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2015 advertising by week
Collies Online publishes new ads every Saturday. Below are the advertising publish dates for 2015. Just click on the date below to view the ads for a selected week.
Jan 03 |
Jan 10 |
Jan 17 |
Jan 24 |
Jan 31
Feb 07 |
Feb 14 |
Feb 21 |
Feb 28
Mar 07 |
Mar 14 |
Mar 21 |
Mar 28
Apr 04 |
Apr 11 |
Apr 18 |
Apr 25
May 02 |
May 09 |
May 16 |
May 23 |
May 30
June 06 |
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July 18 |
July 25
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Sep 26 PW
Oct 03 |
Oct 10 |
Oct 17 |
Oct 24 |
Oct 31
Nov 07 |
Nov 14 |
Nov 21 |
Nov 28
Dec 05 |
Dec 12 |
Dec 19 |
Dec 26
Fastpath: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W |
Afterhours Collies
11/14/15 Afterhours Collies -- CH Afterhours Knight Of The Realm
Aidan Collies
09/26/15 Aidan Collies -- Celticmoon's Sundrop At Aidan RN PT OA OXJ NF FM MBDCH-S VA
Alaric Collies
09/12/15 Alaric Collies -- In loving memory of GCH Alaric In Fields Of Gold
04/04/15 Alaric Collies / Lora-Lin Collies -- CH Alaric Hold My Heart
04/04/15 Alaric Collies -- CH Bolero's Heaven Sent BN RE CGC
01/17/15 Alaric Collies -- In loving memory of CH Fantasy's Miracles Happen, HIT
Ardizzone, Bree
(Professional Handling)
01/31/15 Bree Ardizzone -- 2015 Collie National Presentation
Aryggeth Collies
12/12/15 Aryggeth Collies -- Aryggeth's Silver Star
Arsenault, Sherry
12/26/15 Sue Rioux / Sherry Arsenault -- CH Anjay's Sweet Georgie Brown
Aurealis Collies
08/29/15 Aurealis Collies / Crystal Image -- In loving Memory of Theresa Uzelac
05/30/15 Aurealis Collies -- GCH Aurealis I Am Whimsical
04/04/15 Aurealis Collies -- GCH Aurealis I Am Whimsical
Barksdale Collies
10/03/15 Barksdale Collies / Lochlaren Collies -- In loving memory of CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
10/03/15 Barksdale Collies / Lochlaren Collies -- In loving memory of CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
Belfair Collies
08/15/15 Sno Valley Collies / Belfair Collies
03/07/15 Lochlaren Collies / Belfair Collies -- GCH Lochlaren Belfair Moonlight Affair
Bennett, Noreen
12/26/15 Noreen Bennett -- Merry Christmas From A Modern Family
12/12/15 Noreen Bennett -- Ch MACh2 Provenhill's Persuasion BN CDX RE HSAsd HIAsd MFB MFP GV
12/12/15 Noreen Bennett -- Ch Millknock's Blue By Ewe BN CDX RA HSAds AX AXJ MXP MJP MXF MFP T2BP VX
10/10/15 Noreen Bennett -- Millknock Tri The Next Chapter PT AX MXJ XF
09/26/15 Noreen Bennett -- The Art of Versatility
09/26/15 Noreen Bennett -- CH MACh2 Provenhill's Persuasion CDX BN RE HSAds HIAds MXC MXPB MJPB MFB T2B GV
09/26/15 Noreen Bennett -- CH Millknock Blue By Ewe CDX BN RA HSAds AX AXJ XF MXPB MJPB MFBP T2B2 VX
09/26/15 Noreen Bennett -- Millknock's Tri The Next Chapter PT AX MXJ XF
Blu Moon Collies
09/26/15 Blu Moon Collies -- CH Provenhill All That Glitters CD HT CGC
Bolero Collies
04/04/15 Vicki Wilder -- CH Bolero's Heaven Sent BN RE CGC
Borealis Collies
09/26/15 Borealis Collies -- DC Ability's Rock Star CD RAE HXAdMsM HXBs HXBdM MX MJB XF
09/26/15 Borealis Collies -- Hollicove Ginger Snap NXAsM NA and Savoy's From Russia With Love PT NA NAJ
09/26/15 Borealis Collies
09/26/15 Borealis Collies -- Borealis Heat Of The Moment, Ability's Borealis Like A Rock, Borealis Trouble And Desire, Borealis Star Man
Braeton Collies
08/29/15 Braeton Collies -- Braeton's Drift Away
04/25/15 Braeton Collies -- Overland Braeton's Sinfully Rich
04/25/15 Braeton Collies -- Braeton's The Key To Paradise
01/03/15 Braeton Collies
Brackenbrae Collies
11/14/15 Prairiepine Collies / Brackenbrae Collies -- CAN CH Brackenbrae Prairiepine Onyx
Burlywood Collies
05/16/15 Burlywood Collies -- Overland Ultralight
Cadenza Collies
08/01/15 Overland Collies / Marchello Collies / Cadenza Collies -- GCH Overland Deal Me In
05/23/15 Overland Collies / Marchello Collies / Cadenza Collies -- GCH Overland Deal Me In
California Collie Clan
02/14/15 South Bay Collie Fanciers / San Gabriel Valley Collie Club / California Collie Clan -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Camloch Collies
09/26/15 Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Sensation! RN HSAsd HJD1sd, HSs HJAD1s HRD1s RLF1s
09/26/15 Camloch Collies -- CH Camloch Black Diamonds
Cando Collies
08/29/15 Cando Collies -- Presents new champion "Lassie"
06/13/15 Cando Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Cando Magic
Carilli, Chris
09/26/15 Chris Carilli -- Ability's Time Traveler PT and Borealis Starman
Cassette The
09/26/15 The Cassette -- A Great Magaine for Collie and Sheltie Fanciers
Castlebar Collies
05/30/15 Castlebar Collies -- CH Castlebar's Glam Factor
C and J Collies
01/31/15 C and J Collies -- In loving memory of CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
Ceilidh Collies
10/10/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
10/03/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
09/05/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
Central Iowa Collie Club
08/22/15 Central Iowa Collie Club -- 2015 Education Seminar
02/28/15 Central Iowa Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Central Kansas Collie Club
12/26/15 North Texas Collie Club/ Central Oklahoma Collie Club/ Central Kansas Collie Club -- 2016 Specialty Shows
Central Oklahoma Collie Club
12/26/15 North Texas Collie Club/ Central Oklahoma Collie Club/ Central Kansas Collie Club -- 2016 Specialty Shows
Central Penn Collie Club
03/14/15 Central Penn Collie Club --2015 Specialty Show and Blue and Gray Cluster
Central States Collie Club
12/19/15 Central States Collie Club -- 2016 Specialty, Herding Group, Rally and Obedience Trials
01/17/15 Central States Collie Club / Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Chalcyon Collies
02/21/15 Chalcyon Collies -- DC Northshields Rangefinder HIBd HXAds
Chelsea Collies
11/07/15 Chelsea Collies -- CH Chelsea Pop Princess
11/07/15 Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea Twilight Time, VCD1 CD TDX AX AXJ
05/09/15 Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea Pop Princess
04/25/15 Chelsea Collies -- GCH Chelsea Casanova Cowboy
Chesapeake Collie Club
12/05/15 Chesapeake Collie Club -- 2016 Specialty Shows
Cheviot Collies
05/23/15 Cheviot Collies -- CH Cheviot Lochlaren Lover Boy
05/23/15 Cheviot Collies -- GCH Cheviot Monet
Chivalry Collies
10/10/15 Chivalry Collies -- CH Marnus Trip It On The Light Fantastik
Chicago Collie Club
01/31/15 Illiana Collie fanciers / Chicago Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Cleveland Collie Club
10/31/15 Cleveland Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Show
Coe Crique Collies
02/07/15 Coe Crique Collies -- Colebrae's La Longue Carabine Of Coe Crique
Collie Club of Alabama
10/24/15 Collie Club of Alabama -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of America
11/14/15 Collie Club of America -- 2016 Tuff Quest Raffle
10/03/15 Collie Club of America -- CCA 2016 Calendar
Collie Club of America National Specialty
08/22/15 Collie Club of America 2016 National Specialty
Collie Club of America Takes The Lead
06/06/15 Collie Club of America Takes The Lead
Collie Club of Connecticut
04/04/15 Spring Fling -- Tri County Collie Breeders / Hartford Springfield Collie Club and Collie Club of Connecticut 2015 Spring Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Georgia
12/19/15 Collie Club of Georgia -- 2016 Specialty Shows
01/03/15 Collie Club of Georgia -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Maine
01/24/15 Collie Club of Maine -- 2015 Specialty Shows and Obedience and Rally
Collie Club Of Maryland
11/28/15 Mason-Dixon Collie Club / Collie Club Of Maryland -- 2016 Specialty Shows
Collie Club Of Minnesota
03/21/15 Collie Club Of Minnesota -- 2015 Specialty Shows / Obedience and Rally Shows
Collie Club of New England
04/18/15 Collie Club of New England -- Fall educational seminar, The eyes have it by Dan Cardoza, Countryview
Collie Club of Northern California
01/17/15 Collie Club of Northern California -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Kentucky
09/19/15 Collie Club of Kentucky -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
10/24/15 Collie Club of Northern New Jersey -- 2015 AKC Collie Breed and Herding Group Obedience Match
05/30/15 Collie Club Of Northern New Jersey -- 2015 A.K.C. Collie Breed And Herding Group Obedience Match
Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin
12/05/15 Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin -- 2016 Specialty Shows
01/17/15 Central States Collie Club / Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Washington
01/17/15 Collie Club of Washington / Overlake Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Western New York
03/14/15 Collie Club of Western New York / Rochester Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania
12/26/15 Collie Club Of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club Of West Virginia -- 2016 Specialty Shows
08/15/15 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- 2015 AKC Sanctioned Match
03/28/15 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- Supports the 2015 Black Diamond Cluster
Collie Rescue Foundation
12/05/15 Collie Rescue Foundation
Collies Of Wych
05/16/15 Collies Of Wych -- GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour
05/16/15 Collies Of Wych -- CH Wych's Oh Sacred Ground
05/16/15 Collies Of Wych -- CH Bandors Touch Of Velvet
03/28/15 Collies Of Wych -- GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour
03/28/15 Collies Of Wych -- Wych's Oh Sacred Ground
Columbus Collie Club
12/26/15 Columbus Collie Club -- 2016 Specialty Shows and Rally B Match
01/03/15 Columbus Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows and Kem Memorial Sweepstakes
Connecticut Collie Cluster
01/17/15 Connecticut Collie Cluster -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Creekwood Collies
08/08/15 Pleasant Acre Collies -- Congratulates Creekwood Collies on GCH Creekwood Hot Chocolate and CH Thornacres Simply Grand
08/08/15 Creekwood Collies -- Silver GCH Creekwood Sam I Am
08/08/15 Creekwood Collies -- Bronze GCH Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rockstar
08/08/15 Creekwood Collies -- GCH Creekwood It Happened One Night
08/08/15 Creekwood Collies -- Bronze GCH Creekwood Miss Behavin'
Crystal Image
08/29/15 Aurealis Collies / Crystal Image -- In loving Memory of Theresa Uzelac
Cyndella Collies
05/30/15 Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella's Pandamonium
05/30/15 Cyndella Collies -- CH Cyndella's Pandamonium
05/02/15 Cyndella Collies -- Miss Caitlin Neeley and Sabrina
Dea Haven Collies
12/19/15 Dea Haven Collies -- Dea Haven's Finding Memories
04/11/15 Dea Haven Collies -- Bronze GCH Dea Haven's Memory Maker
Decor Collies
05/02/15 Decor Collies -- GCH Decor's Custom Label
02/28/15 Decor Collies -- CH Decor's Custom Label
Deep River Collies
10/10/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
10/03/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
09/05/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
Delily Collies
03/07/15 DeLily Collies -- Creekwood Princess At DeLily
01/10/15 Delily Collies -- Creekwood Princess At Delily
Dettman, Robin
09/26/15 Robin Dettman, D.V.M -- Kayloma's I've Got The Moves, NA RS-N GS-N JS-O
Devinwood Collies
02/14/15 Devinwood Collies -- Platinum GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
Dilbeck, Babbi D.V.M.
10/10/15 Babbi Dilbeck D.V.M. -- Millknock's Firework At Mello-D RN, NFP, CA
09/26/15 Babbi Dilbeck, D.V.M. -- Am. Bronze GCH/Int'l. CH Windkist's Ain't No Rest for the Wicked, HT, PT, RAE, CAA, NA, NAJ, OF, OAP, OJP, XFP; ASCA JS-N, GS-N, RN; CCA VX
09/26/15 Babbi Dilbeck, D.V.M. -- Am. Bronze GCH/Int'l. CH Windkist's Ain't No Rest for the Wicked, HT, PT, RAE, CAA, NA, NAJ, OF, OAP, OJP, XFP; ASCA JS-N, GS-N, RN; CCA VX
09/26/15 Babbi Dilbeck, D.V.M. -- Am. Bronze GCH/Int'l. CH Windkist's Ain't No Rest for the Wicked, HT, PT, RAE, CAA, NA, NAJ, OF, OAP, OJP, XFP; ASCA JS-N, GS-N, RN; CCA VX
09/26/15 Babbi Dilbeck, D.V.M. -- Millknock's Firework At Mello-D RN, NFP, CA
Duquesne Collies
12/12/15 Duquesne Collies -- CH Duquesnes She's A Little Bit Dangerous IT
Durre, Christina
09/26/15 Christina Durre -- Am GCH / Can CH Sunnland's Le Grand Orange FMX HT
East Tennessee Collie Club
09/19/15 East Tennessee Collie Club -- 2015 Fall Specialty Shows
Evergreen Collies
03/28/15 Evergreen Collies
03/28/15 Evergreen Collies -- Ka-Zes Evergreen Good Morning Angels
Feoras Collies
09/26/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies -- CH Feoras Fierce Commotion CGN, DOT
09/26/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies -- AM/CAN CH Feoras Burn Notice CGC, RN
09/26/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies
09/26/15 Feoras Collies -- CKC/CFC CH Bannerston Feoras Impish Debut RN, RA, VC, TT, CGN, RPT
05/23/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies -- Feora's Burn Notice CGN
Flaim, Frances
03/21/15 Frances Flaim
Floyd, Sue
10/31/15 Sue Floyd VMD -- CH Camloch Clarity HIC
09/26/15 Sue Floyd, V.M.D. -- Camloch Clarity HIC, CH Camloch In The Pink PT, CH Camloch Prosperity CDX RE
Forecast Collies
09/26/15 Forecast Collies -- MACH Forecast Perfect Storm Dancin' HSAd, MXG, MJS, NAP, MXF, MFB, T2B3
09/26/15 Forecast Collies -- Sealore Perfect Silver Lining Forecast NAJ, NF
09/26/15 Forecast Collies -- CH MACH PACH Evergreen Perfect Ten Forecast PT, MXG, MJS, MXP3, MXPB, MJP3, MJPB, PAX, MXF, T2B, T2BP
Forthal Al
10/10/15 Al Forthal CCA National Challenge Trophy
Fyda, Dennis
07/18/15 Janine Walker Keith -- In Loving Memory of Dennis Fyda
Galatean Collies
08/01/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies
04/11/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Golden Lion
04/11/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Golden Lion
03/07/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Pocket Of Dreams
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean The Lion Roars
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean Shea It Isn't So!
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean Trading Paint At Silhouette
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Behind Blue Eyes
01/24/15 Galatean Collies -- CH Galatean Time In A Bottle ROM
Gambit Collies
11/07/15 Gambit Collies -- Gambit's Heir About Him
11/07/15 Gambit Collies -- CH Gambit's Swing On A Star
Gateside Collies
12/26/15 Mandalay Collies and Gateside Collies -- Merry Christmas
Getz, Sandra
09/26/15 Sandra Getz -- Blu Ridge Justified CGC BN CD RAE HSAsM
Glenshire Collies
05/23/15 Glenshire Collies -- Glenshire Master And Commander
05/23/15 Glenshire Collies -- Glenshire You Make Me Smile
05/23/15 Glenshire Collies -- GCH Glenshire Made You Look!
Goldstein, Bernice
09/26/15 Bernice Goldstein -- Galatean Sweetspot Of Gold UD RN CGC CDX-C
Greater Tampa Bay Collie Club
10/10/15 Greater Tampa Bay Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Greatview Collies
12/12/15 Greatview Collies -- Greatview A Foreign Affair
Greyloch Collies
12/12/15 Greyloch Collies -- CH Greatview Lone Star Of Greyloch, NAP
02/21/15 Greyloch Collies -- Greatview Lone Star Of Greyloch
Harlequin Collies
01/03/15 Harlequin Collies -- CH Apple Valleys Royal Salute To Harlequin CGC
Hartford Springfield Collie Club
04/04/15 Spring Fling -- Tri County Collie Breeders / Hartford Springfield Collie Club and Collie Club of Connecticut 2015 Spring Specialty Shows
Heatherfield Collies
12/19/15 Heatherfield Collies -- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Heatherfield
10/31/15 Heatherfield Collies -- In loving memory of GCH Heatherfield Liberty Belle HT
09/26/15 Heatherfield Collies
07/11/15 Heatherfield Collies
07/11/15 Heatherfield Collies
06/20/15 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Tickled Pink
05/16/15 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend
05/02/15 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Tickled Pink
05/02/15 Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Tickled Pink
03/07/15 Heatherfield Collies -- GCH Heatherfield Liberty Belle
Heather Hill Collies
03/21/15 Heather Hill Collies -- Thistle Down 'N Heather Hill's In The Shadows
Hearthside Collies
02/28/15 Hearthside Collies -- Countryview Hearthside Love Story
Hi Cliff Collies
09/26/15 Hi Cliff Collies -- Celebrates our agility partners and friends!
Highcroft Collies
11/21/15 Highcroft Collies -- GCH Susitna Royal Strider Of Tara Dells
08/22/15 Highcroft Collies -- GCH Susitna Royal Strider Of Tara Dells
06/06/15 Highcroft Collies -- GCH Susitna Royal Strider Of Tara Dells
High Desert Collie Club
01/17/15 High Desert Collie Club and San Diego Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Hollicove Collies
02/07/15 Star Country Collies / Hollicove Collies -- GCH Star Country Demuir I Am I Am
Honeyblossom Collies
05/02/15 Honeyblossom Collies -- CH Honeyblossom's Secret Agent Man
Hunterdon Hills Collie Club
02/28/15 Hunterdon Hills Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Illiana Collie fanciers
01/31/15 Illiana Collie fanciers / Chicago Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Incadescent Collies
07/18/15 Janine Walker Keith -- In Loving Memory of Dennis Fyda
02/28/15 Janine Walker-Keith / Incadescent Collies -- CH Wind-Calls Ballerina Trophy -- BOB CCA
Indiana Collie Club
04/18/15 Indiana Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows and Agility Trial
Isabella Collies
12/19/15 Isabella Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Girl From Ipanema HIC CGC, Isabella Goodtime Partygirl From Ipanema and GCH Sunnland's Seduction Of Isabella HIC
12/12/15 Isabella Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Girl From Ipanema HIC CGC, Isabella Goodtime Partygirl From Ipanema and GCH Sunnland's Seduction Of Isabella HIC
12/05/15 Isabella Collies -- Isabella Sunnland's Love Me Tender
01/10/15 Lochlaren Collies / Isabella Collies -- GCH Barksdale Lochlaren Good Times HC and GCH Sunnlands Girl From Ipanema HIC CGC
Jereco Collies
03/07/15 Jereco Collies -- Silver GCH Jereco's Satin Sheets
03/07/15 Jereco Collies -- Jereco's Spellbound and Jereco Lisara's Magic Man
03/07/15 Jereco Collies -- Jereco's Rocket Man
03/07/15 Jereco Collies -- Jereco's Simply Irresistable
Jurnee Collies
09/26/15 Jurnee Collies -- Glasgowhills Reason To Believe RA HIC CGN HT AGNS AGNJS JS-N RS-N NAC NJC VC
Kara Christo Collies
02/28/15 Kara Christo Collies -- CH KaraChristo Moon River Of Strathmoor
Kayloma Collies
09/26/15 Kayloma Collies -- MACH4 Kayloma's No I'M Not! MXC MJS2 NF IT, CH MACH Kayloma's Star Eyes MXS MJG NF IT and Kayloma's Whole Lotta Trouble NAJ IT
Kings Valley Collies
12/19/15 Kings Valley Collies -- CH Kings Valley Sky's The Limit HIC
11/21/15 Kings Valley Collies -- CH Rimba N Kings Valley Rhythm N Blues
09/26/15 Kings Valley Collies -- GCH Kings Valley The Man In Black, TC
09/26/15 Kings Valley Collies -- Rimba N Kings Valley Rhythm N Blues
09/26/15 Kings Valley Collies -- GCH Kings Valley Smooth Blue Jazz, TC, HT CGC
09/26/15 Kings Valley Collies -- Kings Valley Sherluck's Dance Child and Kings Valley Sherluck's Treasure
09/26/15 Kings Valley Collies -- Mobility Dogs
Ladyvale Collies
10/10/15 Ladyvale Collies -- Whitehall Ladyvale's Glory Ridge
Laredo Collies
03/07/15 Laredo Collies -- Silver GCH Laredo Here Comes The Sun
Lazurite Collies
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- GCH Nightwind Qualteri Living On Island Time HIC and Lazurite Qualteri The World Is My Oyster
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- Lazurite Qualteri The World Is My Oyster
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- Qualteri Lazurite True North Island Dream HIC
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- Qualteri Lazurite Let's Hear It For The Boy
06/20/15 Lazurite Collies -- Duquesne Lazurite's Layla Decreed By Fate
06/20/15 Lazurite Collies -- Duquesne Lazurite's Layla Decreed By Fate
04/04/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies
04/04/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies
04/04/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies
Ledgedale Collies
03/28/15 Ledgedale Collies -- CH Tallywood Coco Rocha
Lemire, Judie
09/26/15 Judie Lemire -- In memory of Emma NA NAJ OA OAJ AX AXJ
Lieberman, Carol
11/21/15 Carol Lieberman -- Vote for Carol Lieberman as your next CCA President
L'gacy Collies
01/31/15 L'gacy Collies -- CH L'gacy Easy Life At Arborhaven
01/17/15 Oak Knoll Collies / L'gacy Collies -- CH Oak Knolls Forever N Blue Jeans
01/17/15 Oak Knoll Collies / L'gacy Collies -- CH Oak Knolls Forever N Blue Jeans
Lilly, Elizabeth
10/17/15 Elizabeth Lilly -- CH Afterhours Lilly's October Sky
03/28/15 Elizabeth Lilly -- Afterhours Lilly's October Sky
Lincoln, Vicki
09/26/15 Vicki Lincoln -- Revelation Annika Lincoln CGC, RN, BN
09/26/15 Vicki Lincoln -- Revelation Nadia Lincoln, CGC, RN
Lochlaren Collies
10/03/15 Barksdale Collies / Lochlaren Collies -- In loving memory of CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
10/03/15 Barksdale Collies / Lochlaren Collies -- In loving memory of CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison, ROM
03/07/15 Lochlaren Collies / Belfair Collies -- GCH Lochlaren Belfair Moonlight Affair
01/10/15 Lochlaren Collies / Isabella Collies -- GCH Barksdale Lochlaren Good Times HC and GCH Sunnlands Girl From Ipanema HIC CGC
01/03/15 Lochlaren Collies -- CH Lochlaren Watch Out!
Long Acre Collies
10/10/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
10/03/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
09/26/15 Long Acre Collies -- CH Long Acre's Now You See Me, PT
09/05/15 Ceilidh Collies / Long Acre Collies / Deep River Collies -- Gold GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture
Lyncryst Collies
01/17/15 Lyncryst Collies -- CH Lyncryst's Reflection
Mandalay Collies
12/26/15 Mandalay Collies and Gateside Collies -- Merry Christmas
Marchello Collies
08/01/15 Overland Collies / Marchello Collies / Cadenza Collies -- GCH Overland Deal Me In
05/23/15 Overland Collies / Marchello Collies / Cadenza Collies -- GCH Overland Deal Me In
Mascoma Collies
03/14/15 Mascoma Collies -- CH Mascoma's Alchemy
Mason-Dixon Collie Club
11/28/15 Mason-Dixon Collie Club / Collie Club Of Maryland -- 2016 Specialty Shows
Midwest Collie Club
05/02/15 Midwest Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Miholiday Collies
12/12/15 Miholiday Collies -- Miholiday's Sunnland Nashville Star, CGC, HIC
11/21/15 Miholiday Collies -- GCH Sunnland's Grand Casino Royale CGCA
11/21/15 Miholiday Collies -- CH Sunnland's Love Affair CGC PT
11/21/15 Miholiday Collies -- Miholiday Sunnland's Moondance With Casanova
Milas Collies
06/27/15 Milas Collies -- CH Milas The Piano Player
06/27/15 Milas Collies -- CH Wyndlair Cherokee Exclamation
06/13/15 Cando Collies / Milas Collies -- Milas Cando Magic
06/13/15 Milas Collies -- GCH Milas Cabin Fever and CH Milas Touchstone Spring Fever
06/13/15 Milas Collies -- Milas The Piano Player and Milas Playing Music
Milen's Collies
04/25/15 Milen's Collies -- Milen's Step Above
03/07/15 Milen's Collies -- Milen's Step Above
Miller, Kathy
06/27/15 Kathy Miller -- In loving memory of CH Crystal Pines Pembroke Magic
Misselmoor Collies
05/30/15 Misselmoor Collies -- CH Westwood Make Believe
Mission Ridge Collies
05/02/15 Mission Ridge Collies -- CH Mission Ridge Classical Serenade
Morey Hills Collies
11/07/15 Morey Hills Collies -- CH Morey Hill's Signed Sealed Delivered
11/07/15 Morey Hills Collies -- CH Overland Reminiscent
Moss, Andrea
09/26/15 Andrea Moss -- ALCH (UKC) Millknock's Back In Black BN RE MJB MX T2B CGC
Mountainside Collies
12/19/15 Mountainside Collies -- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
09/26/15 Mountainside Collies -- Thank you, Team Beulah!
09/26/15 Mountainside Collies -- Beulah and Cheyne
09/26/15 Mountainside Collies -- VCH Mountainside Beulah Land MXPB MJP2 OFP HSAs BPGW SOC III TDIAOV THDA CD BN RN/Ex MVC-Q VX* OFA Champion of Health AWCA AOM I&II
01/10/15 Mountainside Collies -- VCH Mountainside Beulah Land VX-Q HSAs MXP AJP OFP CD THD BN RN BPGW SOCIII TDIAOV RL1/Ex TT CGC A-AOMI&!! MVC-Q OFA Champion of Health
Moxie Collies
02/07/15 Moxie Collies -- GCH Moxie Laugh It Off
Northshield Collies
02/21/15 Northshield Collies -- DC Northshield Kitleigh's Honor TD, HXAd, HSAs, HSBd
02/21/15 Northshield Collies -- DC Northshield Shaughnessy RE, BN, HXAd
02/21/15 Chalcyon Collies -- DC Northshields Rangefinder HIBd HXAds
North Texas Collie Club
12/26/15 North Texas Collie Club/ Central Oklahoma Collie Club/ Central Kansas Collie Club -- 2016 Specialty Shows
NorthUist Collies
09/26/15 NorthUist Collies-- CAN CH NorthUist Sunset Blvd
Oak Knoll Collies
01/17/15 Oak Knoll Collies / L'gacy Collies -- CH Oak Knolls Forever N Blue Jeans
01/17/15 Oak Knoll Collies / L'gacy Collies -- CH Oak Knolls Forever N Blue Jeans
Overlake Collie Club
01/17/15 Collie Club of Washington / Overlake Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Overland Collies
08/01/15 Overland Collies / Marchello Collies / Cadenza Collies -- GCH Overland Deal Me In
07/25/15 Overland Collies -- CH Overland Cover Story
05/23/15 Overland Collies / Marchello Collies / Cadenza Collies -- GCH Overland Deal Me In
Pacific NW Collie Club
08/22/15 Pacific NW Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia
12/26/15 Collie Club Of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club Of West Virginia -- 2016 Specialty Shows
08/15/15 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- 2015 AKC Sanctioned Match
03/28/15 Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania / Panhandle Collie Club of West Virginia -- Supports the 2015 Black Diamond Cluster
Performance Week 2015
09/26/15 -- Performance Week 2015 -- Thank you for sharing your collies with us!
09/26/15 -- Performance Week 2015 -- In this publication
08/22/15 -- Performance Week 2015
Piedmont Collie Club
01/10/15 Piedmont Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Pleasant Acre Collies
08/08/15 Pleasant Acre Collies -- Congratulates Creekwood Collies on GCH Creekwood Hot Chocolate and CH Thornacres Simply Grand
Poling, Tom and Jeannette
12/19/15 Tom and Jeannette Poling -- Chelsea Special Request, TD, HIC
11/07/15 Chelsea Collies -- Chelsea Twilight Time, VCD1 CD TDX AX AXJ
09/26/15 Tom and Jeannette Poling -- Chelsea Twilight Time VCD1 CD TDX AX AXJ
01/10/15 Tom and Jeannette Poling -- Chelsea Twilight Time VCD1 CD TDX AX OAJ
Prairiepine Collies
11/14/15 Prairiepine Collies -- AM / CAN CH Prairiepine Afterhours Lady Million
11/14/15 Prairiepine Collies / Brackenbrae Collies -- CAN CH Brackenbrae Prairiepine Onyx
08/15/15 Prairiepine Collies -- CAN CH Prairiepine Afterhours Lady Million
06/27/15 Prairiepine Collies -- CAN CH Prairepine Afterhours Set The Rain On Fire
Provost, Jon
01/03/15 Jon Provost and Laurie Jacobson -- 2015 Timmy From "Lassie" Classic Hollywood Caribbean Cruise
Qualteri Collies
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- GCH Nightwind Qualteri Living On Island Time HIC and Lazurite Qualteri The World Is My Oyster
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- Lazurite Qualteri The World Is My Oyster
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- Qualteri Lazurite True North Island Dream HIC
11/07/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies -- Qualteri Lazurite Let's Hear It For The Boy
04/11/15 Qualteri Collies -- Kara Christo Memories Of Dea Haven
04/04/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies
04/04/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies
04/04/15 Qualteri Collies / Lazurite Collies
Ravencroft Collies
07/11/15 Ravencroft Collies -- CH Overland Ravencroft's Special Request
03/07/15 Ravencroft Collies -- GCH Marnus Ravencroft Reflections HIC
Reuter, Sandra and Guenter
11/14/15 Sandra and Guenter Reuter -- CH Afterhours Citizen Soldier
11/14/15 Sandra Reuter -- CH Moonstone's Bold Fortune HT RA NAP NJP
07/18/15 Sandra and Guenter Reuter -- CH Afterhours Citizen Soldier
04/04/15 Sandra and Guenter Reuter -- Afterhours Citizen Soldier
Rimba Collies
11/21/15 Rimba Collies -- Rimba Wears Prada HIC
Rioux, Sue
12/26/15 Sue Rioux / Sherry Arsenault -- CH Anjay's Sweet Georgie Brown
Rivendell Collies
04/11/15 Rivendell Collies -- Chatham's Moon Shadow At Rivendell
Riverrun Collies
08/01/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies
04/11/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Golden Lion
04/11/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Golden Lion
03/07/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Pocket Of Dreams
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean The Lion Roars
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean Shea It Isn't So!
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- CH Riverrun Galatean Trading Paint At Silhouette
02/21/15 Riverrun Collies / Galatean Collies -- Riverrun Galatean Behind Blue Eyes
Roblyn Collies
07/04/15 Roblyn Collies -- Roblyn Single Storm
07/04/15 Roblyn Collies -- CH Roblyn Silent Movie
07/04/15 Roblyn Collies -- Roblyn Katrina
Rochester Collie Club
03/14/15 Collie Club of Western New York / Rochester Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Rosebank Collies
01/31/15 Rosebank Collies -- In loving memory of CH Rosebank Lochlaren Keep It A Secret
Rosepark Collies
12/26/15 Rosepark Collies -- Rosepark Enchanted Knight Sian RN CGN HIC OFA
Row-Bar Collies
03/07/15 Row-Bar Collies -- Gold GCH Row-Bar's Heartbreaker
San Diego Collie Club
01/17/15 High Desert Collie Club and San Diego Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
San Gabriel Valley Collie Club
02/14/15 South Bay Collie Fanciers / San Gabriel Valley Collie Club / California Collie Clan -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Schwab, Suzanne
09/26/15 Suzanne Schwab -- 2015 CCA Western Herding Regionals -- Congratulations!
09/26/15 Suzanne Schwab -- 2015 CCA Western Herding Regionals -- Thank you!
Sequoia Collies
04/11/15 Sequoia Collies -- Sequoia Stardust
02/21/15 Sequoia Collies -- Bronze GCH Seawhisper Mysterious
02/21/15 Sequoia Collies -- Bronze GCH Seawhisper Mysterious
02/21/15 Sequoia Collies -- Bronze GCH Seawhisper Mysterious
01/10/15 Sequoia Collies -- CH Overland Hidden Agenda
Shepherd's Mission Collies
02/28/15 Shepherd's Mission Collies -- CH C And J Shepherds' Mission Don't Tread On Me
Shoreham Collies
06/20/15 Shoreham Collies -- CH Reflexions Smooth Blend Of Shoreham
04/25/15 Helene Forthal -- Happy 90th Birthday!
Silver Cloud Collies
05/30/15 Silver Cloud Collies -- ASCA-OTCH UUDX UWP URO3 UGRACH UOCH GRCH Silvercloud Wizard's Firstrule VCD2 UDX ASCA-UDX RE HSAs STDs AX AXJ NF RS-O JS-O GS-O NDD CRTX
Smith, Peg and Becky
09/26/15 Peg and Becky Smith -- PACH Tapestry's Brogan of Tipperary OA OAJ MXP2 MJP3 MJPB MXPB NF PAX
09/26/15 Becky and Peg Smith -- Aryggeth's Shenanigans, NA, NAJ
Sno Valley Collies
08/15/15 Sno Valley Collies / Belfair Collies
South Bay Collie Fanciers
02/14/15 South Bay Collie Fanciers / San Gabriel Valley Collie Club / California Collie Clan -- 2015 Specialty Shows
South Jersey Collie Club
08/22/15 South Jersey Collie Club -- 2015 Four-Show Weekend
Special Collies
03/07/15 Special Collies -- Special Storybook Rough Seas
Stanczik, Rita -- CCA Memorial Challenge Trophy
05/09/15 Rita Stanczik CCA Memorial Challenge Trophy
Star Country Collies
02/07/15 Star Country Collies / Hollicove Collies -- GCH Star Country Demuir I Am I Am
01/31/15 Star Country -- Star Country I Got This
St. Germaine Collies
09/12/15 St. Germaine Collies -- Bronze GCH Highcroft Brilliance In Blue
St. Louis Collie Club
12/19/15 St Louis Collie Club -- 2016 Specialty Shows
01/10/15 St. Louis Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
St. Roch Collies
03/07/15 St. Roch Collies -- Cherann's Tickled Pink At St. Roch
SugarNSpice Collies
12/19/15 SugarNSpice Collies -- Bronze GCH Kirkhaven Sandman Dream Chaser
10/17/15 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH SugarNSpices Hear Me Roar
10/17/15 SugarNSpice Collies -- GCH SugarNSpices Hear Me Roar
06/20/15 SugarNSpice Collies -- CH Kirkhaven Sandman Dream Chaser
06/20/15 SugarNSpice Collies -- CH Kirkhaven Sandman Dream Chaser
Suncatcher Collies
01/10/15 Suncatcher Collies -- Cheviot Suncatcher Unexpected Treasure
06/06/15 Sunnybank 2015 -- The 19th Annual Gathering At Sunnybank
Susitna Collies
11/21/15 Susitna Collies -- Susitna Little Rose Of Tara Dells
04/11/15 Susitna Collies -- Susitna Little Rose Of Tara Dells
Swan Collies
05/23/15 Swan Collies -- CH Swan's Wm Tell Overture, HIC
04/18/15 Swan Collies -- Silver Cloud Swan's Gift CDX, BN, RE, AX, AXJ, NF
Tallywood Collies
11/14/15 Tallywood Collies -- AM GCH / CAN CH / Tallywood Revelry
11/14/15 Tallywood Collies -- AM / CAN CH Tallywood Transfixed
10/24/15 Tallywood Collies -- AM GCH / CAN CH / Tallywood Revelry
06/27/15 Tallywood Collies -- AM / CAN CH Tallywood Transformation and CAN CH Tallywood Indulgence
06/27/15 Tallywood Collies -- AM / CAN CH Tallywood Provenance, RN
03/28/15 Tanellyll Collies / Tallywood Collies -- Tallywood Transfixed
03/28/15 Tanellyll Collies / Tallywood Collies -- Tallywood Transfixed
Tanellyll Collies
03/28/15 Tanellyll Collies / Tallywood Collies -- Tallywood Transfixed
03/28/15 Tanellyll Collies / Tallywood Collies -- Tallywood Transfixed
TaraDells Collies
07/18/15 TaraDells Collies -- GCH TaraDells Silent Leader
03/07/15 TaraDells Collies -- GCH TaraDells Silent Leader
Tir Na N' Og Collies
02/28/15 Tir Na N' Og Collies -- Molli Jason and GCH Tir Na N' Og Return To Camelot
Tisbury Collies
10/03/15 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil CGC
06/20/15 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
05/02/15 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
Toledo Collie Club
02/07/15 Toledo Collie Club / Greater Brighton Collie Club -- 2015 Specialty Shows
Towsie Collies
10/03/15 Towsie Collies
Travler Collies
09/26/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies -- CH Feoras Fierce Commotion CGN, DOT
09/26/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies -- AM/CAN CH Feoras Burn Notice CGC, RN
09/26/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies
05/23/15 Feoras Collies / Travler Collies -- Feora's Burn Notice CGN
04/18/15 Travler Collies -- Platinum GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow
04/18/15 Travler Collies -- Gold GCH Travler Kelise Overdrive
04/18/15 Travler Collies -- Gold GCH Travler Kelise Overdrive IT and Silver GCH Travler's Nissan Rogue CD BN RN
04/18/15 Travler Collies -- Thistlebrae Travler Hellzapoppin
Tremonti, Lou and Catherine
02/21/15 Lou and Catherine Tremonti -- Marnus Golden Banner
Tri County Collie Breeders
04/04/15 Spring Fling -- Tri County Collie Breeders / Hartford Springfield Collie Club and Collie Club of Connecticut 2015 Spring Specialty Shows
TRR Photography
03/07/15 TRR Photography -- 2015 National portrait sessions
Twiford, Glen
02/28/15 Friends of Glen Twiford -- The Glen Twiford Memorial Challenge Award
09/26/15 -- The Collies are hitting the waves for a cause!
Valentine, Mary
09/26/15 Mary Valentine -- MACH 3 Millknock Masked Rider CD MXC MJB2 XF T2B3
09/26/15 Mary Valentine -- CH MACH6 Millknock Moonshadow CDX RA PT MXS2 MJB3 XF T2B4
09/26/15 Mary Valentine -- Millknock Razzle Dazzle Razzmatazz and MACH3 PACH2 OTCH-H ARCH Wrangler World Series Winner UDX VER MXG MJC MXP5 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 XF NFP T2BP
09/26/15 Mary Valentine -- Millknock Razzle Dazzle Razzmatazz
09/26/15 Mary Valentine -- MACH 3 Millknock Masked Rider CD MXC MJB2 XF T2B3
Van Tassell, Mike
11/28/15 Friends of Mike Van Tassell -- Support Mike Van Tassell for CCA President
Valley Park Collies
06/20/15 Valley Park Collies -- Valley Park Allegation and Valley Park Golden Glamour
Vizzone, Lenore
09/26/15 Lenore Vizzone -- A tribute to our collies
Whitehall Collies
10/10/15 Whitehall Collies
Whitemoor Collies
09/26/15 Whitemoor Collies -- Millknock's Whitemoor's Wanderlust, PT
09/26/15 Whitemoor Collies -- Whitemoor's Glacier Princess, PT
09/26/15 Whitemoor Collies -- Whitemoor On Eagle's Wings, HT
Wicklow Collies
10/10/15 Wicklow Collies -- Canyon Wicklow's Dark Knight Rises
10/10/15 Wicklow Collies -- CH Wicklow's Canyon's Limericks Of Tara
10/10/15 Wicklow Collies -- Wicklow Sunnland's Big City Dreams
Wilshire Collies
05/16/15 Wilshire Collies -- GCH Wilshire Strike Too of Marnus
Windcrest Collies
01/10/15 Windcrest Collies -- CH Windcrest Custom Blend
Windscape Collies
10/03/15 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil CGC
06/20/15 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
05/02/15 Tisbury Collies / Windscape Collies -- Bronze GCH Tisbury's Love Ya Like The Devil
Winterbound Collies
09/26/15 Haydee Kuner / Winterbound Collies -- In Loving Memory of CH Winterbound's Fortune Teller (Tell) CD, HXAd, HIAds, HSBs, VX
Woodruff Collies
09/26/15 Woodruff Collies -- Am / Can CH Signet's "Way To Go" Woodruff
09/26/15 Woodruff Collies -- AM / CAN CH Sunnland's Blame It On Rio
Wyndham Collies
09/26/15 Wyndham Collies -- Riverrun Wyndham's Imagine the Dream NA, AX, MXJ, HSAs, VA
09/26/15 Wyndham Collies -- GCH/MACH 5/ HC Riverrun Wyndham's imagine That! CDX, RE, HXAsd, GVA, ROM-P
09/26/15 Wyndham Collies -- CH/MACH3 Riverrun Wyndham's Dream Girl CDX, RE, HIAsd, HXAs, GVA
March 4, 2025
MARYLAND – Moore Collies is proud to announce a new litter sired by GCH MACH3 RACH Moore's Idris Laise, out of Overland Moore’s Fitheach Banfhlath. The breeding produced five rough puppies, sables and tri-colors, on February 17.
Call 703-517-4193 or email Moore Collies
March 1, 2025
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 10-month-old rough, sable female puppy. All shots, health records, eye checks, and genetic screening. Promising as pet or show prospect.
Call 978-853-0611 or email Sequoia Collies
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Snail mail:
P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697