Sacramento Valley CC -- Oct. 26
- 27, Nov. 1 - 3
Camloch Collies
06/21/02 Camloch
Collies New Ch. Camloch Independence
Camloch Collies -- Ch. Camloch Allegiance
Candle Haven Collies
11/29/02 Candle
Haven Collies
03/01/02 Candle Haven Collies -- Ch. Caledonia By Candle
Castlebar Collies
11/01/02 Castlebar
Collies -- Castlebar Legally Blonde
10/04/02 Castlebar Collies -- Ch. Castlebar's Evening Star
08/30/02 Castlebar Collies -- Castlebar's Blizzard of Ozz
08/02/02 Castlebar
Collies -- Castlebar's Morning View
06/28/02 Castlebar Collies -- Ch. Castlebar's Evening Star
02/15/02 Castlebar Collies -- Castlebar's Legally Blonde
Castlebar Collies -- Ch. Castlebar's Dangerous Beauty
Caulbestone Collies
Collies -- Ch.
Caublestone's Magic Wych Charm
Central Kansas Collie Club
02/15/02 Central
Kansas Collie Club Specialty Show April 5, 2002
Chatham Collies
12/20/02 Chatham
Collies -- Chatham's High Intensity
Chelsea Collies
11/08/02 Chelsea
Collies -- Ch. Chelsea Summer Blonde, HIC/Chelsea The Crown Jewel,
07/12/02 Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea The Crown Jewel, HIC
05/31/02 Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea Summer Blonde
Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea T' Crown Heir of Squire
Chrisandis Collies
Chrisandis Collies -- Glen Mor's Steamboat Willie, CGC
01/04/02 Chrisandis Collies -- Glen Mor's Steamboat Willie
Clarion Collies
Clarion Collies -- Clarion Smoke and Mirrors
Cleveland Collie Club
11/29/02 Cleveland Collie
Club -- Jan. 11, 2003
10/25/02 Cleveland Collie Club -- Dec. 9, 2002
Collie Camp
Collie Camp -- July 12 - 14, 2002
Collie Club of America
12/13/02 Collie
Club of America -- 2002 Yearbook
09/20/02 Collie Club of America 2002 Yearbook
Collie Club of America -- Library of Champions
01/11/02 Collie
Club of America Calendar
Collie Club of Maine
01/04/03 Collie Club
of Maine -- Feb. 28 and March 1
08/23/02 CC of Maine -- Match and Breeders Seminar, Aug. 24, 2002
01/11/02 Collie Club
of Maine
Collie Club of Northern California
10/04/02 California
Collie Fanciers/CC of Northern Cal./Sacramento Valley CC -- Oct. 26
- 27, Nov. 1 - 3
Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
CC of Northern N. Jersey Match Show/Sweeps
06/21/02 Collie Club of New Jersey Match Show, June 30,
Three-day NJ weekend of Collies, 3/22-3/24
01/04/02 Collie
Club of Northern New Jersey
Collie Club of Northeastern New York
09/27/02 CC of Northeastern
New York -- Specialty Match and All Breed Obedience, Sunday, Sept.
Collie Club of Northeastern Pennsylvania
09/27/02 CC of NE
Pennsylvania Fun Match -- Oct. 13
Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
11/29/02 CC of Western
Pennsylvania -- Feb. 2, 2003
Collie Expressions
Collie Expressions -- Collie of the Day Calendar
08/09/02 Collie Expressions -- August 2002, Contents,
Ad Index
07/26/02 Collie Expressions -- Collie of the Day Calendar more
Collie Expressions -- July 2002 Cover, Contents,
Ad Index
Collie Health Foundation
Collie Health Foundation -- Lad of Sunnybank T-shirt
The Collie Memorial at Sunnybank
Collie Health Foundation
Collies of Wych
12/20/02 Collies
of Wych -- Tator
Columbus Collie Club
Columbus Collie Club -- Ohio Collie University, Sept. 7 and 8
ConTe Collies
12/20/02 ConTe Collies
-- Want Something Special?
Countryview Collies
Countryview Collies -- Countryview Sealore Stardom
Countryview Collies -- Ch. Countryview Tonight's The Night
Creator Collies
12/13/02 Creator
Collies -- Creator Aamar Loving Favor, HC
Cross, Anne
of a kind Collectible -- Collie Pendant
Crystal Pines Collies
Crystal Pines Collies
Cyndella Collies
12/13/02 Cyndella
Collies -- Cyndella's It's My Party
07/12/02 Cyndella Collies -- Ch. Cyndella's Forbidden Treasure
02/22/02 Cyndella Collies -- Cyndella's Forbidden Treasure
Deep River Collies
12/20/02 Deep
River Collies -- Ch. Bo-Dandy Hair Razor, HT
11/29/02 Deep River Collies
10/04/02 Deep River Collies -- Bo-Dandy's Itsawig
08/30/02 Deep River Collies -- Offers some very special show puppies
Devinwood Collies
09/27/02 Devinwood
Collies -- Ch. Devinwood's Hi Plains Marshall
05/31/02 Devinwood Collies -- Devinwood Hi Plains Marshall
DiamondHill Collies
11/15/02 DiamondHill Collies -- Ch. RoyalCrest DiamondHill My
11/15/02 DiamondHill
Collies -- FN Ch. Snowpaw Plymouth Fury
11/15/02 DiamondHill
Collies -- Ch. DiamondHill RCrest Polaris
11/15/02 DiamondHill
Collies -- Ch. DiamondHill RCrest Polaris
Divine Collies
Divine Collies -- Ch. Divine's Simply Out of the Blue
Donlen's Collies
Donlen's Collies -- Ch. Donlen Spirit of an Angel
Duhon, Jennie
08/23/02 Jennie
Duhon -- Ch. Deep River's Songcatcher
Edenrock Collies
12/13/02 Edenrock
Collies -- Alexandra Adria Robinson
06/21/02 Edenrock Collies – Ch. Edenrock Invisible Touch
06/21/02 Edenrock
Collies New Ch. Edenrock Playing With Fire
Edenrock Collies -- Ch. Edenrock of Ages
03/01/02 Edenrock Collies -- Ch. Edenrock Invisible Touch/
Ch. Edenrock Code of Honor/Ch. Edenrock The Mask of Society/Ch. Edenrock
Mask of Zorro/Ch. Edenrock of Ages
02/22/02 Edenrock Collies -- Ch. Edenrock The Mask of Society
Epic Collies
11/22/02 Epic Collies
-- Epic's Smoother Look for the Future
11/15/02 Epic Collies
-- Ch. Epic's Witness The Fantasy
11/08/02 Epic
11/08/02 Epic Collies
11/01/02 Epic
Fairway Collies/Starr Collies
11/15/02 Fairway Collies/Starr
Collies -- Ch. Fairway's Starr Valentina
Galatean Collies
12/06/02 Galatean
Collies -- Ch. Galatean Time In A Bottle
11/01/02 Galatean Collies -- Galatean Time In A Bottle
10/25/02 Galatean Collies -- Ch. Galatean A Little Goodbye
10/18/02 Galatean Collies -- Galatean A Little Goodbye
Garland Collies
11/22/02 Garland
Collies -- Ch. Garland's Genwitt Odyssey/Ch. Garland's Music of the
Night/Garland's StarSpangled Banner
03/01/02 Garland Collies -- Ch. Garland's Music of the Night
Getting To Know You
05/17/02 Getting
To Know You -- May 24 - 27, 2002
Getting To Know You 2002 -- May 24 - 27
Greater Brighton Collie Club
Greater Brighton Collie Club -- November 29, 2002
Greatview Collies
07/19/02 Greatview
Collies -- Ch. Clarion Race The Light
02/08/02 Greatview Collies -- Clarion Race the Light
Greyloch Collies
10/04/02 Greyloch
Collies -- Greyloch's Home By Dark
Brandi Grider
Brandi Grider -- The Nation's Number 1 Collie Junior *
Hartford-Springfield Collie Club
01/04/03 Hartford-Springfield
Collie Club -- Sunday, Feb. 9
09/13/02 Hartford-Springfield Collie Club -- Specialty Match and
All-breed Obedience Match, Sunday, Sept. 15
Hawks Nest Collies
Hawks Nest Collies -- Hawk's Nest Live Out Loud
Heatherri Collies
Heatherri Collies/HoneyCoat Collies -- Ch. Heatherri Spirit in the
05/31/02 Heatherri
Collies -- Heatherri Let It Be
05/31/02 Heatherri
Collies -- Heatherri Trouble In Shangri-La/
Honeycoat Dark Side Of The Moon
Heatherri Collies -- Tallywood Twist and Shout
04/26/02 Heatherri Collies -- Heatherri Earth Wind and Fire
Heatherri Collies -- Heatherri's Kiss The Sky
Heatherri Collies -- Heatherri's Let It Be
HiHill Collies
HiHill Collies
-- Bo-Dandy HiHill Golly Miss Molly
Highlander Collies
Highlander Collies -- Wyndlair Highlander Cadence
11/15/02 Highlander Collies -- Highlander's She's All That
11/08/02 Highlander
Collies -- Highlander's She's All That/Can. Ch. Highlander's Divine
Wysdom, HIT
Highlander Collies -- Highlander's She's All That/Can. Ch. Highlander's
Divine Wysdom, HIT
06/28/02 Highlander Collies -- Keenhaven's Mad Hatter
05/31/02 Highlander Collies -- Tapestry Revelation
Highlander Collies -- Highlander's She's All That
Highlander Collies -- Tapestry Revelation
Highlander Collies -- Highlander's She's All That/Highlander's Last
Chance/Highlander's Divine Wysdom, HIT/Highlander's Galloway Angus
Honeyblossom Collies
Honeyblossom Collies -- Honeyblossom's Let Me Be Me
HoneyCoat Collies/Heatherri Collies
HoneyCoat Collies/Heatherri Collies -- Ch. Heatherri Spirit in the
Janet Van Derpoel-Andrea
Janet Van Derpoel-Andrea -- Ch. Kingsbridge Tavern Hill To Do, CGC,
K9 Website Design/Sweet
K9 Website Design/Sweet Collies
Kadon Collies
02/22/02 Kadon
Collies -- Ch. Kadon Michael Collins O'Shannon
Kadon Collies -- Ch. Kadon's Willy Wonka
Kara Christo Collies
Kara Christo Collies -- Kara Christo Delirious
Kara Christo Collies -- Kara Christo's Ebony Ruler
Kara Christo Collies -- Thornacre Stolen Thunder
Karal Collies
03/01/02 Karal
Collies -- Ch. Bellvue's Gold Medallion
Karavel Collies
Karavel Collies -- Ch. Regal 'N Karavel 'N Sync
Karrahmel Collies
01/04/03 Karrahmel
Collies -- BelleBete NoStrings Attached
08/16/02 Karrahmel Collies -- Fairview's Black Chevis Regal
06/14/02 Karrahmel
Collies -- BelleBete No Strings Attached
Ka-Zes Collies
07/05/02 Ka-Zes
Collies -- Twin Acres Ka-Zes Camelot/Ch. Twin Acres Ka-Zes Destiny
05/17/02 Ka-Zes Collies -- Ka-Ze's Dark Image
05/03/02 Ka-Zes Collies/Autumn-Sun Collies -- Ka-Zes Key To My
Heart/Ka-Zes Autumnsun State of Grace
03/01/02 Ka-Zes
Collies -- Ka-Zes Sapphire Set In Platinum/Ka-Zes Twin Acres Dynamite
Keepsake Collies
11/01/02 Keepsake Collies -- Ch. Keepsake Telesis
Kendras Collies
Kendras Collies -- Ch. Kendra's Rockwood Renigade
Kingsmark Collies
11/22/02 Kingsmark
Collies -- Kingsmark Be Still My Heart
10/18/02 Kingsmark Collies -- Kingsmark Zane Grey
10/18/02 Kingsmark Collies -- Kingsmark Full Disclosure
10/04/02 Kingsmark Collies -- Kingsmark Happy Daze
08/16/02 Kingsmark Collies -- Ch. Kingsmark Frame By Frame
07/19/02 Kingsmark
Collies -- Kingsmark I'm A Believer
Kirkhaven Collies
Kirkhaven Collies -- Ch. Kirkhaven Evening Star
Lakewind Collies
10/11/02 Lakewinds
Collies -- Happy Anniversary
05/31/02 Lakewinds Collies -- Ch. Lakewinds Shot In The Dark
Lakewinds Collies -- Ch. Lakewinds Valley Girl
Lakewinds Easter Basket
Lakewind Collies -- Ch. Lakewinds Shot in the Dark
Lakewood Collies
Lakewood Collies -- Ch. Edenrock State of Grace
La Mesa Collies
07/05/02 La
Mesa Collies -- Ch. Bo-Dandy's Bravo
04/12/02 La Mesa Collies -- Ch. Bo-Dandy's Bravo
L'il Swiss Collies
11/01/02 L'il
Swiss Collies -- Ch. L'il Swiss Face The Truth
01/25/02 L'il Swiss Collies -- Ch. L'il Swiss Unforgettable
Lindale Collies
03/22/02 Lindale Collies -- Ch. Lindale's Rainbow Dream
Lindale Collies -- Ch. Lindale's Rainbow Dream
Littlefield Collies
11/08/02 Littlefield
Collies -- Ch. Littlefield Country Squire
Luv Echo Collies
01/04/02 Luv
Echo Collies -- Misty-Blue's Luv Echo Passion
Marchello Collies
10/11/02 Marchello
Collies -- Ch. Marchello's On Angel's Wings
04/05/02 Marchello Collies -- Ch. Marchello's On Angel's Wings
Marchello Collies -- Ch. Marchello's On Angel's Wings
Marchello Collies -- Ch. Marchello's On Angels Wings
Marie Finley
Trumpeter's Diamond O'How-Mar -- Owner Marie Finley
Mariner Collies
09/27/02 Mariner
Collies -- Ch. Mariner's Mermaid Summer
Midwest Collie Club
10/04/02 Midwest Collie
Club/Cleveland CC -- Dec. 7 and 8
Mike Fine Photography
Mike Fine Photography -- Catch The Moment in Riverside
Millknock Collies
Millknock Collies -- Millknock announces two exciting litters
Misselmoor Collies
Misselmoor Collies -- Dea Haven Forget-Me-Not
of Avalon Collies
of Avalon Collies -- Mists
of Avalon's
North Country Collies
03/01/02 North Country Collies -- Ch. Row-Bar's Northern Exposure
North Texas Collie Club
11/29/02 North
Texas Collie Club -- Feb. 1 and 2, 2003
Northwind Collies
Northwind Collies -- Ch. Sollis Northwind Legacy
Overland Collies
Overland Collies -- Ch. Overland Endless Summer
11/29/02 Overland
Collies -- Ch. Overland Gathering Storm
Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia
12/20/02 Panhandle
Collie Club of West Virginia -- Feb. 1, 2003
Piedmont Collie Club
12/20/02 Piedmont Collie
Club -- Jan. 18 and 19, 2003
10/04/02 Piedmont Collie
Club AKC Sanction B Match -- Nov. 9
Provenhill Collies
Provenhill Collies -- Ch. Provenhill's No Angel
Rainbow Collies
Rainbow Collies -- Ch. Capella's Midnight Blues
Rainforest Collies
12/06/02 Rainforest
Collies -- Can. Ch. Rainforest's Absolutely
Raptorvale Collies
01/11/02 Raptorvale
Collies -- Raptorvale Twist of Fate
Reniah Collies
Collies -- Ch. Edenrock Hollicove Reniah Truluv
Roblyn Collies
Roblyn Collies -- Ch. Roblyn Poppin' Fresh
Rockwood Collies
Rockwood Collies -- page 1
08/16/02 Rockwood
Collies -- page 2
Rockwood Collies -- Am/Can Ch. Tri-County Against All Odds
04/26/02 Rockwood Collies -- Ch. Rockwood's Handsome Ransom
Rosebank Collies
Rosebank Collies -- Ch. Starr's Keepsake
Rosepoint Collies
Rosepoint Collies -- Ch. Rosepoint Northstar Nikita
Row-Bar Collies
07/26/02 Row-Bar
Collies -- Boy, Do We Have Boys! (p.1)
07/26/02 Row-Bar
Collies -- Boy, Do We Have Boys! (p.2)
07/26/02 Row-Bar
Collies -- Boy, Do We Have Boys! (p.3)
07/26/02 Row-Bar
Collies -- Boy, Do We Have Boys! (p.4)
07/05/02 Row-Bar
Collies -- Ch. Ballyhara Strike Up The Band (Pedigree)
Sacramento Valley Collie Club
10/04/02 California
Collie Fanciers/CC of Northern Cal./Sacramento Valley CC -- Oct. 26
- 27, Nov. 1 - 3
Scarborough Collies
Scarborough Collies -- Scarborough's Once Upon A Time/Scarborough's
Egyptian Ruler
05/03/02 Scarborough
Collies -- Scarborough's Mezmerize/
Scarborough's A Fairytale
Seawhisper Collies
10/04/02 Timeless/Bannerstone/Seawhisper
-- Ch. Timeless Whisper in the Wind
Sequoia Collies
Sequoia Collies -- Gambit's Lightstorm
Serenitee Collies
12/06/02 Serenitee
Collies -- Ch. Deep River's SHH Im Incognito
Shanarock Collies
12/20/02 Shanarock
Collies -- Ch. Shanarock's Special Gift
06/21/02 Shanarock Collies Ch. Shanarock Open Me First
Shepherd's Collies
08/16/02 Shepherd's
Collies -- Shepherd's Cry Of My Heart
Signet Collies
08/16/02 Signet
Collies -- Ch. Signet's Study In Black
Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet Twice Is
Nice CGC
Signet Collies -- Ch. Signet Twice Is Nice, CGC
Silhouette Collies
TaDiFor Collies/Silhouette Collies/Kara
Christo Collies --
Ebony Silhouette/Kara
Christo Ebony Ruler
Silverbrook Collies
Silverbrook Collies -- Ch. Silverbrook's Dancing in the Moonlite
Silverhill Collies
Silverhill Collies -- Ch. Bethany's Preacher Man
Society Collies
04/26/02 Society
Collies -- Ch. Society Niteridge Hot Topic/Ch. Society There's Your
Sollis Collies
12/20/02 Sollis Collies
-- Ch. Sollis Flaming Light of Garwood
11/29/02 Sollis Collies -- Northwind Sollis Sunrise/Sollis Silver
Somerset Collies
Somerset Collies -- Ch. Somerset Autumn Dream, CGC/TDI
01/11/02 Somerset Collies -- Ch. Somerset Autumn Dream
Southland Canine and
Equine Art Sudio
Southland Canine and Equine Art Sudio -- New limited edition bronze
Southland Collies
Southland Collies -- Ch. Southland's Bowen Island
Southland Collies -- Ch. Southland's Bowen Island
Southland Collies -- Ch. Southland's Bowen Island
Southland Collies -- Ch. Southland's Bowen Island
Special Collies
10/11/02 Special
Collies -- Ch. Special Ruby Rosewood
08/09/02 Special Collies -- Ch. Special Harlequin Romance
04/12/02 Special Collies -- Special Sharp-Dressed Man
St. Germaine Collies
01/04/03 St. Germaine Collies
-- Ch. Wyndlair St. Germaine Mystic
03/22/02 St. Germaine Collies -- Am/Can. Ch. Highcroft
St. Germaine Montage TD
03/22/02 St. Germaine Collies -- Am/Can. Ch. Highcroft St. Germaine Montage
St. Louis Collie Club
01/04/03 St. Louis
Collie Club of Maine -- Feb. 8 and 9
11/01/02 St. Louis Collie Club -- February 8 and 9, 2003
11/01/02 St. Louis Collie Club -- February 8 and 9, 2003
Starr Collies/Fairway Collies
11/15/02 Starr Collies/Fairway
Collies -- Ch. Fairway's Starr Valentina
Stoner, Crystal
Stoner -- Professional
Stoneridge Collies
Stoneridge Collies -- Ballyhara Stoneridge Splash
03/29/02 Stoneridge Collies -- Ch. Rosslane Lochlaren's Iceman
Storybook Collies
09/06/02 Storybook
Collies -- Revelation
N' Country Express
Storybook Collies -- 1797 Colonial Bed and Breakfast
08/16/02 Sunnybank
-- The 12th Annual Gathering, Aug. 17-18
Sweet Collies
Sweet Collies/K9 Website Design
01/04/02 Sweet Collies -- Apple Valley Roselyn Intrigue/Misty-Blue's
Forever My Fantasy/K9 Designs
TaDiFor Collies
TaDiFor Collies/Silhouette Collies/Kara Christo Collies --
TaDiFor's Ebony Silhouette/Kara Christo Ebony Ruler
Tallywood Collies
10/25/02 Tallywood
Collies -- Rainforest Tallywood Visibility/Tallywood Snapdragon
Tapestry Collies
01/04/03 Tapestry Collies -- Ch. Tapestry Tartanside Image
01/04/03 Tapestry
Collies -- Ch. Tapestry Tartanside Image
01/04/03 Tapestry
Collies -- Ch. Tapestry Tartanside Image
Tavern Hill Collies
Tavern Hill Collies -- Tavern
Hill Hypnotize The Moon
Timeless Collies
12/20/02 Timeless
10/25/02 Timeless Collies -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior
10/04/02 Timeless/Bannerstone/Seawhisper -- Ch. Timeless Whisper
in the Wind
04/12/02 Timeless Collies -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior
Timeless Collies -- Ch. Timeless Golden Warrior
Tir Na N 'Og Collies
10/04/02 Tir
Na N' Og Collies -- Ch. Richeline Maeve McDoogle/Clarion Incognito
01/11/02 Tir Na N 'Og Collies -- Ch. Richeline Maeve McDoogle/Special
Magical Druid
Tisbury Collies
Tisbury Collies -- Ch. Provenhill's Milestone
Treasure Collies
09/27/02 Treasure
Collies -- Ch. Mariner A Treasured Shared CD, PT, MX AXJ, VX
Tri County Collie Breeders Association
Tri County Collie Breeders Association -- April 20, 2002
Triumph Collies
10/25/02 Triumph
Collies -- Ch. Shoreham Triumph Timeless
Tsunami Collies
Tsunami Collies -- Ch. Tsunami Silver Surfer
Twin Acres Collies
Twin Acres Collies -- Twin Acres Grand and Glorious
08/02/02 Twin
Acres Collies/Coelio Collies -- Coelio's Cookie Monster
05/17/02 Twin Acres Collies-- Twin Acres Ka-Zes Camelot
04/26/02 Twin Acres Collies -- Twin Acres Night Shadow
Twin Acres Collies -- Ch. Twin Acres Deliverance ROM
Twin City Collies
10/11/02 Twin
City Collies -- Carl Williford
Valley Parks Collies
11/08/02 Valley
Park Collies -- Ch. Tartanside Allegiance
11/08/02 Valley
Park Collies -- Northwind Sollis Sunrise/Sollis Silver Image
06/07/02 Valley Parks Collies -- Ch. Valley Parks Perfect Storm
Valley Parks Collies -- Ch. Tartanside Allegiance
Vegas Collie Classic, The
04/05/02 The
Vegas Collie Classic -- Friday, April 5, 2002
West Point Collies
West Point Collies -- West Point Hot Ticket
Wild Wind Collies
Wild Wind Collies -- Ch. Wild Wind's Dressed To Kill
Wilshire Collies
08/30/02 Wilshire
Collies -- Ch. Wilshire-Creekwood Dream Time
Wind Dancing Art
Diana Hiiesalu -- Wind Dancing Art
Diana Hiiesalu -- Wind Dancing Art
Windy Acres Collies
11/29/02 Windy
Acres Collies -- Ch. Highcroft Silver Sequins
08/16/02 Windy Acres Collies
07/26/02 Windy
Acres Collies -- Rockwood's Heartstealer
Wyndham Collies
07/26/02 Wyndham
Collies -- Ch. Wyndham's Valedictorian CD,OAJ,NAJ
Wyndlair Collies
12/06/02 Wyndlair
Collies -- Offers the Opportunity for. . .
12/06/02 Wyndlair
Collies -- The "Face" in Smooth.
12/06/02 Wyndlair
Collies -- Ch. Wyndlair Midnight Audition
11/08/02 Wyndlair Collies -- Ch. Wyndlair Midnight Audition
Younghaven Collies
Louann Young/Jennie Duhon -- Ch. Younghaven Deep River Rapids ROM
Buy a low-cost classified ad for just $10 (U.S.) when you want to get your message out fast and just a few words will do. Your ad will run in this space for one week.
Snail mail:
P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697